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S Yagev  M Heller  A Pinson 《In vitro》1984,20(12):893-898
Postnatal rat heart cells in culture enriched with respect to muscle cells were obtained by either high density seeding or by the replating technique. [3H]Thymidine incorporation to DNA and the enzymatic pattern of cytoplasmic and lysosomal enzymes have been studied as a function of the culture's age, of seeding density, and replating. It was shown that replating maintains predominance of myocyte population for at least 2 wk in culture; heavy seeding density allows homogeneous myocyte population for the 1st wk in culture; and the enzyme profile of the culture may serve as an indicator for the type of cell population in culture and its state of differentiation.  相似文献   
Various mutants (oxa s ) were isolated from Serratia marcescens SM-6 by selecting for hypersensitivity towards oxacillin. All mutants found are highly pleiotropic and able to yield spontaneous revertants which behave like the wild-type. Mutant W 1421 mostly studied shows the following phenotypic properties not found in the wild-type: (1) The growth is hypersensitive to various antibiotics, detergents and dyes which differ remarkably in their chemical structure and antibacterial action-mechanism, (2) the cells can be easily solubilized by 0.05% Sodium-dodecylsulfate, (3) the cells allow the adsorption of the roughmutant specific Salmonella phage 6SR, (4) strong cellular binding of crystal violet, (5) agglutination of the cells in 0.3% auramin solution and (6) reduced formation of red pigment. Strain W 1421 is assumed to be a lipopolysaccharide-defective mutant. The outer membrane of mutant W 1421 analyzed by Sodiumdodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis possesses a single protein less than that of the wild-type. Mutant W 1421 is further characterized by its low exolipase activity; exoprotease and exonuclease activities are as in the wild-type. This specific exoenzyme deficiency can be overcome either by backmutation to oxacillin-resistance or by growing mutant W 1421 in a medium supplemented with certain non-metabolizable polysaccharides, e.g. glycogen or pectin B. Both polysaccharides increase the exolipase activity of the wild-type too.List of Abbreviations amp ampicillin - LPS lipopolysaccharide - MIC minimal inhibitory concentration - NB nutrient broth - oxa oxacillin - str streptomycin - TBY tryptone broth with yeast extract - SDS sodium-dodecylsulfate - OD optical density This paper is dedicated to Prof. Dr. R. W. Kaplan, University of Frankfurt/M., on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   
Albumin or Dextran solutions of varying concentration were infused into the renal artery of hydropenic dogs. Their effect on urine flow, sodium excretion, creatinine and PAH clearance, single nephron GFR, fractional and absolute fluid reabsorption in the proximal convolution, reabsorptive t1/2, and hydrostatic pressures in the proximal tubules and adjacent capillaries was compared with a similar infusion of isotonic saline solution. Six, 9, 12, 18 and 25% albumin and 6% Dextran solution did not significantly change the measured parameters. Infusion of 9 and 12% Dextran solution elicited a decrease in water and sodium excretion as well as absolute and fractional proximal tubular fluid reabsorption to a 5% level of significance. Infusion of 18% Dextran was accompanied by a marked decrease in total and proximal reabsorption combined with a decline of GFR, PAH clearance, and hydrostatic pressures in tubules and peritubular capillaries. The results do not support the hypothesis of a direct action of oncotic pressure on tubular fluid reabsorption; the above described effects of Dextran seem to be accounted for by its other "pharmacological" effect.  相似文献   
Plasma membranes from heart (sarcolemma) were prepared by the method of Kidwai, A.M. (1975) Methods in Enzymology (Fleischer, S. and Packer, L., eds.), Vol XXXIA, pp. 134--144, Academic Press, New York). On many occasions the sarcolemmal fraction identified by the enzyme markers such as (Na+ + K+)-ATPase banded at heavier densities (d greater than 1.25 g/ml) than expected for plasma membrane (d less than 1.15 g/ml). Radio-iodination of the membrane was added as an independent marker and conditions for the reproducible preparation of the sarcolemma were studied. Cultured heart cells were enzymatically iodinated under conditions which did not affect viability and labeled primarily the sarcolemma. The distribution of radioactivity in homogenates of cultured cells on the density gradient corresponded to that of the enzymes' activity. The best sarcolemma preparation was obtained with 0.3 M KCl extraction of heart homogenates in the presence of 0.05 M pyrophosphate, especially if the salt was also present during the fractionation by density gradient centrifugation. Alterations in the density were also observed with erythrocytes and cultured liver cells' plasma membrane. The data suggests a meta-stable state of the plasma membranes due to handling or storage which could cause alterations of some of their physical properties (e.g. density).  相似文献   
Exogenous purified rabbit skeletal-muscle glycogen synthase was used as a substrate for adipose-tissue phosphoprotein phosphatase from fed and starved rats in order to (1) compare the relationship between phosphate released from, and the kinetic changes imparted to, the substrate and (2) ascertain if decreases in adipose-tissue phosphatase activity account for the apparent decreased activation of endogenous glycogen synthase from starved as compared with fed rats. Muscle glycogen synthase was phosphorylated with [gamma-(32)P]ATP and cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase alone, or in combination with a cyclic AMP-independent protein kinase, to 1.7 or 3mol of phosphate per subunit. Adipose-tissue phosphatase activity determined with phosphorylated skeletal-muscle glycogen synthase as substrate was decreased by 35-60% as a consequence of starvation. This decrease in phosphatase activity had little effect on the capacity of adipose-tissue extracts to activate exogenous glycogen synthase (i.e. to increase the glucose 6-phosphate-independent enzyme activity), although there were marked differences in the activation profiles for the two exogenous substrates. Glycogen synthase phosphorylated to 1.7mol of phosphate per subunit was activated rapidly by adipose-tissue extracts from either fed or starved rats, and activation paralleled enzyme dephosphorylation. Glycogen synthase phosphorylated to 3mol of phosphate per subunit was activated more slowly and after a lag period, since release of the first mol of phosphate did not increase the glucose 6-phosphate-independent activity of the enzyme. These patterns of enzyme activation were similar to those observed for the endogenous adipose-tissue glycogen synthase(s): the glucose 6-phosphate-independent activity of the endogenous enzyme from fed rats increased rapidly during incubation, whereas that of starved rats, like that of the more highly phosphorylated muscle enzyme, increased only very slowly after a lag period. The observations made here suggest that (1) changes in glucose 6-phosphate-independent glycogen synthase activity are at best only a qualitative measure of phosphoprotein phosphatase activity and (2) the decrease in glycogen synthase phosphatase activity during starvation is not sufficient to explain the differential glycogen synthase activation in adipose tissue from fed and starved rats. However, alterations in the phosphorylation state of glycogen synthase combined with decreased activity of phosphoprotein phosphatase, both as a consequence of starvation, could explain the apparent markedly decreased enzyme activation.  相似文献   
Joseph Heller 《Oecologia》1979,44(1):98-104
Summary The Israeli freshwater snail Theodoxus jordani exhibits high variability both in shell colour and shell pattern.In most localities in Israel, more than 80% of the snails are black regardless of the colour of their background. Within Lake Kinneret, however, there is a significant association between the relative frequency of dark patterned shells and the distribution of a black (basalt) background.Predators of jordani include the fishes Barbus longiceps, Blennius fluviatilis, and the crab Potamon potamon. In Israel, the former two are limited in their distribution to the Kinneret. Thus, the distribution of cryptic variants of the snail is positively correlated to the distribution of some of its predators.Beyond the Kinneret, shells are black probably as a result of selection by the injurious effects of ultraviolet radiation. Within the Kinneret, snails can manage without an anti-radiation shield probably because the penetration of UV light into the water is considerably reduced, due to the daily summer storms and to the seasonal bloom of unicellular algae.Apparently, then, outside the Kinneret selective forces for crypsis are partly relaxed and their effects overidden by selective pressures for solar radiation devices; within the Kinnertt, selective pressures for anti-radiation devices are partly reduced and their effects overridden by selective pressures for crypsis.  相似文献   
The apparent molecular weights of the two forms of a heat-modifiable protein from the outer membrane of Escherichia coli K-12, estimated in gels with different concentrations of acrylamide, indicate that the protein binds excess amounts of sodium dodecyl sulfate, possibly due to large beta structures before boiling.  相似文献   
Intracisternal type A particles are retrovirus-like structures found in embryonic cells and many tumors of Mus musculus but having no clear relationship with other retroviruses of this mouse species. We have observed a partial nucleotide sequence homology between the high-molecular-weight (32S and 35S) RNA components of intracisternal A-particles from a neuroblastoma cell line and the 70S RNA fraction from M432, a type of retrovirus endogenous to the Asian mouse Mus cervicolor. M432 complementary DNA (cDNA) was hybridized to the extent of 30% by the A-particle RNAs. The hybrids showed a lower thermal stability (DeltaT(m), 7 degrees C) than those formed with homologous RNA. The reaction was commensurate with that found between M432 cDNA and divergent sequences in the M. musculus genome. The capacity to hybridize M432 cDNA was closely correlated with the concentration of A-particle sequences in the cytoplasmic RNA of several M. musculus cell types. The major RNA fraction of M432 virus showed a reciprocal partial reaction with the A-particle cDNA's; the virus, which was grown in NIH/3T3 (M. musculus) cells, also contained a small proportion of apparently authentic A-particle nucleotide sequences. A subset of A-particle sequences seemed to be almost totally lacking in the main M432 RNA. The A-particle cDNA's hybridized extensively with divergent sequences in M. cervicolor cellular DNA, indicating that this mouse species may contain not only the partially homologous M432 virogene, but also a more complete genetic equivalent of the intracisternal A-particle.  相似文献   
The rates of death from ischaemic heart disease in the United Kingdom in the years after 1968 were studied to establish whether any general trend had occurred. A decline in the rates began after 1973-4, was greatest in those aged 35-44 years, and occurred among both men and women and in each of the regions of England and in Wales and Scotland. Total dietary fat intake had started to fall about five years earlier, and this may provide part of the explanation. Changes in smoking habits also occurred but were more difficult to relate to the pattern of change in the death rates. If a general decline in ischaemic heart disease has begun in the United Kingdom a case may be made for close monitoring of changes in lifestyle and medical practice in different demographic groups to try to find the explanation.  相似文献   
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