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Patients suffering from peripheral vascular disease have been “ultima ratio”-treated with PGI2 at a rate of 5 ng/kg/min for 6 hours a day and 5 consecutive days i.v. 20 of them underwent surgery thereafter as therapy was not sufficient. A histological examination and quantification of vascular tissue revealed that the number of activated smooth muscle cells was significantly lower in treated patients vascular segments than in untreated ones in all the different age groups. A comparable suppression was found in the intima and the media as well. It is thus concluded, that PGI2 inhibits smooth muscle cell proliferation most probably by inhibiting PDGF-release from the platelets and stimulation of smooth muscle cell cAMP. To achieve a more beneficial PGI2-effect at the vascular level, a prolonged PGI2-therapy looks rather promising.  相似文献   
After addition of 5 mM sulfite or nitrite to glucose-metabolizing cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae a rapid decrease of the ATP content and an inversely proportional increase in the level of inorganic phosphate was observed. The concentration of ADP shows only small and transient changes. Cells of the yeast mutant pet 936, lacking mitochondrial F1ATPase, after addition of 5 mM sulfite or nitrite exhibit changes in ATP, ADP and inorganic phosphate very similar to those observed in wild type cells. They key enzyme of glucose degradation, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase was previously shown to be the most sulfiteor nitrite-sensitive enzyme of the glycolytic pathway. This enzyme shows the same sensitivity to sulfite or nitrite in cells of the mutant pet 936 as in wild type cells. It is concluded that the effects of sulfite or nitrite on ATP, ADP and inorganic phosphate are the result of inhibition of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and not of inhibition of phosphorylation processes in the mitochondria. Levels of GTP, UTP and CTP show parallel changes to ATP. This is explained by the presence of very active nucleoside monophosphate kinases which cause a rapid exchange between the nucleoside phosphates. The effects of the sudden inhibition of glucose degradation by sulfite or nitrite on levels of ATP, ADP and inorganic phosphate are discussed in terms of the theory of Lynen (1942) on compensating phosphorylation and dephosphorylation in steady state glucose metabolizing yeast.Abbreviations ATP adenosine triphosphate - ADP adenosine diphosphate - AMP adenosine monophosphate - Pi inorganic orthophosphate Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Hans Grisebach on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday  相似文献   
A novel type of bacterium has been isolated from various geothermally heated locales on the sea floor. The organisms are strictly anaerobic, rod-shaped, fermentative, extremely thermophilic and grow between 55 and 90°C with an optimum of around 80°C. Cells show a unique sheath-like structure and monotrichous flagellation. By 16S rRNA sequencing they clearly belong to the eubacteria, although no close relationship to any known group could be detected. The majority of their lipids appear to be unique in structure among the eubacteria. Isolate MSB8 is described as Thermotoga maritima, representing the new genus Thermotoga.Dedicated to Otto Kandler on the occasion of his 65th birthday Present addresses: University of South Dakota, Vermillion, USA; University of Illinois, Urbana, USA; Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien, Austria  相似文献   
Time-dependent changes in the optical spectrum (450–920 nm) of cytochrome c oxidase, following oxidation with oxygen of the stoichiometrically reduced form, have been investigated and where possible, attempts have been made to correlate our observations with variations in the EPR spectrum over a parallel time course at 2°C. In this regard, particular emphasis has been placed on establishing absorption features related to the presence of EPR resonances at g 5, 1.78 and 1.69, which have been tentatively assigned to a spin-coupled state involving cytochrome a3 and ‘EPR-undetectable Cu’ (Beinert, H., Shaw, R.W., Dunham, R.W. and Sands, R.H. (1982) in Oxidases and Related Redox Systems (King, T.E., Mason, H.S. and Morrison, M., eds.), Pergamon Press, Oxford, in the press). For optical studies we have used a versatile rapid-scanning spectrophotometer to obtain well resolved spectra down to 2 ms reaction time. Concomitant with the appearance (within 10 ms) of EPR signals at g 5, 1.78 and 1.69 is the presence of an enhanced absorption (Δε = 0.25 mM (heme a)?1·cm?1) at 660 nm, with a trough (relative to following spectra) at 580 nm. In our hands, this feature disappears in a first-order process with a half-life of 46 s at pH 7.2 and 2°C. The effect of this spectral transformation is to decrease considerably the acuteness of the 655 nm absorption band, previously suggested as representing a state of the enzyme in which ferric cytochrome a3 is coupled to oxidised EPR-undetectable Cu (Beinert, H., Hansen, R.E. and Hartzell, C.R. (1976) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 423, 339–355). This observation can be correlated satisfactorily with a small field shift of the high-field resonances at g 1.78 and 1.69 and a broadening at g 1.78. Support for this and further correlative assignments arises from parallel experiments using cytochrome c oxidase purified via an alternative procedure, which displays different kinetic behavior. Further transformations of the oxidized enzyme are evident through an approx. 10% decrease in absorbance at 600 nm together with small changes centered at 640 and 665 nm (which serve to restore the sharpness of the 655 nm band). The kinetics, as analyzed by the Guggenheim procedure using the absorbance at 597 nm, indicate approx. 50% first-order linearity (half-life 40 min) with additional species contributing at longer times, while over a parallel time course (0–3 h) the EPR resonances at g 5, 1.78 and 1.69 virtually disappear. These novel signals can also be seen at a lower intensity in samples of cytochrome c oxidase anaerobically reoxidized by porphyrexide and frozen after a 6 min incubation period at 4°C. This observation, along with the establishment of similar optical changes over the time course of 1 min to 3 h, suggests that aerobic and anaerobic reoxidation produce common forms of the enzyme. Comparison of the g 1.78 and 1.69 resonances between samples rapidly aerobically reoxidized in the presence of H216O and H217O yielded no evidence for the presence of any labile oxygen ligand (including OH?, H2O) in the coordination sphere of the species involved.  相似文献   
Reflections on the actual problematics of the palaeontological evolution research are observed under epistemological aspects. When discussing new or only pretended new beginnings, sometimes with claim to neutral-point elucidations, success and merit of the traditional methods in palaeontology should not be forgotten. Gradualism and punctualism reduce the multilateral reality of nature.  相似文献   
The usualE 1 u and atypicalE 1 a human pseudocholinesterases (acylocholine acylhydrolase, EC were purified to homogeneity. The active-site serine residue was conjugated with diisopropyl fluorophosphate and digested with trypsin. The tryptic peptide containing the active site was isolated by gel filtration followed by two-dimensional paper chromatography and electrophoresis. The amino acid sequence of the active site peptide obtained from the usualE 1 u enzyme was found to be Gly-Glu-Ser-Ala-Gly-Ala-Ser-Ala-Val-Ser-Leu. A remarkable structural homology exists between the human and the horse enzymes in their active sites. From the difference in electrophoretic mobility of the active-site peptides obtained from the usual and atypical enzymes, the probable structure of the atypical human enzyme was deduced as Gly-His-Ser-Ala-Gly-Ala-Ser-Ala-Val-Ser-Leu.  相似文献   
Some teichoic acids are known to be partially substituted by α-D-glucopyranosyl residues such as the teichoic acids of Streptococcus faecalis NCIB 8191. They will, therefore, bind specifically the phytohemagglutinin concanavalin A. Concanavalin A labelled with mercury or colloidal gold coated with concanavalin A has been used to mark isolated cell walls in order to localize the teichoic acids at the ultrastructural level. Besides these two direct marking techniques, the indirect concanavalin A-peroxidase technique (localization of peroxidase by the diaminobenzidine method followed by postosmication) has been applied to thin sections of premarked cells. All three methods gave almost identical results, namely, a dense and homogeneous distribution of the cell wall teichoic acids. In control experiments total inhibition was achieved in the presence of methyl-α-D-mannopyranoside. After trichloroacetic acid or alkali extraction of the teichoic acids from isolated walls no marking could be detected.  相似文献   
Summary The variation of X-ray sensitivity was investigated during the cell cycle. The cells were most sensitive during the S phase and less sensitive during the G2- and G1 phase. Furthermore, the repair of X-ray damage was investigated in stationary (plateau phase) cells. The cells of both lines were able to repair damage to nearly the same extent.
Zusammenfassung Die Variation der Strahlensensibilität während des Zellcyclus wurde untersucht. Die Zellen reagierten am sensibelsten in der S-Phase, weniger sensibel in der G2-und G1-Phase. Weiterhin wurde die Reparation von Strahlenschäden bei stationären (Plateauphase-)Zellen untersucht. Die Zellen beider Linien sind in etwa gleichem Maße reparationsfähig.

Supported (I-IV) by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Mi/100, 1-7).  相似文献   
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