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ABSTRACT Four new species of Symphypleona, Ptenothrix plumiseta, Deuterosminthurus serratus, Sminthurus annulatus, Smithurinus distinctus , are described from Korea. Especially two genera, Deuterosminthurus and Sminthurinus are new record to Korea. Korean Collembola Symphypleona add up to 18 species, 11 genera in 6 family.  相似文献   
Climate change poses a considerable threat to the biodiversity of high latitude and altitude ecosystems, with alpine regions across the world already showing responses to warming. However, despite probable hydrological change as alpine glaciers and snowpacks shrink, links between alpine stream biota and reduced meltwater input are virtually unknown. Using data from the French Pyrénées, we demonstrate that taxonomic richness and total abundance of stream macroinvertebrates increase significantly as meltwater (snow melt and glacier melt) contributions to river flow decrease. Macroinvertebrate species showed a gradation of optimum meltwater conditions at which they persist. For example: Habroleptoides berthelemyi (Ephemeroptera), Perla grandis (Plecoptera) and Rhithrogena spp. (Ephemeroptera) increased in abundance when meltwater contributions to streamflow decrease, whereas in contrast, Rhyacophila angelieri (Trichoptera) and Diamesa latitarsis spp. (Diptera) decreased in abundance. Changes in alpine stream macroinvertebrate community composition as meltwater contributions decline were associated with lower suspended sediment concentration, and higher water temperature, electrical conductivity and pH. Our results suggest α diversity (at a site) of streams presently fed by meltwaters will increase with future meltwater reductions. However, β diversity (between‐sites) will be reduced as snow melt and glacier melt decrease because the habitat heterogeneity associated with spatiotemporal variability of water source contributions will become lower as meltwater contributions decline. Extinction of some endemic alpine aquatic species (such as the Pyrenean caddis fly R. angelieri) is predicted with reduced meltwater inputs, leading to decreases in γ diversity (region). Our identification of significant links between meltwater production and stream macroinvertebrate biodiversity has wider implications for the conservation of alpine river ecosystems under scenarios of climate change induced glacier and snowpack loss.  相似文献   
Cold hardiness in the black rice bug, Scotinophara lurida   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.  The mechanisms and strategies for winter survival of the black rice bug Scotinophara lurida are investigated along with the relationship between cold hardiness and diapause. The ability of S. lurida to survive subzero temperatures varies depending on developmental stage, temperature and exposure duration. Mean supercooling point (SCP) varies from –7.6 to –10.7 °C with developmental stage, but is not significantly different between stages examined. The SCP also varies with season, being lowest in January and increasing rapidly in February and remaining almost at the same level (–7.3 to 9.6 °C) until April The osmolality of haemolymph of field-collected S. lurida adults rises dramatically from 53.9 mOsm kg−1 in August to 75.3 mOsm kg−1 in December, and then declines linearly to 57.0 mOsm kg−1 in May. Field-collected S. lurida adults show a peak glucose content in October, glycerol content in November and trehalose content in December. Only trehalose content decreases after the application of the juvenile hormone analogue, fenoxycarb, suggesting that trehalose is a cryoprotectant during diapause. These various physiological and biochemical traits related to cold tolerance in S. lurida may be, at least in part, under the control of juvenile hormone through the reproductive diapause programme.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. An age-autolyzed culture of Chroomonas salina , grown under cool-white light with glycerol, produced waxy lipid constituting about 44% of total matter harvested. This lipid was composed of 87% wax ester, 9% triglyceride, 3% polar lipid and 1% hydrocarbon. The major wax ester species were identified by total carbon number as C26(28%), C28(35%), C30(15%). The main fatty acid components of the wax esters were 12:0 (39%), 14:0 (30%), 16:0 (14%), while the main alcohols were 14:0 (53%) and 16:0 (40%). The hydrocarbon fraction showed saturated paraffins ranging from C17 to C33, with odd-numbered chain components predominating. No polyunsaturated components were detected in the wax ester or hydrocarbon fractions. This is the first record of wax ester production by a cryptomonad or a marine phytoplankter.  相似文献   
Trophic Dynamics and Niches of Salt Marsh Foraminifera   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Energetic considerations of the growth of three species of littoralbenthic foraminifera, Allogromia laticollaris, Rosalina leei,and Spiroloculina hyalina, have been made on laboratory-grownpopulations. Under optimum laboratory conditions A. laticollarishas the greatest intrinsic rate of increase (r = 2.533 org/day);S. hyalina (r = 1.472 org/day), and R. leei (r = 0.272 org/day)being less fecund. The respiration rates of the three specieswere similar (0.5–4.5 µ1/mg body wt/hr) within thetemperature range (15–35 C) tested. The species studiedare selective feeders. Only 4-5 of 28 species of algae testedwere consumed in significant quantities (40-150 x 108 g/foram/day).Although great numbers of bacteria were eaten, their biomasswas negligible when compared to the algae. The ecological growthefficiency (Ee) of the three species tested is highest in freshcultures (5-20%) and declines rapidly. Evidence suggests thatthe species studied are well adapted for the rapid changes inthe microbial community structure which take place throughoutthe summer, and that community stability and high rate of productivityare achieved through diversity.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Eimerians from 27 gray squirrels Sciurus carolinensis sampled in Waterloo County were studied. Two double-walled species, E. ontarioensis n. sp. which was piriform (36.8 × 23.5) and E. confusa Joseph which was subspherical (35.7 × 28.4), were described and compared with similar species from the genus Sciurus. Eimeria sp., ellipsoidal (24.9 × 14.4), from Ontario gray squirrels resembled E. ascotensis and E. neosciuri and was a new eimerian record from Ontario. The zoogeographic significance of E. ontarioensis n. sp. and E. sp. in North American gray squirrels is discussed.  相似文献   
1. The biometric approach to selection experiments has been outlined, and found to be rather deficient because it is based on excessively restrictive models which cannot take into account the complex architectures of quantitative traits as are being revealed today. 2. The nature of polygenes is discussed in detail from the theoretical point of view. In out breeding species, some form of the balanced polygenic complex is likely, showing polymorphism for the constituent genes. Although polymorphism is implicit in the argument, definitive evidence for poiymorphisms has only just appeared. 3. There is no evidence that polygenes differ from any other gene. 4. Several artificial selection experiments are described, in particular in Drosophila. By means of appropriate breeding techniques after obtaining responses to selection, genetic activity controlling quantitative traits can be located to chromosomes, and even specific loci found. Such few studies as have been carried out reveal, in general, the types of genetic architecture predicted on theoretical grounds. 5. Selection for behavioural traits is considered briefly and it appears that no new principles are needed, except that careful environmental control and objective measurement present problems. 6. The results of selection for quantitative traits in micro-organisms reveal similarities to results in higher organisms in the few cases where definitive work has been carried out. 7. Work on the simulation of models by computers has not greatly advanced selection experiment theory, mainly because, with few exceptions, linkage has been ignored. 8. The existing theory on which selection experiments are based is inadequate for several reasons. It cannot predict the rate of response to selection nor the ultimate limits to selection, the nature of correlated responses to selection, nor the nature of gene segregation underlying the observed variability. 9. Strains set up from single inseminated founder females from the same population of Drosophila have been shown to differ genetically for several quantitative traits. Therefore the base population is polymorphic for genes controlling these traits. This was exploited by carrying out directional selection on lines derived from those strains showing a high incidence of scutellar chaetae. This led to far more rapid responses to selection than lines derived from strains where the incidence of scutellar chaetae was lower. 10. Ultimately, one can envisage the selection experiment as it is known today being partly replaced by the manipulation of located genes controlling quantitative traits into certain combinations.  相似文献   
Regular (monthly) additions of NH4NO3 (4–12 g N m−2 yr−1) were made over a period of 8 yr (1989–98) to areas of moorland in North Wales dominated by the ericaceous shrub Calluna vulgaris . Results from the early stages of the experiment (1990–94) have shown marked and dose-related increases in shoot extension and canopy height in response to the nitrogen treatments, with significantly higher shoot nitrogen contents. The nitrogen-related stimulation in the growth of the C. vulgaris canopy over this period has resulted in large accumulations of litter on the high-nitrogen-treated plots (6.6 kg m−2 in plots treated with 12 g N m−2 yr−1, compared with 3.8 kg m−2 for the water controls). Litter nitrogen concentrations were also significantly increased at the higher rates of nitrogen addition, leading to a doubling of the total return of nitrogen to the litter layer over the experimental period. These changes in vegetation structure were associated with large reductions in the abundance of the bryophyte and lichen species normally present under the untreated canopy. Results since 1994, however, show little increase in shoot extension in response to the nitrogen treatments, with no clear dose response to increasing levels of addition. These findings are associated with a dose-related increase in the susceptibility of the nitrogen-treated areas of the C. vulgaris canopy to late winter injury, characterized as browning of the shoot tips in early to late spring. These results indicate that deleterious effects are now accumulating as a result of the long-term addition of nitrogen to these moorland plots.  相似文献   
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