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1.?The effects of environment experienced during early development on phenotype as an adult has started to gain vast amounts of interest in various taxa. Some evidence on long-term effects of juvenile environment is available, but replicated experimental studies in wild animals are still lacking. 2.?Here we report the first replicated experiment in wild mammals which examines the long-term effects of juvenile and adult environments on individual fitness (reproduction, survival and health). The early development of bank vole (Myodes glareolus) individuals took place in either food-supplemented or un-supplemented outdoor enclosures. After the summer, adult individuals were reciprocally changed to either a similar or opposite resource environment to overwinter. 3.?Adult environment had an overriding effect on reproductive success of females so that females overwintering in food-supplemented enclosures had a higher probability of breeding and advanced the initiation of breeding. However, the characteristics of their litters were determined by juvenile environment: females initially grown in food-supplemented conditions subsequently produced larger litters with bigger pups and a male-biased sex ratio. 4.?In males, individuals growing in un-supplemented conditions had the highest survival irrespective of adult environment during winter, whereas in females, neither the juvenile nor adult environments affected their survival significantly. The physiological condition of voles in spring, as determined by haematological parameters, was also differentially affected by juvenile (plasma proteins and male testosterone) and adult (haematocrit) environments. 5.?Our results suggest that (i) life-history trajectories of voles are not strictly specialized to a certain environment and (ii) the plastic life-history responses to present conditions can actually be caused by delayed effects of the juvenile environment. More generally, the results are important for understanding the mechanisms of delayed life-history effects as well as recognizing their population dynamic consequences.  相似文献   
Neuronostatin, a recently discovered peptide encoded by somatostatin gene, is involved in regulation of neuronal function, blood pressure, food intake, and drinking behavior. However, the biological effects of neuronostatin on cardiac myocytes are not known, and the intracellular signaling mechanisms induced by neuronostatin remain unidentified. We analyzed the effect of neuronostatin in isolated perfused rat hearts and in cultured primary cardiomyocytes. Neuronostatin infusion alone had no effect on left ventricular (LV) contractile function or on isoprenaline- or preload-induced increase in cardiac contractility. However, infusion of neuronostatin significantly decreased the positive inotropic response to endothelin-1 (ET-1). This was associated with an increase in phosphorylation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK). Treatment of both neonatal and adult cardiomyocytes with neuronostatin resulted in reduced cardiomyocyte viability. Inhibition of JNK further increased the neuronostatin-induced cell death. We conclude that neuronostatin regulates cardiac contractile function and cardiomyocyte survival. Receptors for neuronostatin need to be identified to further characterize the biological functions of the peptide.  相似文献   
Mechano-acoustic and elastographic techniques may provide quantitative means for the in vivo diagnostics of articular cartilage. These techniques assume that sound speed does not change during tissue loading. As articular cartilage shows volumetric changes during compression, acoustic properties of cartilage may change affecting the validity of mechano-acoustic measurements. In this study, we examined the ultrasound propagation through human, bovine and porcine articular cartilage during stress-relaxation in unconfined compression. The time of flight (TOF) technique with known cartilage thickness (true sound speed) as well as in situ calibration method [Suh, Youn, Fu, J. Biomech. 34 (2001), 1347-1353] were used for the determination of sound speed. Ultrasound speed and attenuation decreased in articular cartilage during ramp compression, but returned towards the level of original values during relaxation. Variations in ultrasound speed induced an error in strain and compressive moduli provided that constant ultrasound speed and time-of-flight data was used to determine the tissue thickness. Highest errors in strain (-11.8 +/- 12.0%) and dynamic modulus (15.4 +/- 17.9%) were recorded in bovine cartilage. TOF and in situ calibration methods yielded different results for changes in sound speed during compression. We speculate that the variations in acoustic properties in loaded cartilage are related to rearrangement of the interstitial matrix, especially to that of collagen fibers. In human cartilage the changes, are, however relatively small and, according to the numerical simulations, mechano-acoustic techniques that assume constant acoustic properties for the cartilage will not be significantly impaired by this phenomenon.  相似文献   
The aim was to find out the effects of endothelin-1 (ET-1) in salmon (Salmo salar) cardiac contractile and endocrine function and its possible interaction with beta-adrenergic regulation. We found that ET-1 has a positive inotropic effect in salmon heart. ET-1 (30 nM) increased the contraction amplitude 17+/-4.7% compared with the basal level. beta-Adrenergic activation (isoprenaline, 100 nM) increased contraction amplitude 30+/-13.1%, but it did not affect the contractile response to ET-1. ET-1 (10 nM) stimulated the secretion of salmon cardiac natriuretic peptide (sCP) from isolated salmon ventricle (3.3+/-0.14-fold compared with control) but did not have any effect on ventricular sCP mRNA. Isoprenaline alone (0.1-1,000 nM) did not stimulate sCP release, but ET-1 (10 nM) together with isoprenaline (0.1 nM) caused a significantly greater increase of sCP release than ET-1 alone (5.4+/-0.07 vs. 3.3+/-0.14 times increase compared with control). The effects on the contractile and secretory function could be inhibited by a selective ETA-receptor antagonist BQ-610 (1 microM), whereas ETB-receptor blockage (by 100 nM BQ-788) enhanced the secretory response. Thus ET-1 is a phylogenetically conserved regulator of cardiac function, which has synergistic action with beta-adrenergic stimulation. The modulatory effects of ET-1 may therefore be especially important in situations with high beta-adrenergic tone.  相似文献   
F-spondin is a protein mainly associated with neuronal development. It attaches to the extracellular matrix and acts in the axon guidance of the developing nervous system. F-spondin consists of eight domains, six of which are TSR domains. The TSR domain family binds a wide range of targets. Here we present the NMR solution structures of TSR1 and TSR4. TSR domains have an unusual fold that is characterized by a long, nonglobular shape, consisting of two beta-strands and one irregular extended strand. Three disulfide bridges and stack of alternating tryptophan and arginine side-chains stabilize the structure. TSR1 and TSR4 structures are similar to each other and to the previously determined TSR domain X-ray structures from another protein, TSP, although TSR4 exhibits a mobile loop not seen in other structures.  相似文献   
The transfer of maternal antibodies from mother to progeny is a well-known phenomenon in avian and mammalian species. Optimally, they protect the newborn against the pathogens in the environment. The effect of maternal antibodies on microparasite transmission dynamics may have important consequences for both the fitness of the host and the epizootic processes of the pathogens. However, there is a scarcity of studies examining these effects in free-living wild species. We studied the influence of maternal antibodies against the zoonotic Puumala hantavirus (PUUV) on the fitness of bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) and on PUUV transmission by exposing young maternal antibody-positive (MatAb+) and negative (MatAb-) bank voles (n=160) to PUUV in experimental populations. PUUV-specific maternal antibodies delayed the timing of infection. Females were more susceptible to PUUV infection than males. Interestingly, both the females and the males with maternal antibodies matured earlier than the other individuals in the population. Our results highlight the significance of maternal antibodies in the transmission of a pathogen and in the breeding success of the carriers.  相似文献   
In aquatic environments, endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) that interfere with the reproductive physiology of males form a threat to the reproduction of populations. This is often manifested as decreased sexual performance or sterility among males. We show that exposure to EDCs can directly affect the mating system of a marine fish, the sand goby (Pomatoschistus minutus). We exposed males for 1 to 4 weeks to two different concentrations (5 ng L− 1 and 24 ng L− 1) of 17α-ethinyl estradiol (EE2); a synthetic compound mimicking estrogen and a water control. The sand goby exhibits a polygynous mating system, in which male mating success is typically skewed towards the largest males, resulting in strong sexual selection for increased male size. Our experiment shows that when males have been exposed to EE2, male size has a smaller effect on mating success, resulting in weaker sexual selection on male size as compared to the control. There was an interaction between treatment and exposure time on the expression of vitellogenin and zona radiata protein mRNAs. Males exposed to high EE2 reached much higher expression levels than males exposed to low EE2. Of the somatic markers, the hepatosomatic index was lower in males exposed to high EE2 than in the low EE2 and control males. Our results suggest that exposure to EDCs can have effects on the mating system before physiological changes are observable. These effects can be of profound nature as they interfere with sexual selection, and may in the long run lead to the loss of traits maintained through sexual selection.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was a harmonization of diatom identification and counting among diatomists from the Scandinavian and Baltic countries to improve the comparison of diatom studies in this geographical area. An analysis of the results of 25 diatomists following the European standard EN 14407 during an intercalibration exercise showed that a high similarity was achieved by harmonization and not because of a long experience with diatoms. Sources of error were wrong calibration scales, overlooking of small taxa, especially small Navicula s.l., misidentifications (Eunotia rhomboidea was mistaken for Eunotia incisa) and unclear separation between certain taxa in the identification literature. The latter was discussed during a workshop with focus on the Achnanthes minutissima group, the separation of Fragilaria capucina var. gracilis from F. capucina var. rumpens, and Nitzschia palea var. palea from N. palea var. debilis. The exercise showed also that the Swedish standard diatom method tested here worked fine with acceptable error for the indices IPS (Indice de Polluo-sensibilité Spécifique) and ACID (ACidity Index for Diatoms) when diatomists with a low similarity (Bray–Curtis <60%) with the auditor in at least one of the samples are excluded.  相似文献   
Many of the protected forest areas in Uganda have been subject to logging in the past. It is known that logging changes communities, but how long these changes last is unclear. Most of the studies on butterflies and moths have looked at the effects of logging relatively shortly (<15 years) after the logging took place. In this study we investigated community of herbivorous lepidopteran larvae and its temporal dynamics in a natural forest and three differently managed forest compartments after 40 years of regeneration. We collected samples of larvae from the leaves of Neoboutonia macrocalyx Pax. between April 2006 and March 2008 in Kibale National Park, Western Uganda. Herbivory, density of larvae, and species richness were significantly lower in logged compartments than in natural forest. Furthermore, the community composition differed significantly between the logged compartments and the natural forest. There was seasonal variation in larval density, species richness and diversity. In species richness and diversity the variation was synchronous in all the study areas, but larval density did not vary synchronously across the compartments, probably due to the impact of logging on the environment. We also observed changes in the community composition during different seasons in all the study areas. We attribute the long term impact of logging to the hindered regeneration of logged compartments and recommend restoration activities to help to return the logged areas closer to the natural state.  相似文献   
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