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The rapid accumulation of myelin in the peripheral nervous system during the early postnatal period requires large amounts of cholesterol, a major myelin lipid. All of the cholesterol accumulating in the developing rat sciatic nerve is synthesized locally within the nerve, rather than being derived from the supply in lipoproteins in the systemic circulation (Jurevics and Morell, J. Lipid Res. 5:112–120; 1994). Since this lack of utilization of circulating cholesterol may relate to exclusion by the blood-nerve barrier, we examined the sources of cholesterol needed for regeneration following nerve injury, when the blood-nerve barrier is breached. One sciatic nerve was crushed or transected, and at various times later, the rate of cholesterol accumulation was compared with the rate of local in vivo synthesis of cholesterol within the nerve, utilizing intraperitoneally injected 3H2O as precursor. The accumulation of additional cholesterol in nerve during regeneration and remyelination could all be accounted for by that locally synthesized within the nerve. There was also an increase in cholesterol esters in injured nerve segments; in crushed nerves, these levels decreased during regeneration and remyelination, consistent with reutilization of cholesterol originally salvaged by phagocytic macrophages and Schwann cells. Thus, regeneration and remyelination following injury in sciatic nerve utilizes both salvaged cholesterol and cholesterol synthesized locally within the nerve, but not cholesterol from the circulation.  相似文献   
The uptake of [3H]actinomycin D ([3H]AD) by ConA-stimulated lymphocytes was followed during 96 h of incubation and correlated with the level of nuclear proteins in the nucleus, DNA synthesis and the degree of AD-induced inhibition of RNA and DNA synthesis. During the first 48 h there is a parallel increase of drug binding to cells and a rising level of non-histone proteins (NHP) in the nucleus. During the next 48 h, DNA synthesis occurs, drug uptake decreases and the nuclear level of NHP continues to rise. The level of histones remains constant during 96 h. The variations in cellular [3H]AD uptake during 96 h are not due to changes in cell membrane permeability, since similar variations in drug binding are observed in isolated cell nuclei. NHP, obtained as 0.25 M NaCl extracts of cell nuclei, increase binding of [3H]AD to nuclei isolated from non-stimulated lymphocytes, while histones have no such effect. NHP extracted with phenol, after washing the nuclei with salt and acid solutions, or extracted with 0.25 M NaCl from non-stimulated and stimulated lymphocytes and Chang liver cells are equally active to bind [3H]AD to nuclei of non-stimulated lymphocytes. NHP from Chang cells, purified by DNA-cellulose chromatography using calf thymus DNA, stimulated [3H]AD binding to lymphocyte nuclei, indicating that the drug-binding activity is due to proteins binding to DNA. NHP increase binding of [3H]AD to pure DNA in the absence of histones. The degree of [3H]AD binding to ConA-stimulated lymphocytes during 96 h correlated with the degree of inhibition of RNA and DNA synthesis by AD.  相似文献   
Abstract. Limiting dilution culture of cell fractions obtained by discontinuous density gradient centrifugation was used to establish six different cell clones from HOC-7 ovarian adenocarcinoma cells (D1-D3, N1-N3). Clones D1-D3 revealed a phenotype similar to that seen in parental cells exposed to differentiation inducers such as dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO, 0.8% [v/v]). They were flattened, slowly growing cells (doubling times: 42–46 h). The cells developed long cytoplasmic extensions and adopted a complicated growth pattern. Fixed-cell enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Western blotting demonstrated that these cells contained high levels of epidermal growth factor-receptor (EGF-R), carbohydrate antigen 125 (CA 125), fibronectin and desmoplakin, but low levels of myc oncoproteins. However, untreated parental cells and clones N1–N3 were fastgrowing (doubling times: 23–28 h), regularly shaped, polygonal cells ("cobblestone'monolayer) with low levels of EGF-R, CA 125, fibronectin and desmoplakin, but relatively higher amounts of myc oncoproteins. The similarity of the sublines to either untreated or inducertreated parental cells indicated that clones D1–D3 represented spontaneously differentiated HOC-7 cells, whereas clones N1–N3 originated from less-differentiated cells. The features examined in this model cell system proved to be closely related to ovarian cancer cell proliferation and differentiation. The observation of a tumorinherent propensity for spontaneous differentiation suggests that exogenous stimulation of existing differentiation pathways may represent an alternative approach for tackling the problem of growth control and differentiation in malignant tissues.  相似文献   
The human non-gastric H,K-ATPase, ATP1AL1, belongs to the gene family of P-type ATPases. Consistent with their physiological roles in ion transport, members of this group, including the Na,KATPase and the gastric and non-gastric H,K-ATPases, are differentially polarized to either the basolateral or apical plasma membrane in epithelial cells. However, their polarized distribution is highly complex and depends on specific sorting signals or motifs which are recognized by the subcellular targeting machinery. For the gastric H,K-ATPase it has been suggested that the 4(th) transmembrane spanning domain (TM4) and its flanking regions induce conformational sorting motifs which direct the ion pump exclusively to the epithelial apical membrane. Here, we show in transfected Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells that the related non-gastric H,KATPase, ATP1AL1, does contain similar sorting motifs in close proximity to TM4. A short extracellular loop between TM3 and TM4 is critical for this pump's apical delivery. A single point mutation in the corresponding region redirects ATP1AL1 to the basolateral membrane. In conclusion, our work provides further evidence that the cellular distribution of P-type ATPases is determined by conformational sorting motifs.  相似文献   
Alternative RGD mimetics-with the exception of glycine-c(Arg-Asp) 1, c(Arg-Glu) 2 and c[Arg-Asp(Phe-OH)] 3 were synthesized. The DKPs were prepared on solid phase with orthogonal protection allowing further derivatization in solution. During solution phase cyclization in NH(3)/methanol, the side chain benzyl ester group of H-Arg(Tos)-Asp(OBzl)-OMe and H-Arg(Tos)-Glu(OBzl)-OMe suffer transesterification, while beta-t-butyl or beta-cyclohexyl esters are stable under the same conditions. In spite of the simple structure, all compounds bind selectively to the alpha(v)beta(3) integrin receptor, 3 showing the highest affinity with an IC(50) value of 0.74 microM value. On the other hand only 3 binds with measurable activity to the alpha(IIb)beta(3) receptor (IC(50) 159 microM). The binding affinities seem to be in accordance with the distances between the arginine guanidino and the aspartic acid carboxyl group in extended conformation determined by semiempirical geometry optimization.  相似文献   
Nine structurally distinct dinuclear platinum complexes have been evaluated in a novel model system for the investigation of renal epithelial toxicity of platinum drugs. The results showed that these compounds are toxic when applied at the basolateral side of renal epithelia, whereas their toxic effects on the apical side are negligible. Such a difference in toxicity of the complexes has been found to result from their poor uptake through the apical membrane, as compared to the basolateral membrane. Toxicity of the compounds on the basolateral side varies depending on their structure. Structure-toxicity relationships for the group of complexes with rigid ligands and for the group of complexes with flexible ligands are discussed. Among the dinuclear complexes with rigid ligands, sterically hindered complexes are less toxic, due to their poor uptake and low reactivity towards glutathione. Within the group of complexes with flexible ligands, cis-configured isomers are more toxic than their trans-counterparts.  相似文献   
We investigate the role of ecology and phylogeny in the association between lizard abundance and microhabitat variables in an Amazon rain forest site. Using pitfall trap arrays, we collected data from 349 individuals belonging to 23 lizard species. After accounting for spatial autocorrelation and using a canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), we found that lizard captures were significantly associated with microhabitat variables, which accounted for 48 percent of the observed variation. Furthermore, a canonical phylogenetic ordination (CPO) indicated that microhabitat variables are more important in determining the distribution of lizard species than phylogenetic relationships among species. Termite nests, canopy openness, and tree circumference were strongly associated with the number of captures of certain lizard species. Our results confirm autecology studies of individual lizard species for which data are available. We suggest that maintaining heterogeneous forested microhabitats should be a central goal for sustaining a high lizard biodiversity in Amazon rain forests.  相似文献   
Thrombomodulin is a membrane-bound protein that plays an active role in the blood coagulation system by binding thrombin and initiating the protein C anticoagulant pathway. Solulin™ is a recombinant soluble derivative of human thrombomodulin. It is used for the treatment of thrombotic disorders. To evaluate the production of this pharmaceutical protein in plants, expression vectors were generated using four different N-terminal signal peptides. Immunoblot analysis of transiently transformed tobacco leaves showed that intact Solulin™ could be detected using three of these signal peptides. Furthermore transgenic tobacco plants and BY2 cells producing Solulin™ were generated. Immunoblot experiments showed that Solulin™ accumulated to maximum levels of 115 and 27 μg g−1 plant material in tobacco plants and BY2 cells, respectively. Activity tests performed on the culture supernatant of transformed BY2 cells showed that the secreted Solulin™ was functional. In contrast, thrombomodulin activity was not detected in total soluble protein extracts from BY2 cells, probably due to inhibitory effects of substances in the cell extract. N-terminal sequencing was carried out on partially purified Solulin™ from the BY2 culture supernatant. The sequence was identical to that of Solulin™ produced in Chinese hamster ovary cells, confirming correct processing of the N-terminal signal peptide. We have demonstrated that plants and plant cell cultures can be used as alternative systems for the production of an active recombinant thrombomodulin derivative.  相似文献   
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