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Chromokinesins are microtubule plus end-directed motor proteins that bind to chromosome arms. In Xenopus egg cell-free extracts, Xkid and Xklp1 are essential for bipolar spindle formation but the functions of the human homologues, hKID (KIF22) and KIF4A, are poorly understood. By using RNAi-mediated protein knockdown in human cells, we find that only co-depletion delayed progression through mitosis in a Mad2-dependent manner. Depletion of hKID caused abnormal chromosome arm orientation, delayed chromosome congression, and sensitized cells to nocodazole. Knockdown of KIF4A increased the number and length of microtubules, altered kinetochore oscillations, and decreased kinetochore microtubule flux. These changes were associated with failures in establishing a tight metaphase plate and an increase in anaphase lagging chromosomes. Co-depletion of both chromokinesins aggravated chromosome attachment failures, which led to mitotic arrest. Thus, hKID and KIF4A contribute independently to the rapid and correct attachment of chromosomes by controlling the positioning of chromosome arms and the dynamics of microtubules, respectively.  相似文献   
The widely distributed members of the Deg/HtrA protease family play an important role in the proteolysis of misfolded and damaged proteins. Here we show that the Deg protease rHhoA is able to degrade PsbO, the extrinsic protein of the Photosystem II (PSII) oxygen-evolving complex in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and in spinach. PsbO is known to be stable in its oxidized form, but after reduction by thioredoxin it became a substrate for recombinant HhoA (rHhoA). rHhoA cleaved reduced eukaryotic (specifically, spinach) PsbO at defined sites and created distinct PsbO fragments that were not further degraded. As for the corresponding prokaryotic substrate (reduced PsbO of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803), no PsbO fragments were observed. Assembly to PSII protected PsbO from degradation. For Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, our results show that HhoA, HhoB, and HtrA are localized in the periplasma and/or at the thylakoid membrane. In agreement with the idea that PsbO could be a physiological substrate for Deg proteases, part of the cellular fraction of the three Deg proteases of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 (HhoA, HhoB, and HtrA) was detected in the PSII-enriched membrane fraction.  相似文献   
Even within a single genus, such as Drosophila, cases of lineage-specific adaptive evolution have been found. Therefore, the molecular basis of phenotypic variation must be addressed in more than one species group, in order to infer general patterns. In this work, we used D. americana, a species distantly-related to D. melanogaster, to perform an F2 association study for developmental time (DT), chill-coma recovery time (CRT), abdominal size (AS) and lifespan (LS) involving the two strains (H5 and W11) whose genomes have been previously sequenced. Significant associations were found between the 43 large indel markers developed here and DT, AS and LS but not with CRT. Significant correlations are also found between DT and LS, and between AS and LS, that might be explained by variation at genes belonging to the insulin and ecdysone signaling pathways. Since, in this F2 association study a single marker, located close to the Ecdysone receptor (EcR) gene, explained as much as 32.6% of the total variation in DT, we performed a second F2 association study, to determine whether large differences in DT are always due to variation in this genome region. No overlapping signal was observed between the two F2 association studies. Overall, these results illustrate that, in D. americana, pleiotropic genes involved in the highly-conserved insulin and ecdysone signaling pathways are likely responsible for variation observed in ecologically relevant phenotypic traits, although other genes are also involved.  相似文献   
Long-term immunization of rabbits with postsynaptic densities (PSD) from bovine brain produced an antiserum specific for PSD as judged by binding to subcellular fractions and immunohistochemical location at the light and electron microscope levels. (a) The major antigens of bovine PSD preparations were three polypeptides of molecular weight 95,000 (PSD-95), 82,000 (PSD-82), and 72,000 (PSD-72), respectively. Antigen PSD-95, also present in mouse and rat PSDs was virtually absent from cytoplasm, myelin, mitochondria, and microsomes from rodent or bovine brain. Antigens PSD-82 and PSD-72 were present in all subcellular fractions from bovine brain, especially in mitochondria, but were almost absent from rodent brain. The antiserum also contained low-affinity antibodies against tubulin. (b)Immunohistochemical studies were performed in mouse and rat brain, where antigen PSD-95 accounted for 90 percent of the antiserum binding after adsorption with purified brain tubulin. At the light microscope level, antibody binding was observed only in those regions of the brain where synapses are known to be present. No reaction was observed in myelinated tracts, in the neuronal cytoplasm, or in nonneuronal cells. Strong reactivity was observed in the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus, stratum oriens and stratum radiatum of the hippocampus, and the molecular layer of the cerebellum. Experimental lesions, such as ablation of the rat entorhinal cortex or intraventricular injection of kainic acid, which led to a major loss of PSD in well- defined areas of the hippocampal formation, caused a correlative decrease in immunoreactivity in these areas. Abnormal patterns of immunohistochemical staining correlated with abnormal synaptic patterns in the cerebella of reeler and staggerer mouse mutants. (c) At the electron microscopic level, immunoreactivity was detectable only in PSD. The antibody did not bind to myelin, mitochondria or plasma membranes. (d) The results indicate that antigen PSD-95 is located predominantly or exclusively in PSD and can be used as a marker during subcellular fractionation. Other potential uses include the study of synaptogenesis, and the detection of changes in synapse number after experimental perturbations of the nervous system.  相似文献   
Summary As the CO2 supply often limits photosynthesis a number of aquatic species use HCO 3 as carbon source as well. The use of HCO 3 leads to the production of one OH for every molecule/CO2 fixed. The OH is excreted into the medium. We studied the mechanism of HCO 3 utilization in the leaves ofElodea andPotamogeton. In the so-called polar leaves of these plants the HCO 3 uptake takes place at the lower and OH-release at the upper epidermis. This flux of negative charge is balanced by a kation flux in the same direction. The use of HCO 3 and the influx of kations is accompanied by a pH drop. The release of OH and kations at the upper epidermis causes a raise of the pH there. The pH changes and the kation concentrations (in the present experiments K+) are measured by means of miniature electrodes. From this the CO2 (including H2CO3), HCO 3 and CO 3 = concentrations were calculated. When the light is turned on, after a dark period, the pH increases simultaneously at both sides for 5–10 minutes. During this so-called a-polar phase there is no K+ transport through the leaf. Experiments at different ambient pH's and comparison with other aquatic species shows that this initial pH raise results from CO2 fixation. After 5–10 minutes the polar phase and HCO 3 utilization start. At the lower side the pH and [K+] drop, at the upper side pH and [K+] increase. During the a-polar phase [CO2] at the lower epidermis decreased, as expected. Whereas in the a-polar phase the CO2 concentration at this side very markedly increased. This sharp increase of [CO2] may be explained either by CO2 diffusion from the leaf cells previously taken up as HCO 3 or by a proton (H+) extrusion at the lower epidermis causing conversion of HCO 3 into CO2 in the cell wall. This latter mechanism is discussed in more detail.  相似文献   
The N-terminus acetylated ferric hemeoctapeptide from cytochrome c, N-acetylmicroperoxidase-8 (Fe(III)-NAcMP8) can be reduced by dithionite in aqueous solution to produce Fe(II)-NAcMP8. The UV-Vis spectrum has a broad Soret band and relatively poorly defined Q bands which is consistent with a mixture of a five-coordinate high spin species with His as the axial ligand and a six-coordinate, predominantly high spin species with His/H(2)O as axial ligands. There are two spectroscopically observable pK(a)s at 8.7+/-0.1 and 10.9+/-0.2 which are attributed to ionization of a heme propionic acid group and coordinated H(2)O, respectively; a pK(a) > or = 14 is due to ionization of the proximal His ligand. Equilibrium constants were determined by UV-Vis spectrophotometry at 25.0+/-0.2 degrees C and 0.5 M ionic strength (NaClO(4)) for the coordination of imidazole and a number of substituted pyridines, and complement available data for the ferric hemepeptide, allowing a comparison to be made of the affinity of an iron porphyrin with Fe in the +2 and +3 oxidation states towards these ligands. Imidazole is coordinated more strongly by the ferric porphyrin (log K=4.08) than by the ferrous porphyrin (log K=3.40). The equilibrium constants for coordination of pyridines by the ferric and ferrous porphyrins increase and decrease, respectively, with increasing ligand basicity. Values determined by cyclic voltammetry show the same dependence on the identity of the ligand. In the ferric porphyrin, the stability of the complex increases with the basicity of the ligand and hence its ability to donate electron density onto the metal. In the case of the more electron rich ferrous porphyrin, greater stability occurs with pyridine ligands that have an electron withdrawing group and hence can accept electron density from the metal. This is consistent with the midpoint reduction potentials E(1/2) of the pyridine complexes determined by cyclic voltammetry; E(1/2) is linearly dependent on, and becomes more negative with an increase in, ligand basicity. Log K for coordination of pyridines by the ferrous hemepeptide correlates well with the energy of the ligand frontier orbital with pi symmetry, suggesting that pi-bonding effects are significant in determining the strength of binding of pyridines by a ferrous porphyrin.  相似文献   
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