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Although loss to follow-up after antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation is increasingly recognized, little is known about pre-treatment losses to care (PTLC) after an initial positive HIV test. Our objective was to determine PTLC in newly identified HIV-infected individuals in South Africa.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We assembled the South African Test, Identify and Link (STIAL) Cohort of persons presenting for HIV testing at two sites offering HIV and CD4 count testing and HIV care in Durban, South Africa. We defined PTLC as failure to have a CD4 count within 8 weeks of HIV diagnosis. We performed multivariate analysis to identify factors associated with PTLC. From November 2006 to May 2007, of 712 persons who underwent HIV testing and received their test result, 454 (64%) were HIV-positive. Of those, 206 (45%) had PTLC. Infected patients were significantly more likely to have PTLC if they lived ≥10 kilometers from the testing center (RR = 1.37; 95% CI: 1.11–1.71), had a history of tuberculosis treatment (RR = 1.26; 95% CI: 1.00–1.58), or were referred for testing by a health care provider rather than self-referred (RR = 1.61; 95% CI: 1.22–2.13). Patients with one, two or three of these risks for PTLC were 1.88, 2.50 and 3.84 times more likely to have PTLC compared to those with no risk factors.


Nearly half of HIV-infected persons at two high prevalence sites in Durban, South Africa, failed to have CD4 counts following HIV diagnosis. These high rates of pre-treatment loss to care highlight the urgent need to improve rates of linkage to HIV care after an initial positive HIV test.  相似文献   
Strains from Paecilomyces fumosoroseus, Lecanicillium muscarium, Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana were examined in standardized Biotest to control the horse-chestnut leaf miner (Cameraria ohridella) in her pupal stage in winter. The fungi were pathogenic against the hibernating pupae of Cameraria ohridella at dose of 1.9 x 10(7) conidia/ml. They were aggressive, led to infection, death and mouldiness of naked pupae. Even at low temperature of 5 degrees C and 12 degrees C. L. muscarium strain V24 showed the highest pathogenicity after 4 weeks against this host, close followed by P. fumosoroseus strain P6. M. anisopliae strain 72 and 8. bassiana strain B412 were also pathogen but after a long-time period. Experiments gave information for general susceptibility of naked pupae of C. ohridella under low temperatures against entomopathogenic fungi. In further examinations it has to be tested, whether fungi can infected, when the pupae stay in their natural surroundings, the pupal cell in the leaf.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Das Gefieder des erwachsenen Lakenfelder Huhnes ist im großen ganzen schwarzweiß gescheckt, doch enthalten sowohl die schwarzen als auch die weißen Gefiederregionen stets eine mehr oder weniger große Anzahl von gemusterten Federn.Obwohl die Zeichnung dieser gemusterten Federn sehr variabel ist, behalten die Federn aus ein und demselben Follikel in aufeinanderfolgenden Federgenerationen ihr Muster jeweils bei.Das Kücken der Lakenfelder besitzt ein anderes Muster als das erwachsene Huhn. Wie ein Vergleich zwischen den Embryonen der einfarbig schwarzen Rheinländer und denjenigen der Lakenfelder zeigt, entstehen die Melanocyten bei der letztgenannten Hühnerrasse in viel geringerer Anzahl, besiedeln die verschiedenen Körperregionen verspätet und bilden auch weniger Pigment.Die langsamere Wanderung und die spätere Pigmentsynthese führen zur Ausbildung des Kückenmusters, während das Muster des erwachsenen Huhnes vor allem auf der verringerten Melanocytenanzahl beruht. Nur an denjenigen Körperstellen, die in unmittelbarer Nähe der beiden Entstehungszentren der Melanocyten, d. h. am Kopf und am Hinterende liegen, erhalten die Federanlagen so viele Pigmentzellen, daß hier schwarze Federn entstehen können. Die wenigen, weiterwandernden Melanocyten dringen nur noch hier und dort in einzelne Federkeime ein und führen so zu der Entstehung der in das weiße Rumpfgefieder eingestreuten mehr oder weniger stark gemusterten Federn.Auch in vitro bildet Embryonalgewebe von Lakenfeldern sehr viel weniger Melanocyten als gleichaltriges Gewebe von schwarzen Rheinländern.  相似文献   
GST activities against 1-Chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) and 1,2-dichloro-4-nitrobenzene (DCNB) were measured in isolated and cultured adult rat hepatocytes. Within 24 h in culture, both GST activities decreased to about 70% and either stabilized at this level (CDNB) or recovered (DCNB) to the initial level. Use of hyaluronidase in addition to collagenase during the isolation of the cells strongly reduced both activities and its stimulation by various drugs for up to 168 h. The hormones insulin, glucagon, triiodothyronine, estradiol, testosterone, and progesterone did not affect GST activity, while dexamethasone showed some interference. In the presence of dexamethasone the activity against CDNB was mainly stimulated by the combination of methylcholanthrene (MC) and phenobarbital (PB) to about 260% within 168 h. The activity against DCNB was stimulated predominantly by MC alone reaching 170% after 168 h. Quantification of the GST subunits Ya, Yb1 and Yp by an ELISA technique revealed a strong decrease of Ya, a transient increase of Yb1 after 24 h followed by a moderate decrease, and a stable low level of the transformation marker Yp during cultivation. The level of Ya was markedly induced by PB, particularly in combination with MC. The level of Yb1 was equally induced by MC or PB with no synergistic effect. Yp was not affected by these drugs. None of the hormones affected the level of these GST subunits. These results indicate that the physiological type of regulation of the GSTs is maintained during primary culture and no signs of dedifferentiation or transformation are observed. Furthermore, they demonstrate that the interaction of drugs and hormones and their inducing potential can be efficiently studied in the cultured hepatocytes.Abbreviations ABTS 2,2-Azino-bis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonate) - CDNB I-Chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene - DCNB 1,2-dichloro-4-nitrobenzene; DEX, dexamethasone - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - GST glutathione Stransferase - MC methylcholanthrene - N, NIC nicotinamide - -NF -naphthoflavone - PB phenobarbital - PBS phosphate buffered saline  相似文献   
In eubacterial and eukaryotic tRNAs specific for Asn, Asp, His and Tyr the modified deazaguanosinederivative queuosine occurs in position 34, the first position of the anticodon. Analysis of unfractionated tRNAs from wheat and from tobacco leaves shows that these tRNAs contain high amounts of guanosine (G) in place of queuosine (Q). This was measured by the exchange of G34 for [3H]guanine catalysed by the specific tRNA guanine transglycosylase from E. coli. Upon gel electrophoretic separation of the labeled tRNAs, seven Q-deficient tRNA species including isoacceptors are detectable. Two are identified as cytoplasmic tRNAsTyr and tRNAAsp and two represent chloroplast tRNATyr isoacceptors. In contrast to leaf cytoplasm and chloroplasts, wheat germ has low amounts of tRNAs with G34 in place of Q.A new enzymatic assay is described for quantitation of free queuine in cells and tissues. Analysis of queuine in plant tissues shows that wheat germ contains about 200 ng queuine per g wet weight. In wheat and tobacco leaves queuine is present, if at all, in amounts lower than 10 ng/g wet weight. The absence of Q in tRNAs from plant leaves is therefore caused by a deficiency of queuine. Tobacco cells cultivated in a synthetic medium without added queuine do not contain Q in tRNA, indicating that these rapidly growing cells do not synthesize queuine de novo.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der Tryptophanabbau in der Leber von Ratte (Mus rattus L. domest.), Kaninchen (Oryctolagus cuniculus L. domest.), Hahn (Gallus bankiva domest.), Taube (Columba livia L.), Frosch (Rana temporaria L.) und Fisch (Leuciscus rutilus L.) wurde in qualitativer und quantitativer Hinsicht untersucht. Es wurden die Aktivitäten des TryptophanPeroxydase-Systems, der Kynureninase und der Kynurenin-Transaminase bestimmt, sowie ihre Verteilung auf die einzelnen Zellfraktionen. Die Papierchromatographie wurde zur qualitativen Analyse der entstandenen Stoffwechselprodukte herangezogen.Außer beim Hahn wird Tryptophan praktisch ausschließlich über Kynurenin zu Kynurensäure und Anthranilsäure abgebaut. Die Verteilung der Enzyme auf die Zellfraktionen entspricht der vom Säugetier bekannten, die Aktivitäten liegen in der gleichen Größenordnung.Beim Hahn wird Kynurenin auch von Mitochondrien und Kernfraktion gebildet. Die Kynureninbildung im Cytoplasma wird durch Kombination von Cytoplasma + Mikrosomen oder Cytoplasma + Mitochondrien auf das Mehrfache erhöht. Auch scheint beim Hahn neben der Kynureninbildung noch ein zweiter Mechanismus des Tryptophanabbaus vorhanden zu sein. Durch Cyclophorasesystem wird aus Tryptophan eine gelbe Substanz gebildet, die aber nicht identifiziert werden konnte. Eine Kynurensäurebildung wird beim Hahn nicht gefunden, was im Einklang steht mit der Tatsache, daß er keine Kynurensäure ausscheidet.Fütterungsversuche an Ratten ergaben, daß bei tryptophanarmer Nahrung die Aktivität des Tryptophan-Peroxydase-Systems deutlich unter die Normalwerte absinkt, während Kynureninase und Kynurenintransaminase nicht beeinflußt werden.  相似文献   
The enzyme system, 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase, which catalyzes the first inactivation step in the catabolism of the prostaglandins has been isolated and purified 107-fold from human placenta. Kinetic studies reveal different Michaelis-Menten constants for most of the naturally occurring prostaglandins. The Km for PGE2 was found to be 10 μM, for PGE1, 27 μM; for PGA2, 32 μM; for PGA1, 33 μM; and for PGF 59 μM. The enzyme has a sharp pH-optimum between 7.5 and 8.8. Prostaglandin dehydrogenase appears to be isoenzymic as judged by separation on polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis. Inhibition studies with the partially purified enzyme indicate that progesterone and estrogen may influence the conversion of biologically active prostaglandins into the biologically inactive 15-ketoprostaglandins. These findings offer evidence for the control of prostaglandin metabolism in the human placenta.  相似文献   
It has been demonstrated that hyperthermia protects keratinocytes from ultraviolet B (UVB)-induced cell death in culture and in vivo. This effect is mediated by the antiapoptotic effect of heat shock proteins that are transiently induced after exposure to heat at sublethal temperatures. Consequently, induction of Hsp has been proposed as a novel means of photoprotection. However, in the face of daily UVB exposure of human skin in vivo, this approach would not be useful if keratinocytes become less sensitive to Hsp induction with repeated exposure to the inducing agent. The aim of this study was to investigate whether repeated exposure to hyperthermia or to the stress protein activating cyclopentenone prostaglandin 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 (15dPGJ2) leads to adaptation of the cells, attenuation of the heat shock response, and abrogation of the protective effect. Normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEK) and the carcinoma-derived cell line A431 were exposed to either 42 degrees C or to 15dPGJ2 for 4 hours at 24-hour intervals for 4 consecutive days. The intracellular level of the 72-kDa heat shock protein (Hsp72) was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Cells were exposed to UVB from a metal halide source after the last heat or 15dPGJ2 treatment, and survival was determined 24 hours after exposure by a MTT assay. Our results demonstrate that (1) heat shock and 15dPGJ2 are potent inducers of Hsp72 expression and lead to increased resistance to UVB-induced cell death in human keratinocytes; (2) re-exposure to heat shock leads to a superinduction without attenuation of the absolute increase in Hsp72 and of its UVB-protective effect; (3) the UVB tolerance induced by 15dPGJ2 is enhanced by repeated exposure without a further increase of Hsp72; (4) repeated heat shock and 15dPGJ2 up to a concentration of 1 microg/mL have no influence on cell growth over a period of 4 days. We conclude that through repeated exposure to Hsp-inducing factors, stress tolerance can be maintained without additional toxicity in human keratinocytes. These results provide a basis for the development of nontoxic Hsp inducers that can be repeatedly applied without loss of effect.  相似文献   
The proton-pumping NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, the respiratory complex I, couples the transfer of electrons from NADH to ubiquinone with the translocation of protons across the membrane. Electron microscopy revealed the two-part structure of the complex with a peripheral arm involved in electron transfer and a membrane arm most likely involved in proton translocation. It was proposed that the quinone binding site is located at the joint of the two arms. Most likely, proton translocation in the membrane arm is enabled by the energy of the electron transfer reaction in the peripheral arm transmitted by conformational changes. For the detection of the conformational changes and the localization of the quinone binding site, we set up a combination of site-directed spin labeling and EPR spectroscopy. Cysteine residues were introduced to the surface of the Escherichia coli complex I. The spin label (1-oxyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-Δ3-pyrroline-3-methyl)-methanethiosulfonate (MTSL) was exclusively bound to the engineered positions. Neither the mutation nor the labeling had an effect on the NADH:decyl-ubiquinone oxidoreductase activity. The characteristic signals of the spin label were detected by EPR spectroscopy, which did not change by reducing the preparation with NADH. A decyl-ubiquinone derivative with the spin label covalently attached to the alkyl chain was synthesized in order to localize the quinone binding site. The distance between a MTSL labeled complex I variant and the bound quinone was determined by continuous-wave (cw) EPR allowing an inference on the location of the quinone binding site. The distances between the labeled quinone and other complex I variants will be determined in future experiments to receive further geometry information by triangulation.  相似文献   
The survival of ciliate resting cysts, in the presence and absence of soil, was studied under two environmental stresses: desiccation and freezing. Laboratory strains of the common species Colpoda inflata and the rare species Meseres corlissi were used in these experiments, which yielded the following results: 1) Freezing of cysts in soil with a residual moisture level exceeding ~30% was destructive for both species. 2) Survival of Meseres corlissi cysts depended largely on the presence of soil. 3) In the absence of soil, Colpoda inflata cysts had greater tolerance to desiccation and freezing than Meseres corlissi cysts. Possible consequences for the distribution of natural populations are discussed.  相似文献   
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