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Defense costs provide a major explanation for why plants in nature have not evolved to be better defended against pathogens and herbivores; however, evidence for defense costs is often lacking. Plants defend by deploying resistance traits that reduce damage, and tolerance traits that reduce the fitness effects of damage. We first tested the defense-stress cost (DSC) hypothesis that costs of defenses increase and become important under competitive stress. In a greenhouse experiment, uniparental maternal families of the host plant Arabis perennans were grown in the presence and absence of the bunch grass Bouteloua gracilis and the herbivore Plutella xylostella. Costs of resistance and tolerance manifest as reduced growth in the absence of herbivory were significant when A. perennans grew alone, but not in the competitive environment, in contrast to the DSC hypothesis. We then tested the defense-stress benefit (DSB) hypothesis that plant defenses may benefit plants in competitive situations thereby reducing net costs. For example, chemical resistance agents and tolerance may also have functions in competitive interactions. To test the DSB hypothesis, we compared differentially competitive populations for defense costs, assuming that poorer competitors from less dense habitats were less likely to have evolved defenses that also function in competition. Without competitive benefits of defenses, poorer competitors were expected to have higher net costs of defenses under competition in accordance with DSB. Populations of A. perennans and A. drummondii that differed dramatically in competitiveness were compared for costs, and as the DSB hypothesis predicts, only the poor competitor population showed costs of resistance under competition. However, cost of tolerance under competition did not differ among populations, suggesting that the poor competitors might have evolved a general stress tolerance. Although the DSC hypothesis may explain cases where defense costs increase under stress, the DSB hypothesis may explain some cases where costs decrease under competitive stress.  相似文献   
Cold seep environments such as sediments above outcropping hydrate at Hydrate Ridge (Cascadia margin off Oregon) are characterized by methane venting, high sulfide fluxes caused by the anaerobic oxidation of methane, and the presence of chemosynthetic communities. Recent investigations showed that another characteristic feature of cold seeps is the occurrence of methanotrophic archaea, which can be identified by specific biomarker lipids and 16S rDNA analysis. This investigation deals with the diversity and distribution of sulfate-reducing bacteria, some of which are directly involved in the anaerobic oxidation of methane as syntrophic partners of the methanotrophic archaea. The composition and activity of the microbial communities at methane vented and nonvented sediments are compared by quantitative methods including total cell counts, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), bacterial production, enzyme activity, and sulfate reduction rates. Bacteria involved in the degradation of particulate organic carbon (POC) are as active and diverse as at other productive margin sites of similar water depths. The availability of methane supports a two orders of magnitude higher microbial biomass (up to 9.6 2 10 10 cells cm m 3 ) and sulfate reduction rates (up to 8 w mol cm m 3 d m 1 ) in hydrate-bearing sediments, as well as a high bacterial diversity, especially in the group of i -proteobacteria including members of the branches Desulfosarcina/Desulfococcus , Desulforhopalus , Desulfobulbus , and Desulfocapsa . Most of the diversity of sulfate-reducing bacteria in hydrate-bearing sediments comprises seep-endemic clades, which share only low similarities with previously cultured bacteria.  相似文献   
Biotas from all ecosystems need to respond to factors that determine habitat suitability. These factors originate from different scales. Effects can be assumed to be hierarchical in the order large-scale geographic > regional > local > small-scale in-habitat factors. We aimed at the identification of general patterns by comparisons between ecosystems (forest floor snails, hololimnic stream macroinvertebrates) and across scales, and include potential seasonal effects. Sampling sites displayed signs of naturalness, such as high levels of deadwood accumulation in the forests, or a lack of artificial stream bed fixation plus a “good” to “high” score for the assemblage-derived Multimetric Index (MMI) in the streams. Terrestrial and aquatic assemblages of non-emergent taxa fluctuated independent of seasonal effects. They differed in their relative correlation with environmental matrices with quasi-concentric effects in forests, and longitudinal effects in streams. Large-scale factors, namely geographic position, strongly influenced assemblage turnover, but the effect is based on a high covariation between geographic position and environmental factors. We thus extracted variables that best explained species turnover after correcting for spatio-temporal effects. The terrestrial community assembling was habitat-based and mainly responded to soil acidification, distance to disturbances, and regional scale deforestation and deciduous/mixed forest cover. The stream assemblages were structured by regional pasture cover, organic pollution, regional deciduous forest cover and microlithal cover. Apparently, community assembly occurs along with changes in regional forest cover and the transport of nutrients and matter that can originate from a distance, irrespective of ecosystem and assumed “naturalness”.  相似文献   
High-resolution crystal structures of large ribosomal subunits from Deinococcus radiodurans complexed with tRNA-mimics indicate that precise substrate positioning, mandatory for efficient protein biosynthesis with no further conformational rearrangements, is governed by remote interactions of the tRNA helical features. Based on the peptidyl transferase center (PTC) architecture, on the placement of tRNA mimics, and on the existence of a two-fold related region consisting of about 180 nucleotides of the 23S RNA, we proposed a unified mechanism integrating peptide bond formation, A-to-P site translocation, and the entrance of the nascent protein into its exit tunnel. This mechanism implies sovereign, albeit correlated, motions of the tRNA termini and includes a spiral rotation of the A-site tRNA-3' end around a local two-fold rotation axis, identified within the PTC. PTC features, ensuring the precise orientation required for the A-site nucleophilic attack on the P-site carbonyl-carbon, guide these motions. Solvent mediated hydrogen transfer appears to facilitate peptide bond formation in conjunction with the spiral rotation. The detection of similar two-fold symmetry-related regions in all known structures of the large ribosomal subunit, indicate the universality of this mechanism, and emphasizes the significance of the ribosomal template for the precise alignment of the substrates as well as for accurate and efficient translocation. The symmetry-related region may also be involved in regulatory tasks, such as signal transmission between the ribosomal features facilitating the entrance and the release of the tRNA molecules. The protein exit tunnel is an additional feature that has a role in cellular regulation. We showed by crystallographic methods that this tunnel is capable of undergoing conformational oscillations and correlated the tunnel mobility with sequence discrimination, gating and intracellular regulation.  相似文献   
Subcellular volumes and metabolite concentrations in barley leaves   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
Metabolite concentrations in subcellular compartments from mature barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Apex) leaves after 9 h of illumination and 5 h of darkness were determined by nonaqueous fractionation and by the stereological evaluation of cellular and subcellular volumes from light and electron micrographs. Twenty one-day-old primary leaves of barley with a total leaf volume of 902 μL per mg chlorophyll were found to be composed of 27% epidermis, 42% mesophyll cells, 6% veins, 4.5% apoplast and 23% gas space. While in epidermal cells 99% of the volume was occupied by the vacuole, mesophyll cells with an average volume of 31.3 pL consisted of 23 pL (73%) vacuole, 4.6 pL (19%) chloroplasts, 2.06 pL (6,7%) cytosol (including smaller organelles and vesicles), 0.34 pL (1%) mitochondria and 107 fL (0.34%) nucleus. The differences between leaves harvested after 9 h of illumination and after 5 h of darkness were in the size of the stromal compartment and the starch grains therein. Subcellular metabolite concentrations were calculated from the compartmental volumes and metabolite contents of the compartments as determined by nonaqueous fractionation. The amino-acid concentrations in stroma and cytosol were rather similar after 9 h of illumination and 5 h of darkness. In contrast, the vacuolar amino-acid concentrations were about one order of magnitude lower than the stroma and cytosol values, and there was a slight increase in concentration after 5 h of darkness.  相似文献   
Discrepancy between GLUT4 translocation and glucose uptake after ischemia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Objective: Low-flow ischemia results in glucose transporter translocation and in increased glucose uptake. After total ischemia in rat heart, we found no increase in glucose uptake. Here we test the hypothesis that total ischemia is associated with decreased activation of GLUT4 despite translocation. Methods: Isolated working hearts (n=70, Sprague–Dawley rats) were perfused for 70 min at physiological workload with Krebs–Henseleit buffer containing [2-3H]glucose (5 mmol/l, 0.05 μCi/ml) with either oleate (0.4 mmol/l, 1%BSA) or pyruvate (5 mmol/l, 1%BSA). After 20 min, hearts were subjected to 15 min of total ischemia followed by 35 min of reperfusion. We measured glucose uptake and intracellular free glucose (IFG) using [2-3H]glucose and [14C]sucrose, and determined the distribution of GLUT4 by colocalization immunofluorescence with Na–K ATP-ase. Results: Cardiac power was 10.1 ± 0.90 mW before ischemia and did not differ between groups. Recovery was the same in both groups (55.7 ± 24.8$%). Glucose uptake did not differ between groups before ischemia, and did not increase during reperfusion. Despite evidence of GLUT4 translocation after reperfusion in both groups, IFG did not increase compared with before ischemia. Conclusion: We conclude that there is a discrepancy between glucose transporter availability and glucose uptake after ischemia, which may be due to inhibition of GLUT4 in the plasma membrane. (Mol Cell Biochem 278: 129–137, 2005)  相似文献   
U11 and U12 interact cooperatively with the 5' splice site and branch site of pre-mRNA as a stable preformed di-snRNP complex, thereby bridging the 5' and 3' ends of the intron within the U12-dependent prespliceosome. To identify proteins contributing to di-snRNP formation and intron bridging, we investigated protein-protein and protein-RNA interactions between components of the U11/U12 snRNP. We demonstrate that the U11/U12-65K protein possesses dual binding activity, interacting directly with U12 snRNA via its C-terminal RRM and the U11-associated 59K protein via its N-terminal half. We provide evidence that, in contrast to the previously published U12 snRNA secondary structure model, the 3' half of U12 forms an extended stem-loop with a highly conserved seven-nucleotide loop and that the latter serves as the 65K binding site. Addition of an oligonucleotide comprising the 65K binding site to an in vitro splicing reaction inhibited U12-dependent, but not U2-dependent, pre-mRNA splicing. Taken together, these data suggest that U11/U12-65K and U11-59K contribute to di-snRNP formation and intron bridging in the minor prespliceosome.  相似文献   
The U6 RNA intramolecular stem-loop (ISL) is a conserved component of the spliceosome, and contains an essential metal ion binding site centered between a protonated adenine, A79, and U80. Correlated with protonation of A79, U80 undergoes a base-flipping conformational change accompanied by significant helical movement. We have investigated the dynamics of the U6 ISL by analyzing the power dependence of 13C NMR relaxation rates in the rotating frame. The data provide evidence that the conformational transition is centered around an exchange lifetime of 84 micros. The U80 nucleotide displays low internal mobility on the picosecond time-scale at pH 7.0 but high internal mobility at pH 6.0, in agreement with the global transition resulting in the base of U80 adopting a looped-out conformation with increased dynamic disorder. A kinetic analysis suggests that the conformational change, rather than adenine protonation, is the rate-limiting step in the pathway of the conformational transition. Two nucleotides, U70 and U80, were found from chemical shift perturbation mapping to interact with the magnesium ion, with apparent K(d) values in the micromolar to millimolar range. These nucleotides also displayed metal ion-induced elevation of R1 rates, which can be explained by a model that assumes dynamic metal ion coordination concomitant with an induced higher shielding anisotropy for the base 13C nuclei. Addition of Mg2+ shifts the conformational equilibrium toward the high-pH (base-stacked) structure, accompanied by a significant drop in the apparent pK(a) of A79.  相似文献   
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