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The activation of caspases is a central step in apoptosis and may also be critical for terminal differentiation of epidermal keratinocytes (KC). In particular, caspase-3 has been implicated in the differentiation of embryonic KC as well as in programmed cell death of KC, and caspase-14 has been suggested to function in the formation or homeostasis of the stratum corneum (SC). To test the putative roles of these proteases, we determined their expression level and activation status during development of fetal mouse epidermis. The level of procaspase-3 did not change significantly during epidermal development, and enzyme activation was undetectable at any timepoint investigated. Despite the lack of active caspase-3, the newly formed stratum granulosum and the regressing periderm contained cells positive in the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated fluorescein-dUTP nick end labeling assay, indicating that nuclear DNA was degraded without activation of caspase-3, thereby arguing against a proteolytic function of caspase-3 in embryonic KC differentiation. By contrast, caspase-14 increased in abundance from embryonic day 14.5 (E14.5) onwards and consistently localized to the suprabasal layers of fetal epidermis. The caspase-14 pro-enzyme was processed into its catalytic subunits, a step required for enzyme activity, on day E17.5, coinciding with SC formation. Thus, processing of procaspase-14 is not confined to air-exposed mature skin but also occurs during epidermal development in utero. In summary, this study demonstrates that caspase-14, but not caspase-3 activation coincides temporally and spatially with embryonic KC differentiation, suggesting a role for caspase-14 in terminally differentiated KC.  相似文献   
Entry into mitosis is accompanied by dramatic changes in cellular architecture, metabolism and gene expression. Many viruses have evolved cell cycle arrest strategies to prevent mitotic entry, presumably to ensure sustained, uninterrupted viral replication. Here we show for human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) what happens if the viral cell cycle arrest mechanism is disabled and cells engaged in viral replication enter into unscheduled mitosis. We made use of an HCMV mutant that, due to a defective Cyclin A2 binding motif in its UL21a gene product (pUL21a), has lost its ability to down-regulate Cyclin A2 and, therefore, to arrest cells at the G1/S transition. Cyclin A2 up-regulation in infected cells not only triggered the onset of cellular DNA synthesis, but also promoted the accumulation and nuclear translocation of Cyclin B1-CDK1, premature chromatin condensation and mitotic entry. The infected cells were able to enter metaphase as shown by nuclear lamina disassembly and, often irregular, metaphase spindle formation. However, anaphase onset was blocked by the still intact anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) inhibitory function of pUL21a. Remarkably, the essential viral IE2, but not the related chromosome-associated IE1 protein, disappeared upon mitotic entry, suggesting an inherent instability of IE2 under mitotic conditions. Viral DNA synthesis was impaired in mitosis, as demonstrated by the abnormal morphology and strongly reduced BrdU incorporation rates of viral replication compartments. The prolonged metaphase arrest in infected cells coincided with precocious sister chromatid separation and progressive fragmentation of the chromosomal material. We conclude that the Cyclin A2-binding function of pUL21a contributes to the maintenance of a cell cycle state conducive for the completion of the HCMV replication cycle. Unscheduled mitotic entry during the course of the HCMV replication has fatal consequences, leading to abortive infection and cell death.  相似文献   
Chronic neck pain is a major public health problem with very few evidence-based complementary treatment options. This study aimed to test the efficacy of 12 weeks of a partner-delivered home-based cupping massage, compared to the same period of progressive muscle relaxation in patients with chronic non-specific neck pain. Patients were randomly assigned to self-directed cupping massage or progressive muscle relaxation. They were trained and asked to undertake the assigned treatment twice weekly for 12 weeks. Primary outcome measure was the current neck pain intensity (0–100 mm visual analog scale; VAS) after 12 weeks. Secondary outcome measures included pain on motion, affective pain perception, functional disability, psychological distress, wellbeing, health-related quality of life, pressure pain thresholds and adverse events. Sixty one patients (54.1±12.7 years; 73.8%female) were randomized to cupping massage (n = 30) or progressive muscle relaxation (n = 31). After treatment, both groups showed significantly less pain compared to baseline however without significant group differences. Significant effects in favor of cupping massage were only found for wellbeing and pressure pain thresholds. In conclusion, cupping massage is no more effective than progressive muscle relaxation in reducing chronic non-specific neck pain. Both therapies can be easily used at home and can reduce pain to a minimal clinically relevant extent. Cupping massage may however be better than PMR in improving well-being and decreasing pressure pain sensitivity but more studies with larger samples and longer follow-up periods are needed to confirm these results.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01500330  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Versuchsparzellen von Ackersegen-Kartoffeln in Nord- und Mitteldeutschland wurden durch wöchentliche Insektizidbehandlungen während der gesamten Vegetationsperiode 1956 frei von Blattlauskolonien gehalten. Prüfung des Nachbaus auf Virusverseuchung 1957 ergab, daß die Bestände 1956 dennoch Virusinfektionen erhalten hatten, daß der Grad der Verseuchung mit der örtlichen Flugintensität der Vektoren (Myzus persicae Sulz.) in enger Beziehung stand und daß dabei die Randreihen bedeutend mehr Infektionen aufwiesen als die Mitte der Bestände. Diese Befunde werden mit dem Flug- und Wirtswahlverhalten der geflügelten Vektoren interpretiert.
Summary In the course of comparative investigations of the significance of the infestation flight of Aphis fabae Scop. on the distribution of virus diseases, the virus infection which is frequently different on the edges and in the centre of virus diseased potato fields, has been analysed in the potato degeneration area (i.e. where seed potatoes cannot be grown year after year due to the high incidence of virus) of Middle Germany (Quedlinburg) and in the seed growing area of Northern Germany (Groß-Lüsewitz, Mecklenburg). In 1956 a nearly square plot of 500 healthy Ackersegen plants was kept free from apterae (aphids) by a weekly treatment with insecticides (Wofatox spray) and in 1957 the following generation (from 5 by 5 tubers taken separatedly from each bush) was tested for virus infection. The infection was found to be by 12 times more frequent in the degeneration area than in the seed production district. This can only have been due to the visits of alate vectors, especially Myzus persicae Sulz., the infestation flight of which was 29 times greater in Middle than in Northern Germany. In both places the virus infestation in the test plots was observed to decrease quickly from edge to centre. At Quedlinburg the third row showed barely one half of the infestation of the edge and the 5th row only one third of the infestation of the outer rows. At Groß-Lüsewitz it dropped to a tenth in the second row. This phenomenon is due to the nature of the infestation flight of the vectors, which glide extremely near to the ground. The flight is stopped at the bordering rows because of the density of the crop, effecting a far higher infestation rate here than in the centre, where it penetrates only very sparsely. This was evident from an experiment on planting times, described by v. Bernuth 1948: The later the potatoes grow up, the smaller is the virus infestation quotient edge to centre, for when the plants are all small the whole crop is equally exposed to the infestation flight of the vectors, which begins by the end of June.From this experience the demand of agricultural practice for the earliest possible planting and quickest possible covering of the ground by crop is be easily unterstood.
BACKGROUND: Early clinical trials for gene therapy of human gliomas with retroviral packaging cells (PC) have been hampered by low transduction efficacy and lack of dissemination of PC within the tumor. In the current approach, these issues have been addressed by creating a stable packaging cell line for retroviral vectors pseudotyped with glycoproteins of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) based on tumor-infiltrating progenitor cells. METHODS: Tumor-infiltrating progenitor cells, which had been isolated from adult rat bone marrow (BM-TIC), were modified to stably express Gag-Pol proteins of moloney murine leukemia virus (Mo-MLV) and glycoproteins of LCMV. Packaging of a retroviral vector was measured by titration experiments on human fibroblast cells as well as on mouse and human glioma cell lines. Additionally, gene transfer was tested in a rat glioma model in vivo. RESULTS: The BM-TIC-derived packaging cell line (BM-TIPC) produced retroviral vectors with titers between 2-8 x 10(3) transducing units (TU)/ml. Extended culturing of BM-TIPC over several weeks and freezing/thawing of cells did not affect vector titers. No replication-competent retrovirus was released from BM-TIPC. In a rat glioma model, BM-TIPC infiltrated the tumors extensively and with high specificity. Moreover, BM-TIPC mediated transduction of glioma cells in vivo. CONCLUSION: This proof-of-principle study shows that primary adult progenitor cells with tumor-infiltrating capacity can be genetically modified to stably produce retroviral LCMV pseudotype vectors. These BM-TIPC may be a useful tool to enhance specificity and efficacy of gene transfer to gliomas in patients.  相似文献   


Besides its anti-inflammatory effects, cinnamaldehyde has been reported to have anti-carcinogenic activity. Here, we investigated its impact on immune cells.


Activation of nuclear factor-κB by cinnamaldehyde (0–10 µg/ml) alone or in combination with lipopolysaccharide was assessed in THP1XBlue human monocytic cell line and in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Proliferation and secretion of cytokines (IL10 and TNFα) was determined in primary immune cells and the human cell lines (THP1, Jurkat E6-1 and Raji cell lines) stimulated with cinnamaldehyde alone or in conjunction with lipopolysaccharide. Nitric oxide was determined in mouse RAW264.7 cells. Moreover, different treated PBMCs were stained for CD3, CD20 and AnnexinV.


Low concentrations (up to 1 µg/ml) of cinnamaldehyde resulted in a slight increase in nuclar factor-kB activation, whereas higher concentrations led to a dose-dependent decrease of nuclear factor-kB activation (up to 50%) in lipopolysachharide-stimulated THP1 cells and PBMCs. Accordingly, nitric oxide, interleukin 10 secretion as well as cell proliferation were reduced in lipopolysachharide-stimulated RAW264.7 cells, PBMCs and THP1, Raji and Jurkat-E6 immune cells in the presence of cinnamaldehyde in a concentration-dependent manner. Flow cytometric analysis of PBMCs revealed that CD3+ were more affected than CD20+ cells to apopotosis by cinnamaldehyde.


We attribute the anti-inflammatory properties of cinnamaldehyde to its ability to block nuclear factor-κB activation in immune cells. Treatment with cinnamaldehyde led to inhibition of cell viability, proliferation and induced apoptosis in a dose-dependent manner in primary and immortalized immune cells. Therefore, despite its described anti-carcinogenic property, treatment with cinnamaldehyde in cancer patients might be contraindicated due to its ability to inhibit immune cell activation.  相似文献   
We report on a balanced complex chromosomal aberration detected in a fetus after amniocentesis. The pregnancy was achieved after intracytoplasmic sperm injection. GTG-banding revealed a complex structurally rearranged karyotype with a translocation between chromosomes 5 and 15 and an additional paracentric inversion in the der(15) between bands 5q11.2 and 5q15. Ag-NOR staining showed an interstitial active nuclear organizer region in the der(15). Molecular cytogenetic analyses using whole-chromosome-painting probes, comparative genomic hybridization, and multicolor banding did not point to further structural aberrations or imbalances. Therefore, a complex rearrangement with three breakpoints has occurred, and the karyotype can be described as 46,XX,der(5)t(5;15) (q11.2;p12),der(15)t(5;15)(q11.2;p12)inv(5)(q11.2q15).  相似文献   
In order to investigate feeding synchronization in miniature pigs, a computer-controlled laboratory setup has been developed, recording the feeding behavior of two pigs at a time for weeks. Since, this setup delivers time series with a binary data structure, and thus Fourier-Spectral analysis is difficult to perform, Walsh - Fourier Spectral analysis for ordinal or binary data was utilized. Synchronicity between pigs housed together was estimated by coherency values, determined for the highest sequences of the Walsh - Fourier power spectra. Feeding behavior was recorded in 12 pigs (26 - 50 kg) housed in pairs, in separate, but adjacent pens. Pigs were conditioned to operate feeders and feeding was recorded for two weeks. Pigs housed adjacent to one another showed an overlap in the dominant sequencies which was confirmed by high corresponding coherency values. Furthermore, pairs of pigs were matched according to age, weight and gender, and combined by chance. Compared to these pairings, coherencies were higher and more consistent in pigs housed in adjacent pens. If the data structure is binary, Walsh - Fourier Spectral analysis utilizing coherencies as a measure of correlation between the spectra has been shown to be a useful tool in the investigation of behavioral synchronization.  相似文献   
DNA ligase IV functions in DNA nonhomologous end-joining and V(D)J recombination. Four patients with features including immunodeficiency and developmental and growth delay were found to have mutations in the gene encoding DNA ligase IV (LIG4). Their clinical phenotype closely resembles the DNA damage response disorder, Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS). Some of the mutations identified in the patients directly disrupt the ligase domain while others impair the interaction between DNA ligase IV and Xrcc-4. Cell lines from the patients show pronounced radiosensitivity. Unlike NBS cell lines, they show normal cell cycle checkpoint responses but impaired DNA double-strand break rejoining. An unexpected V(D)J recombination phenotype is observed involving a small decrease in rejoining frequency coupled with elevated imprecision at signal junctions.  相似文献   
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