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With recent progress in the analysis of the salivary proteome, the number of salivary proteins identified has increased dramatically. However, the physiological functions of many of the newly discovered proteins remain unclear. Closely related to the study of a protein's function is the identification of its interaction partners. We investigated interactions among and functions of histatin 1 and the other proteins that are present in saliva by using high‐throughput mass spectrometric techniques. This led to the identification of 43 proteins able to interact with histatin 1. In addition, we found that these protein–protein interactions protect complex partners from proteolysis and modulate their antifungal activity. Our data contribute significantly to characterization of the salivary interactome and to understanding the biology of salivary protein complexes.  相似文献   
ExbB and ExbD proteins are part of the TonB-dependent energy transduction system and are encoded by the exb operon in Escherichia coli. TonB, the energy transducer, appears to go through a cycle during energy transduction, with the absence of both ExbB and ExbD creating blocks at two points: (i) in the inability of TonB to respond to the cytoplasmic membrane proton motive force and (ii) in the conversion of TonB from a high-affinity outer membrane association to a high-affinity cytoplasmic membrane association. The recent observation that ExbB exists in 3.5-fold molar excess relative to the molarity of ExbD in E. coli suggests the possibility of two types of complexes, those containing both ExbB and ExbD and those containing only ExbB. Such distinct complexes might individually manifest one of the two activities described above. In the present study this hypothesis was tested and rejected. Specifically, both ExbB and ExbD were found to be required for TonB to conformationally respond to proton motive force. Both ExbB and ExbD were also required for association of TonB with the cytoplasmic membrane. Together, these results support an alternative model where all of the ExbB in the cell occurs in complex with all of the ExbD in the cell. Based on recently determined cellular ratios of TonB system proteins, these results suggest the existence of a cytoplasmic membrane complex that may be as large as 520 kDa.  相似文献   
The airway epithelium is exposed to a variety of harmful agents during breathing and appropriate cellular responses are essential to maintain tissue homeostasis. Recent evidence has highlighted the contribution of epithelial barrier dysfunction in the development of many chronic respiratory diseases. Despite intense research efforts, the responses of the airway barrier to environmental agents are not fully understood, mainly due to lack of suitable in vitro models that recapitulate the complex in vivo situation accurately. Using an interdisciplinary approach, we describe a novel dynamic 3D in vitro model of the airway epithelium, incorporating fully differentiated primary human airway epithelial cells at the air-liquid interface and a basolateral microfluidic supply of nutrients simulating the interstitial flow observed in vivo. Through combination of the microfluidic culture system with an automated fraction collector the kinetics of cellular responses by the airway epithelium to environmental agents can be analysed at the early phases for the first time and with much higher sensitivity compared to common static in vitro models. Following exposure of primary differentiated epithelial cells to pollen we show that CXCL8/IL–8 release is detectable within the first 2h and peaks at 4–6h under microfluidic conditions, a response which was not observed in conventional static culture conditions. Such a microfluidic culture model is likely to have utility for high resolution temporal profiling of toxicological and pharmacological responses of the airway epithelial barrier, as well as for studies of disease mechanisms.  相似文献   
K D Held 《Radiation research》1985,101(3):424-433
Radioprotection in vitro by sulfhydryl (SH)-containing compounds is usually greater in aerated than in hypoxic cells. This observation has been cited recently as one of the reasons for the relatively greater effectiveness of radioprotectors such as WR-2721 in normal tissues compared to tumor cells. It is demonstrated herein, however, that hypoxic V79 cells irradiated in vitro under carefully controlled conditions are protected to a greater extent by low concentrations (1-2 mM) of the SH compound dithiothreitol (DTT) than are aerated cells. The reverse, more general phenomenon is seen at high concentrations of DTT (greater than 2 mM). This complex SH concentration and oxygenation dependence results in an increase in the oxygen enhancement ratio (OER) at low concentrations of DTT relative to the OER in the absence of DDT, followed by a decrease in OER at concentrations greater than 2 mM DTT. The possible radiation chemical basis for this finding and its importance to the clinical use of SH-containing radioprotectors are discussed.  相似文献   
The walleye ( Stizostedion vitreum ) is a North American mesothermal freshwater teleost that spawns once each year in early spring. Walleye spawn randomly over suitable substrates and do not provide any parental protection for eggs or juveniles. The majority of gonadal recrudescence in adult male walleye occurs in the autumn, and walleye testes contain large numbers of viable spermatozoa from late autumn through the spawning season. Adult female walleye exhibit group synchronous ovarian development, and similar to males, the majority of gonadal development occurs in the autumn. Evidence suggests that 17α,20β-dihydroxyprogesterone is the maturational steroid in this species. Simple environmental manipulations coupled with injections of human chorionic gonadotropin can be used to advance spawning in walleye by up to 12 weeks. To spawn and propagate walleye, hatcheries in North America use a wide range of methods that have been developed to meet the needs and conditions present at specific facilities.  相似文献   
Ionizing radiation can be an effective inducer of apoptosis and studies of many aspects of the pathways and mechanisms involved in this apoptosis induction have been published. This review stresses two aspects: the relationship between apoptosis and loss of clonogenic ability in irradiated cells and the time course for the appearance of apoptosis after radiation exposure. Although it was initially assumed that apoptosis occurred relatively quickly (within hours) after irradiation, evidence is presented and discussed here showing that apoptosis can occur at long times after irradiation (out to 20 days) in some cell types. This late, or delayed, apoptosis occurs after the cells have divided once or several times. The impact of delayed apoptosis on loss of clonogenicity after irradiation remains unclear. It seems likely that in some cell types, e.g., fibroblasts, the occurrence of late apoptosis is minimal and may have little impact on long term cell survival of the population, but in at least one instance, with a cell line of hematopoietic origin, it appears that late apoptosis can account for all the loss of clonogenicity in irradiated cells. The role of p53 in radiation-induced apoptosis is also discussed, with data presented showing that both p53-dependent and independent pathways for radiation-induced apoptosis exist, depending on the cell type.  相似文献   
 Genetically mosaic flies were constructed which lack a functional decapentaplegic (dpp) or wingless (wg) gene in portions of their leg epidermis, and the leg cuticle was examined for defects. Although dpp has previously been shown to be transcribed both ventrally and dorsally, virtually the only dpp-null clones that affect leg anatomy are those which reside dorsally. Conversely, wg-null clones only cause leg defects when they reside ventrally – a result that was expected, given that wg is only expressed ventrally. Both findings are consistent with models of leg development in which the future tip of the leg is specified by an interaction between dpp and wg at the center of the leg disc. Null clones can cause mirror-image cuticular duplications confined to individual leg segments. Double-ventral, mirror-image patterns are observed with dpp-null clones, and double-dorsal patterns with wg-null clones. Clones that are doubly mutant (null for both dpp and wg) manifest reduced frequencies for both types of duplications. Duplications can include cells from surrounding non-mutant territory. Such nonautonomy implies that both dpp and wg are involved in positional signaling, not merely in the maintenance of cellular identities. However, neither gene product appears to function as a morphogen for the entire leg disc, since the effects of each gene’s null clones are restricted to a discrete part of the circumference. Interestingly, the circumferential domains where dpp and wg are needed are complementary to one another. Received: 25 March 1996 / Accepted: 13 June 1996  相似文献   
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