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Retinae of Borna disease virus (BDV)-infected Lewis rats were investigated with emphasis on long-term changes in organotypic tissue organization and glia-neuron relationship. Virus inoculation was attained via intracerebral BDV injection. Following survival times ranging between two and eight months, the retinal thickness was reduced up to one third of that of controls. Photoreceptor segments were completely extinguished and the number of neurons was dramatically reduced. The typical laminar organization of the retina was largely dissolved. Electron microscopy revealed severe spongy degeneration. Large numbers of activated microglia and macrophages were found, both cell types performing very active phagocytosis. The microglial cells expressed an extraordinary phenotype as characterized by large numbers of processes, with some of them penetrating the endfeet of Müller cells and others establishing highly complex interdigitations with vacuolized swellings and endings of neuronal processes. Müller cells were not reduced in number but displayed clear indications of gliosis such as alterations in the immunoreactivity for filament proteins and glutamine synthetase, significantly thickened stem processes, and an altered pattern of K+ currents in patch-clamp recordings. These findings demonstrate for the first time long-term neuron-glia interactions in the retina of BDV-infected rats. Moreover, the data contribute to our knowledge on structural and functional alterations accompanying persisting virus infection in the central nervous system.  相似文献   
Preformation of organs involves the initiation of vegetative and generative tissues at least one season before they are actually produced. It is a strategy to deal with environments characterized by predictable seasonality as it enables fast growth of plants at the onset of favorable conditions. However, early preformation also strongly restricts plants in their response to unpredictable environmental changes and disturbance. In this study we investigated the response of the clonal forest understory herb Uvularia perfoliata to disturbance and resource limitation. In U. perfoliata shoot characteristics, as well as vegetative and sexual reproduction are determined at the end of the previous growing season. Plants were grown under two light levels and the rhizome connection between parent and offspring ramets were severed at various times during the growing period. Disturbance did not affect total biomass accumulation but it did affect the relative allocation and survival probability of parents and offspring ramets. Early severing resulted in increased survival chance and future fitness of the parent ramet, while late severing resulted in a higher survival chance and increased fitness of offspring ramets. The response was mediated by plant size and resource availability. These results show that the life history of U. perfoliata includes the possibility to alleviate the effects of disturbance even though the species is characterized by strong developmental canalization through organ preformation.Co-ordinating editor: J. Tuomi  相似文献   
All six arms of the group 1 chromosomes of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum) were sequenced with Roche/454 to 1.3- to 2.2-fold coverage and compared with similar data sets from the homoeologous chromosome 1H of barley (Hordeum vulgare). Six to ten thousand gene sequences were sampled per chromosome. These were classified into genes that have their closest homologs in the Triticeae group 1 syntenic region in Brachypodium, rice (Oryza sativa), and/or sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and genes that have their homologs elsewhere in these model grass genomes. Although the number of syntenic genes was similar between the homologous groups, the amount of nonsyntenic genes was found to be extremely diverse between wheat and barley and even between wheat subgenomes. Besides a small core group of genes that are nonsyntenic in other grasses but conserved among Triticeae, we found thousands of genic sequences that are specific to chromosomes of one single species or subgenome. By examining in detail 50 genes from chromosome 1H for which BAC sequences were available, we found that many represent pseudogenes that resulted from transposable element activity and double-strand break repair. Thus, Triticeae seem to accumulate nonsyntenic genes frequently. Since many of them are likely to be pseudogenes, total gene numbers in Triticeae are prone to pronounced overestimates.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In der Umgebung von Schlüchtern (50°21 N, 09°31 E) und im Stadtbereich Frankfurts (50°08 N, 08°38 E) wurden in mehreren Untersuchungsgebieten seit 1971 bzw. seit 1977 von Oktober/November bis Februar/März regelmäßige nächtliche Kontrollen von 1121 Nistkästen durchgeführt, und zwar in einzelnen Jahren in 3tägigen, wöchentlichen, 14tägigen und monatlichen Abständen. Für eine weitgehend vollständige Erfassung der relativ stabilen Population genügten monatliche Kontrollen. Bei nur einer Winterkontrolle wurde der Bestand erheblich unterschätzt: bei alten betrug der Schätzfehler mindestens 25 %, bei jungen mindestens 45 %. Kohlmeisen reagierten auf nächtliche Kontrollen mit einem Wechsel des Übernachtungsortes. Erst bei Kontrollabständen von 3 Tagen mied ein Teil der Population die Nistkästen. Regelmäßige Nachtkontrollen können zum Verständnis bestandsregulierender Prozesse wie Zu- und Abwanderung, Ansiedlung, Ortstreue und Wintermortalität beitragen.
Studies on Great Tits (Parus major) during winter — possibilities and limits of nocturnal checks
Summary 1121 nest boxes were regularly checked during night from October/November until February/March in the area of Schlüchtern (50°21 N, 09°31 E) since 1971 and since 1977 in the area of Frankfurt (50°08 N, 08°38 E). During that time the checking was done in three-day, weekly, bi-weekly and monthly intervals. A single monthly checking was sufficient for an extensive and complete estimation of the relative stable population. By only one winter checking the population was considerably underestimated: the estimation error was at least 25 % in old and at least 45 % in young . Great Tits reacted to night checking by changing their nocturnal roosting place. A portion of the population will keep clear of the nest boxes when checking is done in three-day intervals. It is being discussed as to what extent regular night checking contributes to the understanding of population regulating processes such as migration, settlement, site fidelity of native birds and winter mortality.
Type IB topoisomerases are essential enzymes that are responsible for relaxing superhelical tension in DNA by forming a transient covalent nick in one strand of the DNA duplex. Topoisomerase I is a target for anti-cancer drugs such as camptothecin, and these drugs also target the topoisomerases I in pathogenic trypanosomes including Leishmania species and Trypanosoma brucei. Most eukaryotic enzymes, including human topoisomerase I, are monomeric. However, for Leishmania donovani, the DNA-binding activity and the majority of residues involved in catalysis are located in a large subunit, designated TOP1L, whereas the catalytic tyrosine residue responsible for covalent attachment to DNA is located in a smaller subunit, called TOP1S. Here, we present the 2.27A crystal structure of an active truncated L.donovani TOP1L/TOP1S heterodimer bound to nicked double-stranded DNA captured as a vanadate complex. The vanadate forms covalent linkages between the catalytic tyrosine residue of the small subunit and the nicked ends of the scissile DNA strand, mimicking the previously unseen transition state of the topoisomerase I catalytic cycle. This structure fills a critical gap in the existing ensemble of topoisomerase I structures and provides crucial insights into the catalytic mechanism.  相似文献   
In the murine model of Leishmania major infection, resistance or susceptibility to the parasite has been associated with the development of a Th1 or Th2 type of immune response. Recently, however, the immunosuppressive effects of IL-10 have been ascribed a crucial role in the development of the different clinical correlates of Leishmania infection in humans. Since T cells and professional APC are important cellular sources of IL-10, we compared leishmaniasis disease progression in T cell-specific, macrophage/neutrophil-specific and complete IL-10-deficient C57BL/6 as well as T cell-specific and complete IL-10-deficient BALB/c mice. As early as two weeks after infection of these mice with L. major, T cell-specific and complete IL-10-deficient animals showed significantly increased lesion development accompanied by a markedly elevated secretion of IFN-γ or IFN-γ and IL-4 in the lymph nodes draining the lesions of the C57BL/6 or BALB/c mutants, respectively. In contrast, macrophage/neutrophil-specific IL-10-deficient C57BL/6 mice did not show any altered phenotype. During the further course of disease, the T cell-specific as well as the complete IL-10-deficient BALB/c mice were able to control the infection. Furthermore, a dendritic cell-based vaccination against leishmaniasis efficiently suppresses the early secretion of IL-10, thus contributing to the control of parasite spread. Taken together, IL-10 secretion by T cells has an influence on immune activation early after infection and is sufficient to render BALB/c mice susceptible to an uncontrolled Leishmania major infection.  相似文献   
InClostridium magnum strain Wo Bd P1 the formation of the enzyme components of the acetoin dehydrogenase enzyme system E1 (acetoin:2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol oxidoreductase Ao:DCPIP OR), E2 (dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase DHLTA) and E3 (dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase DHLDH) were induced during growth on acetoin. Ao:DCPIP OR was purified from acetoin-grown cells in two steps by chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel and on Mono Q HR. Native Ao:DCPIP OR exhibited a Mr of 138,000; it consisted of two different subunits of Mr 38,500 and Mr 34,000, and it occurred most probably in a tetrameric 22 structure. The N-terminal amino acid sequences of the - and -subunits revealed homologies to the N-termini of the corresponding subunits of Ao:DCPIP OR fromPelobacter carbinolicus and fromAlcaligenes eutrophus; furthermore, the N-terminus of the -subunit exhibited homologies to the N-termini of -subunits from different 2-oxo acid dehydrogenases.Abbreviations Ao:DCPIP OR acetoin:2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol oxidoreductase - DHLDH dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase - DHLTA dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase - HETPP hydroxyethyl thiamine pyrophosphate  相似文献   
Abstract: A high-affinity binding site for 5'- N -ethylcarboxamido[3H]adenosine ([3H]NECA) from bovine cerebral cortex has been characterized in its membrane-bound and solubilized state after gel filtration on Sepharose CL-6B. For detection of this site in membranes, it was necessary to remove metabolites with high affinities for this site enzymatically, e.g., adenosine by addition of adenosine deaminase and inosine by addition of nucleoside phosphorylase. The pore-forming peptide antibiotic alamethicin further enhanced binding of [3H]NECA to this site in membranes. In contrast to adenosine receptors and the adenotin-like low-affinity binding protein, this novel site was extremely sensitive against treatment with the sulfhydryl alkylating agent N -ethylmaleimide. In competition experiments, this site could be differentiated from adenosine receptors by its high affinity for adenine nucleotides and its lack of affinity for adenosine receptor antagonists. Inosine and its derivative S -(4-nitrobenzyl)-6-thioinosine were relatively potent ligands with K i values in the high nano- and low micromolar range, respectively. We conclude that the high-affinity NECA binding site described previously in bovine striatum is not exclusively located in the striatum, but can also be detected in membrane preparations and soluble extracts of bovine brain cortex.  相似文献   
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