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In response to ionizing radiation (IR), cells delay cell cycle progression and activate DNA repair. Both processes are vital for genome integrity, but the mechanisms involved in their coordination are not fully understood. In a mass spectrometry screen, we identified the adenosine triphosphate–dependent chromatin-remodeling protein CHD4 (chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 4) as a factor that becomes transiently immobilized on chromatin after IR. Knockdown of CHD4 triggers enhanced Cdc25A degradation and p21Cip1 accumulation, which lead to more pronounced cyclin-dependent kinase inhibition and extended cell cycle delay. At DNA double-strand breaks, depletion of CHD4 disrupts the chromatin response at the level of the RNF168 ubiquitin ligase, which in turn impairs local ubiquitylation and BRCA1 assembly. These cell cycle and chromatin defects are accompanied by elevated spontaneous and IR-induced DNA breakage, reduced efficiency of DNA repair, and decreased clonogenic survival. Thus, CHD4 emerges as a novel genome caretaker and a factor that facilitates both checkpoint signaling and repair events after DNA damage.  相似文献   
Many of the marine microorganisms which are adapted to grow at temperatures above 80°C accumulate di-myo-inositol phosphate (DIP) in response to heat stress. This led to the hypothesis that the solute plays a role in thermoprotection, but there is a lack of definitive experimental evidence. Mutant strains of Thermococcus kodakarensis (formerly Thermococcus kodakaraensis), manipulated in their ability to synthesize DIP, were constructed and used to investigate the involvement of DIP in thermoadaptation of this archaeon. The solute pool of the parental strain comprised DIP, aspartate, and α-glutamate. Under heat stress the level of DIP increased 20-fold compared to optimal conditions, whereas the pool of aspartate increased 4.3-fold in response to osmotic stress. Deleting the gene encoding the key enzyme in DIP synthesis, CTP:inositol-1-phosphate cytidylyltransferase/CDP-inositol:inositol-1-phosphate transferase, abolished DIP synthesis. Conversely, overexpression of the same gene resulted in a mutant with restored ability to synthesize DIP. Despite the absence of DIP in the deletion mutant, this strain exhibited growth parameters similar to those of the parental strain, both at optimal (85°C) and supraoptimal (93.7°C) temperatures for growth. Analysis of the respective solute pools showed that DIP was replaced by aspartate. We conclude that DIP is part of the strategy used by T. kodakarensis to cope with heat stress, and aspartate can be used as an alternative solute of similar efficacy. This is the first study using mutants to demonstrate the involvement of compatible solutes in the thermoadaptation of (hyper)thermophilic organisms.Hyperthermophilic bacteria and archaea isolated from saline environments accumulate unusual organic solutes in response to osmotic as well as heat stress. Mannosylglycerate, mannosylglyceramide, di-myo-inositol phosphate, mannosyl-di-myo-inositol phosphate (DIP), diglycerol phosphate, and glycero-phospho-myo-inositol are examples of compatible solutes highly restricted to thermophiles and hyperthermophiles (27, 31). Our team has, over several years, examined the compatible solute composition in a large number of hyperthermophiles and their accumulation under stressful conditions. The data reveal a trend toward specialization of roles in thermoadaptation and osmoadaptation. Indeed, mannosylglycerate and diglycerol phosphate typically accumulate in response to increased NaCl concentration in the growth medium, whereas the levels of DIP and derivatives consistently increase at supraoptimal growth temperatures (11, 16, 17, 27, 31).DIP is widespread among extreme archaeal hyperthermophiles, such as Methanotorris igneus, Aeropyrum pernix, Stetteria hydrogenophila, Pyrodictium occultum, Pyrolobus fumarii, Archaeoglobus spp., and all the members of the Thermococcales examined thus far, except Palaeococcus ferrophilus (5, 7, 11, 13, 16, 18, 31). This organic solute has also been found in representatives of the two hyperthermophilic bacterial genera, Aquifex and Thermotoga (14, 17, 22).The specific chemical nature of solutes encountered in hyperthermophiles, together with their accumulation in response to elevated temperatures, led to the hypothesis that they play a role in thermoprotection of cellular components in vivo. However, there is a lack of convincing experimental evidence, such as that obtained with suitable mutants. Progress toward understanding the physiological functions of these solutes critically depends on two conditions: the availability of genetic tools to manipulate hyperthermophilic organisms and knowledge about the genes and enzymes implicated in the synthesis of these unusual solutes.Thermococcus kodakarensis (formerly Thermococcus kodakaraensis) is a member of the order Thermococcales with an optimal growth temperature of 85°C and is able to grow at temperatures up to 94°C in batch cultures. The NaCl concentration for optimal growth matches that of seawater (1). T. kodakarensis is the only marine hyperthermophile for which a number of genetic tools have been developed, including Escherichia coli-T. kodakarensis shuttle vectors and a reliable gene disruption system (19, 29, 32, 34). The genome of T. kodakarensis possesses a gene encoding CTP:inositol-1-phosphate cytidylyltransferase/CDP-inositol:inositol-1-phosphate transferase (IPCT/DIPPS), a key enzyme in DIP synthesis (2, 25, 26). This enzyme catalyzes the synthesis of CDP-inositol from CTP and inositol-1-phosphate as well as the transfer of the inositol group from CDP-inositol to a second molecule of inositol-1-phosphate to yield a phosphorylated form of DIP (2). Therefore, we set out to investigate whether DIP was involved in thermoadaptation of T. kodakarensis. A DIP-deficient mutant was constructed by deleting the IPCT/DIPPS gene; subsequently, this strain was complemented in this activity by inserting the gene under the control of a constitutive promoter, resulting in a construct with restored ability to synthesize DIP. The effects of heat and osmotic stress on the pattern of solute accumulation and on the growth profiles of the two mutants provided evidence for the involvement of DIP in thermoprotection.  相似文献   
The compatible solute mannosylglucosylglycerate (MGG), recently identified in Petrotoga miotherma, also accumulates in Petrotoga mobilis in response to hyperosmotic conditions and supraoptimal growth temperatures. Two functionally connected genes encoding a glucosyl-3-phosphoglycerate synthase (GpgS) and an unknown glycosyltransferase (gene Pmob_1143), which we functionally characterized as a mannosylglucosyl-3-phosphoglycerate synthase and designated MggA, were identified in the genome of Ptg. mobilis. This enzyme used the product of GpgS, glucosyl-3-phosphoglycerate (GPG), as well as GDP-mannose to produce mannosylglucosyl-3-phosphoglycerate (MGPG), the phosphorylated precursor of MGG. The MGPG dephosphorylation was determined in cell extracts, and the native enzyme was partially purified and characterized. Surprisingly, a gene encoding a putative glucosylglycerate synthase (Ggs) was also identified in the genome of Ptg. mobilis, and an active Ggs capable of producing glucosylglycerate (GG) from ADP-glucose and d-glycerate was detected in cell extracts and the recombinant enzyme was characterized, as well. Since GG has never been identified in this organism nor was it a substrate for the MggA, we anticipated the existence of a nonphosphorylating pathway for MGG synthesis. We putatively identified the corresponding gene, whose product had some sequence homology with MggA, but it was not possible to recombinantly express a functional enzyme from Ptg. mobilis, which we named mannosylglucosylglycerate synthase (MggS). In turn, a homologous gene from Thermotoga maritima was successfully expressed, and the synthesis of MGG was confirmed from GDP-mannose and GG. Based on the measurements of the relevant enzyme activities in cell extracts and on the functional characterization of the key enzymes, we propose two alternative pathways for the synthesis of the rare compatible solute MGG in Ptg. mobilis.Thermophilic and hyperthermophilic organisms, like the vast majority of other microorganisms, accumulate compatible solutes in response to water stress imposed by salt. In fact, many of the (hyper)thermophiles known were isolated from geothermal areas venting seawater (36). However, the compatible solutes of thermophilic and hyperthermophilic prokaryotes are generally different from those of their mesophilic counterparts and some, namely, di-myo-inositol-phosphate (DIP), mannosyl-di-myo-inositol-phosphate (MDIP), diglycerol phosphate, and mannosylglyceramide, are confined to organisms that grow at extremely high temperatures (19, 22, 34, 38). Mannosylglycerate (2-α-d-mannosylglycerate; MG), for example, is a common compatible solute of thermophiles and hyperhermophiles (23, 27, 38) but has also been found in mesophilic organisms, such as red algae, where it was first identified (6). It should also be noted that there is a growing awareness that compatible solutes are involved in other types of stress; trehalose, for example, plays a role in osmotic stress, heat stress, desiccation, and freezing (9). Some compatible solutes of thermophilic organisms are extremely rare and have been encountered in only one or two, generally closely related, species. Among them are mannosylglyceramide in Rhodothermus marinus, diglycerol phosphate in Archaeoglobus fulgidus, and, more recently, mannosylglucosylglycerate (α-d-1→2-mannopyranosyl-α-d-1→2-glucopyranosylglycerate; MGG) identified in Petrotoga miotherma (16, 19, 38).The species of the genus Petrotoga represent slightly thermophilic members of the generally hyperthermophilic and deep-branching bacteria of the order Thermotogales (2, 3, 31). Organisms of this genus have all been isolated from hot oilfield water (21, 25), and have an optimum temperature for growth of 55 to 60°C in medium containing NaCl in the range of 0.5 to 10% (16). In Ptg. miotherma, the levels of MGG increased during low-level osmotic adaptation, whereas glutamate and proline were used for protection against hyperosmotic stress (16). The hyperthermophilic Thermotoga spp. accumulate primarily di-myo-inositol-phosphate and mannosyl-di-myo-inositol-phosphate during osmotic adjustment or during growth at temperatures above the optimum for growth (37).The novel compatible solute MGG is a derivative of glucosylglycerate (2-α-d-glucosylglycerate; GG) identified in the free form in Erwinia chrysanthemi, in the marine cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus marinus and Synechococcus sp. PCC7002, and in the thermophilic bacterium Persephonella marina, the latter of which possesses two alternative pathways for its synthesis (8, 13, 14, 18, 37). Glucosylglycerate has also been detected in trace amounts in Mycobacterium smegmatis, where it probably is the precursor of a polysaccharide involved in the regulation of fatty acid synthesis, as well as in the polar head group of a glycolipid from Nocardia otitidiscaviarum (17, 30).Two alternative pathways for the synthesis of GG have been identified and characterized. In the two-step reaction scheme, the synthesis of GG involves the condensation of nucleoside diphosphate (NDP)-glucose and d-3-phosphoglycerate (3-PGA) into glucosyl-3-phosphoglycerate (GPG), which in turn is dephosphorylated to yield GG. Yet, in a single-step pathway, the synthesis of GG occurs via the condensation of ADP-glucose with d-glycerate (13). Similar routes to those described above also lead to the synthesis of mannosylglycerate in Rhodothermus marinus (4).Two functionally connected genes encoding an “actinobacterial”-type glucosyl-3-phosphoglycerate synthase (GpgS) and an unknown glycosyltransferase were detected in the genome of Petrotoga mobilis (12). In this study, we examine the synthesis of MGG through a phosphorylating pathway (with a phosphorylated intermediate) from 3-phosphoglycerate and UDP-glucose to the final compatible solute, in cell extracts and by functional characterization of recombinant enzymes. We also examine a second nonphosphorylating pathway (no phosphorylated intermediates) that could represent an alternative route for the synthesis of MGG in Ptg. mobilis that could lead to the direct conversion of GG and GDP-mannose to MGG. Pathway multiplicity likely reflects a crucial role for MGG in the physiology of Ptg. mobilis during stress adaptation.  相似文献   
The expected response of fluvial biofilms to the environment and metal pollution prevailing under different discharge conditions was investigated. The relationship between inter-annual hydrological variability and metal concentration in water and sediments was explored in Mediterranean rivers (Catalonia, NE Spain) affected by low but chronic metal pollution, using monitoring data provided by the Catalan Water Agency (ACA). During the period investigated (2000–2006), metal pollution was characterized by low water concentrations and high concentrations in sediments. The most consistent pattern was observed for sediment cadmium (Cd) concentrations, showing a positive relationship with annual discharge, reaching values of environmental concern (above ecotoxicological benchmarks). A different pattern was observed for Cu, Zn, and As increasing with flow in some sites and decreasing in others. While Cd seems to proceed from diffuse sources being washed by surface runoff, Zn, Pb, and As may proceed from either diffuse or point-sources in the different river sites investigated. The relevance of diffuse metal pollution in the area of study indicates that polluted landfills runoff might be an important source of metals causing repetitive pulses of high metal concentration in the receiving water courses. The experimental results presented demonstrate that metal effects in fluvial biofilms may be accumulative, increasing the toxicity after repetitive pulse exposures. Since draughts and extreme rain events are expected to increase at higher latitudes due to global change, the sources of metal pollution, its final concentration and potential effects on the fluvial ecosystem may also change following the patterns expected for human-impacted Mediterranean rivers.  相似文献   
A new family of Ru(II) mixed metallocene complexes of the type [Ru(η5-C5H5)(η6-arene)][PF6] has been synthesized and fully characterized by NMR and UV-Vis spectroscopy. X-ray analysis of single crystal was achieved for all the complexes and revealed the presence of two enantiomers expected for planar chirality originated by the η6 coordination of the arene prochiral ligands. Studies of interaction of the new complexes with pBR322 DNA by atomic force microscopy showed very strong and different types of interaction. Antiproliferative tests were examined on human leukemia cancer cells (HL-60) using the MTT assay, and the IC50 values revealed low antiproliferative activity compared to cisplatin.  相似文献   
A recombinant monoclonal antibody produced by Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell fed‐batch culture was found to have amino acid sequence misincorporation upon analysis by intact mass and peptide mapping mass spectrometry. A detailed analysis revealed multiple sites for asparagine were being randomly substituted by serine, pointing to mistranslation as the likely source. Results from time‐course analysis of cell culture suggest that misincorporation was occurring midway through the fed‐batch process and was correlated to asparagine reduction to below detectable levels in the culture. Separate shake flask experiments were carried out that confirmed starvation of asparagine and not excess of serine in the medium as the root cause of the phenomenon. Reduction in serine concentration under asparagine starvation conditions helped reduce extent of misincorporation. Supplementation with glutamine also helped reduce extent of misincorporation. Maintenance of asparagine at low levels in 2 L bench‐scale culture via controlled supplementation of asparagine‐containing feed eliminated the occurrence of misincorporation. This strategy was implemented in a clinical manufacturing process and scaled up successfully to the 200 and 2,000 L bioreactor scales. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;107: 116–123. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Gomesin is an antimicrobial peptide isolated from hemocytes of a common Brazilian tarantula spider named Acanthoscurria gomesiana. This peptide exerts antitumor activity in vitro and in vivo by an unknown mechanism. In this study, the cytotoxic mechanism of gomesin in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y and rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells was investigated. Gomesin induced necrotic cell death and was cytotoxic to SH-SY5Y and PC12 cells. The peptide evoked a rapid and transient elevation of intracellular calcium levels in Fluo-4-AM loaded PC12 cells, which was inhibited by nimodipine, an L-type calcium channel blocker. Preincubation with nimodipine also inhibited cell death induced by gomesin in SH-SY5Y and PC12 cells. Gomesin-induced cell death was prevented by the pretreatment with MAPK/ERK, PKC or PI3K inhibitors, but not with PKA inhibitor. In addition, gomesin generated reactive oxygen species (ROS) in SH-SY5Y cells, which were blocked with nimodipine and MAPK/ERK, PKC or PI3K inhibitors. Taken together, these results suggest that gomesin could be a useful anticancer agent, which mechanism of cytotoxicity implicates calcium entry through L-type calcium channels, activation of MAPK/ERK, PKC and PI3K signaling as well as the generation of reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   
γ-Secretase is an enzyme complex that mediates both Notch signaling and β-amyloid precursor protein (APP) processing, resulting in the generation of Notch intracellular domain, APP intracellular domain, and the amyloid β peptide (Aβ), the latter playing a central role in Alzheimer disease (AD). By a hitherto undefined mechanism, the activity of γ-secretase gives rise to Aβ peptides of different lengths, where Aβ42 is considered to play a particular role in AD. In this study we have examined the role of the large hydrophilic loop (amino acids 320–374, encoded by exon 10) of presenilin 1 (PS1), the catalytic subunit of γ-secretase, for γ-secretase complex formation and activity on Notch and APP processing. Deletion of exon 10 resulted in impaired PS1 endoproteolysis, γ-secretase complex formation, and had a differential effect on Aβ-peptide production. Although the production of Aβ38, Aβ39, and Aβ40 was severely impaired, the effect on Aβ42 was affected to a lesser extent, implying that the production of the AD-related Aβ42 peptide is separate from the production of the Aβ38, Aβ39, and Aβ40 peptides. Interestingly, formation of the intracellular domains of both APP and Notch was intact, implying a differential cleavage activity between the ϵ/S3 and γ sites. The most C-terminal amino acids of the hydrophilic loop were important for regulating APP processing. In summary, the large hydrophilic loop of PS1 appears to differentially regulate the relative production of different Aβ peptides without affecting Notch processing, two parameters of significance when considering γ-secretase as a target for pharmaceutical intervention in AD.  相似文献   
Tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-) causes oxidative stress and apoptosis in a variety of cell types. Heme oxygenase (HO) degrades heme to bilirubin, an antioxidant, and carbon monoxide (CO), a cell cycle modulator, and a vasodilator. Newborn pig cerebral microvascular endothelial cells (CMVEC) highly express constitutive HO-2. We investigated the role of HO-2 in protection against TNF--induced apoptosis in cerebral vascular endothelium. In CMVEC from mice and newborn pigs, 15 ng/ml TNF- alone, or with 10 µg/ml cycloheximide (CHX) caused apoptosis detected by nuclear translocation of p65 NF-B, caspase-3 activation, DNA fragmentation, cell-cell contact destabilization, and cell detachment. TNF- did not induce HO-1 expression in CMVEC. CMVEC from HO-2 knockout mice showed greater sensitivity to apoptosis caused by serum deprivation and TNF- than did wild-type mice. TNF- increased reactive oxygen species generation, including hydrogen peroxide and superoxide radicals, as detected by dihydrorhodamine-123 and dihydroethidium. The TNF- response was inhibited by superoxide dismutase and catalase suggesting apoptosis is oxidative stress related. Inhibition of endogenous HO-2 in newborn pig CMVEC increased oxidative stress and exaggerated apoptosis caused by serum deprivation and TNF-. In HO-1-overexpressing CMVEC (HO-1 selective induction by cobalt portophyrin), TNF- did not cause apoptosis. A CO-releasing compound, CORM-A1, and bilirubin blocked TNF--induced reactive oxygen species accumulation and apoptosis consistent with the antioxidant and antiapoptotic roles of the end products of HO activity. We conclude that HO-2 is critical for protection of cerebrovascular endothelium against apoptotic changes induced by oxidative stress and cytokine-mediated inflammation. carbon monoxide; bilirubin; vascular injury; reactive oxygen species; heme oxygenase; cycloheximide  相似文献   
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