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甘肃兴隆山主要森林类型凋落物累积量及持水特性   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Wei Q  Ling L  Zhang GZ  Yan PB  Tao JX  Chai CS  Xue R 《应用生态学报》2011,22(10):2589-2598
2010年,采用野外实地观测与室内浸水法,对甘肃兴隆山6种主要森林类型(青杆林、青杆-白桦林、山杨-白桦林、灌丛林、落叶松林、油松林)林下凋落物的累积量、持水量、持水率和吸水速率进行了研究.结果表明:不同森林类型凋落物层累积量在13.40~46.32 t·hm-2,为油松林>青杆-白桦林>落叶松林>青杆林>灌丛林>山杨-白桦林,且针叶林累积量高于阔叶林;半分解层累积量所占比例均高于未分解层.凋落物最大持水率为185.5%~303.6%,落叶松林最大,油松林最小,持水率与浸水时间呈对数关系;针叶林未分解层持水率均小于半分解层,而阔叶林则相反.凋落物最大持水量在3.94~8.59 mm,为油松林>落叶松林>青杆-白桦林>青杆林>灌丛林>山杨-白桦林;持水量与浸水时间存在对数关系;半分解层持水量均大于未分解层.凋落物吸水速率与浸水时间存在幂函数关系,在浸水前1h内,吸水速率均直线下降,而浸水1.0h后吸水速率较小,且不同时段间变化较小;半分解层吸水速率高于未分解层.凋落物有效拦蓄量(深)为青杆-白桦林(5.97 mm)>油松林(5.59 mm)>落叶松林(5.46 mm)>青杆林(4.30 mm)>灌丛林(3.03 mm)>山杨-白桦林(2.13 mm).  相似文献   
应用聚合酶链式反应技术(PCR)扩增轮状病毒VP7基因,并将其克隆到pMD18-T simple载体上,对重组子进行PCR检测和限制性内切酶分析,并测定DNA全序列。结果显示,克隆片段全长为981 bp。将轮状病毒VP7基因定向的克隆到原核表达载体pET-32a启动子下游,构建原核表达载体pET-32aVP7。将质粒pET-32aVP7转化Transetta表达菌株进行诱导表达,裂解菌体细胞抽提蛋白质进行SDS-PAGE。结果表明,轮状病毒壳蛋白VP7基因在Transetta表达菌株内得到成功表达。  相似文献   
Relatively little has been studied on the AMA-1 vaccine against Plasmodium vivax and on the plasmid DNA vaccine encoding P. vivax AMA-1 (PvAMA-1). In the present study, a plasmid DNA vaccine encoding AMA-1 of the reemerging Korean P. vivax has been constructed and a preliminary study was done on its cellular immunogenicity to recipient BALB/c mice. The PvAMA-1 gene was cloned and expressed in the plasmid vector UBpcAMA-1, and a protein band of approximately 56.8 kDa was obtained from the transfected COS7 cells. BALB/c mice were immunized intramuscularly or using a gene gun 4 times with the vaccine, and the proportions of splenic T-cell subsets were examined by fluorocytometry at week 2 after the last injection. The spleen cells from intramuscularly injected mice revealed no significant changes in the proportions of CD8(+) T-cells and CD4(+) T-cells. However, in mice immunized using a gene gun, significantly higher (P<0.05) proportions of CD8(+) cells were observed compared to UB vector-injected control mice. The results indicated that cellular immunogenicity of the plasmid DNA vaccine encoding AMA-1 of the reemerging Korean P. vivax was weak when it was injected intramuscularly; however, a promising effect was observed using the gene gun injection technique.  相似文献   
云南石林公园不同生境蚂蚁多样性研究   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
2003年5月下旬(雨季初期)和9月下旬(雨季后期),选择云南石林公园地带性植被滇青冈(Cyclobalanopsisglaucoides)林(原始林)、次生林、灌丛、草地、云南松(Pinusyunnanensis)林5种生境,采用陷阱诱捕法采集蚂蚁,共获蚂蚁8775头,隶属4亚科16属26种。优势种为阿诗玛无刺蚁(Kartidrisashima)、布立毛蚁(Pseudolasiusbournica)和重庆弓背蚁(Campontuschongqingensis)。两个季节蚂蚁多样性指数均以原始林最低,灌丛和松林最高。各生境蚂蚁群落相似性低,相似性系数在0–0.2609之间。结果显示,蚂蚁的多样性受多种环境因子影响;与地带性植被相比,蚂蚁群落在人为干扰的各种生境中已发生较大的变化。  相似文献   
本研究旨在通过转录组分析预测的方法,由地衣芽孢杆菌中筛选获得一种新型双向启动子,鉴定其启动强度。以已知强组成型启动子pShuttle-09为对照,检测其对克劳氏芽孢杆菌碱性蛋白酶基因的表达活性。成功构建了3种重组碱性蛋白酶表达载体及对应的工程菌株。在新型启动子pLA和其反向启动子pLB调控转录下,克劳氏芽孢杆菌碱性蛋白酶表达活性达到164 U/mL和111 U/mL。结果表明,pLA的启动强度明显高于pShuttle-09和pLB,pLA启动子与pLB启动子均可表达碱性蛋白酶。从而为枯草芽孢杆菌表达系统中异源基因的表达提供一个新的方向,也为原核生物中共同表达两种基因提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
Despite the great importance of Aureobasidium pullulans in biotechnology, the fungus had emerged as an opportunistic human pathogen, especially among immunocompromised patients. Clinical detection of this rare human fungal pathogen presently relies on morphology diagnosis which may be misleading. Thus, a sensitive and accurate quantitative molecular assay for A. pullulans remains lacking. In this study, we presented the microscopy observations of A. pullulans that reveals the phenotypic plasticity of the fungus. A. pullulans-specific primers and molecular beacon probes were designed based on the fungal 18S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene. Comparison of two probes with varied quencher chemistry, namely BHQ-1 and Tamra, revealed high amplification efficiency of 104% and 108%, respectively. The optimized quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) assays could detect and quantify up to 1 pg concentration of A. pullulans DNA. Both assays displayed satisfactory performance parameters at fast thermal cycling mode. The molecular assay has great potential as a molecular diagnosis tool for early detection of fungal infection caused by A. pullulans, which merits future study in clinical diagnosis.  相似文献   
本文报告了本实验室设计的由血红细胞自溶液60℃热变性, 乙醇——氯仿法除血红蛋白,旋转蒸发法减压浓缩抽去氯仿、乙醇,硫酸铵分级盐析法沉降SOD,Sepbadex G-75层析提纯SOD等步骤构成的一条成本低、设计合理、简便实用的分离纯化SOD的工艺路线。  相似文献   
免培养法对一热泉细菌多样性的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
应用免培养法(Cultureindependent)对云南腾冲热海大滚锅高温热泉中细菌的多样性进行初步的分析。经过克隆筛选,测定了5个克隆的16S rDNA插入片段的近全序列,系统发育分析的结果表明,它们分属于Bacillus、HydrogenobacterPseudomonas,有一个克隆尚难确定其分类地位,它属于Thermodesulfobacteriaceae科,介于Geothermbacterium属和Thermodesulfobacteria属之间。经PCR扩增出上述5个克隆16S rDNA插入序列中及环境样品总DNA中的16S rDNA V8高变区约600bp片段,进行变性梯度电泳(DGGE)。所得电泳图谱和5个序列的系统发育树不仅表明该高温热泉存在着丰富的细菌多样性,还显示了它们是该高温热泉中细菌的优势物种。  相似文献   
小麦HMW-GS1Dx5基因的克隆及其特异性表达   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
显微切割了普通小麦钢82-122(Triticumaestivum2n=42)具有1Dx5+1Dy10亚基的1D染色体长臂端,利用PCR扩增得到了HMW-GS1Dx5亚基的5(端400bp序列片段.以此作为探针从基因的组织特异性和特定发育阶段的表达两个方面研究了HMW-GS1Dx5基因表达的规律.结果表明,干种子及萌发种子中存在此基因,而在发育的幼苗中此基因未表达.HMW-GS1Dx5基因可能从开花初期开始表达.HMW-GS1Dx5基因在籽粒成熟期表达,然而在营养器官如叶片中未表达,其表达存在组织特异性.HMW-GS1Dx5基因在蜡熟期籽粒表达水平最高,其次是乳熟期籽粒.从开花15d至蜡熟期籽粒,表达趋于增加.开花15d其mRNA水平是蜡熟期籽粒mRNA的28%,灌浆期为40%、乳熟期为72%、完熟期为54%.这为进一步研究其表达调控和改善小麦品质打下基础  相似文献   
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