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The peptide subunit pentapeptide H-L-Ala-D-Glu(L-Lys-D-Ala-D-Ala-OH)-NH2 of peptidoglycan was localized in the cell walls of several Gram-positive bacteria employing the indirect immunoferritin technique. Specific antibodies to the D-alanyl-D-alanine moiety of non-crosslinked peptide subunit pentapeptide were raised in rabbits by immunization with synthetic immunogen albumin-(CH2CO-Gly-L-Ala-L-Ala-D-Ala-D-Ala-OH)39. Specificity of these antibodies for the peptide subunit pentapeptide and not for the peptide subunit tetrapeptide was corroborated in a Farr-type radio-active hapten binding assay. Specificity of labelling with ferritin was established by immunoelectron microscopic controls, and by the excellent correlation between specific labelling of cells with ferritin and the particular peptidoglycan primary structure of bacterial strains investigated. Cells of Lactobacillus gasseri, Streptococcus pyogenes and Staphylococcus aureus revealing non-crosslinked peptide subunit pentapeptides in their peptidoglycans could specifically be labelled. Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bacillus subtilis, on the contrary, missing such pentapeptides, failed in labelling.The implication of this method to possibly localize the points of attack of penicillin or cycloserine is discussed.Abbreviations used meso-A2pm meso-diaminopimelic acid - DSM Deutsche Sammlung für Mikroorganismen, Göttingen, FRG This paper is dedicated to Professor Gerhart Drews on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   
DNA of 96 strains of the genera Nitrosomonas, Nitrosococcus, Nitrosospira, Nitrosolobus, and Nitrosovibrio was isolated and analysed spectrophotometrically. Percentages of guanine plus cytosine (G+C) content, genome sizes, and DNA-DNA homologies were determined. The results indicated the presence of eight Nitrosomonas species, three or four Nitrosococcus species, five Nitrosospira species, and two species of both Nitrosolobus and Nitrosovibrio. DNA homologies between strains of a separate species ranged from 56–100%. Average homologies between strains of different species were 33% in Nitrosococcus, 36% in Nitrosomonas, 37% in Nitrosolobus, 40% in Nitrosospira, and 42% in Nitrosovibrio. Average homologies between species of different genera were 33% and thus not significantly above the background value of 30% detected between DNA of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and Escherichia coli. Genome sizes ranged from 1.90–2.74×109 dalton in Nitrosomonas, 2.09–2.37×109 dalton in Nitrosococcus, 1.87–2.15×109 dalton in Nitrosospira, 1.92–2.10×109 dalton in Nitrosolobus, and 1.91–2.15×109 dalton in Nitrosovibrio. Differences in genome sizes were in accordance with DNA homologies.  相似文献   
The fresh water medusoid fossilMedusina limnica Müller, 1978 has a large regional, but a rather restricted vertical distribution within the continental Rotliegend facies. Its main occurrence is in the higher, but not highest part of the Rotliegend supergroup in red coloured claystones, siltstones, and finegrained sandstones of Artinskian age. Any marine influence can be excluded in Rotliegend sediments of this age in the European hercynian intramontane basin. Kurzfassung: Die fossile limnische MeduseMedusina limnica Müller 1978 hat innerhalb der kontinentalen Rotliegend-Fazies (Oberkarbon-Unterperm) eine große regionale, aber eine ziemlich begrenzte vertikale Verbreitung. Ihr Hauptvorkommen liegt im höheren, aber nicht höchsten Teil des Rotliegenden in rot gefärbten Tonsteinen, Schiuffsteinen und feinkörnigen Sandsteinen, die in das Artinskian eingestuft werden können. In den varistischen Intramontanbecken Europas kann in Rotliegend-Sedimenten dieses Alters jeglicher marine Einfluß ausgeschlossen werden.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Ausgehend vom nachmeristematischen Zustand einer prospektiven Siebröhre machen Kern, Tonoplast, ER, Dictyosomen und Ribosomen wÄhrend der Zelldifferenzierung folgende Umwandlungen durch:DerKern erfÄhrt in seiner Matrix eine zunehmende Substanzverarmung, an deren Ende seine vollstÄndige Auflösung steht. In der Kernmembran sind lokale Erweiterungen des intrazisternalen Raumes charakteristisch für den Beginn der degenerativen VerÄnderungen. Stets bleibt die Kernhülle jedoch in lockerem Kontakt mit dem ER; vermutlich geht sie zum Abschlu\ der Kernauflösung in das Membransystem des ER ein.In AbhÄngigkeit von der Rückbildung des Zellsaftraums zerfÄllt derTonoplast zunÄchst in zisternenartige Abschnitte, um spÄter in der ausdifferenzierten Siebröhre ganz zu verschwinden. Wie an verschiedenen Beispielen abzulesen ist, werden diese VerÄnderungen offensichtlich auf dem Höhepunkt der protoplasmatischen Differenzierung eingeleitet.Das gleichmÄ\ig granulÄr-zisternaleEndomembransystem junger Siebelemente — hÄufig charakterisiert durch spiralig aufgereihte Ribosomen — wandelt sich mit zunehmender Hydratisierung des Protoplasten in tubulÄre bis vesikulÄre Elemente um und geht zum anderen über verschiedene Zwischenstufen in gitterartige Membranstrukturen ein.Die in der jungen Siebröhre zahlreichen, polar gebautenDictyosomen tragen mit der Produktion von Golgi-Vesikeln zum Wandaufbau bei. Im Laufe der Zelldifferenzierung werden in steigendem Ma\e auch coated vesicles abgegeben, deren Bedeutung noch unklar ist. In der ausdifferenzierten Siebröhre sind weder Dictyosomen noch die von ihnen abgegebenen Vesikel nachzuweisen. Dieses Schicksal teilen sie mit denRibosomen, die gleichfalls nur in jungen Siebelementen anzutreffen sind und dort zu Polysomen vereint, hÄufig in spiraliger oder helixförmiger Anordnung vorkommen.
Aspects of sieve-tube differentiation in monocotyledons
Summary Subsequent to the postmeristematic state of a future sieve-tube its nucleus, tonoplast, endoplasmic reticulum, dictyosomes, and ribosomes undergo the following transformations:Thenucleus shows a gradually declining ground substance until at last it entirely disintegrates. Local enlargements of the intracisternal space of the nuclear membrane indicate the beginning of the degenerative phase. During all these alterations as well as in the meristematic state the nuclear envelope is in loose contact with the endoplasmic reticulum. We suppose that it finally becomes part of a complex ER system. Subject to the disorganization of the central cell-sap room thetonoplast initially removing from the parietal protoplast later on completely disappears. According to our results these transformations are obviously introduced at the climax of protoplasmatic differentiations.The uniform rough surfaced cisternal ER of young sieve elements—often characterized by spirally arranged ribosomes—changes during sieve-tube ontogeny to tubular or vesicular elements and partly fuses to lattice-like membrane structures passing several other stages of membrane condensation.Polardictyosomes that are numerous in young sieve-tubes produce coated vesicles besides smooth golgi-vesicles.Ribosomes are abundant in young elements, too, they are often found as polysomes of helical or spiral arrangement. Neither dictyosomes nor ribosomes have been seen in differentiated sieve-tubes.

Teil einer Habilitationsschrift der Math.-Naturw. FakultÄt Bonn.  相似文献   
Certain temperatures and H-Ion concentrations are necessary for the development of male and female reproductive organs. The differentiation of the reproductive system from undifferentiated cells conforms precisely with data on other species of Stenostomum.
Abkürzungen in den Abbildungen b Bindegewebszelle - c Cilien - cy Cytoplasma - d Darm - de Ductus ejaculatorius - dl Darmlumen - do Dotter - dr Drüsenzellen - lr Lÿckenraum - m Mundöffnung - n Nucleolus - np Nephroporus - o Ovar - p männlicher Genitalporus - pa parenchymatischer Raum - pf periembryonale Flüssigkeit - dse dorsale Epidermis - e dorsolaterale Epidermis - ed extraembryonaler Dotter - ee Epidermiseinstülpung - eh Epidermis +Hautmuskelschlauch - em Embryo - ex Exkretvakuole - f Freßzelle - g Gehirn - ga Gehirnanlagen - gr Granula - h Hautmuskelschlauch - hz Hüzllzelle - kl Versehlußkegel/Klebkegel - in indifferente Zelle - k Kern - kdr Klebdrüsenzelle(n) - kk kollabierter Kanal - Körnerkolbenzelle - kp Kopulationsorgan - ku Kufen - kw Körperwand - l Lichtsinnesorgan - li Linsenkörper - lk lichtbrechende Konkremente im Darmgewebe - ph Pharynx - phr Pharynxregion - pr Zentralkanal des Protonephridialsystems - ps Präspermatide - pu Punktfeld - q Zellquartett - r Riechgruben - rh Rhombuszellenband - rhb Rhabditen - rm Radiärmuskelzelle - rhs Rhabditenschleim - rs resorbierende Darmzelle(n) - s Schale - sc Spermatocyten - se Sekretgang - t Tastborste - ta Auflösungsprodukte des Hodens - te Hoden - to Terminalorgane(e) - tz Teilungszone - v Vakuole - w vermutliches Rudiment des weiblichen Genitalporus  相似文献   
Feinstrukturen der Mikrokörper (Microbodies) des proximalen Nierentubulus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Zusammenfassung Die Feinstrukturen der Mikrokörper des Nierenepithels werden beschrieben und mit denjenigen der Leber-Mikrokörper verglichen. Als besondere Charakteristika der Nieren-Mikrokörper sind eine (nicht kristalline) nucleoide Verdichtung und eigentümliche stabförmige Ausstülpungen (Stäbe) anzusehen. Die Stäbe stellen unterschiedlich lange Zylinder mit einem Durchmesser von 100 nm dar. Im Inneren findet sich eine unmittelbar der Membran anliegende, ring- oder spiralförmig angeordnete, granuläre Struktur (Granula-Durchmesser 50 Å), die in Stablängsschnitten eine Querstreifung vortäuscht. Es wird eine in Phasen ablaufende Bildung der Mikrokörper-Stäbe angenommen: ein in der Matrix entstandener Granula-Zylinder hebt sich aus dem Mikrokörper heraus, wobei die Mikrokörper-Membran entsprechend vorgebuchtet wird, und wächst schließlich zu einem eigenständigen, allseits membranumzogenen Stab aus. Die Möglichkeit, daß die Stäbe von Mikrokörpern abgestoßen werden, wird diskutiert. — Die Segregation von Mikrokörpern in Vakuolen wird nicht als aktive Beteiligung an lytischen Prozessen, sondern als autophagischer Vorgang gedeutet.
Fine structure of microbodies in proximal tubular epithelium of the kidney
Summary Ultrastructural observations on microbodies in normal proximal tubule cells of the rat kidney are described and compared with microbodies of hepatic parenchymal cells. After fixation in osmium tetroxide with phosphate buffer the special features of the renal microbodies are the non-crystalline nucleoid and protrusions (rods) extending from the main body. These rods are cylindrical in shape having a diameter about 100 nm and are of varying lengths. Inside the limiting membrane are ring- or spiral-like ordered profiles consisting of granules (about 50 Å in diameter) which often appeared as a row of parallel linear densities arranged at approximately right angles to the long axis of the rod. It can be demonstrated that the parallel linear pattern depends on the projection of the granules in the photographic plane. — The findings suggest that the cylindrical structures of granules are formed in the peripheral matrix of microbodies; in a second phase they are lifted outside, in part enveloped with the membrane of the microbody; in this situation, the protrusions are formed. This form of creation would explain the characteristic excentrical (tangential) relation between protrusions and the main body. The observation that rods are often seen apparently isolated in the cytoplasm without visible connection with a microbody is only discussed hypothetically, because of the plane of sectioning. — Microbodies and rods can be identified in cytosegresomes. These investigations were interpreted as an autophagic degradation and not as an active role of the enzymes of microbodies in digestive mechanisms.

Herrn Prof. Dr. Helmut Ruska zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

Herrn Doz. Dr. W. Thoenes danke ich für wertvolle Hinweise und für die kritische Durchsicht des Manuskriptes.  相似文献   
An analysis is made of the ARD reported in CSR and the GDR over the period July 1st, 1979 to June 30th, 1984. During that time, there were 27,810,000 cases reported in CSR in the framework of ARD epidemiological surveillance, representing 2.67 cases per one inhabitant, whereas in the GDR, the total number of reported ARD was 28,900,000 yielding 1.73 cases per person. However, the GDR reported higher morbidity per one child of preschool age. The authors believe that the differences in the reported incidence of ARD between the two countries are due to differences in the reporting systems and medical officers' activity during an epidemic and in the interim period. Approximately one third of ARD reported annually in the two countries falls to the period of influenza epidemics. The authors also analyze the etiology of the influenza epidemics which affected the two countries in 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983 and 1984. In most seasons, the causative agents and morbidity excesses were different in the two countries. The drift variant B/USSR/100/83, which caused a major epidemy in CSR in 1984, has not to date been implicated in the DGR in the etiology of ARD. The cyclic epidemic due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae occurred in the GDR already in 1979-80, while CSR experienced it a year later. There was a temporal and territorial correlation between the course of A(H1N1) influenza epidemic in the two countries in 1984.  相似文献   
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