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A comparative study of some morphological (segment number, scolex morphology and biometry, length and weight) and biological (maturation in different hosts) features ofSchistocephalus solidus plerocercoids and adults from different geographical regions (Baltic Sea and the British Isles) was carried out. The length of the plerocercoids fromGasterosteus aculeatus was shown to be the variable that best correlated with segment number. A very clear bimodal distribution of segment numbers separated the majority of British and Baltic plerocercoids (British n=21, mean length 25.48, SD 5.63, range 14–34 mm; mean segment number 66.33, SD 8.68, range 51–86. Baltic n=30, mean length 33.23, SD 4.64, range 23–48 mm; mean segment number 117.27, SD 10.30, range 99–138). AdultS. solidus from the intestines of Baltic ringed sealsPhoca hispida botnica and from a Welsh cormorantPhalacrocorax carbo carbo were also compared, and a similar bimodal distribution of segment numbers was found (Baltic n=70, mean segment number 106.16, SD 10.60, range 77–136; Welsh n=98, mean segment number 73.13, SD 8.78, range 54–97). Neither the morphology nor measurements of the scolex from apical-view scanning electron microphotographs provided distinguishing features for taxonomic purposes. Of 580 adult worms from Baltic ringed seals only 2.9% were gravid, 2.1% from spring and 10.5% from autumn samples. By contrast, of 98 adults from the Welsh cormorant 46.7% were gravid. The proportion of gravid worms did not increase with increasing worm numbers in seals. Reasons for poor maturation are discussed. Plerocercoids of BritishS. solidus were fromleiurus (gymnurus) forms ofG. aculeatus, which were relatively small, whereas in the northern Baltic plerocercoids were fromsemiarmatus ortrachurus forms, which were larger. As segment number was definitively established during the growth of the plerocercoid in the stickleback, the hypothesis is proposed that segment number is a phenotypic variable related to stickleback length (size).  相似文献   
Summary The atrial adrenoceptors of the rainbow trout heart (Salmo gairdneri) were characterized in spontaneously beating preparations at 8 °C.The order of affinity for the inotropic and chronotropic responses was: Isoprenaline > adrenaline salbutamol > phenylephrine noradrenaline. Selective agonists and antagonists for mammalian - and 1-adrenoceptors were without effect on the trout preparations.A potent neuronal uptake for adrenaline and noradrenaline could be demonstrated by means of cocaine blockade, consistent with considerable sympathetic innervation of the trout atrium.The results show that catecholamines increase the force and frequency of the atrium via a single, 2-type of adrenoceptor. It is suggested that there is no distinction between the innervated and the humoral -adrenoceptors in the myocardium of this species.  相似文献   
Growth efficiencies of freshwater bacterioplankton   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The growth efficiency of freshwater bacteria was examined in continuous cultures. One series of experiments was carried out using generation times from 50 to 200 hours and aged, normal, and enriched media, all of natural origin. Another series of experiments examined the bacterial growth efficiency during the growth season in eutrophic Frederiksborg Slotssø, in relation to changes in the planktonic communities and to factors controlling the bacterial incorporation of 3H-thymidine. Attachment of bacteria to the inner surfaces of the experimental flasks was examined using various types of bottles, adding glass tubes to the bottles, and measuring 3H-thymidine incorporation and direct cell counts of attached and free-living bacteria. Attachment of bacteria varied, and in one example up to 36% of the thymidine incorporation was by attached bacteria after 4 days. It was calculated that 36% of attached bacteria caused an underestimation of the growth efficiency of 11%. The mean growth efficiency tended to decrease with generation time using enriched medium (47 to 19%) and aged medium (35 to 12%), and tended to decrease with medium quality (enriched > normal > aged media) from 37% to 27%. The only significant difference in growth efficiency occurred in relation to generation time, in samples with enriched medium (unpaired t-test, P < 0.05). The overall mean value for all generation times and media was 30% (SEM = 3%, n = 24). From April to October, the growth efficiency was determined 5 times in samples from Frederiksborg Slotssø. The overall mean value was 31% (SEM = 3%, n = 30), and there was no significant change in the growth efficiency during the period measured. In June, three bioassay experiments revealed that carbon limitation controlled bacterial incorporation of 3H-thymidine, whereas additions of phosphate and nitrate did not change the incorporation rates. The narrow range of growth efficiencies obtained in this study (mean 31%, SEM = 2%, n = 54) suggests that changes in substratequality in the media applied and in the eutrophic samples examined causes only subtle changes in the growth efficiency.  相似文献   
Summary The contractile force and frequency of the spontaneously beating auricles ofRana tempeoraria were recorded as a function of temperature. Tracings of the tension development, its integrated and derived functions showed that the isolated auricles of warmadapted winter frogs responded to temperature with changes in inotropy but not in the tension generated in one minute.Adrenaline, previously shown to act via the in the auricles of this frog, increased both the force and the frequency of the contractions between 5 and 25°C. The affinity for adrenaline was highest at 5°C for all the parameters examined. The maximal effect (efficacy) of adrenaline for Tmax, Tmax and the tension-time integral was highest at 5°C while the efficacy of adrenaline on the heart rate reached its maximum at 25°C. At 5°C the tension generated in one minute was doubled by the maximally effective dose of adrenaline (1.4 × 10–6 M). These results strongly suggest that adrenaline, being the main sympathetic neurotransmitter in the frog, has an important role in adjusting the heart to maximal performance at the low temperatures.  相似文献   
By means of a monospecific antibody, dopamine beta-hydroxylase was monitored immunoelectrophoretically in various extracts of chromaffin granules. Approximately one-third of the dopamine beta-hydroxylase present was located in the membrane fraction and could only be liberated with detergent. The dopamine beta-hydroxylases of the buffer and membrane fractions were antigenically identical, but differed in their amphiphilicity, as demonstrated by the change in precipitation patterns on removal of Triton X-100 from the gel, on charge-shift crossed immunoelectrophoresis and on crossed hydrophobic interaction immunoelectrophoresis with phenyl-Sepharose. Furthermore, immunoelectrophoretic analysis in the presence of Triton X-100 plus the cationic detergent cetyltrimethylammonium bromide indicates additional heterogeneity of the membrane-bound dopamine-beta-hydroxylase. By limited proteolysis with chymotrypsin and thermolysin the amphiphilic form could be convered into its hydrophilic counterpart.  相似文献   
Neurons are metabolically handicapped in the sense that they are not able to perform de novo synthesis of neurotransmitter glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) from glucose. A metabolite shuttle known as the glutamate/GABA-glutamine cycle describes the release of neurotransmitter glutamate or GABA from neurons and subsequent uptake into astrocytes. In return, astrocytes release glutamine to be taken up into neurons for use as neurotransmitter precursor. In this review, the basic properties of the glutamate/GABA-glutamine cycle will be discussed, including aspects of transport and metabolism. Discussions of stoichiometry, the relative role of glutamate vs. GABA and pathological conditions affecting the glutamate/GABA-glutamine cycling are presented. Furthermore, a section is devoted to the accompanying ammonia homeostasis of the glutamate/GABA-glutamine cycle, examining the possible means of intercellular transfer of ammonia produced in neurons (when glutamine is deamidated to glutamate) and utilized in astrocytes (for amidation of glutamate) when the glutamate/GABA-glutamine cycle is operating. A main objective of this review is to endorse the view that the glutamate/GABA-glutamine cycle must be seen as a bi-directional transfer of not only carbon units but also nitrogen units.  相似文献   
Two species of spider mite occur in greenhouses in the Netherlands. Tetranychus urticae Koch is usually green, can live on many plants, but cannot build up large populations on carnations; it may have a diapausing stage which is very resistant to cold. No biological races of T. urticae were found. T. cinnabarinus Boisd. is carmine-coloured, often found on carnations, and does not have a diapause. It is not resistant to cold.The two species do not interbreed. Growers of carnations have only T. cinnabarinus to deal with, and can arrange control measures accordingly.
Zusammenfassung Untersuchungen der Morphologie, der Wirtspflanzenwahl, der Überwinterungsweise und Kreuzingsexperimente haben gezeigt, daß in Gewächshäusern Hollands zwei Spinnmilben-Arten auftreten, nämlich Tetranychus urticae Koch und T. cinnabarinus Boids. Darüberhinaus wurde Material von Spinnmilben je einer Lokalität in Deutschland, der Schweiz und Belgien verwendet. T. urticae ist meistens grün gefärbt, lebt an einem großen Wirtspflanzenkreis, kann aber an Nelken (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) keine Populationen bilden. Diese Art geht unter dem Einfluß verschiedener biologischer Faktoren in Diapause. Während dieser Periode ist sie sehr kälteresistent. Der Winter wird an geschützten Orten verbracht. Kreuzungen zwischen Populationen verschiedener Herkunft ergaben stets eine normale Nachkommenschaft. Zucht-experimente mit diesen Populationen auf verschiedenen Wirtspflanzen ergaben keinen Hinweis für das Bestehen von biologischen Rassen bei T. urticae. T. cinnabarinus ist karminrot gefärbt und wird am häufigsten auf Nelken gefunden, obwohl in Laboratoriumsversuchen die Entwicklung an Buschbohnen (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) schneller verläuft. Diese Art tritt überhaupt nicht in Diapause ein, bleibt den Winter über an den Blättern und ist gegenüber Kältebedingungen entschieden weniger resistent als T. urticae. Kreuzungen zwischen Populationen verschiedener Herkunft ergaben immer eine normale Nachkommenschaft.Das Ausbleiben von Bastardierungen, das in Kreuzungsexperimenten zwischen den beiden Arten gefunden wurde, erbrachte den strengsten Nachweis, daß in den Gewächshäusern zwei verschiedene Arten vorkommen.Da T. cinnabarinus hauptsächlich auf Gewächshäuser mit Nelken beschränkt ist und T. urticae sich andererseits an diesen Pflanzen nicht vermehrt, haben es die Nelkenanbauer lediglich mit T. cinnabarinus zu tun, und es ergibt sich eine Möglichkeit, Nelken frei von Spinnmilbenbefall zu halten.
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