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The HLXB9 homeobox gene was recently identified as a locus for autosomal dominant Currarino syndrome, also known as hereditary sacral agenesis (HSA). This gene specifies a 403-amino acid protein containing a homeodomain preceded by a very highly conserved 82-amino acid domain of unknown function; the remainder of the protein is not well conserved. Here we report an extensive mutation survey that has identified mutations in the HLXB9 gene in 20 of 21 patients tested with familial Currarino syndrome. Mutations were also detected in two of seven sporadic Currarino syndrome patients; the remainder could be explained by undetected mosaicism for an HLXB9 mutation or by genetic heterogeneity in the sporadic patients. Of the mutations identified in the 22 index patients, 19 were intragenic and included 11 mutations that could lead to the introduction of a premature termination codon. The other eight mutations were missense mutations that were significantly clustered in the homeodomain, resulting, in each patient, in nonconservative substitution of a highly conserved amino acid. All of the intragenic mutations were associated with comparable phenotypes. The only genotype-phenotype correlation appeared to be the occurrence of developmental delay in the case of three patients with microdeletions. HLXB9 expression was analyzed during early human development in a period spanning Carnegie stages 12-21. Signal was detected in the basal plate of the spinal cord and hindbrain and in the pharynx, esophagus, stomach, and pancreas. Significant spatial and temporal expression differences were evident when compared with expression of the mouse Hlxb9 gene, which may partly explain the significant human-mouse differences in mutant phenotype.  相似文献   
The study of the relationship between plants and phytopathogenic fungi is one of the most rapidly moving fields in the plant sciences, the findings of which have contributed to the development of new strategies and technologies to protect crops. Plants employ sophisticated mechanisms to perceive and appropriately defend themselves against pathogens. A good example of plant and pathogen evolution is the gene-for-gene interaction between the fungal pathogen Leptosphaeria maculans, the causal agent of blackleg disease, and Brassica crops. This interaction has been studied at the genetic and physiological level due to its agro-economic importance. The newly available genome sequence for Brassica spp. and L.?maculans will provide the resources to study the co-evolution of this plant and pathogen. Particularly, an understanding of the co-evolution of genes responsible for virulence and resistance will lead to improved plant protection strategies for Brassica canola and provide a model to understand plant-pathogen interactions in other major crops. This review summarises the research-to-date in the study of the Brassica-L.?maculans gene-for-gene interaction, with a focus on the genetics of resistance in Brassica and the wealth of information to be gained from genome sequencing efforts.  相似文献   
Traditional synthetic substrates and matrices for cell culture have proven to be of only limited utility in efforts to understand and control cell behavior, in large part because they fail to capture the multifarious biochemical, mechanical, geometric and dynamic characteristics of in vivo environments. However, recent advances in materials chemistry and engineering have begun to provide researchers with a toolbox to mimic the complex characteristics of natural extracellular matrices (ECMs), providing new pathways to explore cell-matrix interactions and direct cell fate under physiologically realistic conditions. In this review, we describe recent developments in stimuli-responsive materials as dynamic substrates and matrices for cell culture, and highlight their use in furthering our understanding of how cells respond to temporal variations in their environment.  相似文献   


This paper presents the study protocol for a pragmatic randomised controlled trial to evaluate the impact of a school based program developed to prevent teenage pregnancy. The program includes students taking care of an Infant Simulator; despite growing popularity and an increasing global presence of such programs, there is no published evidence of their long-term impact. The aim of this trial is to evaluate the Virtual Infant Parenting (VIP) program by investigating pre-conceptual health and risk behaviours, teen pregnancy and the resultant birth outcomes, early child health and maternal health.

Methods and Design

Fifty-seven schools (86% of 66 eligible secondary schools) in Perth, Australia were recruited to the clustered (by school) randomised trial, with even randomisation to the intervention and control arms. Between 2003 and 2006, the VIP program was administered to 1,267 participants in the intervention schools, while 1,567 participants in the non-intervention schools received standard curriculum. Participants were all female and aged between 13-15 years upon recruitment. Pre and post-intervention questionnaires measured short-term impact and participants are now being followed through their teenage years via data linkage to hospital medical records, abortion clinics and education records. Participants who have a live birth are interviewed by face-to-face interview. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and proportional hazards regression will test for differences in pregnancy, birth and abortion rates during the teenage years between the study arms.


This protocol paper provides a detailed overview of the trial design as well as initial results in the form of participant flow. The authors describe the intervention and its delivery within the natural school setting and discuss the practical issues in the conduct of the trial, including recruitment. The trial is pragmatic and will directly inform those who provide Infant Simulator based programs in school settings.

Trial registration

ISRCTN24952438  相似文献   
Hayward D  Wiid I  van Helden P 《IUBMB life》2004,56(3):131-138
Mycothiol (MSH) is the major cellular thiol in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb). We hypothesize that the mycothiol-dependent detoxification pathway may serve an important role during oxygen stress management in M. tuberculosis, derived from normal aerobic metabolism, the macrophage environment and through the action of anti-tubercular antibiotics, such as Isoniazid (INH). Total mRNA and DNA were isolated from M. bovis BCG at different stages of growth in 7H9 mycobacterial medium. Three genes involved in mycothiol metabolism and encoding the enzymes mycothiol S-conjugate amidase (Mca, Rv1082), NADPH dependent mycothiol reductase (mtr, Rv2855), and N-Acetyl-1-D-myo-Inosityl-2-Amino-2-Deoxy-alpha-D-Glucopyranoside Deacetylase (GlcNAc-Ins deacetylase, Rv1170 or mshB) were investigated for genomic rearrangements and expression. The results show that the genomic domains of the genes remain conserved in evolutionary diverse and unrelated M. tuberculosis isolates. The genes encoding enzymes implicated in mycothiol reduction, mtr (Rv2855) and the mycothiol-dependant detoxification of electrophilic agents, Mca (Rv1082), are shown to be actively transcribed during logarithmic M. bovis BCG growth. The gene encoding GlcNAc-Ins deacetylase (the rate limiting mycothiol biosynthesis step) shows induction in the presence of INH. Antisense oligonucleotides to both GlcNAc-Ins deacetylase (Rv1170) and mtr (Rv2855) mRNA affect mycobacterial growth. In conclusion the results presented here suggest that these enzymes are sensitive to free radical generating antituberculosis drugs and may be useful targets for new drug development.  相似文献   
The ability to determine the prey-specific biomass intake of large predators is fundamental to their conservation. In the absence of actual prey data, researchers generally use a “unit mass” method (estimated as 3/4 adult female mass) to calculate the biomass intake of predators. However, differences in prey preference and range across geographic regions are likely to have an influence on biomass calculations. Here we investigate the influence of estimated prey mass on leopard biomass calculations, and subsequent carrying capacity estimates, in an understudied mountain population. Potential leopard feeding sites were identified using global positioning system (GPS) location clusters obtained from GPS collars. We investigated 200 potential leopard feeding sites, of which 96 were actual feeding sites. Jaw bones, horns, hooves, and other indicative bones were used to determine gender and age of prey items, which were subsequently used to calculate mass of each prey item based on previously published values. There were significant differences in the biomass values calculated using the traditional unit mass method and the calculated prey masses obtained from leopard feeding sites. However, there were no considerable differences in the carrying capacity estimates using the preferred prey species model and leopard density estimates calculated using a non-biased spatial approach, which suggests that estimating carnivore carrying capacity based on 3/4 adult female masses is a reliable method also for the mountain population in this study.  相似文献   
Salmonellae employ two type III secretion systems (T3SSs), SPI1 and SPI2, to deliver virulence effectors into mammalian cells. SPI1 effectors, including actin-binding SipA, trigger initial bacterial uptake, whereas SPI2 effectors promote subsequent replication within customized Salmonella-containing vacuoles (SCVs). SCVs sequester actin filaments and subvert microtubule-dependent motors to migrate to the perinuclear region. We demonstrate that SipA delivery continues after Salmonella internalization, with dosage being restricted by host-mediated degradation. SipA is exposed on the cytoplasmic face of the SCV, from where it stimulates bacterial replication in both nonphagocytic cells and macrophages. Although SipA is sufficient to target and redistribute late endosomes, during infection it cooperates with the SPI2 effector SifA to modulate SCV morphology and ensure perinuclear positioning. Our findings define an unexpected additional function for SipA postentry and reveal precise intracellular communication between effectors deployed by distinct T3SSs underlying SCV biogenesis.  相似文献   
Kaposi's sarcoma (KS)-associated herpesvirus or human herpesvirus 8 (HHV8) DNA is found consistently in nearly all classical, endemic, transplant, and AIDS-associated KS lesions, as well as in several AIDS-associated lymphomas. We have previously sequenced the genes for the highly variable open reading frame K1 (ORF-K1) protein from more than 60 different HHV8 samples and demonstrated that they display up to 30% amino acid variability and cluster into four very distinct evolutionary subgroups (the A, B, C, and D subtypes) that correlate with the major migrationary diasporas of modern humans. Here we have extended this type of analysis to six other loci across the HHV8 genome to further evaluate overall genotype patterns and the potential for chimeric genomes. Comparison of the relatively conserved ORF26, T0.7/K12, and ORF75 gene regions at map positions 0. 35, 0.85, and 0.96 revealed typical ORF-K1-linked subtype patterns, except that between 20 and 30% of the genomes analyzed proved to be either intertypic or intratypic mosaics. In addition, a 2,500-bp region found at the extreme right-hand side of the unique segment in 45 HHV8 genomes proved to be highly diverged from the 3,500-bp sequence found at this position in the other 18 HHV8 genomes examined. Furthermore, these previously uncharacterized "orphan" region sequences proved to encompass multiexon latent-state mRNAs encoding two highly diverged alleles of the novel ORF-K15 protein. The predominant (P) and minor (M) forms of HHV8 ORF-K15 are structurally related integral membrane proteins that have only 33% overall amino acid identity to one another but retain conserved likely tyrosine kinase signaling motifs and may be distant evolutionary relatives of the LMP2 latency protein of Epstein-Barr virus. The M allele of ORF-K15 is also physically linked to a distinctive M subtype of the adjacent ORF75 gene locus, and in some cases, this linkage extends as far back as the T0.7 locus also. Overall, the results suggest that an original recombination event with a related primate virus from an unknown source introduced exogenous right-hand side ORF-K15(M) sequences into an ancient M form of HHV8, followed by eventual acquisition into the subtype C lineage of the modern P-form of the HHV8 genome and subsequent additional, more recent transfers by homologous recombination events into several subtype A and B lineages as well.  相似文献   
Members of the subfamily Thoracocotylinae are gastrocotylid monogeneans of Spanish mackerels (scombrid fishes of the genus Scomberomorus) from warm to warm-temperate seas around the world. We revise the diagnosis of the subfamily and recognise two genera and three species as valid. The genus Paradawesia Bravo Hollis & Lamothe Argumedo, 1976 is synonymised with Thoracocotyle MacCallum, 1913, and Dawesia Unnithan, 1965 and Methoracocotyle Lebedev, 1984 are synonymised with Pseudothoracocotyla Yamaguti, 1963. Thoracocotyle crocea MacCallum, 1913 (syns T. paradoxica Meserve, 1938 and Paradawesia bychowskyi Bravo Hollis & Lamothe Argumedo, 1976) is recorded from two species of Scomberomorus in the eastern Pacific (California to Peru) and four in the western Atlantic (South Carolina to Brazil). Pseudothoracocotyla ovalis (Tripathi, 1956) Yamaguti, 1963 (new syns Dawesia indica Unnithan, 1965, D. incisa Lebedev, 1970, Methoracocotyle scomberomori (Young, 1968) Lebedev, 1984, M. gigantica (Rohde, 1976) Lebedev, 1984 and Thoracotyle indica (Unnithan, 1965) Murugesh, 1995) is recorded from the gills of seven species of Scomberomorus from the Indo-west Pacific (eastern South Africa north to the Persian Gulf, and east to Fiji). Pseudothoracocotyla whittingtoni n. sp. is described from an eighth Indo-west Pacific scomberomorid, S. munroi, in Australian waters.  相似文献   
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