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The development of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines provides new opportunities in the fight against cervical cancer. Many acceptability studies have revealed high interest in these vaccines, but acceptance is only a precursor of behavior, and many factors, at personal, community and provider level, may inhibit the translation of willingness to vaccinate into actual uptake. Through a longitudinal study in Eldoret, Kenya, HPV vaccine acceptability was measured before a vaccination program (n = 287) and vaccine uptake, as reported by mothers, once the program was finished (n = 256). In between baseline and follow-up, a pilot HPV vaccination program was implemented via the GARDASIL Access Program, in which parents could have their daughter vaccinated for free at the referral hospital. The program was promoted at schools: Health staff informed teachers who were then asked to inform students and parents. Even though baseline acceptance was very high (88.1%), only 31.1% of the women reported at follow-up that their daughter had been vaccinated. The vaccine was declined by 17.7%, while another 51.2% had wanted the vaccination but were obstructed by practical barriers. Being well-informed about the program and baseline awareness of cervical cancer were independently associated with vaccine uptake, while baseline acceptance was correlated in bivariate analysis. Side effects were of great concern, even among those whose daughter was vaccinated. Possible partner disapproval lowered acceptance at baseline, and women indeed reported at follow-up that they had encountered his opposition. In Kenya, women prove to be very willing to have their daughter vaccinated against cervical cancer. However, in this study, uptake was more determined by program awareness than by HPV vaccine acceptance. School-based vaccination might improve coverage since it reduces operational problems for parents. In addition, future HPV vaccination campaigns should address concerns about side effects, targeting men and women, given both their involvement in HPV vaccination decision-making.  相似文献   
The K88 periplasmic chaperone FaeE is a homodimer, whereas the K99 chaperone FanE is a monomer. The structural requirements for dimerization of the K88 fimbrial periplasmic chaperone and for fimbrial subunit-binding specificity were investigated by analysis of mutant chaperones. FaeE contains a C-terminal extension of 19 amino acid residues when compared to FanE and most other fimbrial chaperones. A C-terminal truncate of the K88 chaperone FaeE was constructed that lacked 19 C-terminal amino acid residues. Expression and complementation experiments revealed that this C-terminal shortened chaperone was still functional in binding the K88 major subunit FaeG and K88 biosynthesis. Two hybrid chaperones were constructed. Each hybrid protein contained one -barrel domain of FaeE and the other -barrel domain of FanE (Fae/FanE or Fan/FaeE, respectively). Expression and complementation experiments revealed that the Fae/FanE but not the Fan/FaeE hybrid chaperone was functional in the formation of K88 fimbriae. The Fan/FaeE hybrid chaperone was active in the biosynthesis of K99 fimbriae. The truncated FaeE mutant chaperone and the hybrid Fae/FanE chaperone were able to form stable periplasmic protein complexes with the K88 major fimbrial subunit FaeG. Cross-linking experiments suggested that the C-terminal shortened chaperone and the Fae/FanE hybrid chaperone were homodimers, as is the wild-type K88 chaperone. Altogether, the data suggested that the N-terminal -barrel domain of a fimbrial chaperone determines subunit specificity. In the case of the K88 periplasmic chaperone, this N-terminal domain also determines dimerization of the protein.  相似文献   


Candida albicans infections are often associated with biofilm formation. Previous work demonstrated that the expression of HWP1 (hyphal wall protein) and of genes belonging to the ALS (agglutinin-like sequence), SAP (secreted aspartyl protease), PLB (phospholipase B) and LIP (lipase) gene families is associated with biofilm growth on mucosal surfaces. We investigated using real-time PCR whether genes encoding potential virulence factors are also highly expressed in biofilms associated with abiotic surfaces. For this, C. albicans biofilms were grown on silicone in microtiter plates (MTP) or in the Centres for Disease Control (CDC) reactor, on polyurethane in an in vivo subcutaneous catheter rat (SCR) model, and on mucosal surfaces in the reconstituted human epithelium (RHE) model.  相似文献   
The cardiac and pyloric glands in the gastric mucosa of the South African hedgehog, Atelerix frontalis, are described. The cardiac area of the stomach contains proper cardiac glands and lacks undifferentiated fundic glands. The cardiac glands are simple tubular, coiled, and lined with columnar cells ultrastructurally similar to those of the gastric surface epithelium. Secretory granules with varying electron densities fill the apical cytoplasm of these cells. In contrast to other mammals, these glands lack mucous neck cells. The neck of the pyloric glands contains only a single cell type, whereas the basal regions of these glands contain “light” and “dark” cells. The secretory granules in the “dark” cells and the pyloric neck cells have a moderate electron density and often contain an electron dense core. An electron-lucent cytoplasm with numerous polysomes is characteristic of the “light” cells. Some “light” cells contain electron-dense granules in the apical cytoplasm. The presence of only neutral mucins in the cardiac gland cells denotes the absence of mucous neck cells. The acidic mucins within the pyloric neck cells seem to indicate that these cells are mucous neck cells, whereas the neutral mucins within the basally located pyloric gland cells show at least a partial functional difference from the pyloric neck cells. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to investigate the effect of a short-term nutritional intervention on gene expression in adipose tissue from lean and overweight subjects. Gene expression profiles were measured after consumption of an intervention spread (increased levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acid and medium chain triglycerides) and a control spread (40 g of fat daily) for 9 days. Adipose tissue gene expression profiles of lean and overweight subjects were distinctly different, mainly with respect to defense response and metabolism. The intervention resulted in lower expression of genes related to energy metabolism in lean subjects, whereas expression of inflammatory genes was down-regulated and expression of lipid metabolism genes was up-regulated in the majority of overweight subjects. Individual responses in overweight subjects were variable and these correlated better to waist–hip ratio and fat percentage than BMI.  相似文献   
The feeding apparatus of Syngnathidae, with its elongate tubular snout and tiny, toothless jaws, is highly specialized for performing fast and powerful pivot feeding. In addition, the prolonged syngnathid parental care probably enables the juveniles to be provided with a feeding apparatus that resembles the one in adults, both in morphology and function. In this study, a landmark‐based geometric morphometric analysis was carried out on the head of syngnathid representatives in order to (1) examine to what degree pipefish shape variation is different from that of seahorses; (2) determine whether the high level of specialization reduces the amount of intraspecific morphological variation found within the family; and (3) elucidate whether or not important shape changes occur in the seahorse head during postrelease ontogeny. We found that (1) there is a significant shape difference between head shape of pipefish and seahorse: the main differences concern snout length and height, position and orientation of the pectoral fin base, and height of the head and opercular bone. We hypothesize that this might be related to different prey capture kinematics (long snout with little head rotation versus short snout with large head rotation) and to different body postures (in line with the head versus vertical with a tilted head) in pipefishes and seahorses; (2) both pipefishes and seahorses showed an inverse relation between relative snout length and intraspecific variation and although pipefishes show a large diversity in relative snout elongation, they are more constrained in terms of head shape; and (3) the head of juvenile Hippocampus reidi specimens still undergoes gradual shape changes after being expelled from the brood pouch. Ontogenetic changes include lowering of the snout and head but also differences in orientation of the preopercular bone and lowering of the snout tip. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The wall of the stomach of the tigerfish is described and compared with that of other vertebrates. Light microscopic and ultrastructural characteristics of the stomach wall correspond to a large extent to those of other vertebrates, although some differences are found. The mucosa contains (1) surface epithelium characterized by narrow columnar cells with abundant mucous granules; (2) gastric glands consisting of pepsinogenic cells of variable height, containing tubulovesicles and bearing microvilli; (3) five granulated cell types located basally in the epithelium (types 1–5); and (4) lamina propria and muscularis mucosae. Connective tissue separating smooth muscle fibers of the muscularis mucosae constitutes a stratum compactum. The submucosa contains a loose connective tissue, a tunica muscularis of inner circular and outer longitudinal layers, and a serosa of mesothelium and subjacent connective tissue. Immunocytochemical tests with antisera to five polypeptides show gastrin/cholecystokinin (CCK), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) immunoreactivities in some cells of the gastric glands, and somatostatin in cells lying among epithelial cells lining the gastric luminal surface or gastric pits.  相似文献   
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