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The determination of the various endogenous cylokinins and their distribution among organs is important in understanding their role in growth and development in the intact plant. Cytokinins in young plants of Phaseolus vulgaris were purified by immunoaffinity chromatography and HPLC, and characterised by UV spectra. Zeatin nucleotide (zeatin riboside-5'-monophosphate) and isopentenyladenine nucleotide (isopentenyladenosne-5'-monopnosphate) were the most abundant cytokinins in all organs. Their identities were confirmed by GC-MS. The levels of zeatin, zeatin riboside, isopentenyladenine and isopentenyladenosine never exceeded 5% of the nucleotides, as assessed by a methodology that preserves cytokinin nucleotides. Three extraction methods were compared with qualitatively similar results, though differing in their suppression of nucleotidase activity. Cytokinin nucleotide levels were greater in the stems and petioles than in the roots and leaves on a per gram fresh weight basis, and were greater in the stems than in the other organs on a per plant basis. Levels of the zeatin and isopentenyladenine nucleotides were about equal in the stems and leaves, but in the petioles the zeatin nucleotide levels were about twice the level of isopentenyladenine nucleotide, while in the roots they were about half the isopentenyladenine nucleotide level. The importance of considering the cytokinin form is emphasised.  相似文献   
Healing of mucosal damage takes place in two phases: restitution of mucosal integrity and remodeling towards recreating the original glandular arrangements. These processes can be observed in several experimental rodent models: e.g., cryoprobe or NSAID-generated ulcers in the gastric or duodenal mucosa and following surgical resection of the small or large bowel. In some studies, it has been possible to detect changes in the expression of peptides, either in the reparative epithelium or adjacent to the damage, that may contribute to the healing processes. Trefoil peptides are expressed constitutively by epithelial cells in specific regions of the gastrointestinal tract, in association with mucins. Several studies have shown that trefoil peptide expression is enhanced at sites of damage in man and rat, and experimental evidence supports their active participation in the healing process. Recombinant trefoil peptides are able to enhance the rate of epithelial cell migration in vitro and are able to protect against indomethacin-induced damage in vivo, yet they do not depend upon TGF-beta for enhancing cell migration and do not appear to affect acid secretion. The mode of action of trefoil peptides appears to be receptor-mediated but is not simple. There is good evidence that there are interactions between members of the trefoil family and the EGF family that are beneficial for mucosal defense and repair. This raises the possibility that combining trefoil peptides with other growth factors or small molecules may be advantageous for treatment of ulceration.  相似文献   
Arthropod prey are expected to be more vulnerable to their predators immediately following molt. The effects of springtail (Isotoma carpenteri) postmolt vulnerability on interactions with a pseudoscorpion predator were examined in the laboratory. Springtails exposed to vials pretreated with pseudoscorpions (Apochthonius minimus) delayed molting compared to those prey that were exposed to vials pretreated only with springtails. Although their escape ability (measured as distance jumped) was unaffected by molt condition, postmolt springtails were more profitable in terms of reduced predator handling time following capture. Despite this,A. minimus did not distinguish between postmolt and intermolt prey presented at either end of a T-maze.  相似文献   
The relation between the results of laboratory tests and results of the interesting professional work is a very difficult one. The same is true for the relation between training and real performance. The pilot controlled MIR-docking manoeuvre is in reality a very seldom but very important one. The training of this manoeuvre is a very special professional work and only for cosmonauts available. But the objective estimation of the performance and the used objective and subjective needs is nevertheless necessary. Even for the subjective "stress"-feelings during task solving it is often impossible to get reliable data without any physiological measurements. The use of electrodes, cables and equipments is hardly limited during real work. Sometimes only the voice is available over more or less quality communication channels. So it is the case during the training and the real pilot controlled MIR-docking manoeuvre. Based on findings in the literature and own experiments analyzing the relation between fundamental voice frequency (F0) and subjective stress feelings we tested the hypothesis that a on-line measurement of F0 can be used for stress evaluation during standardised training sessions of MIR-docking manoeuvres.  相似文献   
Minisatellite isoallelism, i.e. the occurrence of minisatellite alleles with different internal sequence composition but indistinguishable length, is a common limitation of minisatellite allele length analysis. Internal sequence variation can be used to distinguish such isoalleles, provided that detailed sequence knowledge of its basis is available. We now show that minisatellite isoalleles can also be simply resolved by single-stranded conformational polymorphisms (SSCP) arising during agarose gel electrophoresis. SSCP on agarose gels can be used to distinguish minisatellite isoalleles either after PCR amplification, or by standard Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA.  相似文献   
Conclusion Anthropology has always been concerned with shocking the reader and with deconstructing the reader's view of the world by confrontation with that which is seemingly most alien. Nor is the call for self-reflexive research and writing new. Stanley Diamond's work offers one of the most eloquent visions of a self-reflexive anthropology as cultural critique.26 In view of the overwhelming fascination in anthropology with post-modernism, it is useful to remind oneself that not only are the questions raised by post-modernists of long standing, but also that such questions can become an end in themselves, a way to avoid taking positions and to avoid responsibility.Fiction and ethnography should not be confused, nor should one be a substitute for the other. Ethnography has to travel on a fine line between positivist claims of representing some form of objective truth, an impressionistic pseudo-fiction or an ever more inward-turning contemplation of its own contradictions. To do ethnographic work is to accept the obligation to keep trying to elucidate while resisting the attraction of final, definitive interpretations and continually questioning the media of both research and writing that are being employed.  相似文献   
The history of hops, hopped beer, and hop cultivation is unclear and ambiguous. An assessment of the available literature reveals many contradictions, especially regarding the first use of hops in beer and the earliest incidence of hop cultivation. Historically, hops were used for a variety of purposes; now their primary use is as a preservative and flavoring in beer. Hop cultivation is poorly documented, but was certainly undertaken by the 10th century, most probably in response to the demand generated by beer-brewing. After comparing the literature and investigating source material, a chronology of hop use in beer and hop cultivation is proposed.  相似文献   
In this study we examined the biosynthesis of abscisic acid (ABA) by developing corn (Zea mays L.) embryos. Three comparisons were made: ABA biosynthesis in embryos isolated from kernels grown in vitro with those grown in the field; the developmental profile of ABA content with that of biosynthesis; and ABA biosynthesis in corn embryos lacking carotenoid precursors with ABA biosynthesis in normal embryos. Embryos were harvested at various times during seed development and divided into two groups. Endogenous levels of ABA were measured in one group of embryos and ABA biosynthetic capacity was measured in the other group. The ABA biosynthetic capacity was measured with and without tetcyclacis (an inhibitor of ABA degradation) in embryos from both field-grown and in-vitro-grown corn kernels. Reduced-carotenoid (either fluridone-treated or genetically viviparous) embryos were also included in the study. Corn kernels developing under field and in-vitro conditions differed from each other in their responses to tetcyclacis and in their profiles of ABA biosynthesis during development. Therefore, in-vitro kernel culture may not be an appropriate substitute for field conditions for studies of embryo development. The developmental profiles of endogenous ABA content differed from those of ABA biosynthesis in isolated embryos of both in-vitro-and field-grown kernels. This indicated that ABA levels in the developing embryos were determined by import from the maternal tissues available to the embryos rather than by in-situ biosynthesis. In embryos with reduced levels of carotenoids, either fluridone-treated or genetically viviparous embryos, ABA biosynthesis was low or nonexistent. This result is expected for the presence of an indirect pathway of ABA biosynthesis and in the absence of ABA precursors.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - DAP days after pollination  相似文献   
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