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Summary Intracellular concentrations of phenylalanine, tyrosine, -aminobutyric acid, and seven other aminoacids (glycine, alanine, valine, cystine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine) were measured in lymphocytes of 13 homozygotes and 19 heterozygotes for phenylketonuria and in lymphocytes of 26 normals. Intracellular concentrations for phenylalanine, tyrosine, and -aminobutyric acid were significantly higher in homo- and heterozygotes than in normals (P<0.001; P<0.01). For the other seven aminoacids there were no or only questionable differences. Between homo-and heterozygotes there was no difference in any of the aminoacids. The intracellular phenylalanine: tyrosine ratio was essentially the same in all three groups of individuals. There was no correlation between intracellular phenylalanine above or below 10nmol/106 cells and IQ in heterozygotes. The same is true for phenylalanine: tyrosine ratio greater or smaller than 1. In homozygotes there was no correlation between intracellular phenylalanine and age—to which DQ/IQ is correlated. There was no significant difference in intracellular phenylalanine between homozygotes with blood levels above and below 908 mol/l (15 mg/100 ml) at the time of blood sampling and no correlation between intra- and extracellular phenylalanine concentrations.Among the 26 normals there were only two with intracellular phenylalanine above 10 nmol/106 cells, both showing phenylalanine loading test curves suggestive of heterozygosity.The results are discussed and important functions of the cell wall are proposed. The formation of an abnormal unknown intracellular metabolite being the real noxious agent could explain the incomparably different degrees of brain dysfunction in individuals with equal though elevated intracellular phenylalanine concentrations, i.e., homozygotes and heterozygotes for PKU.  相似文献   
The uptake of [3H]actinomycin D ([3H]AD) by ConA-stimulated lymphocytes was followed during 96 h of incubation and correlated with the level of nuclear proteins in the nucleus, DNA synthesis and the degree of AD-induced inhibition of RNA and DNA synthesis. During the first 48 h there is a parallel increase of drug binding to cells and a rising level of non-histone proteins (NHP) in the nucleus. During the next 48 h, DNA synthesis occurs, drug uptake decreases and the nuclear level of NHP continues to rise. The level of histones remains constant during 96 h. The variations in cellular [3H]AD uptake during 96 h are not due to changes in cell membrane permeability, since similar variations in drug binding are observed in isolated cell nuclei. NHP, obtained as 0.25 M NaCl extracts of cell nuclei, increase binding of [3H]AD to nuclei isolated from non-stimulated lymphocytes, while histones have no such effect. NHP extracted with phenol, after washing the nuclei with salt and acid solutions, or extracted with 0.25 M NaCl from non-stimulated and stimulated lymphocytes and Chang liver cells are equally active to bind [3H]AD to nuclei of non-stimulated lymphocytes. NHP from Chang cells, purified by DNA-cellulose chromatography using calf thymus DNA, stimulated [3H]AD binding to lymphocyte nuclei, indicating that the drug-binding activity is due to proteins binding to DNA. NHP increase binding of [3H]AD to pure DNA in the absence of histones. The degree of [3H]AD binding to ConA-stimulated lymphocytes during 96 h correlated with the degree of inhibition of RNA and DNA synthesis by AD.  相似文献   
Summary In this study a variety of immunostimulatory agents was tested alone or in combination with other agents to measure their ability to enhance nonspecific resistance to challenge with the TA3-Ha transplantable murine ascites tumor. Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) were effective alone in protecting mice from tumor. Their lipid-free, nontoxic, polysaccharide-rich hydrolytic products (PS) showed a much reduced, but still significant effect in anti-TA3-Ha resistance induction. Other agents that stimulated tumor resistance included nontoxic native hapten and trehalose-6,6-dimycolate (P3) of Ribi, synthetic glycolipids, cord factor, and killed BCG preparations. Simultaneous pretreatment with a combination of any of these agents and either LPS or PS resulted in a significantly higher level of tumor resistance. Administration of LPS, PS, or native hapten to mice that had been previously infected with viable BCG resulted in the strongest antitumor effect. These studies demonstrate that nonspecific resistance can be enhanced in an additive or synergistic manner by using combinations of agents, which presumably stimulate different cell populations of the host's immune system.  相似文献   
Decreasing the dietary intake of methionine exerts robust anti‐adiposity effects in rodents but modest effects in humans. Since cysteine can be synthesized from methionine, animal diets are formulated by decreasing methionine and eliminating cysteine. Such diets exert both methionine restriction (MR) and cysteine restriction (CR), that is, sulfur amino acid restriction (SAAR). Contrarily, SAAR diets formulated for human consumption included cysteine, and thus might have exerted only MR. Epidemiological studies positively correlate body adiposity with plasma cysteine but not methionine, suggesting that CR, but not MR, is responsible for the anti‐adiposity effects of SAAR. Whether this is true, and, if so, the underlying mechanisms are unknown. Using methionine‐ and cysteine‐titrated diets, we demonstrate that the anti‐adiposity effects of SAAR are due to CR. Data indicate that CR increases serinogenesis (serine biosynthesis from non‐glucose substrates) by diverting substrates from glyceroneogenesis, which is essential for fatty acid reesterification and triglyceride synthesis. Molecular data suggest that CR depletes hepatic glutathione and induces Nrf2 and its downstream targets Phgdh (the serine biosynthetic enzyme) and Pepck‐M. In mice, the magnitude of SAAR‐induced changes in molecular markers depended on dietary fat concentration (60% fat >10% fat), sex (males > females), and age‐at‐onset (young > adult). Our findings are translationally relevant as we found negative and positive correlations of plasma serine and cysteine, respectively, with triglycerides and metabolic syndrome criteria in a cross‐sectional epidemiological study. Controlled feeding of low‐SAA, high‐polyunsaturated fatty acid diets increased plasma serine in humans. Serinogenesis might be a target for treating hypertriglyceridemia.  相似文献   
A metachromatic dye, 1,9-dimethylmethylene blue (DMB) reacts with bacterial endotoxins. This interaction results in a shift of the absorption maximum of DMB to shorter wavelengths. The findings indicate that the negatively charged lipid moiety of the endotoxic lipopolysaccharide reacts with DMB. The lowest amount of endotoxin detectable by the procedure described here is approximately one microgram. The dye could not be used in the presence of serum components. DMB mixed to column chromatographic effluent showed good resolution in continuous monitoring of endotoxin components leaving the column.  相似文献   
Exploring molecular and mechanical gradients in structural bioscaffolds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most organisms consist of a functionally adaptive assemblage of hard and soft tissues. Despite the obvious advantages of reinforcing soft protoplasm with a hard scaffold, such composites can lead to tremendous mechanical stresses where the two meet. Although little is known about how nature relieves these stresses, it is generally agreed that fundamental insights about molecular adaptation at hard/soft interfaces could profoundly influence how we think about biomaterials. Based on two noncellular tissues, mussel byssus and polychaete jaws, recent studies suggest that one natural strategy to minimize interfacial stresses between adjoining stiff and soft tissue appears to be the creation of a "fuzzy" boundary, which avoids abrupt changes in mechanical properties. Instead there is a gradual mechanical change that accompanies the transcendence from stiff to soft and vice versa. In byssal threads, the biochemical medium for achieving such a gradual mechanical change involves the elegant use of collagen-based self-assembling block copolymers. There are three distinct diblock copolymer types in which one block is always collagenous, whereas the other can be either elastin-like (soft), amorphous polyglycine (intermediate), or silk-like (stiff). Gradients of these are made by an incrementally titrated expression of the three proteins in secretory cells the titration phenotype of which is linked to their location. Thus, reflecting exactly the composition of each thread, the distal cells secrete primarily the silk- and polyglycine-collagen diblocks, whereas the proximal cells secrete the elastin- and polyglycine-collagen diblocks. Those cells in between exhibit gradations of collagens with silk or elastin blocks. Spontaneous self-assembly appears to be by pH triggered metal binding by histidine (HIS)-rich sequences at both the amino and carboxy termini of the diblocks. In the polychaete jaws, HIS-rich sequences are expanded into a major block domain. Histidine predominates at over 20 mol % near the distal tip and diminishes to about 5 mol % near the proximal base. The abundance of histidine is directly correlated to transition metal content (Zn or Cu) as well as hardness determined by nanoindentation. EXAFS analyses of the jaws indicate that transition metals such as Zn are directly bound to histidine ligands and may serve as cross-linkers.  相似文献   
Trematodes of the genus Philophthalmus Loos, 1899 are the eye parasites of birds and mammals, which use freshwater snails as their first intermediate hosts. Here we examined the presence of philophthalmids in a total of 1515 gulls (589 Larus fuscus and 926 Larus michahellis) admitted between January 2010 and October 2016 for rehabilitation at Olhão (Portugal), by the use of combined morphological and molecular analysis. We recorded the first infected L. fuscus and L. michahellis in July and November 2015, respectively. The philophthalmids were located in the conjunctival sac or under the nictitating membrane. Gulls infected with Philophthalmus lucipetus Rudolphi, 1819 presented no clinical signs, while those infected with Philophthalmus lacrymosus Braun, 1902 presented serious eye damage in the same host species. The prevalence of P. lucipetus reached 3.6% in L. fuscus and 0.8% in L. michahellis; the prevalence of P. lacrymosus reached 0.3% and 0.0%, respectively. The outbreak of P. lucipetus likely started in a narrowly defined area, since the first six cases, found between July and October 2015, originated from a single municipality, and only later more cases started to be retrieved from other municipalities of Portugal. These findings represent the first records of both philophthalmids in the Iberian Peninsula, their first records in L. michahellis and the first record of P. lacrymosus in L. fuscus. Further follow-up of the outbreak and the identification of intermediate hosts are needed.  相似文献   
Scanning electron microscopy revealed great morphological diversity in biofilms from several largely unexplored subterranean thermal Alpine springs, which contain radium 226 and radon 222. A culture-independent molecular analysis of microbial communities on rocks and in the water of one spring, the "Franz-Josef-Quelle" in Bad Gastein, Austria, was performed. Four hundred fifteen clones were analyzed. One hundred thirty-two sequences were affiliated with 14 bacterial operational taxonomic units (OTUs) and 283 with four archaeal OTUs. Rarefaction analysis indicated a high diversity of bacterial sequences, while archaeal sequences were less diverse. The majority of the cloned archaeal 16S rRNA gene sequences belonged to the soil-freshwater-subsurface (1.1b) crenarchaeotic group; other representatives belonged to the freshwater-wastewater-soil (1.3b) group, except one clone, which was related to a group of uncultivated Euryarchaeota. These findings support recent reports that Crenarchaeota are not restricted to high-temperature environments. Most of the bacterial sequences were related to the Proteobacteria (alpha, beta, gamma, and delta), Bacteroidetes, and Planctomycetes. One OTU was allied with Nitrospina sp. (delta-Proteobacteria) and three others grouped with Nitrospira. Statistical analyses suggested high diversity based on 16S rRNA gene analyses; the rarefaction plot of archaeal clones showed a plateau. Since Crenarchaeota have been implicated recently in the nitrogen cycle, the spring environment was probed for the presence of the ammonia monooxygenase subunit A (amoA) gene. Sequences were obtained which were related to crenarchaeotic amoA genes from marine and soil habitats. The data suggested that nitrification processes are occurring in the subterranean environment and that ammonia may possibly be an energy source for the resident communities.  相似文献   
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