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From 1986-90 we tagged 98 harbour seal pups at Hvaler, Norway Fifteen were recovered later the same year of which 10 were recovered in 1988, when the seal population was infected by a morbillivirus The epizootic in 1988 resulted in a population decline of c 75% Predicted birth weight did not vary significantly before and after the epizootic Newborn harbour seals have antibodies against the morbillivirus two years after the outbreak of the disease  相似文献   
Staphylococcal enterotoxin at concentrations of less than 1 pg/ml induces significant TNF activity in human peripheral blood T cells and monocytes. Maximal TNF activity is routinely detected after 48 to 72 h of culture. IL-2 and IL-4 were both growth promoting for human T cells but only IL-2 could efficiently induce TNF production. The production of TNF-alpha and TNF-beta differed greatly in kinetics. An early intracytoplasmatic production of TNF-alpha after 6 h was detected in both monocytes and T cells whereas a late production of TNF-beta (lymphotoxin) after 48 h, occurred in the T cell population. Induction of TNF-alpha and TNF-beta production by Staphylococcal enterotoxin requires the presence of both monocytes and T cells. The CD4+45R- but not CD4+45R+ and CD8+ cells supported TNF-alpha production in monocytes. The main lytic component from Staphylococcal enterotoxin-activated mononuclear cells is TNF-beta. CD4+ and CD8+ T cells produced about equal amounts of biologically active TNF into the culture supernatants but a fourfold higher frequency of TNF-beta producing cells was demonstrated among CD4+ vs CD8+ cells. The CD4+45R- T cell subset was an efficient producer of TNF-beta and IFN-gamma whereas the CD4+45R+ T cell subset produced significant amounts of TNF-beta but only marginal amounts of IFN-gamma.  相似文献   
The bacterial superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) is an extremely potent activator of T lymphocytes when presented on MHC class II antigens. In order to induce T lymphocytes to reject a tumor, we substituted the specificity of SEA for MHC class II molecules with specificity for tumor cells by combining SEA with a MAb recognizing colon carcinomas. Chemical conjugates or recombinant fusion proteins of the MAb C215 and SEA retained excellent antigen binding properties whereas the binding to MHC class II was markedly reduced. The hybrid proteins directed SEA responsive T cells to tumors with specificity determined by the specificity of the MAb. Significant tumor cell killing was obtained at picomolar concentrations of the hybrid proteins and was the result of direct cell mediated by cytotoxicity as well as production of tumoricidal cytokines by T cells. Targeting of superantigens represents a novel approach to specific immunomodulation and deserves further study as a potential therapy for malignant disease.  相似文献   
Superantigen-based tumor therapy: in vivo activation of cytotoxic T cells   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
We have recently demonstrated that the superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) targets in vitro activated cytotoxic T lymphocytes against tumor cells expressing major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II antigens. In this report we analyze the use of SEA as an immunoactivator in vivo. Treatment of mice with SEA activated a fraction of CD3+ T cells apparently as a function of their T cell receptor V expression. SEA induced interleukin-2 receptor expression and proliferation in both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. This proliferative response was dose-dependent (0.1 – 100 µg/mouse), peaked during day 1 after treatment and declined to background levels within 4 days. The cytotoxic response, measured as cytotoxicity to SEA-coated MHC class II+ target cells (staphylococcal-enterotoxin-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity, SDCC), was maximal at a dosage of 1 µg SEA/mouse. The SDCC was confined to the CD8+ T cell compartment, peaked 2 days after treatment and declined to background levels within 4 days. A second injection of SEA on day 5 after the first SEA treatment resulted in SDCC function with kinetics and magnitude identical to that seen after one injection. These results pave the way for the use of SEA in the treatment of MHC class II+ tumors.  相似文献   
The hydrogen exchange kinetics of human oxy-, deoxy-, and cyanomethemoglobin have been measured as a function of pH by the tritium tracer method. At 5 degrees C and in phosphate buffer both liganded and unliganded forms of ferrohemoglobin exhibit deviations from the regular pH dependence of exchange that is characteristic of cyanomethemoglobin. In oxyhemoglobin, the deviation from the normal exchange pattern is centered at pH 7.4 and is in the direction of increased exchange or solvent accessibility. The effect in deoxyhemogloin, while occurring at the same pH and being of the same order of magnitude, is in the opposite direction, thus suggesting a pH-induced conformational transition leading to a less accessible structure. The width of these pH-induced deviations in solvent accessibility is approximately 1 pH unit in both cases. We propose a model in which specific interactions between charged groups in both froms of ferrohemoglobin account for these deviations.  相似文献   
In a survey at 5 sites in southern Romania for parasites of pupalLymantric dispar (L.), 8 species were recovered: 3Tachinidae (Dip.); Blepharipa pratensis (Meigen),Parasetigena silvestris (Robineau-Desvoidy), andExorista larvarum (L.); 1Chalcididae (Hym.); Brachymeria intermedia (Nees); 4Ichneumonidae (Hym.); Theronia atalantae atalantae (Poda),Coccygomimus instigator (F.),C. turionellae turionellae (L.), andEphialtes compunctor compunctor (L.). This was the 1 st reported recovery ofE. c. compunctor from L.dispar. Overall parasitism was low, and it is unlikely that additional surveys in this area will yield new parasites for introduction into the U.S.
Résumé Cinq localités dans le sud de la Roumanie ont été prospectées pour recenser les parasites des nymphes deLymantria dispar (L.). Huit espèces de parasites ont été obtenues:Blepharipa pratensis (Meigen),Parasetigena silvestris (Robineau-Desvoidy),Exorista larvarum (L.),Brachymeria intermedia (Nees),Theronia atalantae atalantae (Poda),Coccygomimus instigator (F.),C. turionellae turionellae (L.), etEphialtes compunctor compunctor. Cette dernière espèce étant nouvelle surL. dispar. Le parasitisme total étant très bas, les auteurs en déduisent que des prospections supplémentaires dans cette région ont peu de chance d'être valables en vue de l'introduction aux états-Unis de nouvelles espèces contreL. dispar.
The binding azide to human methemoglobin A0 has been studied at 6 degrees, pH 7, and I = 0.2 by three spectroscopic methods: (1) the conventional interpolative method, (2) an interpolative dialysis technique, and (3) a noninterpolative method. The interpolative methods assume that the fractional spectral change equals the fraction of heme sites bound by ligand, while the noninterpolative method measures the extent of binding directly, i.e., without the interpolative assumption. Both experiment and error analysis show that method 1 has low precision, and consequently, gives an inherently unreliable binding isotherm. Method 2 achieves high experimental and intrinsic precision. However, method 3, which also has high precision, clearly proves that the interpolative assumption of method 2 is incorrect. That is, the true fractional extent of binding becomes equal to the fractional spectral change only after about 97% of heme sites have been bound with ligands.  相似文献   
Corridors are often considered to promote dispersal between habitat patches. In this paper, we study whether or not corridors induce colonisation of nunataks (ice-free areas in glacier surroundings) by promoting dispersal from lowland to the nunataks. On outlet glaciers, debris originating from nunataks forms the so-called medial moraines that stretch from the nunataks down-glacier to the lowland, forming corridors of debris on the glacier. Aerial dispersal was determined with yellow sticky traps on the moraines, bare glacier and glacier foreland. Dipterans were sampled in pitfall traps on the nunataks. Flying insects that were present on the vegetated glacier foreland belonged to five orders, that is, Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera and Trichoptera. On the glacier and medial moraines, however, mainly dipterans were present, with the majority of individuals found on the moraines. Hoverflies (Syrphidae) were abundant on the moraines and on the edges of nunataks close to the moraines, but were not present on the vegetated foreland. The origin of the hoverflies is thus not the nunataks and not the lowland. Rather, they are brought in by air currents towards the glacier, where they aggregate on a land type where they have a chance of survival, although it is not habitable. Thus, we conclude that the medial moraines do not function as regular corridors but as drift fences that direct the dispersal towards the adjacent land types, that is, the nunataks and the glacier foreland.  相似文献   
Protandry is a widespread life‐history phenomenon describing how males precede females at the site or state of reproduction. In migratory birds, protandry has an important influence on individual fitness, the migratory syndrome, and phenological response to climate change. Despite its significance, accurate analyses on the dynamics of protandry using data sets collected at the breeding site, are lacking. Basing our study on records collected during two time periods, 1979 to 1988 and 2006 to 2016, we aim to investigate protandry dynamics over 38 years in a breeding population of willow warblers (Phylloscopus trochilus). Change in the timing of arrival was analyzed in males and females, and protandry (number of days between male and female arrival) was investigated both at population level and within breeding pairs. Our results show advancement in the arrival time at the breeding site in both sexes, but male arrival has advanced to a greater extent, leading to an increase in protandry both at the population level and within breeding pairs. We did not observe any change in sex ratio that could explain the protandry increase, but pronounced temperature change has occurred and been reported in the breeding area and along the migratory route. Typically, natural selection opposes too early arrival in males, but given warmer springs, this counteracting force may be relaxing, enabling an increase in protandry. We discuss whether our results suggest that climate change has induced sex‐specific effects, if these could be evolutionary and whether the timing of important life‐history stages such as arrival at the breeding site may change at different rates in males and females following environmental shifts.  相似文献   
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