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Brachmann AO Kirchner F Kegler C Kinski SC Schmitt I Bode HB 《Journal of biotechnology》2012,157(1):96-99
The production of the blue pigment indigoidine has been achieved in the entomopathogenic bacterium Photorhabdus luminescens by a promoter exchange and in Escherichia coli following heterologous expression of the biosynthesis gene indC. Moreover, genes involved in the regulation of this previously “silent” biosynthesis gene cluster have been identified in P. luminescens. 相似文献
Helge Klaus Körner 《Cell and tissue research》1969,100(3):466-473
Summary Two types of bacterial symbionts (a- and t-types) were present intracellularly in embryos of the leafhopperEuscelis plebejus. In the electron microscope, three unit membranes were seen to surround the bacteria; the two inner membranes appeared to originate from the bacteria, the outer — from the host cytoplasm. DNA-structures were not observed in the symbionts. The a-symbionts contained in their cytoplasm crystalloid bodies presumably of protein nature and, during certain stages of embryonic development, tubular membranous bodies. The t-symbionts contained in their cytoplasm chymotrypsin-resistant dense bodies, that probably invade the host cytoplasm.Zusammenfassung Das elektronenmikroskopische Bild der intrazellulären a- und t-Symbionten vonEuscelis plebejus Fall. läßt erkennen, daß die symbiontischen Bakterien von drei Elementarmembranen umgeben sind. Morphologische Gründe sprechen dafür, daß die beiden inneren den Bakterien entstammen, die äußere Hüllmembran aber vom Cytoplasma der Wirtszelle gebildet wird. Bakterien-DNS konnte noch in keinem der beiden Symbiontentypen mit Sicherheit nachgewiesen werden. Die a-Symbionten sind vor Aufnahme in die Mycetocyten reich an tubulären Membrankörpern. Sie enthalten außerdem einen mit Chymotrypsin auflösbaren kristallinen Körper. In den t-Symbionten befinden sich Chymotrypsin-resistente dense bodies, die wahrscheinlich in das Wirtscytoplasma abgegeben werden.
Mit Unterstützung durch Mittel der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, die Herrn Prof. Dr.K. Sander zur Verfügung standen. 相似文献
Mit Unterstützung durch Mittel der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, die Herrn Prof. Dr.K. Sander zur Verfügung standen. 相似文献
Helen A. Hamilton Eva Brod Ola S. Hanserud Erik O. Gracey Magnus I. Vestrum Anne Bøen Franciska S. Steinhoff Daniel B. Müller Helge Brattebø 《Journal of Industrial Ecology》2016,20(4):867-881
Future phosphorus (P) scarcity and eutrophication risks demonstrate the need for systems‐wide P assessments. Despite the projected drastic increase in world‐wide fish production, P studies have yet to include the aquaculture and fisheries sectors, thus eliminating the possibility of assessing their relative importance and identifying opportunities for recycling. Using Norway as a case, this study presents the results of a current‐status integrated fisheries, aquaculture, and agriculture P flow analysis and identifies current sectoral linkages as well as potential cross‐sectoral synergies where P use can be optimized. A scenario was developed to shed light on how the projected 2050 fivefold Norwegian aquaculture growth will likely affect P demand and secondary P resources. The results indicate that, contrary to most other countries where agriculture dominates, in Norway, aquaculture and agriculture drive P consumption and losses at similar levels and secondary P recycling, both intra‐ and cross‐sectorally, is far from optimized. The scenario results suggest that the projected aquaculture growth will make the Norwegian aquaculture sector approximately 4 times as P intensive as compared to agriculture, in terms of both imported P and losses. This will create not only future environmental challenges, but also opportunities for cross‐sectoral P recycling that could help alleviate the mineral P demands of agriculture. Near‐term policy measures should focus on utilizing domestic fish scrap for animal husbandry and/or fish feed production. Long‐term efforts should focus on improving technology and environmental systems analysis methods to enable P recovery from aquaculture production and manure distribution in animal husbandry. 相似文献
Dystroglycan regulates structure, proliferation and differentiation of neuroepithelial cells in the developing vertebrate CNS 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Schröder JE Tegeler MR Grosshans U Porten E Blank M Lee J Esapa C Blake DJ Kröger S 《Developmental biology》2007,307(1):62-78
In the developing CNS alpha- and beta-dystroglycan are highly concentrated in the endfeet of radial neuroepithelial cells at the contact site to the basal lamina. We show that injection of anti-dystroglycan Fab fragments, knockdown of dystroglycan using RNAi, and overexpression of a dominant-negative dystroglycan protein by microelectroporation in neuroepithelial cells of the chick retina and optic tectum in vivo leads to the loss of their radial morphology, to hyperproliferation, to an increased number of postmitotic neurons, and to an altered distribution of several basally concentrated proteins. Moreover, these treatments also altered the oriented growth of axons from retinal ganglion cells and from tectal projection neurons. In contrast, expression of non-cleavable dystroglycan protein in neuroepithelial cells reduced their proliferation and their differentiation to postmitotic neurons. These results demonstrate that dystroglycan plays a key role in maintaining neuroepithelial cell morphology, and that interfering with dystroglycan function influences proliferation and differentiation of neuroepithelial cells. These data also suggest that an impaired dystroglycan function in neuroepithelial cells might be responsible for some of the severe brain abnormalities observed in certain forms of congenital muscular dystrophy. 相似文献
Water use by perennial plants in the transition zone between river oasis and desert in NW China 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Frank M. Thomas Andrea Foetzki Stefan K. Arndt Helge Bruelheide Dirk Gries Xiangyi Li Fanjiang Zeng Ximing Zhang Michael Runge 《Basic and Applied Ecology》2006,7(3):253-267
The study aimed at establishing the role of two possible water sources (inundation, ground water) for the water supply to the perennial plant species Alhagi sparsifolia, Calligonum caput-medusae, Populus euphratica and Tamarix ramosissima growing in the transition zone between a river oasis and the open desert at the southern fringe of the Taklamakan desert (Xinjiang province, NW China). The basic hypothesis was that inundations, which normally occur in summer when rivers from a nearby mountain range carry high water, contribute significantly to the plants’ water supply. When, in the first summer, inundations did not occur, four sites, each of which covered by a relatively dense stand of one species, were artificially flooded. Soil and plant water relations as well as meteorological variables were measured during two growing seasons. Water use efficiency of production (WUEP) was calculated by relating biomass production, which was determined using allometric regressions, to water use.The effects of artificial flooding on the plant water relations were negligible. Water use was relatively high, especially in the A. sparsifolia and the P. euphratica stands and in a dense stand of T. ramosissima (up to approx. 500 kgH2O m−2 year−1). Using the total above-ground biomass in the calculation, WUEP was highest in C. caput-medusae and P. euphratica, and lowest, in A. sparsifolia. From soil and plant water relations, and against the background of the climate and the productivity of the vegetation, it is concluded that all perennial plants in the transition zone between oases and desert in that region must have sufficient access to ground water to ensure long-term survival. Management of ground water such that it remains continuously accessible to the perennial plants is a prerequisite for the conservation and sustainable use of the vegetation in the transition zone. 相似文献
Vanis L Gentilcore D Lange K Gilja OH Rigda RS Trahair LG Feinle-Bisset C Rayner CK Horowitz M Jones KL 《American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology》2012,302(4):R391-R399
The postprandial reduction in blood pressure (BP) is triggered by the interaction of nutrients with the small intestine and associated with an increase in splanchnic blood flow. Gastric distension may attenuate the postprandial fall in BP. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of differences in intragastric volume, including distension at a low (100 ml) volume, on BP and superior mesenteric artery (SMA) blood flow responses to intraduodenal glucose in healthy older subjects. BP and heart rate (HR; automated device), SMA blood flow (Doppler ultrasound), mesenteric vascular resistance (MVR), and plasma norepinephrine of nine male subjects (65-75 yr old) were measured after an overnight fast on 4 separate days in random order. On each day, subjects were intubated with a nasoduodenal catheter, incorporating a duodenal infusion port, and orally with a second catheter, incorporating a barostat bag, positioned in the fundus. Each subject received a 60-min (t = 0-60 min) intraduodenal glucose infusion (3 kcal/min) and gastric distension at a volume of 1) 0 ml (V0), 2) 100 ml (V100), 3) 300 ml (V300), or 4) 500 ml (V500). Systolic BP fell (P < 0.05) during V0, but not during V100, V300, or V500. In contrast, HR (P < 0.01) and SMA blood flow (P < 0.001) increased and MVR decreased (P < 0.05) comparably on all 4 days. Plasma norepinephrine rose (P < 0.01) in response to intraduodenal glucose, with no difference between the four treatments. There was a relationship between the areas under the curve for the change in systolic BP from baseline with intragastric volume (r = 0.60, P < 0.001). In conclusion, low-volume (≤100 ml) gastric distension has the capacity to abolish the fall in BP induced by intraduodenal glucose in healthy older subjects without affecting SMA blood flow or MVR. These observations support the concept that nonnutrient gastric distension prior to a meal has potential therapeutic applications in the management of postprandial hypotension. 相似文献
Tilman Ahrendt Hendrik Wolff Helge B. Bode 《Applied and environmental microbiology》2015,81(19):6538-6547
Myxobacteria are well-known for their complex life cycle, including the formation of spore-filled fruiting bodies. The model organism Myxococcus xanthus exhibits a highly complex composition of neutral and phospholipids, including triacylglycerols (TAGs), diacylglycerols (DAGs), phosphatidylethanolamines (PEs), phosphatidylglycerols (PGs), cardiolipins (CLs), and sphingolipids, including ceramides (Cers) and ceramide phosphoinositols (Cer-PIs). In addition, ether lipids have been shown to be involved in development and signaling. In this work, we describe the lipid profile of M. xanthus during its entire life cycle, including spore germination. PEs, representing one of the major components of the bacterial membrane, decreased by about 85% during development from vegetative rods to round myxospores, while TAGs first accumulated up to 2-fold before they declined 48 h after the induction of sporulation. Presumably, membrane lipids are incorporated into TAG-containing lipid bodies, serving as an intermediary energy source for myxospore formation. The ceramides Cer(d-19:0/iso-17:0) and Cer(d-19:0/16:0) accumulated 6-fold and 3-fold, respectively, after 24 h of development, identifying them to be novel putative biomarkers for M. xanthus sporulation. The most abundant ether lipid, 1-iso-15:0-alkyl-2,3-di-iso-15:0-acyl glycerol (TG1), exhibited a lipid profile different from that of all TAGs during sporulation, reinforcing its signaling character. The absence of all these lipid profile changes in mutants during development supports the importance of lipids in myxobacterial development. During germination of myxospores, only the de novo biosynthesis of new cell membrane fatty acids was observed. The unexpected accumulation of TAGs also during germination might indicate a function of TAGs as intermediary storage lipids during this part of the life cycle as well. 相似文献
Biochemical and Genetic Characterization of Propionicin T1, a New Bacteriocin from Propionibacterium thoenii

A collection of propionibacteria was screened for bacteriocin production. A new bacteriocin named propionicin T1 was isolated from two strains of Propionibacterium thoenii. This bacteriocin shows no sequence similarity to other bacteriocins. Propionicin T1 was active against all strains of Propionibacterium acidipropionici, Propionibacterium thoenii, and Propionibacterium jensenii tested and also against Lactobacillus sake NCDO 2714 but showed no activity against Propionibacterium freudenreichii. The bacteriocin was purified, and the N-terminal part of the peptide was determined with amino acid sequencing. The corresponding gene pctA was sequenced, and this revealed that propionicin T1 is produced as a prebacteriocin of 96 amino acids with a typical sec leader, which is processed to give a mature bacteriocin of 65 amino acids. An open reading frame encoding a protein of 424 amino acids was found 68 nucleotides downstream the stop codon of pctA. The N-terminal part of this putative protein shows strong similarity with the ATP-binding cassette of prokaryotic and eukaryotic ABC transporters, and this protein may be involved in self-protection against propionicin T1. Propionicin T1 is the first bacteriocin from propionibacteria that has been isolated and further characterized at the molecular level. 相似文献
Chromosomal Dynamism in Progeny of Outbreak-Related Sorbitol-Fermenting Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:NM

Martina Bielaszewska Rita Prager Wenlan Zhang Alexander W. Friedrich Alexander Mellmann Helmut Tschpe Helge Karch 《Applied microbiology》2006,72(3):1900-1909
Sorbitol-fermenting (SF) enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) O157:NM (nonmotile) is a unique clone that causes outbreaks of hemorrhagic colitis and hemolytic-uremic syndrome. In well-defined clusters of cases, we have observed significant variability in pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) patterns which could indicate coinfection by different strains. An analysis of randomly selected progeny colonies of an outbreak strain after subcultivation demonstrated that they displayed either the cognate PFGE outbreak pattern or one of four additional patterns and were <89% similar. These profound alterations were associated with changes in the genomic position of one of two Shiga toxin 2-encoding genes (stx2) in the outbreak strain or with the loss of this gene. The two stx2 alleles in the outbreak strain were identical but were flanked with phage-related sequences with only 77% sequence identity. Neither of these phages produced plaques, but one lysogenized E. coli K-12 and integrated in yecE in the lysogens and the wild-type strain. The presence of two stx2 genes which correlated with increased production of Stx2 in vitro but not with the clinical outcome of infection was also found in 14 (21%) of 67 SF EHEC O157:NM isolates from sporadic cases of human disease. The variability of PFGE patterns for the progeny of a single colony must be considered when interpreting PFGE patterns in SF EHEC O157-associated outbreaks. 相似文献