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A glycoprotein preparation containing 70% carbohydrates and 30% proteins was isolated from the mycelium of two strains of Aspergillus flavus and fractionated by ConA-Sepharose affinity chromatography. An immunodominant 35-kDa antigen was detected in a ConA-bound fraction (B fraction). It contained mannose and galactose in a 1.4:1.0 ratio. This antigen seems to be able to elicit an antibody response in patients with aspergillosis and in rabbits immunized with A. flavus whole cells. The carbohydrate units of the BF fraction appeared to be responsible for the antigenicity, since treatment with periodate removed most of the antibody binding capacity.  相似文献   
Sphingolipids are abundant components of eucaryotic membranes, where they perform essential functions. To uncover new roles for sphingolipids, we studied Saccharomyces cerevisiae lcb1-100 cells, which have a temperature-sensitive block in the first step in sphingolipid synthesis. We find that the level of all five species of the sphingoid long chain base intermediates is reduced 2-7-fold in cells grown at a permissive temperature, and the level of complex sphingolipids is reduced 50%. In addition, lcb1-100 cells make no detectable phosphorylated sphingoid bases. After transfer to a restrictive temperature (a heat shock), the level of the major sphingoid bases drops rather than transiently rising, as in wild type cells. These changes affect lcb1-100 cells in multiple ways. Basal uracil transport by Fur4p is reduced 25%, and when cells are heat-shocked, uracil transport activity falls rapidly and is not restored as it is in wild type cells. Restoration requires a functional secretory pathway and synthesis of complex sphingolipids, leading us to hypothesize that Fur4p associates with lipid rafts. The finding that Fur4p is insoluble in TritonX-100 at 4 degrees C and behaves like a raft-associated protein on a density gradient supports this hypothesis. Raft association may be essential for regulating breakdown of Fur4p in response to stresses and other factors that govern uracil transport activity. Our results show that long chain bases do not contribute to the inactivation of Fur4p transport activity after heat stress, but they are essential for some later, but unknown, process that leads to degradation of the protein. Further studies using lcb1-100 cells should reveal new roles of sphingolipids in nutrient uptake and other membrane-dependent processes.  相似文献   
The use of 1,3-diisopropylcarbodiimide (DIC) for the synthesis of cyclic analogues of the hypoglycaemic peptide fragment derived from the N-terminus of human growth hormone (hGH), namely hGH[6-13], is described. Different strategies were examined to achieve improved yields for the on resin side-chain to side-chain cyclization of the corresponding linear peptides containing reverse beta-turn motifs. When compared with the more reactive Castro's reagent, the results confirm that DIC in the presence of HOBt can be successfully employed to minimize the formation of intermolecular oligomeric byproducts associated with the preparation of cyclic hGH[6-14] peptide analogues based on an i-->(i + 4)Lys-->Glu or Glu-->Lys cyclization strategy.  相似文献   
Summary To express high levels of proteins encoded by transfected DNA constructs in a variety of cultured cells, including neuronal cells, the activities of nine different promoters were evaluated usingEscherichia coli β-galactosidase (β-gal) (LacZ) as a reporter gene. These nine promoters were categorized into three distinct groups (high, intermediate, and low expresser), in terms of the levels ofβ-gal expression. An expression vector containing the cytomegalovirus enhancer and the chickβ-actin promoter (high expresser) showed the highest levels of expression, followed by vectors containing the cytomegalovirus promoter/enhancer and the SV40 promoter/enhancer (intermediate expresser). The rest of the promoters (thymidine kinase, adenovirus, murine proliferative sarcoma virus, nerve growth factor receptor, Rous sarcoma and mouse mammary tumor virus, andβ-amyloid precursor protein) expressed low levels ofβ-gal. These results were consistent for eight different cell types. A particularly attractive model is the stem cell, P19; cultures differentiating into progeny consisting predominantly of cholinergic neurons could be readily transfected with expression vectors using liposomes and expressedβ-gal without significant morphologic changes of the differentiated neurons. The systems should be useful for the study of promoters and various expressed proteins, including those involved in axonal transport.  相似文献   
No significant correlation exists between the amount of biologically active marmoset chorionic gonadotrophin (mCG) in urine and results obtained with an immunological pregnancy test. The pregnant marmoset excretes large amounts of oestrogenic steroids, which must be removed, to prevent the enhancement of the response of the bioassay for mCG. More than 99% of these unconjugated and conjugated urinary oestrogens can be removed by extraction with acetone and ether. mCG is excreted throughout pregnancy, maximum levels occurring between the 8th and 9th week of gestation. There is a considerable within- and between-animal variation in the amount of mCG excreted. However, the pattern of gonadotrophin excretion by the pregnant marmoset is similar to that of man and the apes but unlike that of baboons and macaques.  相似文献   
Tryptophan 161 is a highly conserved residue that forms a hydrophobic side of the active site cavity of manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), with its indole ring adjacent to and about 5 A from the manganese. We have made a mutant containing the conservative replacement Trp 161 --> Phe in human MnSOD (W161F MnSOD), determined its crystal structure, and measured the catalysis of the resulting mutant using pulse radiolysis to produce O(2)(*)(-). In the structure of W161F MnSOD the phenyl side chain of Phe 161 superimposes on the indole ring of Trp 161 in the wild type. However, in the mutant, the hydroxyl side chain of Tyr 34 is 3.9 A from the manganese, closer by 1.2 A than in the wild type. The tryptophan in MnSOD is not essential for the half-cycle of catalytic activity involving reduction of the manganese; the mutant W161F MnSOD had k(cat)/K(m) at 2.5 x 10(8) M(-)(1) s(-)(1), reduced only 3-fold compared with wild type. However, this mutant exhibited a strong product inhibition with a zero-order region of superoxide decay slower by 10-fold compared with wild type. The visible absorption spectrum of W161F MnSOD in the inhibited state was very similar to that observed for the inhibited wild-type enzyme. The appearance of the inhibited form required reaction of 2 molar equiv of O(2)(*)(-) with W161F Mn(III)SOD, one to form the reduced state of the metal and the second to form the inhibited complex, confirming that the inhibited complex requires reaction of O(2)(*)(-) with the reduced form of the enzyme. This work suggests that a significant role of Trp 161 in the active site is to promote the dissociation of product peroxide, perhaps in part through its effect on the orientation of Tyr 34.  相似文献   
A new metal ion chelator has been developed for use in the immobilised metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC) of proteins. The aromatic tridentate ligand 2,6-diaminomethylpyridine (bisampyr), 1, was prepared as the dihydrochloride salt, via a two step synthesis from 2,6-pyridinedimethanol, 2, and immobilised onto Sepharose CL-4B through an epoxide coupling procedure. The resulting sorbent was chelated with Cu2+ ions to a density of 420 micromol Cu2+ ions per g gel and then characterised by frontal analysis using the protein, horse heart myoglobin (HMYO), at pH 7.0 and 9.0. From the resulting adsorption isotherms, the adsorption capacity, qm, for HMYO at pH 7.0 and pH 9.0 with the immobilised Cu2+-bisampyr Sepharose sorbent was found to be 1.27 micromol protein/g gel and 1.43 micromol protein/g gel, whilst the corresponding dissociation constants, K(D)s, were 18.0 x 10(-6) M and 16.0 x 10(-6) M respectively. The results confirm that the HMYO-Cu2+-bisampyr complex had similar stability at these pH values. This finding is in contrast with the situation observed with some other commonly used IMAC chelating ligates such as Cu2+-iminodiacetic acid (Cu2+-IDA) or Cu2+-nitrilotriacetic acid (Cu2+-NTA). Using human serum proteins, the interactive properties of the immobilised Cu2+-bisampyr Sepharose sorbent were further characterised at pH 5.0, 7.0 and 9.0 with specific reference to the binding behaviour of albumin, transferrin, and alpha2-macroglobulin.  相似文献   
In this paper, we describe a rapid procedure to characterise the products generated in the presence of mercuric salts following removal of the acetamidomethyl (Acm)-protecting group from cysteine residues of synthetic polypeptides prepared by solid-phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) methods. In particular, electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) procedures have been employed to characterise the mercuro-polypeptide products related to the ribosomal L36 protein isolated from the bacterium Thermus thermophilus. The results demonstrate that very stable mercuro-polypeptide complexes can form under standard conditions of deprotection involving Hg(2+) salts in the presence of a reductant such as beta-mercaptoethanol. Metal ion exchange effects involving other divalent metal ions, such as Co(2+) or Zn(2+), can also be monitored by similar procedures, thus permitting the relative affinity and selectivity for metal ion-polypeptide interactions to be qualitatively assessed. Since the Thermus thermophilus ribosomal L36 protein contains a putative zinc finger binding CCCH motif, these procedures enable the formation of metal-ion complexes of synthetic polypeptides related to this structural motif to be directly examined.  相似文献   
In this review article, the reader is introduced to recent advances in our knowledge on a subset of the cystine knot superfamily of homo- and hetero-dimeric proteins, from the perspective of the endocrine glycoprotein hormone family of proteins: follitropin (FSH), Iutropin (LH), thyrotropin. (TSH) and chorionic gonadotropin (CG). Subsequent papers will address the structure-function behaviour of other members of this increasingly significant family of proteins, including various members of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) family of proteins, the activins, inhibins, bone morphogenic growth factor, platelet derived growth factor-beta, nerve growth factor and more than 35 other proteins with similar topological features. In the present review article, specific emphasis has been placed on advances with the glycoprotein hormones (GPHs) that have facilitated greater insight into their physiological functions, molecular structures and most importantly the basis of the molecular recognition events that lead to the formation of hetero-dimeric structures as well as their specific and selective recognition by their corresponding receptors and antibodies. Thus, this review article focuses on the structural motifs involved in receptor recognition and the current techniques available to identify these regions, including the role of immunological methodology, peptide fragment design and synthesis and mutagenesis to delineate their structure-function relationships and molecular recognition behaviour.  相似文献   
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