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Hemolymph and soft tissues of Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) kept in sand-filtered seawater at temperatures between 1 and 8°C were normally found to contain bacteria, with viable counts (CFU) in hemolymph in the range 1.4 × 102 to 5.6 × 102 bacteria per ml. Pseudomonas, Alteromonas, Vibrio, and Aeromonas organisms dominated, with a smaller variety of morphologically different unidentified strains. Hemolymph and soft tissues of horse mussels (Modiolus modiolus), locally collected from a 6- to 10-m depth in the sea at temperatures between 4 and 6°C, also contained bacteria. The CFU in horse mussel hemolymph was of the same magnitude as that in oysters (mean, 2.6 × 104), and the bacterial flora was dominated by Pseudomonas (61.3%), Vibrio (27.0%), and Aeromonas (11.7%) organisms. In soft tissues of horse mussels, a mean CFU of 2.9 × 104 bacteria per g was found, with Vibrio (38.5%), Pseudomonas (33.0%), and Aeromonas (28.5%) constituting the major genera. After the challenge of oysters in seawater at 4°C to the psychrotrophic fish pathogen Vibrio salmonicida (strains NCIMB 2245 from Scotland and TEO 84001 from Norway) and a commensal Aeromonas sp. isolated from oysters, the viable count in hemolymph increased 1,000-fold to about 105 bacteria per ml. In soft tissues, about a 1,000-fold increase in CFU to 6 × 107 was observed. V. salmonicida NCIMB 2245 invaded hemolymph and soft tissues after 14 days and dominated these compartments after 41 days, whereas strain TEO 84001 did not invade soft tissues to the same extent. Challenge with V. salmonicida NCIMB 2245 resulted in 100% mortality, whereas about 50% of the oysters survived challenge with the Norwegian strain, TEO 84001. The commensal Aeromonas sp. invaded hemolymph and soft tissues and caused 100% mortality. Oyster hemolymph contained agglutinins for Vibrio anguillarum but not for V. salmonicida, whereas we did not find agglutinins for either of these bacteria in horse mussels. Agglutinins for horse and human erythrocytes were found in hemolymph from both animals. We found no differences in agglutinin titers in oysters from different Norwegian locations, and long-term challenge with bacteria in seawater did not result in changes of agglutinin activity. These studies demonstrate that bacteria exist in hemolymph and soft tissues of marine bivalves at temperatures below 8°C. Increased bacterial numbers in seawater at 4°C result in augmented invasion of bacteria in hemolymph and soft tissues. V. salmonicida, a bacterium pathogenic for fish at low temperatures, invades bivalve hemolymph and soft tissues, and thus bivalves may serve as a reservoir for pathogens of fish at low seawater temperatures.  相似文献   
The aim of this review is to identify problems, find general patterns, and extract recommendations for successful biomanipulation. An important conclusion is that the pelagic food chain from fish to algae may not be the only process affected by a biomanipulation. Instead, this process should be viewed as the “trigger” for secondary processes, such as establishment of submerged macrophytes, reduced internal loading of nutrients, and reduced resuspension of particles from the sediment. However, fish reduction also leads to a high recruitment of young-of-the-year (YOY) fish, which feed extensively on zooplankton. This expansion of YOY the first years after fish reduction is probably a major reason for less successful biomanipulations. Recent, large-scale biomanipulations have made it possible to update earlier recommendations regarding when, where, and how biomanipulation should be performed. More applicable recommendations include (1) the reduction in the biomass of planktivorous fish should be 75% or more; (2) the fish reduction should be performed efficiently and rapidly (within 1–3 years); (3) efforts should be made to reduce the number of benthic feeding fish; (4) the recruitment of YOY fish should be reduced; (5) the conditions for establishment of submerged macrophytes should be improved; and (6) the external input of nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) should be reduced as much as possible before the biomanipulation. Recent biomanipulations have shown that, correctly performed, the method also achieves results in large, relatively deep and eutrophic lakes, at least in a 5-year perspective. Although repeated measures may be necessary, the general conclusion is that biomanipulation is not only possible, but also a relatively inexpensive and attractive method for management of eutrophic lakes, and in particular as a follow-up measure to reduced nutrient load. Received 14 April 1998; accepted 31 August 1998  相似文献   
Annexin A2 (AnxA2) and S100A10 are known to form a molecular complex. Using fluorescence-based binding assays, we show that both proteins are localised on the cell surface, in a molecular form that allows mutual interaction. We hypothesized that binding between these proteins could facilitate cell–cell interactions. For cells that express surface S100A10 and surface annexin A2, cell–cell interactions can be blocked by competing with the interaction between these proteins. Thus an annexin A2-S100A10 molecular bridge participates in cell–cell interactions, revealing a hitherto unexplored function of this protein interaction.  相似文献   
Hepatic infections by hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and Plasmodium parasites leading to acute or chronic diseases constitute a global health challenge. The species tropism of these hepatotropic pathogens is restricted to chimpanzees and humans, thus model systems to study their pathological mechanisms are severely limited. Although these pathogens infect hepatocytes, disease pathology is intimately related to the degree and quality of the immune response. As a first step to decipher the immune response to infected hepatocytes, we developed an animal model harboring both a human immune system (HIS) and human hepatocytes (HUHEP) in BALB/c Rag2-/- IL-2Rγc-/- NOD.sirpa uPAtg/tg mice. The extent and kinetics of human hepatocyte engraftment were similar between HUHEP and HIS-HUHEP mice. Transplanted human hepatocytes were polarized and mature in vivo, resulting in 20–50% liver chimerism in these models. Human myeloid and lymphoid cell lineages developed at similar frequencies in HIS and HIS-HUHEP mice, and splenic and hepatic compartments were humanized with mature B cells, NK cells and naïve T cells, as well as monocytes and dendritic cells. Taken together, these results demonstrate that HIS-HUHEP mice can be stably (> 5 months) and robustly engrafted with a humanized immune system and chimeric human liver. This novel HIS-HUHEP model provides a platform to investigate human immune responses against hepatotropic pathogens and to test novel drug strategies or vaccine candidates.  相似文献   
Some HIV antiretroviral therapies (ART) have been associated with renal toxicities, which become of increasing concern as HIV-infected patients age and develop comorbidities. The objective of this study was to evaluate the relative impact of atazanavir (ATV)-based regimens on the renal function of adult patients with HIV. We conducted a systematic literature review by searching PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane library, and the CRD from 2000 until March 2013. Major HIV-related conferences occurring in the past two years were also searched. All randomized clinical trials and large cohort studies assessing renal function in treatment-naïve and/or treatment-experienced HIV patients on ATV-based regimens were included. Fixed-effect mixed-treatment network analyses were carried out on the most frequently reported renal outcomes. 23 studies met the inclusion criteria, and change in estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) from baseline to 48 weeks was identified as the main outcome. Two networks including, respectively, six studies (using the Cockcroft-Gault method) and four studies (using MDRD and CKD-EPI) were analysed. With CG network, ATV/r + TDF/FTC was associated with lower impact on the decline of eGFR than ATV/cobicistat + TDF/FTC but with higher decrease in eGFR than ATV/r + ABC/3TC (difference in mean change from baseline in eGFR repectively +3.67 and –3.89). The use of ATV/cobicistat + TDF/FTC led to a similar decline in eGFR as EVG/cobicistat/TDF/FTC. With respect to third agents combined with TDF/FTC, ATV/r had a lower increase in eGFR in comparison to EFV, and no difference was shown when compared to SQV/r and DRV/r. The effect of ATV-based regimens on renal function at 48 weeks appears similar to other ART regimens and appears to be modest regardless of boosting agent or backbone, although TDF containing backbones consistently leads to greater decline in eGFR.  相似文献   
Atherosclerosis-associated diseases are the main cause of mortality and morbidity in western societies. The progression of atherosclerosis is a dynamic process evolving from early to advanced lesions that may become rupture-prone vulnerable plaques. Acute coronary syndromes are the clinical manifestation of life-threatening thrombotic events associated with high-risk vulnerable plaques. Hyperlipidemic mouse models have been extensively used in studying the mechanisms controlling initiation and progression of atherosclerosis. However, the understanding of mechanisms leading to atherosclerotic plaque destabilization has been hampered by the lack of proper animal models mimicking this process. Although various mouse models generate atherosclerotic plaques with histological features of human advanced lesions, a consensus model to study atherosclerotic plaque destabilization is still lacking. Hence, we studied the degree and features of plaque vulnerability in different mouse models of atherosclerotic plaque destabilization and find that the model based on the placement of a shear stress modifier in combination with hypercholesterolemia represent with high incidence the most human like lesions compared to the other models.  相似文献   
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