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The oxidative folding of proteins consists of conformational folding and disulfide-bond reactions. These two processes are coupled significantly in folding-coupled regeneration steps, in which a single chemical reaction (the "forward" reaction) converts a conformationally unstable precursor species into a conformationally stable, disulfide-protected successor species. Two limiting-case mechanisms for folding-coupled regeneration steps are described. In the folded-precursor mechanism, the precursor species is preferentially folded at the moment of the forward reaction. The (transient) native structure increases the effective concentrations of the reactive thiol and disulfide groups, thus favoring the forward reaction. By contrast, in the quasi-stochastic mechanism, the forward reaction occurs quasi-stochastically in an unfolded precursor; i.e., reactive groups encounter each other with a probability determined primarily by loop entropy, albeit modified by conformational biases in the unfolded state. The resulting successor species is initially unfolded, and its folding competes with backward chemical reactions to the unfolded precursors. The folded-precursor and quasi-stochastic mechanisms may be distinguished experimentally by the dependence of their kinetics on factors affecting the rates of thiol--disulfide exchange and conformational (un)folding. Experimental data and structural and biochemical arguments suggest that the quasi-stochastic mechanism is more plausible than the folded-precursor mechanism for most proteins.  相似文献   
Determination of the genotoxic effects of ionizing radiation, especially at low-doses, is of great importance for risk assessment, e.g. in radiological diagnostics. The human-hamster hybrid A(L) cell line has been shown previously to be a well-suited in vitro model for the study of mutations induced by various mutagens. The A(L) cells contain a standard set of hamster chromosomes and a single human chromosome 11, which confers the expression of the human cell surface protein CD59. Using CD59 specific antibodies, cells mutated in the CD59 gene can be detected and quantified by the loss of the cell surface marker. In contrast to previous studies, prior to irradiation we removed spontaneous mutants by magnetic cell separation (MACS) which allows analysis of radiation-induced mutation events only. We exposed A(L) cells to 100kV X-rays at 0.1 to 5Gy. The proportions of X-irradiation-induced CD59(-) mutants were quantified by flow cytometry after immunofluorescence labeling. Between 0.2 and 5Gy the yield of CD59 mutants was a linear function of dose. The molecular analysis of individual CD59-negative clones induced after exposure of 1, 3 and 5Gy of X-ray revealed a dose-dependent linear increase of large deletions (>6Mbp), whereas, point mutations could be seen only in spontaneous CD59 mutants or after low-dose exposure (< or =1Gy). We conclude that the modified A(L) assay presented here is appropriate for detection and quantification of non-lethal DNA lesions induced by low-dose ionizing radiation.  相似文献   
Nitric oxide (NO) is involved in the control of myocardial metabolism. In normoperfused myocardium, NO synthase inhibition shifts myocardial metabolism from free fatty acid (FFA) toward carbohydrate utilization. Ischemic myocardium is characterized by a similar shift toward preferential carbohydrate utilization, although NO synthesis is increased. The importance of NO for myocardial metabolism during ischemia has not been analyzed in detail. We therefore assessed the influence of NO synthase inhibition with N(G)-nitro-l-arginine (l-NNA) on myocardial metabolism during moderate ischemia in anesthetized pigs. In control animals, the increase in left ventricular pressure with l-NNA was mimicked by aortic constriction. Before ischemia, l-NNA decreased myocardial FFA consumption (MV(FFA); P < 0.05), while consumption of carbohydrate and O(2) (MVo(2)) remained constant. ATP equivalents [calculated with the assumption of complete oxidative substrate decomposition (ATP(eq))] decreased with l-NNA (P < 0.05), associated with a decrease of regional myocardial function (P < 0.05). In contrast, aortic constriction had no effect on MV(FFA), while MVo(2) increased (P < 0.05) and ATP(eq) and regional myocardial function remained constant. During ischemia, alterations in myocardial metabolism were similar in control and l-NNA-treated animals: MV(FFA) decreased (P < 0.05) and net lactate consumption was reversed to net lactate production (P < 0.05). Regional myocardial function was decreased (P < 0.05), although more markedly in animals receiving l-NNA (P < 0.05). We conclude that the efficiency of oxidative metabolism was impaired by l-NNA per se, paralleled by impaired regional myocardial function. During ischemia, l-NNA had no effect on myocardial substrate consumption, indicating that NO synthases were no longer effectively involved in the control of myocardial metabolism.  相似文献   
Bhat R  Wedemeyer WJ  Scheraga HA 《Biochemistry》2003,42(19):5722-5728
The kinetics of cis-trans isomerization of individual X-Pro peptide groups is used to study the backbone dynamics of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase A). We previously developed and validated a fluorescence method for monitoring the cis-trans isomerization of the Tyr92-Pro93 and Asn113-Pro114 peptide groups of RNase A under unfolding conditions [Juminaga, D., Wedemeyer, W. J., and Scheraga, H. A. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 11614-11620]. The essence of this method is to introduce a fluorescent residue (Tyr or Trp) in a position adjacent to the isomerizing proline (if one is not already present) and to eliminate the fluorescence of other such residues adjacent to prolines by mutating them to phenylalanine. Here, we extend this method to observe the cis-trans isomerization of these peptide groups under folding conditions using two site-directed mutants (Y92F and Y115F) of RNase A. Both isomerizations decelerate with increasing concentrations of GdnHCl, with nearly identical m values (1.11 and 1.19 M(-1), respectively) and extrapolated zero-GdnHCl time constants (42 and 32 s, respectively); by contrast, under unfolding conditions, the cis-trans isomerizations of both Pro93 and Pro114 are independent of GdnHCl concentration. Remarkably, the isomerization rates under folding conditions at GdnHCl concentrations above 1 M are significantly slower than those measured under unfolding conditions. The temperature dependence of the Pro114 isomerization under folding conditions is also unusual; whereas Pro93 exhibits an activation energy typical of proline isomerization (19.4 kcal/mol), Pro114 exhibits a sharply reduced activation energy of 5.7 kcal/mol. A structurally plausible model accounts for these results and, in particular, shows that folding conditions strongly accelerate the cis-trans isomerization of both peptide groups to their native cis conformation, suggesting the presence of flickering local structure in their beta-hairpins.  相似文献   
New methods for determining chemical structures from residual dipolar couplings are presented. The fundamental dipolar coupling equation is converted to an elliptical equation in the principal alignment frame. This elliptical equation is then combined with other angular or dipolar coupling constraints to form simple polynomial equations that define discrete solutions for the unit vector(s). The methods are illustrated with residual dipolar coupling data on ubiquitin taken in a single anisotropic medium. The protein backbone is divided into its rigid groups (namely, its peptide planes and C frames), which may be solved for independently. A simple procedure for recombining these independent solutions results in backbone dihedral angles and that resemble those of the known native structure. Subsequent refinement of these - angles by the ROSETTA program produces a structure of ubiquitin that agrees with the known native structure to 1.1 Å C rmsd.  相似文献   
Methylene blue has intrinsic antimalarial activity and it can act as a chloroquine sensitizer. In addition, methylene blue must be considered for preventing methemoglobinemia, a serious complication of malarial anemia. As an antiparasitic agent, methylene blue is pleiotropic: it interferes with hemoglobin and heme metabolism in digestive organelles, and it is a selective inhibitor of Plasmodium falciparum glutathione reductase. The latter effect results in glutathione depletion which sensitizes the parasite for chloroquine action. At the Centre de Recherche en Santé de Nouna in Burkina Faso, we study the combination of chloroquine with methylene blue (BlueCQ) as a possible medication for malaria in endemic regions. A pilot study with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase-sufficient adult patients has been conducted recently.  相似文献   
When present as a trophozoite in human erythrocytes, the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum exhibits an intense glutathione metabolism. Glutathione plays a role not only in antioxidative defense and in maintaining the reducing environment of the cytosol. Many of the known glutathione-dependent processes are directly related to the specific lifestyle of the parasite. Reduced glutathione (GSH) supports rapid cell growth by providing electrons for deoxyribonucleotide synthesis and it takes part in detoxifying heme, a product of hemoglobin digestion. Free radicals generated in the parasite can be scavenged in reaction sequences involving the thiyl radical GS* as well as the thiolate GS-. As a substrate of glutathione S-transferase, glutathione is conjugated to non-degradable compounds including antimalarial drugs. Furthermore, it is the coenzyme of the glyoxalase system which detoxifies methylglyoxal, a byproduct of the intense glycolysis taking place in the trophozoite. Proteins involved in GSH-dependent processes include glutathione reductase, glutaredoxins, glyoxalase I and II, glutathione S-transferases, and thioredoxins. These proteins, as well as the ATP-dependent enzymes of glutathione synthesis, are studied as factors in the pathophysiology of malaria but also as potential drug targets. Methylene blue, an inhibitor of the structurally known P. falciparum glutathione reductase, appears to be a promising antimalarial medication when given in combination with chloroquine.  相似文献   
Reproducible, discriminative, high-throughput methods are required for the identification of bacterial strains and isolates in a clinical environment. A new molecular typing method for bacteria was developed and tested on Salmonella and E. coli species. The technique is called subtracted restriction fingerprinting and is based on double restriction enzyme digestion of genomic DNA followed by end labeling. The "detection" enzyme produces TTAA overhangs that are filled in with digoxigenated nucleotides for subsequent detection, while the "subtraction" enzyme produces GCGC overhangs that are filled in with biotinylated nucleotides that permit the removal of this subset of fragments with either streptavidin-coated magnetic particles or AffiniTip streptavidin columns. The two restriction enzymes are selected to produce a fragment size profile suitable for a specific analytical system. In this demonstration of the principle of subtracted restriction fingerprinting, analysis of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Dublin and E. coli on a 30-cm 1.2% agarose gel revealed up to 50 sharp evenly spaced bands, which were sufficient for the discrimination between various isolates and substrains. The restriction enzyme combinations suitable for the analysis of Salmonella and E. coli are presented. The method requires fewer enzymatic steps than amplified fragment length polymorphism, does not need the specialized DNA preparation essential for pulsed field gel electrophoresis, and has a higher reproducibility than PCR-based methods.  相似文献   
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