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Studies have been conducted on eight sets of monozygous and nine sets of dizygous female Negro twins, both members of whom were heterozygous for G-6-PD deficiency. Twins were studied both by assay of erythrocytic G-6-PD activity and by the methemoglobin elution test (MET). The MET is a procedure which identifies histochemically cells with appreciable G-6-PD activity and permits accurate determination of the percentage of such cells in heterozygotes. Monozygous twins showed significantly less within-pair variation than dizygous twins with both the MET and G-6-PD assay.Concerning the significantly greater agreement in MET results in monozygous twins than dizygous twins, our present working hypothesis is that X-chromosomal inactivation in the Negro female is genetically controlled, rather than random. However, certain alternate hypotheses allowing for random X-inactivation have not been excluded; these include somatic cell selection after random X-inactivation, and cell exchange between identical twins in utero/it. Studies in nontwin related heterozygotes now underway should help differentiate among these various possibilities.In addition to the studies on 17 pairs of female twins heterozygous for G-6-PD deficiency, 26 pairs of nondeficient female Negro twins have been studied by G-6-PD assay. Within-pair variation in monozygous twins was significantly less than within-pair variation in dizygous twins in all cases. The genetic influences detected with the G-6-PD assay in the female twins could theoretically be due to nonrandom X-inactivation, to genetically determined quantitative differences in enzyme activity (e.g., isoalleles), or to both. By appropriate calculations, based on the MET results, we have factored out the effects of X-inactivation on overall enzyme activity in the heterozygous deficient twins. After removal of the effect of X-inactivation, monozygous twins heterozygous for enzyme deficiency continue to show significantly less within-pair variation than dizygous twins. This finding indicates significant genetic influences on quantitative G-6-PD activity other than X-inactivation and other than the deficiency allele. This conclusion has been strengthened by studies on male twins where X-inactivation is not present.Supported by USPHS research grants AM-09381, HE-17544, AM-09919, and HE-03341, by USPHS Career Development Award 1-K3-AM-7959 (Dr. Brewer) and by U.S.A.E.C. Contract (11-1)-1552.  相似文献   
The effects of light quality and irradiance, and supply of organic carbon and vitamins on the growth of two forms of Ecklonia radiata in tissue culture were examined. A callus of unpigmented cells developed over the cut surface of newly excised explants of stipe. This growth was best in the dark but stopped after 10 weeks. Pigmented, mainly filamentous clumps of cells developed from explants after several weeks in culture. These required light for growth, with growth being enhanced by increasing photon flux density up to 30 μmol photon m-2 s-1, with the active spectral component being red light (> 600 nm). The addition to the medium of a range of organic carbon sources or vitamins did not stimulate growth of either culture type in the dark. author for correspondence  相似文献   
D K Mandal  C F Brewer 《Biochemistry》1992,31(36):8465-8472
We have previously shown that plant lectins with a wide range of carbohydrate binding specificities can bind and cross-link (precipitate) specific multiantennary oligosaccharides and glycopeptides [cf. Bhattacharyya, L., Fant, J., Lonn, H., & Brewer, C. F. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 7523-7530]. This leads to a new source of binding specificity: namely, the formation of homogeneous cross-linked lattices between lectins and carbohydrates. Recently, we have demonstrated the existence of highly ordered cross-linked lattices that form between the D-Man/D-Glc-specific plant lectin concanavalin A and the soybean agglutinin which is a tetrameric glycoprotein possessing a single Man9 oligomannose chain per monomer [Khan, M. I., Mandal, D. K., & Brewer, C. F. (1991) Carbohydr. Res. 213, 69-77]. In the present study, we have compared the ability of the 14-kDa beta-galactoside-specific lectin from calf spleen, a dimeric S-type animal lectin, and several galactose-specific plant lectins from Erythrina indica, Erythrina cristagalli, and Glycine max (soybean agglutinin) to form specific cross-linked complexes with asialofetuin (ASF), a 48-kDa monomeric glycoprotein, using quantitative precipitation analyses. The results show the formation of 1:9 and 1:3 stoichiometric cross-linked complexes (per monomer) of ASF to the 14-kDa lectin, depending on their relative ratio in solution. Evidence indicates that the three triantennary N-linked complex-type oligosaccharide chains of ASF mediate the cross-linking interactions and that each chain expresses either trivalency in the 1:9 cross-linked complex or univalency in the 1:3 complex.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Yeast enolase is inhibited under certain conditions by DNA. The enzyme binds to single-stranded DNA-cellulose. Inhibition was used for routine characterization of the interaction. The presence of the substrate 2-phospho-D-glycerate reduces inhibition and binding. Both yeast enolase isozymes behave similarly. Impure yeast enolase was purified by adsorption onto a single-stranded DNA-cellulose column followed by elution with substrate. Interaction with RNA, double-stranded DNA, or degraded DNA results in less inhibition, suggesting that yeast enolase preferentially binds single-stranded DNA. However, yeast enolase is not a DNA-unwinding protein. The enzyme is inhibited by the short synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides G6, G8 and G10 but not T8 or T6, suggesting some base specificity in the interaction. The interaction is stronger at more acid pH values, with an apparent pK of 5.6. The interaction is prevented by 0.3 M KCl, suggesting that electrostatic factors are important. Histidine or lysine reverse the inhibition at lower concentrations, while phosphate is still more effective. Binding of single-stranded DNA to enolase reduces the reaction of protein histidyl residues with diethylpyrocarbonate. The inhibition of yeast enolase by single-stranded DNA is not total, and suggests the active site is not directly involved in the interaction. Binding of substrate may induce a conformational change in the enzyme that interferes with DNA binding and vice versa.  相似文献   
B rewer , D., P arkinson , V.O. & T aylor , A. 1990. A note on the antibacterial properties of 3-{3'-isocyanocyclopent-2'-enylidene)propionic acid in the ovine rumen. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 69 , 701–704.
The concentration of 3-(3'-isocyanocyclopent-2'-enylidene)propionic acid after introduction into the ovine rumen declined by 50% during 30 min. Its antibacterial activity in the rumen could be demonstrated by the decline in numbers of cellulo-lytic rumen bacteria from about 106/ml to about 102/ml.  相似文献   
Methods are presented for investigating the site and form of growth of bacteria in model oil-in-water emulsions and in dairy cream. Following growth of the bacteria, the continuous aqueous phase is gelled using agarose and the oil phase removed using a mixture of chloroform and methanol. Using this method, the authors have found that Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella typhimurium and Yersinia enterocolitica grow in the form of colonies in concentrated oil-in-water emulsions. Colonies of L. monocytogenes and Y. enterocolitica also form in artificially-inoculated fresh and tinned dairy cream. If information about the precise site of growth is not required, the authors have discovered that intact colonies can be liberated from the model emulsions by dissolving away the oil phase with chloroform: methanol.  相似文献   
Previous estimates of the size ofDrosophila melanogaster chromosome4 have indicated that it is 1% to 4% of the genome or 6 Mb. We have used pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) to separate megabase-sized molecules ofD. melanogaster chromosomal DNA. Southern blots of these gels were probed with DNA fragments from thecubitus interruptus andzfh-2 genes, which are located on chromosome4. They each identify the same-sized distinct band that migrates at approximately 5.2 Mb in DNA preparations from the Kc cell line. We interpret this band to be intact chromosome4. In DNA obtained from embryos of variousD. melanogaster wild-type strains, this chromosome band showed strain-specific size variation that ranged from 4.5 to 5.2 Mb. TheD. melanogaster chromosome4 probes also identified a single, 2.4 Mb band in embryonic DNA fromDrosophila simulans. We conclude thatD. simulans chromosome4 is substantially smaller than that ofD. melanogaster, presumably owing to diffirences in the amount of heterochromatic DNA sequences. Our simple DNA preparation from embryos and PFGE conditions should permit preparative isolation of chromosome4 DNA and will facilitate the molecular mapping of this chromosome.  相似文献   
We conducted visual fish surveys in coexisting mangrove-coral (CMC) habitats in Panama to analyze the effect of coral presence in mangrove habitats on the fish assemblage. Our study revealed that CMC habitats harbor distinct fish assemblages compared to mangrove habitats without coral, with greater species richness and increased herbivore abundance. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   
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