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Samples of the dengue vector mosquito Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae) were collected from 13 localities between 1995 and 1998. Two laboratory strains, Bora (French Polynesia) and AEAE, were both susceptible to DDT and permethrin; all other strains, except Larentuka (Indonesia) and Bouaké (Ivory Coast), contained individual fourth-instar larvae resistant to permethrin. Ten strains were subjected to a range of biochemical assays. Many strains had elevated carboxylesterase activity compared to the Bora strain; this was particularly high in the Indonesian strains Salatiga and Semarang, and in the Guyane strain (Cayenne). Monooxygenase levels were increased in the Salatiga and Paea (Polynesia) strains, and reduced in the two Thai strains (Mae Kaza, Mae Kud) and the Larentuka strain. Glutathione S-transferase activity was elevated in the Guyane strain. All other enzyme profiles were similar to the susceptible strain. The presence of both DDT and pyrethroid resistance in the Semarang, Belem (Brazil) and Long Hoa (Vietnam) strains suggested the presence of a knock-down resistant (kdr)-type resistance mechanism. Part of the S6 hydrophobic segment of domain II of the voltage-gated sodium channel gene was obtained by RT-PCR and sequenced from several insects from all 13 field strains. Four novel mutations were identified. Three strains contained identical amino acid substitutions at two positions, two strains shared a different substitution, and one strain was homozygous for a fourth alteration. The leucine to phenylalanine substitution that confers nerve insensitivity to pyrethroids in a range of other resistant insects was absent. Direct neurophysiological assays on individual larvae from three strains with these mutations demonstrated reduced nerve sensitivity to permethrin or lambda cyhalothrin inhibition compared to the susceptible strains.  相似文献   
Imidazole glycerol phosphate dehydratase (IGPD) catalyses the dehydration of imidazole glycerol phosphate to imidazole acetol phosphate, an important late step in the biosynthesis of histidine. IGPD, isolated as a low molecular weight and inactive apo-form, assembles with specific divalent metal cations to form a catalytically active high molecular weight metalloenzyme. Oxo-vanadium ions also assemble the protein into, apparently, the same high molecular weight form but, uniquely, yield a protein without catalytic activity. The VO2+ derivative of IGPD has been investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) and electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) spectroscopy. The spin Hamiltonian parameters indicate the presence of multiple 14N nuclei in the inner coordination sphere of VO2+ which is corroborated by ENDOR and ESEEM spectra showing resonances attributable to interactions with 14N nuclei. The isotropic superhyperfine coupling component of about 7 MHz determined by ENDOR is consistent with a nitrogen of coordinated histidine imidazole(s). The ESEEM Fourier-transform spectra further support the notion that the VO2+ substituted enzyme contains inner-sphere nitrogen ligands. The isotropic and anisotropic 14N superhyperfine coupling components are similar to those reported for other equatorially coordinated enzymatic histidine imidazole systems. ESEEM resonances from axial 14N ligands are discussed.  相似文献   
The primary routes of insecticide resistance in all insects are alterations in the insecticide target sites or changes in the rate at which the insecticide is detoxified. Three enzyme systems, glutathione S-transferases, esterases and monooxygenases, are involved in the detoxification of the four major insecticide classes. These enzymes act by rapidly metabolizing the insecticide to non-toxic products, or by rapidly binding and very slowly turning over the insecticide (sequestration). In Culex mosquitoes, the most common organophosphate insecticide resistance mechanism is caused by co-amplification of two esterases. The amplified esterases are differentially regulated, with three times more Est beta 2(1) being produced than Est alpha 2(1). Cis-acting regulatory sequences associated with these esterases are under investigation. All the amplified esterases in different Culex species act through sequestration. The rates at which they bind with insecticides are more rapid than those for their non-amplified counterparts in the insecticide-susceptible insects. In contrast, esterase-based organophosphate resistance in Anopheles is invariably based on changes in substrate specificities and increased turnover rates of a small subset of insecticides. The up-regulation of both glutathione S-transferases and monooxygenases in resistant mosquitoes is due to the effects of a single major gene in each case. The products of these major genes up-regulate a broad range of enzymes. The diversity of glutathione S-transferases produced by Anopheles mosquitoes is increased by the splicing of different 5' ends of genes, with a single 3' end, within one class of this enzyme family. The trans-acting regulatory factors responsible for the up-regulation of both the monooxygenase and glutathione S-transferases still need to be identified, but the recent development of molecular tools for positional cloning in Anopheles gambiae now makes this possible.  相似文献   
Summary : FT is a tool written in C++, which implements the Fourier analysis method to locate periodicities in aminoacid or DNA sequences. It is provided for free public use on a WWW server with a Java interface. Availability : The server address is http://o2.db. uoa.gr/FT Contact : shamodr@atlas.uoa.gr   相似文献   
Selenocysteine occurs in the peptide backbone of several selenoenzymes. The mechanism, of selenocysteine incorporation has not been well characterized. The incorporation of selenocysteine into protein in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate (RRL) was studied at high levels of selenocysteine. [75Se]Selenocysteine incorporation was inhibited by cycloheximide and by nuclease treatment. Random RNA copolymers were tested for protein synthesis activity in the messenger RNA-dependent RRL system. Of the active polymers, poly CIU and GU most strongly stimulated the incorporation of selenocysteine. In a series of four polymers with different ratios of U to G, incorporation of selenocysteine and cysteine increased with increasing percentages of U, suggesting that selenocysteine and cysteine responded to the same codon, presumably UGU. Of the 20 protein amino acids, only cysteine and cystine competed with selenocysteine incorporation. Selenocysteine was charged to cysteine-accepting tRNA in RRL. These results show that at supraphysiological concentrations selenocysteine can substitute for cysteine in RRL protein synthesis. Misincorporation of selenocysteine could be important when animal tissues contain high levels of selenium.  相似文献   
The cis/trans conformational equilibrium of the two Ac-Pro isomers of the beta-turn model dipeptide [13C]-Ac-L-Pro-D-Ala-NHMe, 98% 13C enriched at the acetyl carbonyl atom, was investigated by the use of variable temperature gradient enhanced 1H-nmr, two-dimensional (2D) 1H,1H nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY), 13C,1H one-dimensional steady-state intermolecular NOE, and molecular dynamics calculations. The temperature dependence of the cis/trans Ala(NH) protons are in the region expected for random-coil peptides in H2O (delta delta/delta T = -9.0 and -8.9 ppb for the cis and trans isomers, respectively). The trans NH(CH3) proton indicates smaller temperature dependence (delta delta/delta T approximately -4.8 ppb) than that of the cis isomer (-7.5 ppb). 2D 1H,1H NOESY experiments at 273 K demonstrate significant NOEs between ProH alpha-AlaNH and AlaNH-NH(R) for the trans isomer. The experimental NOE data, coupled with computational analysis, can be interpreted by assuming that the trans isomer most likely adopts an ensemble of folded conformations. The C-CONH(CH3) fragment exhibits significant conformational flexibility; however, a low-energy conformer resembles closely the beta II-turn folded conformations of the x-ray structure of the related model peptide trans-BuCO-L-Pro-Me-D-Ala-NHMe. On the contrary, the cis isomer adopts open conformations. Steady-state intermolecular solute-solvent (H2O) 13C,1H NOE indicates that the water accessibility of the acetyl carbonyl carbons is nearly the same for both isomers. This is consistent with rapid fluctuations of the conformational ensemble and the absence of a highly shielded acetyl oxygen from the bulk solvent. Variable temperature 1H-nmr studies of the cis/trans conformational equilibrium indicate that the trans form is enthalpically favored (delta H degree = -5.14 kJ mole-1) and entropically (delta S degree = -5.47 J.K-1.mole-1) disfavored relative to the cis form. This demonstrates that, in the absence of strongly stabilizing sequence-specific interresidue interactions involving side chains and/or charged terminal groups, the thermodynamic difference of the cis/trans isomers is due to the combined effect of intramolecular and intermolecular (hydration) induced conformational changes.  相似文献   
The biocontrol properties of Trichoderma species are well documented, but their effectiveness in antagonism of the problematic Sclerotium cepivorum, the causal agent of white rot in Allium species, appears limited with reports of significant control only relating to deliberately-mutated strains of Trichoderma. Our previous studies have indicated the possibility of using selected naturally-occurring strains of the antagonist in the suppression of other diseases; now in vitro and controlled environment in vivo studies have indicated that a degree of control of Onion White Rot is possible, and that the selected antagonist strains can be used in integrated treatments with Iprodione to good effect. The possible value of such treatments is considered in light of other approaches to the suppression of this continuing problem.  相似文献   
An assay method is described for measurement of absolute concentrations of the molybdenum cofactor, based on complementation of the defective nitrate reductase ('apo nitrate reductase') in extracts of the nit-1 mutant of Neurospora crassa. A number of alternative methods are described for preparing, anaerobically, molybdenum-cofactor-containing solutions from sulphite oxidase, xanthine oxidase and desulpho xanthine oxidase. For assay, these were mixed with an excess of extract of the nit-1 mutant, incubated for 24 h at 3.5 degrees C then assayed for NADPH:nitrate reductase activity. In all cases, the specific activity of the molybdenum cofactor, expressed as mumol of NO2-formed/min per ng-atom of Mo added from the denatured molybdoenzyme , was 25 +/- 4, a value that agrees with the known catalytic activity of the nitrate reductase of wild-type Neurospora crassa. This indicates that, under our conditions, there was quantitative transfer of the molybdenum cofactor from denatured molybdoenzyme to yield fully active nitrate reductase. Comparable cofactor assay methods of previous workers, apparently indicating transfer efficiencies of at best a few per cent, have never excluded satisfactorily the possibility that cofactor activity arose, not from stoichiometric constituents of the molybdoenzymes , but from contaminants. The following factors were investigated separately in developing the assay:the efficiency of extraction of the cofactor from the original enzyme, the efficiency of the complementation reaction between cofactor and apo nitrate reductase, and the assay of the resultant nitrate reductase, which must be carried out under non-inhibitory conditions. Though the cofactor is unstable in air (t1/2 about 15 min at 3.5 degrees C), it is stable when kept anaerobic in the presence of sodium dithionite, in aqueous solution or in dimethyl sulphoxide (activity lost at the rate of about 3%/24 h at 20-25 degrees C). Studies of stabilities, and investigations of the effect of added molybdate on the assay, permit conclusions to be drawn about the ligation of molybdenum to the cofactor and about steps in incorporation of the cofactor into the apoenzyme. Though the development of nitrate reductase activity is slow at 3.5 degrees C (t1/2 1.5-3 h) the complementation reaction may be carried out in high yield, aerobically. This is ascribed to rapid formation of an air-stable but catalytically inactive complex of the cofactor, as a precursor of the active nitrate reductase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
In a prior study, we observed decreased serum 3,3',5-triiodothyronine (T(3)), increased serum thyrotropin and increased body weight in five men fed 297 microg/d of selenium (Se) in foods naturally high in Se while confined in a metabolic research unit. In an attempt to replicate and confirm those observations, we conducted a randomized study of high-Se yeast supplements (300 microg/d) or placebo yeast administered to 42 healthy free-living men for 48 weeks. Serum thyroxine, T(3) and thyrotropin did not change in supplemented or control subjects. Body weight increased in both groups during the 48-week treatment period and remained elevated for the 48-week follow-up period. Body fat increased by 1.2 kg in both groups. Energy intake and voluntary activity levels were not different between the groups and remained unchanged during the treatment period. Dietary intakes of Se, macronutrients and micronutrients were not different between groups and remained unchanged during the treatment period. These results suggest that our previous observation of a hypothyroidal response to high-Se foods was confounded by some aspect of the particular foods used, or were merely chance observations. Because of the high dose and long administration period, the present study suggests that the effects of Se supplements on thyroid hormone metabolism and energy metabolism in healthy North American men with adequate Se status do not represent a significant risk for unhealthy weight gain.  相似文献   
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