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The aim of this study was to verify if there are differences in the amplitude of signals from surface electromyography (EMG) during maximal and submaximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVC and 50% MVC, respectively) under different conditions, in our case, water and air, with and without extra protection (water-resistant tape) on the electrode. The isometric force and muscle activation of the MVC and 50% MVC of the biceps brachial muscle of nine healthy trained men were measured simultaneously, performed in water and on air, with and without protection of the EMG electrode. The multivariate analysis of variance with a post hoc Tukey test was applied to detect significant differences between the levels of muscular force. For the amplitude values of the EMG signal, the Wilcoxon signed rank test was applied to compare all experimental conditions in order to detect a significance of p < 0.05. The values of isometric force were not significantly different among conditions (MVC and 50% MVC). The results showed a significant difference among conditions in the water without extra protection compared to the conditions on air with and without extra protection and in water with extra protection. Reduced EMG amplitude was seen in water without extra protection from 37.04% to 55.81% regarding the other conditions. However, no significant difference was seen among conditions in water with extra protection in relation the conditions on air (with and without extra protection). This study suggest that it is necessary to use a water-resistant tape as an extra protection on the electrode when using EMG underwater, to avoid having a significant decrease in the EMG amplitude underwater and not to suffer interference from the water. There was no significant difference among the recordings of EMG with and without the use of protection on air; therefore, the protection does not influence the recording of EMG amplitude and isometric force on air.  相似文献   
One of the most intriguing aspects of mitosis is the ability of kinetochores to hold onto plus ends of microtubules that are actively gaining or losing tubulin subunits. Here, we show that CLASP1, a microtubule-associated protein, localizes preferentially near the plus ends of growing spindle microtubules and is also a component of a kinetochore region that we term the outer corona. A truncated form of CLASP1 lacking the kinetochore binding domain behaves as a dominant negative, leading to the formation of radial arrays of microtubule bundles that are highly resistant to depolymerization. Microinjection of CLASP1-specific antibodies suppresses microtubule dynamics at kinetochores and throughout the spindle, resulting in the formation of monopolar asters with chromosomes buried in the interior. Incubation with microtubule-stabilizing drugs rescues the kinetochore association with microtubule plus ends at the periphery of the asters. Our data suggest that CLASP1 is required at kinetochores for attached microtubules to exhibit normal dynamic behavior.  相似文献   
The coenzymic activity of eight analogs of coenzyme B(12) (5'-deoxyadenosyl-cobalamin, AdoCbl) with structural alterations in the Ado ligand has been investigated with the AdoCbl-dependent ribonucleoside triphosphate reductase (RTPR) from Lactobacillus leichmannii. Six of the analogs were partially active coenzymes, and one, 3-iso-5'-deoxyadenosylcobalamin (3-IsoAdoCbl) was nearly as active as AdoCbl itself. NMR-restrained molecular modeling of 3-IsoAdoCbl revealed a highly conformationally mobile structure which required a four state model to be consistent with the NMR data. Thus, two conformations, one with the IsoAdo ligand over the eastern quadrant of the corrin, and one with the IsoAdo ligand over the northern quadrant, each undergo a facile syn/anti conformational equilibrium in the IsoAdo ligand. Spectrophotometric measurement of the kinetics of RTPR-induced cleavage of the carbon-cobalt bond of 3-IsoAdoCbl showed that it binds to the enzyme with the same affinity as AdoCbl, but its homolysis is only 20% as rapid. Investigation of the non-enzymatic thermolysis of 3-IsoAdoCbl showed that like AdoCbl, 3-IsoAdoCbl decomposes by competing homolytic and heterolytic pathways. A complete temperature-dependent kinetic and product analysis, followed by correction for the base-off species permitted deconvolution of the specific rate constant for both pathways. Eyring plots for the homolysis and heterolysis rate constant cross at 93 degrees C, so that homolysis is the predominant pathway at high temperature, but heterolysis is the predominant pathway at low temperature. At 37 degrees C, the homolysis of 3-IsoAdoCbl is 5.5-fold faster than that of AdoCbl, and the enzyme catalyzes carbon-cobalt bond homolysis in 3-IsoAdoCbl by a factor of 5.9 x 10(7), only 3.9% of the catalytic efficiency with AdoCbl itself. It seems likely that the conformational flexibility of 3-IsoAdoCbl allows it to adopt a coformation in which the hydrogen bonding patterns of the adenine moiety are similar to those of AdoCbl itself, and that this is responsible for the high enzymatic activity of this analog.  相似文献   
Eye colour of Triatoma infestans is controlled at a single autosomal locus, with black-eye as the dominant gene and red-eye as the recessive. Inheritance of these characters follows a classical Mendelian system, enabling eye colour to be used as a marker for studies of mating frequency. We found no significant differences in oviposition rates and egg hatching rates irrespective of parental phenotypes. Different mating schedules between red-eye and black-eye parents showed that eye colour did not affect mating competence. Females mated with a single male or with different males together or in succession produced similar numbers of fertile eggs, with the eye colour of the offspring reflecting exposure to the different males. We conclude that although a single mating can provide sufficient sperm for the whole reproductive life of the female, multiple matings can result in balanced assortative sperm usage from the spermatheca.  相似文献   
3,6-dithianoctanedioic acid forms a Cu(I) compound in which electrical neutrality is achieved by elaborate hydrogen bonding and sharing on protons. The title compund crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2/n with Z = 2. Unit-cell parameters are a = 11.625(2), b = 7.664(1), c = 9.874(2) Å, β = 95.16°, Dm = 1.80(2), Dc = 1.83 g cm?3. The structure was solved by means of standard direct methods and refined with full-matrix least-squares techniques to an R-value of 0.026 (Rw = 0.042). The Cu(I) ion is tetrahedrally coordinated by four thioether S-atoms (CuS = 2.29–2.33 Å). The molecules are linked by very strong hydrogen bonds between non-coordinating carboxylate groups in such a way that the average number of acidic hydrogens per molecule is three. One of these hydrogens lies on a twofold axis and forms a short symmetrical hydrogen bond, with a OO distance of 2.441(2) Å. Unusual features in the infrared spectrum of this compund can be interpreted on the basis of the observed crystal structure.  相似文献   
Using the strictly neutral model as a null hypothesis, we tested for deviations from expected levels of nucleotide polymorphism at the alcohol dehydrogenase locus (Adh-1) within and among four species of pocket gophers (Geomys bursarius major, G. knoxjonesi, G. texensis llanensis, and G. attwateri). The complete protein-encoding region was examined, and 10 unique alleles, representing both electromorphic and cryptic alleles, were used to test hypotheses (e.g., the neutral model) concerning the maintenance of genetic variation. Nineteen variable sites were identified among the 10 alleles examined, including 9 segregating sites occurring in synonymous positions and 10 that were nonsynonymous. Several statistical methods, including those that test for within-species variation as well as those that examine variation within and among species, failed to reject the null hypothesis that variation (both within and between species of Geomys) at the Adh locus is consistent with the neutral theory. However, there was significant heterogeneity in the ratio of polymorphism to divergence across the gene, with polymorphisms clustered in the first half of the coding region and fixed differences clustered in the second half of the gene. Two alternative hypotheses are discussed as possible explanations for this heterogeneity: an old balanced polymorphism in the first half of the gene or a recent selective sweep in the second half of the gene.   相似文献   
In this work a recombinant BHK21 clone producing a fusion protein with potential application in tumour target therapy was adapted to five different serum-free media (SFM) and to a protein-free medium (PFM). Only the PFM did not require a gradual adaptation to cell growth in the absence of serum. All tested SFM required a gradual adaptation (up to 35 days). For the majority of the SFM tested, cell specific productivity was not affected by the decrease in serum concentration during adaptation; however, cell growth was significantly affected by the serum decrease. Both cell growth and productivity were increased when PFM SMIF6 was used instead of the control medium. Long term measurements (approximately 100 days) of cell specific productivity for PFM and the two best SFM showed that productivity was maintained. This indicates the media capability to be used in long term production processes.  相似文献   
Under short-day (SD) conditions both 11-OH-jasmonic acid (11-OH-JA) and a smaller quantity of 12-OH-JA occurred in leaflets of Solanum demissum Lindl. Plants which had formed tubers. This is the first time that 11-OH-JA has been detected as a native substance in higher plants. Under long-day (LD) conditions no tubers were formed and none of these compounds were detectable. A positive correlation was found between the occurrence of 11-OH-JA and 12-OH-JA in leaflets of S. demissum and tuber formation, but a causal relation has yet to be proved. The (-)-JA content in leaflets was not significantly different under short and long days. Mild stress applied to detached SD and LD leaflets caused a rapid accumulation of JA in these leaflets. Upon this treatment an increase in the levels of hydroxylated JAs was detected in SD leaflets only.
JA was a potent promotor of tuber formation in vitro in S. demissum explants. Lipoxygenase (LOX: EC is involved in the biosynthesis of JA. Under SD conditions, application of salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM), an inhibitor of LOX activity, to the roots did not prevent tuber formation in vivo. It is suggested that daylength controls the hydroxylation of JA. The enzyme(s), responsible for the hydroxylation of JA, would only be effective under SD conditions.  相似文献   
Macrophage pseudopodia that surround objects during phagocytosis contain a meshwork of actin filaments and exclude organelles. Between these pseudopodia at the base of developing phagosomes, the organelle exclusion ceases, and lysosomes enter the cell periphery to fuse with the phagosomes. Macrophages also extend hyaline pseudopodia on the surface of nylon wool fibers and secrete lysosomal enzymes into the extracellular medium instead of into phagosomes. To analyze biochemically these concurrent alterations in cytoplasmic architecture, we allowed rabbit lung macrophages to spread on nylon wool fibers and then subjected the adherent cells to shear. This procedure caused the selective release of β-glucoronidase into the extracellular medium and yielded two fractions, cell bodies and isolated pseudopod blebs resembling podosomes, which are plasma-lemma-bounded sacs of cortical cytoplasm. Cytoplasmic extracts of the cell bodies eluted from nylon fibers contained two-thirds less actin-binding protein and myosin, and approximately 20 percent less actin and two-thirds of the other two proteins were accounted for in podosomes. The alterations in protein composition correlated with assays of myosin-associated EDTA-activated adenosine triphosphatase activity, and with a diminution in the capacity of extracts of nylon wool fiber-treated cell bodies to gel, a property dependent on the interaction between actin-binding protein and F-actin. However, the capacity of the remaining actin in cell bodies to polymerize did not change. We propose that actin-binding protein and myosin are concentrated in the cell cortex and particularly in pseudopodia where prominent gelation and syneresis of actin occur. Actin in the regions from which actin-binding protein and myosin are displaced disaggregates without depolymerizing, permitting lysosomes to gain access to the plasmalemma. Translocation of contractile proteins could therefore account for the concomitant differences in organelle exclusion that characterize phagocytosis.  相似文献   
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