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The structural properties of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) ribonucleotide reductase R2 protein were studied under varying pH and temperature conditions by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy as well as dynamic light scattering (DLS). Under physiological conditions this protein has a high alpha-helical content, similar to the corresponding protein from other species, e.g. mouse. Decreasing the pH induced significant structure conversions. When pH was below 6.5 an aggregated structure was observed and reached a maximum at pH 4. The aggregated state of this protein was verified by DLS and was found to be rich in beta-structure. This amyloid-like structure transformed into a molten globule state with high temperature stability (between 25 and 80 degrees C) at pH below 3. The corresponding mouse protein R2 under similar conditions showed no evidence of an aggregated state around pH 4.  相似文献   
Abstract. DNA sequences from the mitochondrial (including ND1, 16S) and nuclear (EF‐1α) genomes of about ninety‐four species were obtained to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships of Habronattus jumping spiders. Maximum parsimony trees were sought with both separate (mitochondrial, nuclear) and combined analyses; maximum likelihood trees were sought with both separate (ND1, 16S, EF‐1α introns, EF‐1α exons) and combined (mitochondrial, nuclear) analyses. All analyses agreed on some fundamental aspects of the tree, including the monophyly of the previously recognized agilis, amicus, dorotheae and americanus species groups. The deep phylogenetic structure is well resolved, placing the agilis, amicus, tranquillus and dorotheae groups basally. Several other previously unrecognized clades were well supported, including a newly formulated decorus group. The large group of species with modified male first and third legs was supported as monophyletic except for the surprising placement elsewhere of three species of the group. The phenotypic similarities between these three and the others are so detailed and precise that convergence in ornamentation can probably be ruled out. There are hints of phylogenetically distant genetic introgression involving the coecatus group. The combination Habronattus paratus is restored based on the species falling within Habronattus. Regarding patterns of character evolution, there was consistent support for the basal placement of several species groups with a long embolus, suggesting that there were more evolutionary reductions in embolus length than postulated in a previous morphological phylogeny. This is in accord with the expectation that there is a bias to an overly conservative interpretation of a character's evolution if it is interpreted on a phylogeny based in part on that same character. In contrast, the molecular phylogeny did not suggest any instances of the evolutionary transformation of one complex style of courtship into another, a possibility that could have been difficult to detect using the morphological phylogeny because of the same bias to conservativism.  相似文献   
Microhexura montivaga is a miniature tarantula‐like spider endemic to the highest peaks of the southern Appalachian mountains and is known only from six allopatric, highly disjunct montane populations. Because of severe declines in spruce‐fir forest in the late 20th century, M. montivaga was formally listed as a US federally endangered species in 1995. Using DNA sequence data from one mitochondrial and seven nuclear genes, patterns of multigenic genetic divergence were assessed for six montane populations. Independent mitochondrial and nuclear discovery analyses reveal obvious genetic fragmentation both within and among montane populations, with five to seven primary genetic lineages recovered. Multispecies coalescent validation analyses [guide tree and unguided Bayesian Phylogenetics and Phylogeography (BPP), Bayes factor delimitation (BFD)] using nuclear‐only data congruently recover six or seven distinct lineages; BFD analyses using combined nuclear plus mitochondrial data favour seven or eight lineages. In stark contrast to this clear genetic fragmentation, a survey of secondary sexual features for available males indicates morphological conservatism across montane populations. While it is certainly possible that morphologically cryptic speciation has occurred in this taxon, this system may alternatively represent a case where extreme population genetic structuring (but not speciation) leads to an oversplitting of lineage diversity by multispecies coalescent methods. Our results have clear conservation implications for this federally endangered taxon and illustrate a methodological issue expected to become more common as genomic‐scale data sets are gathered for taxa found in naturally fragmented habitats.  相似文献   
We hypothesize that the pattern of cyanobacterial dominance in experimentally enriched, low-carbon lakes is related not only to the resultant N:P ratio but also to the availability of carbon for gas-vesicle synthesis. We tested this hypothesis by determining the buoyancy responses of a highly gas-vacuolate, N2-fixing cyanobacterium to P enrichment with and without induced C limitation. Enrichment of samples of Aphanizomenon schindleri (Kling et al. 1994) from blooms in Lake 227 with combinations of C, N, and P produced rapid buoyancy reductions in P treatments, reductions that were reversed within a generation time in treatments that included C or C and N as well as P. These responses are the first of their kind to be observed in experiments with lake populations of cyano-bacteria. The rapid buoyancy reductions were associated with polyphosphate accumulations in P-treated A. schindleri. Differences in buoyancy status after one generation time were linked to differences in relative gas vacuolation between samples treated with P only and samples treated with C and N as well as P. These results may explain the relative success of different types of cyanobacteria in newly enriched, low-carbon lakes. The availability of C for gasvesicle synthesis may determine whether a low N:P ratio induces N2 fixation by benthic or by planktonic cyanobacteria and whether a high NP ratio leads to dominance by non-gas-vacuolate or by highly gas-vacuolate, non-N2-fixers.  相似文献   
The formation of neointimal thickenings in the rat carotid artery after balloon injury was studied by a combination of electron-microscopic and stereological methods. All smooth muscle cells in the normal media had a contractile phenotype, the cytoplasm being dominated by myofilaments. Seven days after endothelial denudation, the smooth muscle cells in the innermost part of the media had assumed a synthetic phenotype by loss of myofilaments and formation of a large endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex. These cells moved through fine openings in the internal elastic lamina and gave rise to a growing neointima by proliferation and secretion of extracellular matrix components. Fourteen days after the operation, the neointima had almost reached its final size, and mitoses were no longer noted. Nevertheless, the cells maintained a synthetic phenotype with prominent secretory organelles, although myofilaments had started to become more abundant again. They were surrounded by an extracellular matrix made up of collagen fibrils and coalescing patches of elastin. Thirty-five days after the operation, an endothelial cell layer had reformed and covered most of the luminal vessel surface. In parallel, the smooth muscle cells in the neointima had returned to a contractile phenotype with a cytoplasm dominated by myofilaments. These findings provide a morphological basis for further analysis of the cellular and molecular interactions involved in the formation of neointimal thickenings after endothelial injury, and for the search for agents interfering with this process.  相似文献   
Endocytosis of immunoglobulin G (IgG)-coated colloidal gold particles in cultured mouse peritoneal macrophages was studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. At 4 degrees C, the tracers adhered to the plasma membrane and accumulated in coated pits located in the bottom of furrows or deep invaginations on the cell surface. In the presence of an excess of unlabeled mouse IgG, cellular binding of the tracer was reduced by 80 to 90%. After warming to 37 degrees C, surface-bound tracer particles were rapidly ingested and transported to small and large vesicles lacking membrane coat. From here, they were then passed over to multivesicular bodies and lysosomes characterized by their content of myelin-like figures and other inclusions. Double-labeling experiments with IgG-coated colloidal gold particles of two different sizes (20 and 5 nm diameter) indicated that the plasma membrane was depleted of binding sites after uptake of a polyvalent ligand. The restoration of the binding capacity was a slow process requiring ongoing protein synthesis. On the basis of these observations, a model for endocytosis of immune complexes in macrophages is presented. It includes the following four steps: IgG-containing macromolecular aggregates bind to specific receptors in the plasma membrane. These appear to be preclustered in coated pits or able to move laterally within the membrane even at 4 degrees C. The receptor-ligand complexes are internalized and transferred sequentially to larger uncoated vesicles or endosomes, multivesicular bodies, and lysosomes with inclusions of varying appearance. Receptors and ligands are degraded within the lysosomes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Extracellular matrix components strongly influence the differentiated properties of isolated rat arterial smooth muscle cells during in vitro cultivation. The attachment and spreading of the cells on a substrate of fibronectin or a 105-kDa cell-binding fragment of fibronectin are accompanied by a structural and functional transformation, referred to as a transition or modulation from a contractile to a synthetic phenotype. Here, the ability of the cell-attachment sequence of fibronectin, Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser (RGDS), to promote this process was studied. The results demonstrate that freshly isolated smooth muscle cells attached to a substrate of the synthetic peptide Gly-Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser-Cys (GRGDSC) in a specific manner and as well as to substrates of fibronectin and the 105-kDa fragment. Subsequent spreading of the cells on the peptide substrate followed the same kinetics and was as extensive as on fibronectin, even if protein synthesis was blocked by treatment of the cultures with cycloheximide. Like fibronectin, the peptide substrate induced formation of actin filament bundles, again without ongoing protein synthesis. Moreover, it was as efficient as fibronectin in supporting the transition of the cells from a contractile to a synthetic phenotype as analyzed by electron microscopy. Antibodies against the beta subunit of the fibronectin receptor interfered with the attachment, spreading, and fine structural reorganization of the cells in a similar manner on substrates of fibronectin, the 105-kDa fragment, and GRGDSC. Taken together, the findings indicate that the cell-attachment sequence (RGDS) mimics intact fibronectin in promoting a change in the differentiated properties of arterial smooth muscle cells and does so by interacting with a cell surface receptor for fibronectin.  相似文献   
The volatile constituents of male and female boll weevils, Anthonomus grandis, and their frass were analysed by GLC-MS. The 4 previously identified components of the male pheromone were present only in the male volatile oil (3·9%) and in the male frass volatile oil (38·9%). The compounds found in one or both sexes and their frass include 26 carbonyls, 23 hydrocarbons, 12 alcohols, 6 phenols, 4 esters, 3 furans, 1 ether, and 1 lactone. Also found were 2 compounds containing nitrogen, 1 halogen, and 1 sulphur. There were 33 terpenes and 24 aromatic compounds. 3,7-Dimethyl-1-octanol comprised 15·6 per cent of the male frass oil. Carvone was found only in females (5·4%) and in female frass (6·8%). A series of monoterpene aldehydes (M+ 152) were found only in the female frass oil. A pheromone rôle for these components was suggested.  相似文献   
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