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Rotavirus cores contain the double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) genome, RNA polymerase VP1, and guanylyltransferase VP3 and are enclosed within a lattice formed by the RNA-binding protein VP2. Analysis of baculovirus-expressed core-like particles (CLPs) has shown that VP1 and VP2 assemble into the simplest core-like structures with replicase activity and that VP1, but not VP3, is essential for replicase activity. To further define the role of VP1 and VP2 in the synthesis of dsRNA from viral mRNA, recombinant baculoviruses containing gene 1 (rBVg1) and gene 2 (rBVg2) of SA11 rotavirus were generated and used to express recombinant VP1 (rVP1) and rVP2, respectively. After purification, the proteins were assayed individually and together for the ability to catalyze the synthesis of dsRNA in a cell-free replication system. The results showed that dsRNA was synthesized only in assays containing rVP1 and rVP2, thus establishing that both proteins are essential for replicase activity. Even in assays containing a primer-linked mRNA template, neither rVP1 nor rVP2 alone directed RNA synthesis. Characterization of the cis-acting replication signals in mRNA recognized by the replicase of rVP1 and rVP2 showed that they were the same as those recognized by the replicase of virion-derived cores, thus excluding a role for VP3 in recognition of the mRNA template by the replicase. Analysis of RNA-protein interactions indicated that the mRNA template binds strongly to VP2 in replicase assays but that the majority of the dsRNA product neither is packaged nor stably associates with VP2. The results of replicase assays performed with mutant VP2 containing a deletion in its RNA-binding domain suggests that the essential role for VP2 in replication is linked to the protein's ability to bind the mRNA template for minus-strand synthesis.  相似文献   
帕里红景天的化学成分研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从帕里红景天根茎的石油醚和乙醇提取部分共分得14种结晶性化合物,经光谱分析和化学反应,分别鉴定为二十二醇、二十六酸、十九醇、β-谷甾醇、二十九醇、红景天甙、麦芽糖、棉皮素-8-葡萄糖甙、胡萝卜甙、酪醇、咖啡酸、没食子酸、形花内酯和新化合物帕里甙。  相似文献   
Summary The effect of experimental and integration errors on the calculations in interproton distances from NOE intensities is examined. It is shown that NOE intensity errors can have a large impact on the distances determined. When multiple spin (spin diffusion) effects are significant, the calculated distances are often underestimated, even when using a complete relaxation matrix analysis. In this case, the bias of distances to smaller values is due to the random errors in the NOE intensities. We show here that accurate upper and lower bounds of the distances can be obtained if the intensity errors are properly accounted for in the complete relaxation matrix calculations, specifically the MARDIGRAS algorithm. The basic MARDIGRAS algorithm has been previously described [Borgias, B.A. and James, T.L. (1990) J. Magn. Reson., 87, 475–487]. It has been shown to provide reasonably good interproton distance bounds, but experimental errors can compromise the quality of the resulting restraints, especially for weak cross peaks. In a new approach introduced here, termed RANDMARDI (random error MARDIGRAS), errors due to random noise and integration errors are mimicked by the addition of random numbers from within a specified range to each input intensity. Interproton distances are then calculated for the modified intensity set using MARDIGRAS. The distribution of distances that define the upper and lower distance bounds is obtained by using N randomly modified intensity sets. RANDMARDI has been used in the solution structure determination of the interstrand cross-link (XL) formed between 4-hydroxymethyl-4,5,8-trimethylpsoralen (HMT) and the DNA oligomer d(5-GCGTACGC-3)2 [Spielmann, H.P. et al. (1995) Biochemistry, 34, 12937–12953]. RANDMARDI generates accurate distance bounds from the experimental NOESY cross-peak intensities for the fixed (known) interproton distances in XL. This provides an independent internal check for the ability of RANDMARDI to accurately fit the experimental data. The XL structure determined using RANDMARDI-generated restrains is in good agreement with other biophysical data that indicate that there is no bend introduced into the DNA by the cross-link. In contrast, isolated spin-pair approximation calculations give distance restraints that, when applied in a restrained molecular dynamics protocol, produce a bent structure.Abbreviations NOE nuclear Overhauser effect - SD standard deviation - HMT 4-hydroxymethyl-4,5,8-trimethylpsoralen - XL psoralen-DNA interstrand cross-link  相似文献   
以甘蓝型油菜(Brassica napus L.)品种‘Westar’和‘Topas’为材料,通过超微结构观察和荧光定量PCR技术对油菜胚胎发育早期油体的发生、油体蛋白及脂肪酸合成转录因子基因的表达情况进行分析。结果显示:油体出现在油菜胚胎发育早期,在授粉9~11 d后(球形胚时期)的胚体和胚柄中均存在直径小于0.5 μm的油体;荧光定量实验结果表明,除BnCLO3的表达量在整个胚胎发育阶段无明显变化外,其他油体蛋白基因Oleosins、Steroleosins和BnCLO1的表达量在心形胚时期就明显增多并持续增长;脂肪酸合成转录因子BnLEC1、BnL1L、BnWRI1和BnFUS3在胚胎发育阶段,基因表达规律均呈先上升再下降的趋势,但达到最高值的时间存在差异,其中BnLEC1最早,BnL1L其次,BnWRI1和BnFUS3较晚。研究结果表明甘蓝型油菜在球形胚时期出现油体,其结构蛋白和转录调控因子基因的表达自心形胚开始明显增多。  相似文献   
To study the potential use of optical forces to manipulate chromosome movement, we have used a Nd:YAG laser at a wavelength of 1.06 microns focused into a phase contrast microscope. Metaphase and anaphase chromosomes were exposed while being monitored by video microscopy. The results indicated that when optical forces were applied to late-moving metaphase chromosomes on the side closest to the nearest spindle pole, the trapped chromosomes initiated movement to the metaphase plate. The chromosome velocities were two to eight times the normal rate depending on the chromosome size, geometry, and trapping site. At the initiation of anaphase, a pair of chromatids could be held by the optical trap and kept motionless throughout anaphase while the other pairs of chromatids separated and moved to opposite spindle poles. As a result, the trapped chromosome either was incorporated into one of the daughter cells or was lost in the cleavage furrow, or the two chromatids eventually separated and moved to their respective daughter cells. If the trap was removed at the beginning of anaphase B, the chromosome moved back to the poles. Our experiments demonstrate that the laser-induced optical force trap is a potential new technique to study noninvasively the mitotic spindle of living cells.  相似文献   
贺竹梅  杨貌仙   《广西植物》1991,(4):316-323+396
本文详细报道了从秃杉(Taiwania flousiana Gaussen)离体胚诱导不定芽、不定根及从无菌苗茎端培养再生植株的过程。诱导不定芽要求较低的蔗糖浓度(以3%最好);同时BA是必须的,在附加0.1—3 mg/1 BA的White培养基上,从离体胚的子叶或胚轴上诱导了不定芽的发生(以1 mg/1最好);NAA与BA结合使用,对不定芽诱导无促进作用;适当提高光照有利于不定芽的诱导。在诱导不定芽的同时,在子叶表面还观察到有许多无结构的“不定突起”。不定芽起源于子叶表皮下1—2层细胞。IBA对诱导离体胚上产生不定根效果较好。在有或无生长素的培养基上,从生长1月龄的无菌苗茎端培养获得了不定根的产生,在加有细胞分裂索的培养基上,从无菌苗上产生了腋芽。  相似文献   
3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶胍变性时的活力及构象变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
酵母3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶在盐酸胍溶液中的内源荧光及剩余活力的变化结果提示:apo酶及holo酶的活力在胍浓度为0.5M左右可完全丧失.同时伴有内源荧光强度的下降,光谱宽度的增加和335nm最大发射峰的红移(提示了色氨酸残基的暴露).与已经报导的肌肉酶(内源荧光强度在胍浓度为0.4—1.2M范围相对稳定)不同,酵母酶内源荧光在此浓度范围内表现为逐渐降低.在0.7M胍溶液中,内源荧光变化动力学过程只能测出一相,而酶失活动力学过程为快慢两相,快相动力学速度常数至少大于内源荧光降低速度常数三个数量级以上.以上结果提示:低浓度胍可引起该酶的完全失活,活性部位的空间构象比酶分子的构象更易受到变性剂的扰乱;有一个色氨酸残基位于或靠近酶的活性部位.  相似文献   
在海拔2300m选择健康成年男性5人,急进抵海拔4660m,用多导监测仪分别在两地连续7h监测夜间睡眠、呼吸状态和血氧饱和度变化,进行自身对比。结果发现:(1)急进高海拔后,总睡眠时间、有效睡眠指数、Ⅲ~Ⅳ期深睡眠均较中度高原减少(p<0.01);总觉醒时间、Ⅰ~Ⅱ期浅睡眠高海拔较中度高原增多(p<0.05):(2)急进高海拔后,有3名健康人出现周期性呼吸,其中1名健康者出现周期性呼吸119次,伴有中枢性睡眠呼吸暂停,最低Sao_2为78%;(3)同海拔高度夜间睡眠时与清醒时Sao_2相比较,中度高原下降4.2%,高海拔下降11.2%(p<0.01);高海拔与中度高原夜间清醒时Sao_2相比较下降7.4%,睡眠时下降14.4%(p<0.001)。结果提示:(1)睡眠加重了高原人原有的低氧血症;(2)低氧血症导致睡眠结构的紊乱和睡眠质量的降低;(3)睡眠中出现的周期性呼吸,应视为机体的一种自我保护机制;(4)频发的周期性呼吸或睡眠呼吸暂停将影响大脑机能。  相似文献   
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