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The His-tagged lipase BTL2 from Bacillus thermocatenulatus was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity by a simple, one-step purification protocol using immobilized metal affinity chromatography. The success of protein separation and purification was pH-dependent and increased with decreasing pH. The purified BTL2 lipase showed a strong tendency to aggregate upon concentration, which prevented a reproducible crystallization. Aggregation studies using dynamic light-scattering (DLS) analysis were performed to improve the purification and concentration of BTL2 lipase. Different chemical classes of additives were tested to manipulate the aggregation behaviour of BTL2 lipase with the aim of obtaining a monodisperse sample to use for crystallization. For the process of concentration of BTL2 lipase in monomeric form, the alcohol 2-propanol and the ionic detergent dodecyl dimethylamine-N-oxide (LDAO) were found to be necessary. For the concentrated lipase, the availability of 5% 2-propanol was sufficient to hold the lipase in monomeric form and no additional detergent was needed.  相似文献   
Access to interstitial fluid is of fundamental importance to understand tumor transcapillary fluid balance, including the distribution of probes and therapeutic agents. Tumors were induced by gavage of 9,10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene to rats, and fluid was isolated after anesthesia by exposing tissue to consecutive centrifugations from 27 to 6,800 g. The observed (51)Cr-EDTA (extracellular tracer) tissue fluid-to-plasma ratio obtained from whole tumor or from superficial tumor tissue by centrifugation at 27-424 g was not significantly different from 1.0 (0.92-0.99), suggesting an extracellular origin only. However, fluid collected from excised central tumor parts had a significantly lower ratio (0.66-0.77) for all imposed G forces, suggesting dilution by fluid deriving from a space unavailable for (51)Cr-EDTA. The colloid osmotic pressure in tumor fluid was generally higher than in fluid isolated from the subcutis, attributable to less selective capillaries and impaired lymphatic drainage in tumors. HPLC analysis of tumor fluid showed that low-molecular-weight macromolecules not present in arterial plasma were present in tumor fluid obtained by centrifugation and in venous blood draining the tumor, most likely representing proteins derived from tumor cells. We conclude that low-speed centrifugation may be a simple and reliable method to isolate interstitial fluid from tumors.  相似文献   
Using the facultative root hemiparasite Rhinanthus minor and its host Hordeum vulgare several aspects of water relations have been measured in this parasitic association. Extraction of xylem sap by the parasite from the host's roots is facilitated by con siderably higher transpiration per leaf area in the parasite than in the host and by the fact that stomata of attached Rhinanthus were open all day and night despite extremely high ABA concentrations in the leaves. By comparison, another root hemiparasite, Melampyrum arvense, parasitizing various grasses in the field, showed normal diurnal stomatal behaviour. The abnormal behaviour of Rhinanthus stomata was not due to anatomical reasons as closure could be induced by applying high external ABA concentrations. Remarkable differences have been detected between the hydraulic conductance of barley seminal roots showing relatively low values and that of Rhinanthus seminal roots showing very high values. The latter could be related to the observed high ABA concentrations in these roots. Whole plant water uptake, transpirational losses, growth-dependent deposition, and the flows of water within the plants have been measured in singly growing Rhinanthus and Hordeum plants and in the parasitic association between the two. Water uptake, deposition and transpiration in Rhinanthus were dramatically increased after attachment to the barley host; most of the water used by the parasite was extracted as xylem sap from the host, thereby scavenging 20% of the total water taken up by the host's roots. This water uptake by the parasitized host, however, due to a parasite-induced reduction in the host's growth, was decreased by 22% as compared to non-parasitized barley. The overall changes in growth-related water deposition in the host and parasite pointed to decreased shoot growth and relatively favoured root growth in the host and to strongly favoured shoot growth in the parasite. These changes in the host became more severe, when more than one Rhinanthus was parasitizing one barley plant.  相似文献   
This contribution documents widespread trawling damage to cold-water coral reefs at 840-1300 m depth along the West Ireland continental shelf break and at 200 m off West Norway. These reefs are spectacular but poorly known. By-catches from commercial trawls for deep-water fish off West Ireland included large pieces (up to 1 m(2)) of coral that had been broken from reefs and a diverse array of coral-associated benthos. Five azooxanthellate scleractinarian corals were identified in these by-catches, viz. Desmophyllum cristagalli, Enallopsammia rostrata, Lophelia pertusa, Madrepora oculata and Solenosmilia variabilis. Dating of carbonate skeletons using (14)C accelerator mass spectrometry showed that the trawled coral matrix was at least 4550 years old. Surveys by remotely operated vehicles in Norway showed extensive fishing damage to L. pertusa reefs. The urgent need for deep-water coral conservation measures is discussed in a Northeast Atlantic context.  相似文献   
A method to measure genomic response to natural and artificial selection by means of genetic markers in livestock is proposed. Genomic response through several levels of selection was measured using sequential testing for distorted segregation of alleles among selected and nonselected sons, single-sperm typing, and a test with records for growth performance. Statistical power at a significance level of 0.05 was >0.5 for a marker linked to a QTL with recombination fractions 0, 0.10, and 0.20 for detecting genomic responses for gene effects of 0.6, 0.7, and 1.0 phenotypic standard deviations, respectively. Genomic response to artificial selection in six commercial bull sire families comprising 285 half-sib sons selected for growth performance was measured using 282 genetic markers evenly distributed over the cattle genome. A genome-wide test using selected sons was significant (P < 0.001), indicating that selection induces changes in the genetic makeup of commercial cattle populations. Markers located in chromosomes 6, 10, and 16 identified regions in those chromosomes that are changing due to artificial selection as revealed by the association of records of performance with alleles at specific markers. Either natural selection or genetic drift may cause the observed genomic response for markers in chromosomes 1, 7, and 17.  相似文献   
Short chain carboxylic acids are well known as the precursors of fatty acid and polyketide biosynthesis. Iso-fatty acids, which are important for the control of membrane fluidity, are formed from branched chain starter units (isovaleryl-CoA and isobutyryl-CoA), which in turn are derived from the degradation of leucine and valine, respectively. Branched chain carboxylic acids are also employed as starter molecules for the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, e.g. the therapeutically important anthelmintic agent avermectin or the electron transport inhibitor myxothiazol. During our studies on myxothiazol biosynthesis in the myxobacterium, Stigmatella aurantiaca, we detected a novel biosynthetic route to isovaleric acid. After cloning and inactivation of the branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase complex, which is responsible for the degradation of branched chain amino acids, the strain is still able to produce iso-fatty acids and myxothiazol. Incorporation studies employing deuterated leucine show that it can only serve as precursor in the wild type strain but not in the esg mutant. Feeding experiments using (13)C-labeled precursors show that isovalerate is efficiently made from acetate, giving rise to a labeling pattern in myxothiazol that provides evidence for a novel branch of the mevalonate pathway involving the intermediate 3,3-dimethylacryloyl-CoA. 3,3-Dimethylacrylic acid was synthesized in deuterated form and fed to the esg mutant, resulting in strong incorporation into myxothiazol and iso-fatty acids. Similar experiments employing Myxococcus xanthus revealed that the discovered biosynthetic route described is present in other myxobacteria as well.  相似文献   
The Limulus amoebocyte lysate (LAL) test has replaced about 80% of the use of the rabbit pyrogen test. Ideally, human-based in vitro tests are needed, to replace the remaining use of the rabbit test and the use of the LAL test. The progress of an EU-funded project is described, in which a number of in vitro tests, based on the human fever reaction are passing through a prevalidation study on the way to evaluation in a formal validation study.  相似文献   
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