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Plant Ecology - Population models are helpful for understanding demographic trends in invasive plants and crucial in defining effective management actions. Here, we assessed the dynamics of three...  相似文献   
The pathogenesis of aortic valve stenosis (AS) is characterized by the accumulation of LDL-derived cholesterol in the diseased valves. Since LDL particles also contain plant sterols, we investigated whether plant sterols accumulate in aortic valve lesions. Serum samples were collected from 82 patients with severe AS and from 12 control subjects. Aortic valves were obtained from a subpopulation of 21 AS patients undergoing valve surgery and from 10 controls. Serum and valvular total cholesterol and noncholesterol sterols were measured by gas-liquid chromatography. Noncholesterol sterols, including both cholesterol precursors and sterols reflecting cholesterol absorption, were detected in serum samples and aortic valves. The higher the ratios to cholesterol of the cholesterol precursors and absorption markers in serum, the higher their ratios in the stenotic aortic valves (r=0.74, P<0.001 for lathosterol and r=0.88, P<0.001 for campesterol). The valvular ratio to cholesterol of lathosterol correlated negatively with the aortic valve area (r= -0.47, P=0.045), suggesting attenuation of cholesterol synthesis with increasing severity of AS. The higher the absorption of cholesterol, the higher the plant sterol contents in stenotic aortic valves. These findings suggest that local accumulation of plant sterols and cholesterol precursors may participate in the pathobiology of aortic valve disease.  相似文献   
Sows (N = 16) were infused intravenously for 8 h with saline or naloxone (200 mg/h) or their litters were transiently weaned for 8 h. Before infusion, 200 mg naloxone were administered to elevate quickly concentrations of naloxone. Blood samples were collected from sows at 15 min intervals for 24 h, beginning 8 h before and continuing until 8 h after imposition of treatments during the middle 8-h segment. Frequency of episodic release of LH and concentrations of prolactin were similar before, during and after infusion of saline. Average concentration of LH was greater during the last than during the middle 8-h segment when sows were given saline. Frequency of episodic release of LH increased and concentrations of prolactin decreased during infusion of naloxone or transient weaning; however, average concentration of LH increased during transient weaning, but not during infusion of naloxone. After transient weaning or infusion of naloxone, frequency of release of LH decreased, returning to pretreatment values in sows infused with naloxone but remaining above pretreatment values in sows subjected to transient weaning. At the resumption of suckling by litters in sows subjected to transient weaning, prolactin increased to levels not different from those observed during the 8-h pretreatment segment. Prolactin did not increase until 4-5 h after cessation of naloxone infusion. We conclude that continuous infusion of naloxone altered secretory patterns of LH and prolactin. Collectively these results provide evidence that the immediate effects of weaning on LH and prolactin in sows are mediated in part through a mechanism involving endogenous opioid peptides.  相似文献   
Phosphorus and carbon metabolism in Microlunatus phosphovorus was investigated by using a batch reactor to study the kinetics of uptake and release of extracellular compounds, in combination with 31P and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to characterize intracellular pools and to trace the fate of carbon substrates through the anaerobic and aerobic cycles. The organism was subjected to repetitive anaerobic and aerobic cycles to induce phosphorus release and uptake in a sequencial batch reactor; an ultrafiltration membrane module was required since cell suspensions did not sediment. M. phosphovorus fermented glucose to acetate via an Embden-Meyerhof pathway but was unable to grow under anaerobic conditions. A remarkable time shift was observed between the uptake of glucose and excretion of acetate, resulting in an intracellular accumulation of acetate. The acetate produced was oxidized in the subsequent aerobic stage. Very high phosphorus release and uptake rates were measured, 3.34 mmol g of cell−1 h−1 and 1.56 mmol g of cell−1 h−1, respectively, values only comparable with those determined in activated sludge. In the aerobic period, growth was strictly dependent on the availability of external phosphate. Natural abundance 13C NMR showed the presence of reserves of glutamate and trehalose in cell suspensions. Unexpectedly, [1-13C]glucose was not significantly channeled to the synthesis of internal reserves in the anaerobic phase, and acetate was not during the aerobic stage, although the glutamate pool became labeled via the exchange with intermediates of the tricarboxylic acid cycle at the level of glutamate dehydrogenase. The intracellular pool of glutamate increased under anaerobic conditions and decreased during the aerobic period. The contribution of M. phosphovorus for phosphorus removal in wastewater treatment plants is discussed on the basis of the metabolic features disclosed by this study.  相似文献   
Rate control analysis defines the in vivo control map governing yeast protein synthesis and generates an extensively parameterized digital model of the translation pathway. Among other non‐intuitive outcomes, translation demonstrates a high degree of functional modularity and comprises a non‐stoichiometric combination of proteins manifesting functional convergence on a shared maximal translation rate. In exponentially growing cells, polypeptide elongation (eEF1A, eEF2, and eEF3) exerts the strongest control. The two other strong control points are recruitment of mRNA and tRNAi to the 40S ribosomal subunit (eIF4F and eIF2) and termination (eRF1; Dbp5). In contrast, factors that are found to promote mRNA scanning efficiency on a longer than‐average 5′untranslated region (eIF1, eIF1A, Ded1, eIF2B, eIF3, and eIF5) exceed the levels required for maximal control. This is expected to allow the cell to minimize scanning transition times, particularly for longer 5′UTRs. The analysis reveals these and other collective adaptations of control shared across the factors, as well as features that reflect functional modularity and system robustness. Remarkably, gene duplication is implicated in the fine control of cellular protein synthesis.  相似文献   
We report 24 records of giant armadillo roadkill on Brazilian highways in the Cerrado, Pantanal and Amazon biomes illustrating that highways are a threat to this species. However, we also documented the species using underpasses, demonstrating that these structures could help to reduce the risk of roadkill for giant armadillos.  相似文献   
DNA barcoding the native flowering plants and conifers of Wales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present the first national DNA barcode resource that covers the native flowering plants and conifers for the nation of Wales (1143 species). Using the plant DNA barcode markers rbcL and matK, we have assembled 97.7% coverage for rbcL, 90.2% for matK, and a dual-locus barcode for 89.7% of the native Welsh flora. We have sampled multiple individuals for each species, resulting in 3304 rbcL and 2419 matK sequences. The majority of our samples (85%) are from DNA extracted from herbarium specimens. Recoverability of DNA barcodes is lower using herbarium specimens, compared to freshly collected material, mostly due to lower amplification success, but this is balanced by the increased efficiency of sampling species that have already been collected, identified, and verified by taxonomic experts. The effectiveness of the DNA barcodes for identification (level of discrimination) is assessed using four approaches: the presence of a barcode gap (using pairwise and multiple alignments), formation of monophyletic groups using Neighbour-Joining trees, and sequence similarity in BLASTn searches. These approaches yield similar results, providing relative discrimination levels of 69.4 to 74.9% of all species and 98.6 to 99.8% of genera using both markers. Species discrimination can be further improved using spatially explicit sampling. Mean species discrimination using barcode gap analysis (with a multiple alignment) is 81.6% within 10×10 km squares and 93.3% for 2×2 km squares. Our database of DNA barcodes for Welsh native flowering plants and conifers represents the most complete coverage of any national flora, and offers a valuable platform for a wide range of applications that require accurate species identification.  相似文献   
Metarhizium anisopliae is a well-characterized biocontrol agent of a wide range of insects including cane grubs. In this study, a two-dimensional (2D) electrophoresis was used to display secreted proteins of M. anisopliae strain FI-1045 growing on the whole greyback cane grubs and their isolated cuticles. Hydrolytic enzymes secreted by M. anisopliae play a key role in insect cuticle-degradation and initiation of the infection process. We have identified all the 101 protein spots displayed by cross-species identification (CSI) from the fungal kingdom. Among the identified proteins were 64-kDa serine carboxypeptidase, 1,3 beta-exoglucanase, Dynamin GTPase, THZ kinase, calcineurin like phosphoesterase, and phosphatidylinositol kinase secreted by M. ansiopliae (FI-1045) in response to exposure to the greyback cane grubs and their isolated cuticles. These proteins have not been previously identified from the culture supernatant of M. anisopliae during infection. To our knowledge, this the first proteomic map established to study the extracellular proteins secreted by M. ansiopliae (FI-1045) during infection of greyback cane grubs and its cuticles.  相似文献   
Allochrony that is reproductive isolation by time may further lead to divergence of reproductive adaptive traits in response to different environmental pressures over time. A unique “summer” population of the pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa, reproductively isolated from the typical winter populations by allochronic differentiation, is here analyzed. This allochronically shifted population reproduces in the spring and develops in the summer, whereas “winter” populations reproduce in the late summer and have winter larval development. Both summer and winter populations coexist in the same pine stands, yet they face different climatic pressures as their active stages are present in different seasons. The occurrence of significant differences between the reproductive traits of the summer population and the typical winter populations (either sympatric or allopatric) is thus hypothesized. Female fecundity, egg size, egg covering, and egg parasitism were analyzed showing that the egg load was lower and that egg size was higher in the summer population than in all the studied winter populations. The scales that cover the egg batches of T. pityocampa differed significantly between populations in shape and color, resulting in a looser and darker covering in the summer population. The single specialist egg parasitoid species of this moth was almost missing in the summer population, and the overall parasitism rates were lower than in the winter population. Results suggest the occurrence of phenotypic differentiation between the summer population and the typical T. pityocampa winter populations for the life‐history traits studied. This work provides an insight into how ecological divergence may follow the process of allochronic reproductive isolation.  相似文献   
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