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This paper comprises the scientific justification for the Farm Constructed Wetland (FCW) Design Manual for Northern Ireland and Scotland. Moreover, this document addresses an international audience interested in applying wetland systems in the wider agricultural context. Farm constructed wetlands combine farm wastewater (predominantly farmyard runoff) treatment with landscape and biodiversity enhancements, and are a specific application and class of integrated constructed wetlands (ICW), which have wider applications in the treatment of other wastewater types such as domestic sewage. The aim of this review paper is to propose guidelines highlighting the rationale for FCW, including key water quality management and regulatory issues, important physical and biochemical wetland treatment processes, assessment techniques for characterizing potential FCW sites and discharge options to water bodies. The paper discusses universal design, construction, planting, maintenance and operation issues relevant specifically for FCW in a temperate climate, but highlights also catchment-specific requirements to protect the environment.  相似文献   
Over the last decade, it has become evident that homologous transfusions carry immunologic consequences beyond the well-understood ones of alloimmunization to blood cell antigens. Transfusions constitute temporary transplants of large amounts of allogeneic antigen given intravenously and cause down-regulation of many cellular immune functions. These changes may explain in part the association of transfusion with such clinically important events as (1) improved survival of renal allografts, (2) decreased recurrence rates for autoimmune disease, (3) increased frequency and earlier recurrences of solid tumors, (4) increased frequency of post-operative bacterial infection, and (5) increased severity of viral infection. Preliminary data suggest that, in animal models and clinical settings, syngeneic or autologous transfusions are not associated with such events. This finding supports the hypothesis that these associations are cause and effect and involve immunologic mechanisms.  相似文献   
The contribution of tandem repeat number to the O-glycosylation of mucins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The serine- and threonine-rich tandem repeat (TR) units that make up the characteristic feature of mucin glycoproteins are often polymorphic with substantial genetic variation in TR number. The precise effect of TR number on O-glycosylation is not fully understood, although the TR number of several mucins may be associated with apparent susceptibility to certain human diseases. To evaluate the contribution of TR number to O-glycosylation, we generated a series of chimeric mucins carrying increasing numbers of TR units from the MUC5B mucin in the context of an epitope-tagged MUC1 mucin backbone. These mucins were expressed in Caco2 colon carcinoma cell clones and purified by immunoprecipitation. O-Glycosylation was investigated by western blotting with antibodies to known carbohydrate structures and by fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry. Additional carbohydrate epitopes were detected with antibodies on chimeric mucins with a higher TR number in comparison to those with fewer TRs. Using mass spectrometry, higher-molecular-weight glycans were detected more frequently on the mucins with extended TRs compared to those with fewer TRs. However no novel carbohydrate structures were seen, suggesting that TR number does not affect the specificity of O-glycosylation.  相似文献   
Since land‐use change (LUC) to lignocellulosic biomass crops often causes a loss of soil organic carbon (SOC), at least in the short term, this study investigated the potential for pyrogenic carbon (PyC) to ameliorate this effect. Although negative priming has been observed in many studies, most of these are long‐term incubation experiments which do not account for the interactions between environmentally weathered PyC and native SOC. Here, the aim was to assess the impact of environmentally weathered PyC on native SOC mineralization at different time points in LUC from arable crops to short rotation coppice (SRC) willow. At eight SRC willow plantations in England, with ages of 3–22 years, soil amended 18–22 months previously with PyC was compared with unamended control soil. Cumulative CO2 flux was measured weekly from incubated soil at 0–5 cm depth, and soil‐surface CO2 flux was also measured in the field. For the incubated soil, cumulative CO2 flux was significantly higher from soil containing weathered PyC than the control soil for seven of the eight sites. Across all sites, the mean cumulative CO2 flux was 21% higher from soil incubated with weathered PyC than the control soil. These results indicate the potential for positive priming in the surface 5 cm of soil independent of changes in soil properties following LUC to SRC willow production. However, no net effect on CO2 flux was observed in the field, suggesting this increase in CO2 is offset by a contrasting PyC‐induced effect at a different soil depth or that different effects were observed under laboratory and field conditions. Although the mechanisms for these contrasting effects remain unclear, results presented here suggest that PyC does not reduce LUC‐induced SOC losses through negative priming, at least for this PyC type and application rate.  相似文献   
Indwelling silicone rubber cannulae have been used for peritoneal dialysis in 41 uraemic patients for periods of up to 46 months. The simplicity of this treatment is particularly suited to patients awaiting transplantation.  相似文献   
The beta 1- and beta 2-adrenoceptor populations in rat cortex were individually quantified by labelling all of the receptors with [3H]dihydroalprenolol and displacing with isoprenaline (200 microM) or CGP 20712A (1-(2-[(3-carbamoyl-4-hydroxy)phenoxy]ethylamino)-3-[4-(1-methyl-4- trifluoromethyl-2-imidazolyl)phenoxy]-2-propanol methanesulphonate; 100 nM) to define total beta-adrenoceptors and beta 1-adrenoceptors, respectively. Binding parameters for beta 2-adrenoceptors were calculated by the difference. Oral administration of the monoamine reuptake inhibitors sibutramine HCl (3 mg/kg), amitriptyline (10 mg/kg), desipramine (10 mg/kg), or zimeldine (10 mg/kg) for 10 days decreased the total number of beta-adrenoceptors present in rat cortex. This effect was entirely due to a reduction in the number of beta 1-adrenoceptors. Similarly, 10 days of treatment with the monoamine oxidase inhibitor tranylcypromine (10 mg/kg p.o.) or five electroconvulsive shocks (ECSs; 200 V, 2 s) spread over this period also down-regulated beta-adrenoceptors by reducing the content of the beta 1-subtype. By contrast, treatment with clenbuterol (5 mg/kg p.o.) for 10 days reduced the number of cortical beta-adrenoceptors by an effect on the beta 2-adrenoceptor population. The effects of short-term treatment with these drugs were also investigated, and, using the doses shown above, the results of 3 days of administration or a single ECS were determined. Sibutramine HCl and desipramine were alone in producing a reduction in number of beta-adrenoceptors after 3 days. Once again, this was exclusively due to a loss of beta 1-adrenoceptors.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Here, we examined the chronic effects of two cannabinoid receptor-1 (CB1) inverse agonists, rimonabant and ibipinabant, in hyperinsulinemic Zucker rats to determine their chronic effects on insulinemia. Rimonabant and ibipinabant (10 mg·kg?1·day?1) elicited body weight-independent improvements in insulinemia and glycemia during 10 wk of chronic treatment. To elucidate the mechanism of insulin lowering, acute in vivo and in vitro studies were then performed. Surprisingly, chronic treatment was not required for insulin lowering. In acute in vivo and in vitro studies, the CB1 inverse agonists exhibited acute K channel opener (KCO; e.g., diazoxide and NN414)-like effects on glucose tolerance and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) with approximately fivefold better potency than diazoxide. Followup studies implied that these effects were inconsistent with a CB1-mediated mechanism. Thus effects of several CB1 agonists, inverse agonists, and distomers during GTTs or GSIS studies using perifused rat islets were unpredictable from their known CB1 activities. In vivo rimonabant and ibipinabant caused glucose intolerance in CB1 but not SUR1-KO mice. Electrophysiological studies indicated that, compared with diazoxide, 3 μM rimonabant and ibipinabant are partial agonists for K channel opening. Partial agonism was consistent with data from radioligand binding assays designed to detect SUR1 K(ATP) KCOs where rimonabant and ibipinabant allosterically regulated 3H-glibenclamide-specific binding in the presence of MgATP, as did diazoxide and NN414. Our findings indicate that some CB1 ligands may directly bind and allosterically regulate Kir6.2/SUR1 K(ATP) channels like other KCOs. This mechanism appears to be compatible with and may contribute to their acute and chronic effects on GSIS and insulinemia.  相似文献   
Deamidation is a nonenzymatic post-translational modification of asparagine to aspartic acid or glutamine to glutamic acid, converting an uncharged amino acid to a negatively charged residue. It is plausible that deamidation of asparagine and glutamine residues would result in disruption of a proteins'' hydrogen bonding network and thus lead to protein unfolding. To test this hypothesis Calmodulin and B2M were deamidated and analyzed using tandem mass spectrometry on a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer (FTICR-MS). The gas phase hydrogen bonding networks of deamidated and nondeamidated protein isoforms were probed by varying the infra-red multi-photon dissociation laser power in a linear fashion and plotting the resulting electron capture dissociation fragment intensities as a melting curve at each amino acid residue. Analysis of the unfolding maps highlighted increased fragmentation at lower laser powers localized around heavily deamidated regions of the proteins. In addition fragment intensities were decreased across the rest of the proteins which we propose is because of the formation of salt-bridges strengthening the intramolecular interactions of the central regions. These results were supported by a computational flexibility analysis of the mutant and unmodified proteins, which would suggest that deamidation can affect the global structure of a protein via modification of the hydrogen bonding network near the deamidation site and that top down FTICR-MS is an appropriate technique for studying protein folding.  相似文献   
We have refined a medium-throughput assay to screen hit compounds for activity against N-myristoylation in intracellular amastigotes of Leishmania donovani. Using clinically-relevant stages of wild type parasites and an Alamar blue-based detection method, parasite survival following drug treatment of infected macrophages is monitored after macrophage lysis and transformation of freed amastigotes into replicative extracellular promastigotes. The latter transformation step is essential to amplify the signal for determination of parasite burden, a factor dependent on equivalent proliferation rate between samples. Validation of the assay has been achieved using the anti-leishmanial gold standard drugs, amphotericin B and miltefosine, with EC50 values correlating well with published values. This assay has been used, in parallel with enzyme activity data and direct assay on isolated extracellular amastigotes, to test lead-like and hit-like inhibitors of Leishmania N-myristoyl transferase (NMT). These were derived both from validated in vivo inhibitors of Trypanosoma brucei NMT and a recent high-throughput screen against L. donovani NMT. Despite being a potent inhibitor of L. donovani NMT, the activity of the lead T. brucei NMT inhibitor (DDD85646) against L. donovani amastigotes is relatively poor. Encouragingly, analogues of DDD85646 show improved translation of enzyme to cellular activity. In testing the high-throughput L. donovani hits, we observed macrophage cytotoxicity with compounds from two of the four NMT-selective series identified, while all four series displayed low enzyme to cellular translation, also seen here with the T. brucei NMT inhibitors. Improvements in potency and physicochemical properties will be required to deliver attractive lead-like Leishmania NMT inhibitors.  相似文献   
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