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Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum when grown on ordinary culture medium has a tough cell wall which is lysozyme-resistant and difficult to disrupt by physical means. The cell wall, however, can be weakened by the addition of D-sorbitol to the growth medium and the organisms form protoplasts after lysozyme addition. This technique allowed the isolation of two types of intracellular small vesicles: (a) isolated by disruption of the total cell population (lysozyme-sensitive and lysozyme-resistant cells) by ultrafrequency sound and (b) isolated by osmotic lysis of protoplasts. For the first time, a small vesicle fraction isolated as in (a) was capable of synthesizing methane from CO2 and H2 without cytoplasm. There was, however, an absolute requirement for a small, heat-stable, oxygen-sensitive cofactor which was isolated from the cytoplasm. Methane synthesis with this vesicle fraction was inhibited by the detergent deoxycholate, and by the protonophores 2,4-dinitrophenol and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone. Mg2+-ATPase appeared to be located on the outer or cytoplasmic surface of the small vesicle fraction isolated as in (b). The results were consistent with a previously made suggestion [Sauer, Erfle & Mahadevan (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 9843-9848] that the interior of the small intracellular vesicles becomes acid during methane synthesis.  相似文献   
One- and two-dimensional proton NMR methods are being used to study the synthetic lambda operator site O-L1, a 17 base-pair DNA duplex recognized by lambda repressor and Cro protein. The complete assignment of the 17 imino protons, which participate in Watson-Crick hydrogen bonding, and of the eight adenine H2 protons, which lie in the minor groove of the double helix, is presented.  相似文献   
Summary SIRC cell monolayer cultures were exposed to whole smoke from a mid tar and nicotine level research cigarette (ASFC, 72 puffs), or from a high tar and nicotine level reference cigarette (Kentucky 2R1, 48 puffs) over a period of 65 days. The activity and distribution of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in the cells were investigated, and the electrophoretic characteristics of its isozymes studied. Cell morphology was examined by light microscopy and by transmission- and scanning electron microscopy.LDH activity was reduced by exposure to smoke from both cigarette types, the greater inhibitory effect being produced by that of the Kentucky cigarette. In addition, cells exposed to this high tar and nicotine smoke displayed intramitochondrial granules which were larger and more numerous than those found in cells exposed to the mid tar and nicotine smoke, or in the control cells. It is speculated that cation accumulation in the mitochondria may be involved in the observed inhibition of LDH activity.Supported by a research grant from the ASFC (Association Suisse des Fabricants de Cigarettes), Switzerland  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In der Frucht vonPoncirus trifoliata liegen in der Außenschale Drüsenzellkomplexe, die ein monoterpenreiches ätherisches Öl mit geringem Anteil an Sesquiterpenen und O-haltigen Substanzen produzieren. Ähnlich aussehende Exkretzellkomplexe aus den Saftschläuchen enthalten hauptsächlich Sesquiterpenkohlenwasserstoffe (STKW) und O-haltige Komponenten und sehr wenig Monoterpenkohlenwasserstoffe (MTKW). Im Schalenöl konnten nach gaschromatographischer Trennung mit Hilfe der Massenspektrometrie 19 Komponenten identifiziert werden, im Saftschlauchöl 25.Elektronenmikroskopische Aufnahmen der jüngsten Drüsenzellen beider Drüsenkomplexe lassen erkennen, daß beide Terpenklassen wahrscheinlich hauptsächlich bzw. ausschließlich plastidär entstehen.Exogen angebotenes14CO2 wird zunächst überwiegend in die MTKW eingebaut, erst später nimmt die Markierung der STKW und O-haltigen Komponenten stark zu. Über den Ferntransportweg angebotenes14C-Leucin führt anfangs zu einer starken Markierung der STKW und O-haltigen Komponenten, erst später verschiebt sich der Einbau etwas mehr in Richtung MTKW. Als Hauptursache für den differenten Einbau wird das Vorhandensein zweier Typen von Drüsenzellkomplexen mit unterschiedlichen Syntheseleistungen angesehen.Die aus dem14CO2 in der Außenrinde gebildeten Assimilate werden zuerst in das MTKW-reiche Öl der Schalenexkretbehälter eingebaut. Die überwiegend STKW erzeugenden Saftschlauchbehälter werden erst später beliefert. Beim Leucinangebot über die Fruchtstiele scheint es gerade umgekehrt zu verlaufen. Die aufeinanderfolgenden Maxima der Ölproduktion in den beiden Drüsenzellkomplex-Typen und die Änderung des Komponentenspektrums ihres ätherischen Öls im Verlauf der Vegetationsperiode tragen ebenfalls zu einem je nach Jahreszeit unterschiedlichen Einbau in die MTKW und STKW bei.
Compartmentation of mono- and sesqui-terpene biosynthesis of the essential oil inPoncirus trifoliata
Summary The fruit ofPoncirus trifoliata shows glandular cell complexes in the exocarp, which produce a volatile oil rich in monoterpenes but poor in sesquiterpenes and oxigenated compounds. The juice vesicles of the endocarp possess similar cell complexes mainly containing sesquiterpenes and oxigenated compounds, whereas monoterpenes only occur in small amounts. By the use of combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry 19 components of the rind oil and 15 compounds of the endocarp oil could be identified.As demonstrated by electron microscopy the terpenes most probably are synthesized predominantly, if not exclusively in plastids. As shown by gasradiochromatography radioactive precursors (14CO2 and14C-leucine) are incorporated into mono- and sesqui-terpenes to a different extent.This is due to two gland types producing essential oils of different composition with regard to their mono- and sesqui-terpene percentage. In fruit development the exocarp glands differentiate earlier than the endocarp glands do. The activity of exogenously applied14CO2 first reaches the peripheral glands and later on appears in the interior glands. Depending upon the growth season, labelled leucine transported by the conducting tissues from lower plant parts leads to a high specific activity of the sesqui-terpenes and oxigenated compounds. It could be argued that in this instance the glands of the pulp are better provided with precursors than the exocarp glands. The successive maxima of essential oil production in both glandular complexes, and the changes in the concentration of individual oil constituents during the ontogeny of the fruit also contribute to different incorporation ratios of radioactive precursors into mono- and sesqui-terpenes.
The recently isolated primate papovavirus HD is shown to be indistinguishable from the stump-tailed macaque virus by immunofluorescent reactivity, by restriction endonuclease analysis, and by nucleic acid hybridization assay.  相似文献   
Summary In submerged culture there was negligible growth of Fusarium moniliforme with either n-tetradecane or gasoil (C13–C19) as the only carbon and energy source. In surface culture the cell yield was about 0.25 g dm–3 dry weight after four weeks incubation. Some oxidation products, mainly isomeric tetradecanones (4-one, 5-one, 6-one and 7-one), could be identified. However the cell yield in a trickle-flow column was about 3 g dm–3 dry weight after 7 days. Only traces of oxidation products could be detected. In a fixed-bed reactor, filled with glass rings, cell yields were similar to those in the trickle-flow column and depended on the medium flow rate.After termination of growth in the fixed-bed reactor, similar amounts of gibberellic acid were produced in a nitrogen-free medium with either gasoil or glucose.  相似文献   
Techniques for the solubilization and fractionation of integral membrane proteins have been developed in recent years. A small portion of membrane protein (about 2%, proteolipid fraction) will partition into chloroform or 1-butanol, and, in several cases, these proteins retain functional activity. A virtually complete solubilization can be achieved at neutral pH by use of aprotic solvents, like hexamethylphosphoric triamide or N-methylpyrrolidone. At relatively low concentrations (< 3 M) aprotic solvents inhibited β-D-galactoside transport by whole cells and the derivative membrane vesicles of Escherichia coli, but this inhibition could be largely reversed by a simple washing procedure. At higher concentrations of aprotic solvent (5–6 M), 50–80% of the total protein of lactose transport-positive membrane vesicles was solubilized. When these extracts were added to intact lactose transport-negative membrane vesicles, lactose transport was reconstituted, the required energy being provided by either respiration (e.g., addition of D-lactate) or by a K+ diffusion potential established with the aid of valinomycin. The dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD)-reactive subunit of the E. coli ATPase complex was found to partition into chloroform, and to be amenable to further purification in organic solvent. Ether precipitation and chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and hydroxypropyl-Sephadex G-50 yielded an homogeneous polypeptide of an apparent molecular weight of 9,000. The purified and unlabeled DCCD-reactive protein was incorporated into K+-loaded liposomes, and a membrane potential was generated by the addition of valinomycin. There are indications that the DCCD-reactive protein alone made the membrane specifically permeable for protons.  相似文献   
The superhelical DNA of the HD papovavirus is heterogeneous and consists of two discrete size classes with molecular weights of 3.45 X 10(6) and 3.25 X 10(6). Both size classes of DNA are encapsidated into HD virion particles. Their relative intracellular amounts differ, depending on the cell system. Vero-76 carrier cultures in which HD virus was detected contain both size classes of DNA, with the larger molecules prevailing by a factor of 10. Five clonal lines derived from Vero-76 cell cultures contain exclusively the larger DNA. On the other hand, after cocultivation of Vero-76 with CV-1 cells for several passages, minicircular DNA is accumulated such that both size classes are synthesized in equal amounts. Any of the originally viral DNA-producing cell lines may, upon subcultivation, cease yielding virus. The RITA cell line of Cercopithecus aethiops origin is the only cell line among numerous ones tested which upon infection permits the establishment of a one-step growth cycle. However, between 6 and 8 days after infection, viral DNA synthesis is discontinued, and a persistent viral infection cannot be established. Physical maps of the genomes were constructed, and it could be shown that the smaller, minicircular DNA had originated from the larger DNA as the result of a deletion. The sequences missing in the minicircular DNA are confined to the relative map position 0.15 to 0.21.  相似文献   
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