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Acyclic, disulphide derivatives of cysteine have been identified as moderately potent antagonists of alpha4beta1-mediated leukocyte cell adhesion to VCAM. This communication describes how they were discovered from a simple L-cystine derivative and using the structure-activity data of C*DThioPC* related cyclic peptides.  相似文献   
Acharya  S; Rayborn  ME; Hollyfield  JG 《Glycobiology》1998,8(10):997-1006
Rod and cone photoreceptors project from the outer retinal surface into a carbohydrate-rich interphotoreceptor matrix (IPM). Unique IPM glycoconjugates are distributed around rods and cones. Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) strongly decorates the rod matrix domains and weakly decorates the cone matrix domains. This study characterizes the major WGA-binding glycoprotein in the human IPM, which we refer to as SPACR (sialoprotein associated with cones and rods). SPACR, which has a molecular weight of 147 kDa, was isolated and purified from the IPM by lectin affinity chromatography. A polyclonal antibody to SPACR was prepared that colocalizes in tissue preparations with WGA-binding domains in the IPM. Sequential digestion of SPACR with N- and O- glycosidases results in a systematic increase in electrophorectic mobility, indicating the presence of both N- and O-linked glycoconjugates. Complete deglycosylation results in a reduction in the relative molecular mass of SPACR by about 30%. Analysis of lectin binding allowed us to identify some of the structural characteristics of SPACR glycoconjugates. Treatment with neuraminidase exposes Galbeta1- 3GalNAc disaccharide as indicated by positive peanut agglutinin (PNA) staining, accompanied by the loss of WGA staining. Maackia amurensis agglutinins (MAA-1 and MAA-2), specific for sialic acid in alpha2-3 linkage to Gal, bind SPACR, while Sambucus nigra agglutinin (SNA), specific for alpha2-6 linked sialic acid, does not, indicating that the dominant glycoconjugate determinant on SPACR is the O-linked carbohydrate, NeuAcalpha2-3Galbeta1-3GalNAc. The abundance of sialic acid in SPACR suggests that this glycoprotein may contribute substantially to the polyanionic nature of the IPM. The carbohydrate chains present on SPACR could also provide sites for extensive crosslinking and participate in the formation of the ordered IPM lattice that surrounds the elongate photoreceptors projecting from the outer retinal surface.   相似文献   
The recent structure determinations of the mammalian effector enzyme adenylyl cyclase reveal the structure of its catalytic core, provide new insights into its catalytic mechanism and suggest how diverse signaling molecules regulate its activity.  相似文献   
Synopsis The giant humphead wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus), an inhabitant of coral reefs, is widely distributed in the tropical Indo-Pacific region. Stomach and intestinal contents of 72 specimens from the Pacific and the Red Sea revealed that this fish feeds primarily on mollusks, fishes, echinoids, and crustaceans.This article is one of several presented at the Second European Ichthyological Congress, Paris, 8-15 September 1976, to be published by Environmental Biology of Fishes.  相似文献   


To provide deeper insights into nitrification process within aerobic bioreactors containing supplemental physical support media (hybrid bioreactors).

Methods and Results

Three bench‐scale hybrid bioreactors with different media size and one control bioreactor were operated to assess how biofilm integrity influences microbial community conditions and bioreactor performance. The systems were operated initially at a 5‐day hydraulic retention time (HRT), and all reactors displayed efficient nitrification and chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal (>95%). However, when HRT was reduced to 2·5 days, COD removal rates remained high, but nitrification efficiencies declined in all reactors after 19 days. To explain reduced performance, nitrifying bacterial communities (ammonia‐oxidizing bacteria, AOB; nitrite‐oxidizing bacteria, NOB) were examined in the liquid phase and also on the beads using qPCR, FISH and DGGE. Overall, the presence of the beads in a reactor promoted bacterial abundances and diversity, but as bead size was increased, biofilms with active coupled AOB–NOB activity were less apparent, resulting in incomplete nitrification.


Hybrid bioreactors have potential to sustain effective nitrification at low HRTs, but support media size and configuration type must be optimized to ensure coupled AOB and NOB activity in nitrification.

Significance and Impact of the Study

This study shows that AOB and NOB coupling must be accomplished to minimize nitrification failure.  相似文献   
In principle, ageing may be due to the interaction of several factors, including the accumulation of random changes both genomic and non-genomic, secondary changes in a tissue contingent upon the changing function of other tissues, and programmed non-random changes in the tissue-specific expression of various genes. The use of a single tissue comprising one cell type only, in which the major gene products are well defined, in which there is a well attested series of developmental and age-related changes in cell properties and gene expression and which can be studied and compared in vivo and in vitro, offers advantages for investigation of these questions. The vertebrate eye lens possesses these advantages. The crystallins (proteins expressed at super-abundant levels in the lens) are well characterised. The lens epithelial cells (LEC) grow readily and can differentiate into the lens fibre cells in vitro, and, finally, such terminally differentiated cells may also be derived, by a process of transdifferentiation, from neural retina cells (NRC) in vitro. Thus the effect on ageing changes of the tissue of origin may also be studied. This article reviews our previous studies on long-term changes in growth potential, differentiation capacity and crystallin expression of chick lens cells in ageing cultures, their overall similarity to events in vivo and the effect on ageing changes of genotypes affecting the growth rate. It presents new information on these genetic aspects, and on crystallin expression in long-term ageing cultures of transdifferentiated neural retina, and compares the behaviour of ageing chick lens cells with that reported for mammals.  相似文献   
The role of telomeres and telomerase in colorectal cancer (CRC) is well established as the major driving force in generating chromosomal instability. However, their potential as prognostic markers remains unclear. We investigated the outcome implications of telomeres and telomerase in this tumour type. We considered telomere length (TL), ratio of telomere length in cancer to non-cancer tissue (T/N ratio), telomerase activity and TERT levels; their relation with clinical variables and their role as prognostic markers. We analyzed 132 CRCs and paired non-cancer tissues. Kaplan-Meier curves for disease-free survival were calculated for TL, T/N ratio, telomerase activity and TERT levels. Overall, tumours had shorter telomeres than non-tumour tissues (P < 0.001) and more than 80% of CRCs displayed telomerase activity. Telomere lengths of non-tumour tissues and CRCs were positively correlated (P < 0.001). Considering telomere status and clinical variables, the lowest degree of telomere shortening was shown by tumours located in the rectum (P = 0.021). Regarding prognosis studies, patients with tumours showing a mean TL < 6.35 Kb experienced a significantly better clinical evolution (P < 0.001) and none of them with the highest degree of tumour telomere shortening relapsed during the follow-up period (P = 0.043). The mean TL in CRCs emerged as an independent prognostic factor in the Cox analysis (P = 0.017). Telomerase-positive activity was identified as a marker that confers a trend toward a poor prognosis. In CRC, our results support the use of telomere status as an independent prognostic factor. Telomere status may contribute to explaining the different molecular identities of this tumour type.  相似文献   
We have broadly defined the DNA regions regulating esterase6 activity in several life stages and tissue types of D. melanogaster using P- element-mediated transformation of constructs that contain the esterase6 coding region and deletions or substitutions in 5' or 3' flanking DNA. Hemolymph is a conserved ancestral site of EST6 activity in Drosophila and the primary sequences regulating its activity lie between -171 and -25 bp relative to the translation initiation site: deletion of these sequences decrease activity approximately 20-fold. Hemolymph activity is also modulated by four other DNA regions, three of which lie 5' and one of which lies 3' of the coding region. Of these, two have positive and two have negative effects, each of approximately twofold. Esterase6 activity is present also in two male reproductive tract tissues; the ejaculatory bulb, which is another ancestral activity site, and the ejaculatory duct, which is a recently acquired site within the melanogaster species subgroup. Activities in these tissues are at least in part independently regulated: activity in the ejaculatory bulb is conferred by sequences between -273 and -172 bp (threefold decrease when deleted), while activity in the ejaculatory duct is conferred by more distal sequences between -844 and -614 bp (fourfold decrease when deleted). The reproductive tract activity is further modulated by two additional DNA regions, one in 5' DNA (-613 to -284 bp; threefold decrease when deleted) and the other in 3' DNA (+1860 to +2731 bp; threefold decrease when deleted) that probably overlaps the adjacent esteraseP gene. Collating these data with previous studies suggests that expression of EST6 in the ancestral sites is mainly regulated by conserved proximal sequences while more variable distal sequences regulate expression in the acquired ejaculatory duct site.   相似文献   
New Zealand fur seals are one of many pinniped species that survived the commercial sealing of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in dangerously low numbers. After the enforcement of a series of protection measures in the early twentieth century, New Zealand fur seals began to recover from the brink of extinction. We examined the New Zealand fur seal populations of Banks Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand using the mitochondrial DNA control region. We identified a panmictic population structure around Banks Peninsula. The most abundant haplotype in the area showed a slight significant aggregated structure. The Horseshoe Bay colony showed the least number of shared haplotypes with other colonies, suggesting a different origin of re-colonisation of this specific colony. The effective population size of the New Zealand fur seal population at Banks Peninsula was estimated at approximately 2500 individuals. The exponential population growth rate parameter for the area was 35, which corresponds to an expanding population. In general, samples from adjacent colonies shared 4.4 haplotypes while samples collected from colonies separated by between five and eight bays shared 1.9 haplotypes. The genetic data support the spill-over dynamics of colony expansion already suggested for this species. Approximate Bayesian computations analysis suggests re-colonisation of the area from two main clades identified across New Zealand with a most likely admixture coefficient of 0.41 to form the Banks Peninsula population. Approximate Bayesian computations analysis estimated a founder population size of approximately 372 breeding individuals for the area, which then rapidly increased in size with successive waves of external recruitment. The population of fur seals in the area is probably in the late phase of maturity in the colony expansion dynamic.  相似文献   
Parental effects on offspring performance have been attributed to many factors such as parental age, size and condition. However, we know little about how these different parental characteristics interact to determine parental effects, or the extent to which their effect on offspring depends on either the sex of the parent or that of the offspring. Here we experimentally tested for effects of variation in parents’ early diet and inbreeding levels, as well as effects of parental age, and for potential interactive effects of these three factors on key aspects of offspring development in the mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki). Older mothers produced offspring that were significantly smaller at birth. This negative effect of maternal age on offspring size was still evident at maturation as older mothers had smaller daughters, but not smaller sons. The daughters of older mothers did, however, reach maturity sooner. Paternal age did not affect offspring body size, but it had a complex effect on their sons’ relative genital size. When initially raised on a food‐restricted diet, older fathers sired sons with relatively smaller genitalia, but when fathers were initially raised on a control diet their sons had relatively larger genitalia. The inbreeding status of mothers and fathers had no significant effects on any of the measured offspring traits. Our results indicate that the manifestation of parental effects can be complex. It can vary with both parent and offspring sex; can change over an offspring's life; and is sometimes evident as an interaction between different parental traits. Understanding this complexity will be important to predict the role of parental effects in adaptation.  相似文献   
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