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Assessing functional multidrug resistance (MDR) status in clinical biopsy material using drug autofluorescence has potential applications to clinical management. The small size of many cystoscopy specimens has led us to develop, as an alternative to flow cytometry, a protocol for studying epirubicin accumulation in adherent colonies of primary bladder cancer cells viewed live andin situ by confocal microscopy. The limitations to quantitation inherent in this technique are compensated for by preservation of cellular organisation and the elimination of non-malignant cells. Biopsy material is disaggregated and explanted into culture-grade petri dishes. After incubation for three to seven days plaques of epithelial cells have developed. Classical patterns of sensitive and resistant drug distribution are observed. Cells of the rolled edges of the colony accumulate more drug than those of the inner epithelial monolayer. Some central areas of larger colonies give the appearance of drug arrested at the intercellular junctions to give a fenestrated pattern. These observations contribute to the understanding of mechanisms in MDR as well as forming the basis for a clinical urological MDR evaluation protocol.  相似文献   
Chitinase, beta-1,3-glucanase, and protease activities were formed when Trichoderma harzianum mycelia, grown on glucose as the sole carbon source, were transferred to fresh medium containing cell walls of Botrytis cinerea. Chitobiohydrolase, endochitinase, and beta-1,3-glucanase activities were immunologically detected in culture supernatants by Western blotting (immunoblotting), and the first two were quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Under the same conditions, exogenously added [U-14C]valine was incorporated in acetone-soluble compounds with an apparent M(r) of < 2,000. These compounds comigrated with the peptaibols trichorzianines A1 and B1 in thin-layer chromatography and released [U-14C]valine after incubation in 6N HCl. Incorporation of radioactive valine into this material was stimulated by the exogenous supply of alpha-aminoisobutyric acid, a rare amino acid which is a major constituent of peptaibols. The obtained culture supernatants inhibited spore germination as well as hyphal elongation of B. cinerea. Culture supernatants from mycelia placed in fresh medium without cell walls of B. cinerea did not show hydrolase activities, incorporation of [U-14C]valine into peptaibol-like compounds, and inhibition of fungal growth. Purified trichorzianines A1 and B1 as well as purified chitobiohydrolase, endochitinase, or beta-1,3-glucanase inhibited spore germination and hyphal elongation, but at concentrations higher than those observed in the culture supernatants. However, when the enzymes and the peptaibols were tested together, an antifungal synergistic interaction was observed and the 50% effective dose values obtained were in the range of those determined in the culture supernatants. Therefore, the parallel formation and synergism of hydrolytic enzymes and antibiotics may have an important role in the antagonistic action of T. harzianum against fungal phytopathogens.  相似文献   
This study was designed to investigate the regulation of fluid secretion by the Malpighian tubules of the worker ant Formica polyctena (Hymenoptera). Different solvent systems were used to make crude head extracts and to determine the solubility of the diuretic factors. Surprisingly, when distilled water, acid acetone, methanol and 15% trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) were used as solvents, two consecutive significant stimulations of fluid secretion were obtained: the first, when adding the extract to the tubule and the second, when washing it out. Extract obtained with a fifth solvent, Ringer solution, gave an almost complete but reversible inhibition of fluid secretion. Extracts were prepurified by means of a disposable C18 column by elution with 20, 40, 60 and 80% acetonitrile. When the fractions were kept apart the 40% acetonitrile fraction caused an inhibition of fluid secretion. The 20, 60 and 80% acetonitrile fractions on the other hand resulted in two consecutive stimulations as described above. The dose-response curve for 15% TFA extract was bell-shaped with a threshold concentration of 1 × 10−3 heads/μl Ringer. A maximum response (stimulation of fluid secretion by a factor of 3.3 ± 0.72, n = 10) was observed with a concentration of 5 × 10−2 heads/μl Ringer. Higher concentrations resulted in small increases of fluid secretion rates and in the appearance of the second stimulation when the extract was washed out. The activity present in the heads of Formica was not destroyed by boiling or by proteolytic enzymes (trypsin, chymotrypsin, pronase E and proteinase K). Only immobilized aminopeptidase M, which destroys the activity of peptides with a free N-terminus, had a significant effect on the activity of a 15% TFA head extract. Various biogenic amines were tested for their ability to mimic the effect of the head extracts. Only octopamine and dopamine evoked a small and transient increase in secretion rate. Thus biogenic amines probably do not contribute to a large extent to the response of Formica tubules to the crude head extract. The possibility that both diuretic and antidiuretic factors are present in the extract is discussed.  相似文献   
The plasmid-partition regions of the P1 and P7 plasmid prophages in Escherichia coli are homologues which each encode two partition proteins, ParA and ParB. The equivalent PI and P7 proteins are closely related. In each case, the proteins are encoded by an operon that is autoregulated by the ParA and ParB proteins in concert. This regulation is species-specific, as the P1 proteins are unable to repress the P7 par operon and vice versa. The homologous ParA proteins are primarily responsible for repression and bind to regions that overlap the operon promoter in both cases. The DNA-binding domain of the P7 auto-repressor lies in the amino-terminal end of the P7 ParA protein. This region includes a helix-turn-helix motif that has a clear counterpart in the P1 ParA sequence. However, despite the common regulatory mechanism and the similarity of the proteins involved in repression, the promoter-operator sequences of these two operons are very different in sequence and organization. The operator is located downstream of the promoter in P1 and upstream of it in P7, and the two regions show little, if any, homology. How these differences may have arisen from a common ancestral form is discussed.  相似文献   
How neurons diversify in developing brain to produce discrete cell fates in their appropriate regions remains a fundamental question. Embryonic Xenopus was previously used to identify juxtaposed embryonic cells that first express proopiomelanocortin mRNA in forebrain and pituitary, supporting the idea that this neuropeptide phenotype is induced locally. (Hayes and Loh, 1990, Development 110:747–757). To begin to examine how a more widespread population of forebrain cells is set up, the present focus is on the thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) phenotype. Serial section in situ hybridization histochemistry produced the unexpected finding that the adult-like TRH system spanning forebrain and comprising over six different telencephalic and diencephalic nuclei, is preceded by an embryonic TRH cell population that is initially localized and then highly regionalized in the area from which the adult pattern develops. Thus, the first TRH cells, detected in vivo after 35 h (stage 29/30), were confined to discrete anterior or posterior bilateral clusters in embryonic forebrain or hindbrain. Thereafter, the TRH cell clusters in diencephelon, but not hindbrain, expanded to form rows, extending anteriorly into telencephalon and bifurcating posteriorly around the infundibulum. By 80 h (stage 42), after extensive brain morphogenesis, these forebrain rows showed regional differences in levels of TRH and mRNA corresponding to the specific brain nuclei that have been shown to contain TRH cells in adult. These findings show that subsets of phenotype-specific forebrain cell first form a regionalized neuronal cell fate before distinct brain nuclei form. This is turn points to the testable hypothesis in Xenopus that certain neuronal cell fates in forebrain may be dictated by cell lineage or local induction. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Three strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens with different motility rates and adsorption rate coefficients were injected into porous-medium reactors packed with l-mm-diameter glass spheres. Cell breakthrough, time to peak concentration, tailing, and cell recovery were measured at three interstitial pore velocities (higher than, lower than, and much lower than the maximal bacterial motility rate). All experiments were done with distilled water to reduce the effects of growth and chemotaxis. Contrary to expectations, motility did not result in either early breakthrough or early time to peak concentration at flow velocities below the motility rate. Bacterial size exclusion effects were shown to affect breakthrough curve shape at the very low flow velocity, but no such effect was seen at the higher flow velocity. The tendency of bacteria to adsorb to porous-medium surfaces, as measured by adsorption rate coefficients, profoundly influenced transport characteristics. Cell recoveries were shown to be correlated with the ratio of advective to adsorptive transport in the reactors. Adsorption rate coefficients were found to be better predictors of microbial transport phenomena than individual characteristics, such as size, motility, or porous-medium hydrodynamics.  相似文献   
The determination of the genetic structure of microbial populations has, until recently, required the establishment of many independent clonal cultures for genotypic analysis. In such studies it has been necessary to assume that isolates able to grow in laboratory culture are representative of the full range of diversity within the natural population. In order to test this assumption we used the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify the intergenic spacer region of the Phycocyanin operon (PC-IGS) from filaments of Nodularia taken both from clonal cultures and from natural populations in the Baltic Sea. Analysis of the nucleotide sequences revealed more variation among 16 cultured isolates than within 23 single filaments sampled from a natural population. As a means of rapidly determining population genetic structure we designed and used mixtures of allele-specific amplification primers in diagnostic PCRs to identify which PC-IGS allele was present in single filaments from natural cyanobacterial assemblages. Using this method, we determined the PC-IGS genotype of 156 filaments from 9 sampling stations throughout the central basin of the Baltic Sea in July 1996. Our results show that two distinct genotypes of Nodularia are present in the population at all stations. Although the two types were present in approximately equal numbers, they were not distributed uniformly.  相似文献   
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