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An important NK-cell inhibition with reduced TNF-α, IFN-γ and TLR2 expression had previously been identified in patients with diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis (DCL) infected with Leishmania mexicana. In an attempt to pinpoint alterations in the signaling pathways responsible for the NK-cell dysfunction in patients with DCL, this study aimed at identifying differences in the NK-cell response towards Leishmania mexicana lipophosphoglycan (LPG) between patients with localized and diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis through gene expression profiling. Our results indicate that important genes involved in the innate immune response to Leishmania are down-regulated in NK cells from DCL patients, particularly TLR and JAK/STAT signaling pathways. This down-regulation showed to be independent of LPG stimulation. The study sheds new light for understanding the mechanisms that undermine the correct effector functions of NK cells in patients with diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis contributing to a better understanding of the pathobiology of leishmaniasis.  相似文献   
An alternative to land spreading of manure is to grow crops of algae on the N and P present in the manure and convert manure N and P into algal biomass. The objective of this study was to evaluate the fertilizer value of dried algal biomass that had been grown using anaerobically digested dairy manure. Results from a flask study using two soils amended with algal biomass showed that 3% of total algal nitrogen (N) was present as plant available N at day 0. Approximately 33% of algal N was converted to plant available N within 21 days at 25 degrees C in both soils. Levels of Mehlich-3 extractable phosphorus (P) in the two soils rose with increasing levels of algal amendment but were also influenced by existing soil P levels. Results from plant growth experiments showed that 20-day old cucumber and corn seedlings grown in algae-amended potting mix contained 15-20% of applied N, 46-60% of available N, and 38-60% of the applied P. Seedlings grown in algae-amended potting mixes were equivalent to those grown with comparable levels of fertilizer amended potting mixes with respect to seedling dry weight and nutrient content. These results suggest that dried algal biomass produced from treatment of anaerobically digested dairy manure can substitute for commercial fertilizers used for potting systems.  相似文献   
Conservation and reuse of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) from animalmanure is increasingly important as producers try to minimize transport ofthesenutrients from farms. An alternative to land spreading is to grow crops ofalgaeon the N and P present in the manure. The general goal of our research is toassess nutrient recovery from animal manure using attached algae. The specificobjective of this study was to evaluate the use of small subsections of algalturfs for determining N and P removal rates by attached algae under differentloading rates of dairy manure. Algae were grown in a laboratory–scalealgal turf scrubber (ATS) operated by recycling wastewater and adding manureeffluent daily. Replicate subsections (0.032 m2) ofalgal turf screens were removed and treated with five different loadings ofanaerobically digested dairy manure containing 5 to 80 mgL–1 NH4-N and 1 to 20 mgL–1 PO4-P over a 2-h incubationperiod. NH4-N removal rates were biphasic with a fast initial ratefollowed by a slower rate. Biphasic rates were more pronounced for the lowestloading rates but less so for the higher ones. PO4-P removal rateswere linear throughout the incubation period for all loading rates. N and Premoval rates increased with increasing loading rate and biomass. Inincubationsusing 1% dairy manure NH4-N and PO4-P removal ratesaveraged 0.72 and 0.33 g m–2d–1,respectively. These rates were approximately 5 to 8-fold lower than ratesmeasured on laboratory-scale ATS units using undisturbed turfs.  相似文献   
The nutrient characteristics of aquatic environments at Hope Bay (Antarctica) depend on different factors, penguin enrichment being one of the most important. In this study we surveyed three water bodies of different morphometry and trophic status: Esperanza Lake (oligotrophic), Boeckella Lake (meso-eutrophic), and Pingüi Pond (hypereutrophic). This research provides a preliminary characterization of the periphyton colonization on artificial substrata (glass slides) of these water bodies from the end of January to mid-March 2000. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the algae, chlorophyll a, dry weight, ash-free dry weight, and physical and chemical variables of the lakes were assessed. The Autotrophic Index and the Lakatos system of classification were also applied. All three lakes differed clearly in all the variables considered. The periphyton from Esperanza Lake was first dominated by Bacillariophyceae and subsequently by the chrysophyce Phaeogloea mucosa. P. mucosa was the dominant species at Boeckella Lake and Chlamydomonas subcaudata was dominant at Pingüi Pond. Highest mean maximum density values were reached at Pingüi Pond, followed by Boeckella and Esperanza Lakes. Highest biomass figures were registered with increasing trophic status. According to the Lakatos index, the periphyton of Esperanza Lake was the least developed and it was mainly organic and heterotrophic; Boeckella Lake showed intermediate development in periphyton mass, which was autotrophic and mainly inorganic whereas Pingüi Pond showed the highest development in periphytic mass, and it was mainly autotrophic.  相似文献   
IL‐15 is a proinflammatory cytokine that acts early in the inflammatory response and has been associated with several autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, where it had been proposed as a therapeutic target. We recently reported an IL‐15 antagonist peptide corresponding to sequence 36–45 of IL‐15 (KVTAMKCFLL) named P8, which specifically binds to IL‐15Rα and inhibits IL‐15 biological activity with a half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 130 µ m in CTLL‐2 proliferation assay. In order to improve binding of peptide P8 to the receptor IL‐15Rα, we used an Ala scan strategy to study contribution of each individual amino acid to the peptide's antagonist effect. Here, we found that Phe and Cys are important for peptide binding to IL‐15Rα. We also investigated other single site mutations and replaced the second Lys in the sequence by the polar non‐charged amino acid threonine. The resulting peptide [K6T]P8 exhibited a higher activity than P8 with an IC50 of 24 µm . We also found that this peptide was more active than peptide P8 in the inhibition of TNFα secretion by synovial cells from rheumatoid arthritis patients. The peptide [K6T]P8 described in this work is a new type of IL‐15 antagonist and constitutes a potential therapeutic agent for rheumatoid arthritis. Copyright © 2011 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
One important action of growth factors is their participation in tissue repair; however, the signaling pathways involved are poorly understood. In a model of corneal wound healing, we found that two paracrine growth factors, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and keratinocyte growth factor (KGF), induced rapid and marked activation and prompt nuclear accumulation of phospho-p38 (p-p38) and -ERK1/2 (p-ERK1/2), but not of JNK (p-JNK1/2), in corneal epithelial cells. Interruption of p38 and ERK1/2 signaling pathways by pretreatment with inhibitors SB203580 and PD98059 and subsequent stimulation with HGF or KGF abolished the activation and nuclear localization. Inhibition of either one of these mitogen-activated protein kinases, p38 or ERK1/2, induced a robust cross-activation of the other. In immunofluorescence studies of wounded cornea, p-p38, unlike p-ERK1/2, was immediately detectable in epithelium after injury. Inhibition of p38 by SB203580 blocked migration of epithelial cells almost completely. In contrast, PD98059 seemed to slightly increase the migration, through concomitant activation of p38. Unlike ERK1/2, p38 did not significantly contribute to proliferation of epithelial cells. Inhibition of either the ERK1/2 or p38 pathway resulted in delayed corneal epithelial wound healing. Interruption of both signaling cascades additively inhibited the wound-healing process. These findings demonstrate that both p38 and ERK1/2 coordinate the dynamics of wound healing: while growth factor-stimulated p38 induces epithelial migration, ERK1/2 activation induces proliferation. The cross-talk between these two signal cascades and the selective action of p38 in migration appear to be important to corneal wound healing, and possibly wound healing in general, and may offer novel drug targets for tissue repair.  相似文献   
Process analytical technology (PAT) is an initiative from the US FDA combining analytical and statistical tools to improve manufacturing operations and ensure regulatory compliance. This work describes the use of a continuous monitoring system for a protein refolding reaction to provide consistency in product quality and process performance across batches. A small‐scale bioreactor (3 L) is used to understand the impact of aeration for refolding recombinant human vascular endothelial growth factor (rhVEGF) in a reducing environment. A reverse‐phase HPLC assay is used to assess product quality. The goal in understanding the oxygen needs of the reaction and its impact to quality, is to make a product that is efficiently refolded to its native and active form with minimum oxidative degradation from batch to batch. Because this refolding process is heavily dependent on oxygen, the % dissolved oxygen (DO) profile is explored as a PAT tool to regulate process performance at commercial manufacturing scale. A dynamic gassing out approach using constant mass transfer (kLa) is used for scale‐up of the aeration parameters to manufacturing scale tanks (2,000 L, 15,000 L). The resulting DO profiles of the refolding reaction show similar trends across scales and these are analyzed using rpHPLC. The desired product quality attributes are then achieved through alternating air and nitrogen sparging triggered by changes in the monitored DO profile. This approach mitigates the impact of differences in equipment or feedstock components between runs, and is directly inline with the key goal of PAT to “actively manage process variability using a knowledge‐based approach.” Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009; 104: 340–351 © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Fermentation is one of the oldest ways of processing food. Some fermented food is produced industrially, but can also be produced in an artisanal way by certain ethnic groups, called traditional fermented foods. In Mexico, there are a variety of traditional fermented beverages which are produced in an artisanal way. They include those made with maize (atole agrio, pozol, and tesgüino), fruit (tepache and colonche), and obtained by plant fermentation (pulque, tuba, and taberna). These beverages have been used since ancient times for religious and medicinal purposes. The medicinal effect may be due to fermented microorganisms. The presence of beneficial microorganisms known as probiotics provides beneficial effects to consumer health, improving the balance of intestinal host, and reducing the risk of gastrointestinal diseases, mainly. Most probiotics belong to the genus Lactobacillus, but Bifidobacterium, Bacillus, and yeast are also found. Therefore, it is important that the microbiological diversity of the beverages is studied and documented. This review includes information on the microbial diversity and probiotic potential of the most important traditional fermented beverages from Mexico.  相似文献   
Four manifestations of excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling were derived from measurements in cut skeletal muscle fibers of the frog, voltage clamped in a Vaseline-gap chamber: intramembranous charge movement currents, myoplasmic [Ca2+] transients, flux of calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), and the intrinsic optical transparency change that accompanies calcium release. In attempts to suppress Ca release by direct effects on the SR, three interventions were applied: (a) a conditioning pulse that causes calcium release and inhibits release in subsequent pulses by Ca-dependent inactivation; (b) a series of brief, large pulses, separated by long intervals (greater than 700 ms), which deplete Ca2+ in the SR; and (c) intracellular application of the release channel blocker ruthenium red. All these reduced calcium release flux. None was expected to affect directly the voltage sensor of the T-tubule; however, all of them reduced or eliminated a component of charge movement current with the following characteristics: (a) delayed onset, peaking 10-20 ms into the pulse; (b) current reversal during the pulse, with an inward phase after the outward peak; and (c) OFF transient of smaller magnitude than the ON, of variable polarity, and sometimes biphasic. When the total charge movement current had a visible hump, the positive phase of the current eliminated by the interventions agreed with the hump in timing and size. The component of charge movement current blocked by the interventions was greater and had a greater inward phase in slack fibers with high [EGTA] inside than in stretched fibers with no EGTA. Its amplitude at -40 mV was on average 0.26 A/F (SEM 0.03) in slack fibers. The waveform of release flux determined from the Ca transients measured simultaneously with the membrane currents had, as described previously (Melzer, W., E. Ríos, and M. F. Schneider. 1984. Biophysical Journal. 45:637-641), an early peak followed by a descent to a steady level during the pulse. The time at which this peak occurred was highly correlated with the time to peak of the current suppressed, occurring on average 6.9 ms later (SEM 0.73 ms). The current suppressed by the above interventions in all cases had a time course similar to the time derivative of the release flux; specifically, the peak of the time derivative of release flux preceded the peak of the current suppressed by 0.7 ms (SEM 0.6 ms). The magnitude of the current blocked was highly correlated with the inhibitory effect of the interventions on Ca2+ release flux.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
LyM-1 is the provisional designation given to a system of murine cell-surface alloantigens which are controlled by genes closely linked to those of theMls system. Formal genetic analysis has failed to disclose separation of genes determiningMls and LyM-1 antigens, but studies of the distribution of these antigens among inbred strains shows that the LyM-1 polymorphism is not primarily responsible for the MLR activity associated with Mls differences, and suggests that LyM-1 and Mls substances are products of genes at closely linked, but probably separate loci. Absorption analysis shows that strains whose cells react with anti-LyM-1.2 can be divided into at least two classes on the basis of the efficiency with which their cells remove anti-LyM-1.2 antibodies. This provides evidence for the existence of two LyM-1 alleles in addition to the one(s) possessed by nonreactive mouse strains.  相似文献   
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