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Phytohormone-like acting compounds previously have been suggested to be involved in the phytostimulatory action exerted by the plant-beneficial rhizobacterium Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42. Analyses by high-performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry performed with culture filtrates of FZB42 demonstrated the presence of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), corroborating it as one of the pivotal plant-growth-promoting substances produced by this bacterium. In the presence of 5 mM tryptophan, a fivefold increase in IAA secretion was registered. In addition, in the trp auxotrophic strains E101 (deltatrpBA) and E102 (deltatrpED), and in two other strains bearing knockout mutations in genes probably involved in IAA metabolism, E103 (deltaysnE, putative IAA transacetylase) and E105 (deltayhcX, putative nitrilase), the concentration of IAA in the culture filtrates was diminished. Three of these mutant strains were less efficient in promoting plant growth, indicating that the Trp-dependent synthesis of auxins and plant growth promotion are functionally related in B. amyloliquefaciens.  相似文献   
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry - Patulin (PAT) is a natural contaminant of fruits (primarily apples) and their products. Significantly, high levels of contamination have been found in fruit...  相似文献   
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a multi-factorial disease and the most common of chronic liver diseases worldwide. The four clinical-pathological entities which are usually followed by NAFLD course include non-alcoholic steatosis, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, advanced fibrosis/cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. The cornerstones of NAFLD management and treatment, however, are healthy lifestyles such as dietary modifications, regular physical activity, and gradual weight loss. At present, no drugs or pharmacological agents have been approved for long-term treatment of NAFLD. Therefore, lifestyle modification is considered the main clinical recommendation and an initial step for the management of NAFLD.  相似文献   
The epimorphic regeneration of zebrafish caudal fin is rapid and complete. We have analyzed the biomechanism of zebrafish caudal fin regeneration at various time points based on differential proteomics approaches. The spectrum of proteome changes caused by regeneration were analyzed among controls (0 h) and 1, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h postamputation involving quantitative differential proteomics analysis based on two-dimensional gel electrophoresis matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization and differential in-gel electrophoresis Orbitrap analysis. A total of 96 proteins were found differentially regulated between the control nonregenerating and regenerating tissues of different time points for having at least 1.5-fold changes. 90 proteins were identified as differentially regulated for regeneration based on differential in-gel electrophoresis analysis between the control and regenerating tissues. 35 proteins were characterized for its expression in all of the five regenerating time points against the control samples. The proteins identified and associated with regeneration were found to be directly allied with various molecular, biological, and cellular functions. Based on network pathway analysis, the identified proteome data set for regeneration was majorly associated in maintaining cellular structure and architecture. Also the proteins were found associated for the cytoskeleton remodeling pathway and cellular immune defense mechanism. The major proteins that were found differentially regulated during zebrafish caudal fin regeneration includes keratin and its 10 isoforms, cofilin 2, annexin a1, skeletal α1 actin, and structural proteins. Annexin A1 was found to be exclusively undergoing phosphorylation during regeneration. The obtained differential proteome and the direct association of the various proteins might lead to a new understanding of the regeneration mechanism.  相似文献   
While characterizing the intestinal bacterial community of broiler chickens, we detected epsilon-proteobacterial DNA in the ilea of 3-day-old commercial broiler chicks (J. Lu, U. Idris, B. Harmon, C. Hofacre, J. J. Maurer, and M. D. Lee, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 69:6816-6824, 2003). The sequences exhibited high levels of similarity to Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli sequences, suggesting that chickens can carry Campylobacter at a very young age. Campylobacter sp. was detected by PCR in all samples collected from the ilea of chicks that were 3 to 49 days old; however, it was detected only in the cecal contents of chickens that were at least 21 days old. In order to determine whether the presence of Campylobacter DNA in young chicks was due to ingestion of the bacteria in food or water, we obtained commercial broiler hatching eggs, which were incubated in a research facility until the chicks hatched. DNA sequencing of the amplicons resulting from Campylobacter-specific 16S PCR performed with the ileal, cecal, and yolk contents of the day-of-hatching chicks revealed that Campylobacter DNA was present before the chicks consumed food or water. The 16S rRNA sequences exhibited 99% similarity to C. jejuni and C. coli sequences and 95 to 98% similarity to sequences of other thermophilic Campylobacter species, such as C. lari and C. upsaliensis. The presence of C. coli DNA was detected by specific PCR in the samples from chicks obtained from a commercial hatchery; however, no Campylobacter was detected by culturing. In order to determine whether the same strains of bacteria were present in multiple levels of the integrator, we cultured Campylobacter sp. from a flock of broiler breeders and their 6-week-old progeny that resided on a commercial broiler farm. The broiler breeders had been given fluoroquinolone antibiotics, and we sought to determine whether the same fluoroquinolone-resistant strain was present in their progeny. The isolates were typed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, which confirmed that the parental and progeny flocks contained the same strain of fluoroquinolone-resistant C. coli. These data indicate that resistant C. coli can be present in multiple levels of an integrated poultry system and demonstrated that molecular techniques or more sensitive culture methods may be necessary to detect early colonization by Campylobacter in broiler chicks.  相似文献   
A silencing vector for cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) was developed from the geminivirus Cotton leaf crumple virus (CLCrV). The CLCrV coat protein gene was replaced by up to 500 bp of DNA homologous to one of two endogenous genes, the magnesium chelatase subunit I gene (ChlI) or the phytoene desaturase gene (PDS). Cotyledons of cotton cultivar 'Deltapine 5415' bombarded with the modified viral vectors manifested chlorosis due to silencing of either ChlI or PDS in approximately 70% of inoculated plants after 2 to 3 weeks. Use of the green fluorescence protein gene showed that replication of viral DNA was restricted to vascular tissue and that the viral vector could transmit to leaves, roots, and the ovule integument from which fibers originate. Temperature had profound effects on vector DNA accumulation and the spread of endogenous gene silencing. Consistent with reports that silencing against viruses increases at higher temperatures, plants grown at a 30 degrees C/26 degrees C day/night cycle had a greater than 10-fold reduction in viral DNA accumulation compared to plants grown at 22 degrees C/18 degrees C. However, endogenous gene silencing decreased at 30 degrees C/26 degrees C. There was an approximately 7 d delay in the onset of gene silencing at 22 degrees C/18 degrees C, but silencing was extensive and persisted throughout the life of the plant. The extent of silencing in new growth could be increased or decreased by changing temperature regimes at various times following the onset of silencing. Our experiments establish the use of the CLCrV silencing vector to study gene function in cotton and show that temperature can have a major impact on the extent of geminivirus-induced gene silencing.  相似文献   
Bud rot disease affecting oil palm in South American countries is reported to be caused by Phytophthora palmivora. P. palmivora is a local pathogen affecting various crops in Malaysia, and this finding caused an alarm, which prompted an investigation of pathogenicity using Malaysian P. palmivora to assess the potentials of this Oomycete to infect oil palm in Malaysia. A total of 11 P. palmivora isolates were obtained from cocoa and durian for the study. Leaf bioassays via artificial inoculation using 50,000 zoospores/ml and mycelial agar disc showed severe necrotic lesions on the infection spot of oil palm (DxP) spear leaves. Mild infection was observed in oil palm spear leaves of OxG hybrids indicating lower susceptibility against P. palmivora infection. Phylogenetic analysis using internal transcribed spacer (ITS) data revealed that Malaysian isolates were genetically similar to Colombian isolates supported by significant bootstrap values. The leaf bioassay results revealed that Malaysian oil palm materials are susceptible towards local P. palmivora infection. The Colombian P. palmivora isolates causing bud rot incidence may have evolved over a long period of time, undergone sequential genetic shift to become more virulent towards Colombian oil palm planting materials.  相似文献   
The endocannabinoid system plays a role in regulating bone mass and bone cell activity and inactivation of the type 1 (Cnr1) or type 2 (Cnr2) cannabinoid receptors influences peak bone mass and age‐related bone loss. As the Cnr1 and Cnr2 receptors have limited homology and are activated by different ligands, we have evaluated the effects of combined deficiency of Cnr1 and 2 receptors (Cnr1/2?/?) on bone development from birth to old age and studied ovariectomy induced bone loss in female mice. The Cnr1/2?/? mice had accelerated bone accrual at birth when compared with wild type littermates, and by 3 months of age, they had higher trabecular bone mass. They were also significantly protected against ovariectomy‐induced bone loss due to a reduction in osteoclast number. The Cnr1/2?/? mice had reduced age‐related bone loss when compared with wild‐type due to a reduction in osteoclast number. Although bone formation was reduced and bone marrow adiposity increased in Cnr1/2?/? mice, the osteoclast defect outweighed the reduction in bone formation causing preservation of bone mass with aging. This contrasts with the situation previously reported in mice with inactivation of the Cnr1 or Cnr2 receptors individually where aged‐related bone loss was greater than in wild‐type. We conclude that the Cnr1 and Cnr2 receptors have overlapping but nonredundant roles in regulating osteoclast and osteoblast activities. These observations indicate that combined inhibition of Cnr1 and Cnr2 receptors may be beneficial in preventing age‐related bone loss, whereas blockade of individual receptors may be detrimental.  相似文献   
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been widely used to solve the problems because of their reliable, robust, and salient characteristics in capturing the nonlinear relationships between variables in complex systems. In this study, ANN was applied for modeling of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and biodegradable organic matter (BOD) removal from palm oil mill secondary effluent (POMSE) by vetiver system. The independent variable, including POMSE concentration, vetiver slips density, and removal time, has been considered as input parameters to optimize the network, while the removal percentage of COD and BOD were selected as output. To determine the number of hidden layer nodes, the root mean squared error of testing set was minimized, and the topologies of the algorithms were compared by coefficient of determination and absolute average deviation. The comparison indicated that the quick propagation (QP) algorithm had minimum root mean squared error and absolute average deviation, and maximum coefficient of determination. The importance values of the variables was included vetiver slips density with 42.41%, time with 29.8%, and the POMSE concentration with 27.79%, which showed none of them, is negligible. Results show that the ANN has great potential ability in prediction of COD and BOD removal from POMSE with residual standard error (RSE) of less than 0.45%.  相似文献   
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