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The hyperthermophilic, sulfate-reducing archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus strain 7324, rather than the type strain VC16, was found to grow on starch and sulfate as energy and carbon source. Fermentation products and enzyme activities were determined in starch-grown cells and compared to those of cells grown on lactate and sulfate. During exponential growth on starch, 1 mol of glucose-equivalent was incompletely oxidized with sulfate to approximately 2 mol acetate, 2 mol CO2 and 1 mol H2S. Starch-grown cells did not contain measurable amounts of the deazaflavin factor F420 (<0.03 nmol/mg protein) and thus did not show the F420-specific green-blue fluorescence. In contrast, lactate (1 mol) was completely oxidized with sulfate to 3 mol CO2 by strain 7324, and lactate-grown cells contained high amounts of F420 (0.6 nmol/mg protein). In extracts of starch-grown cells, the following enzymes of a modified Embden-Meyerhof pathway were detected: ADP-dependent hexokinase (ADP-HK), phosphoglucose isomerase, ADP-dependent 6-phosphofructokinase (ADP-PFK), fructose-1,6-phosphate aldolase, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase (GAP:FdOR), phosphoglycerate mutase, enolase, and pyruvate kinase (PK). Specific activities of ADP-HK, ADP-PFK, GAP:FdOR, and PK were significantly higher in starch-grown cells than in lactate-grown cells, indicating induction of these enzymes during starch catabolism. Pyruvate conversion to acetate involved pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase and ADP-forming acetyl-CoA synthetase. The findings indicate that the archaeal sulfate reducer A. fulgidus strain 7324 converts starch to acetate via a modified Embden-Meyerhof pathway and acetyl-CoA synthetase (ADP-forming). This is the first report of growth of a sulfate reducer on starch, i.e. on a polymeric sugar.  相似文献   
The actinomycete Rhodococcus opacus MR11 harbors a bidirectional NAD-reducing [NiFe] hydrogenase (SH). This cytoplasmic enzyme is composed of two heterodimeric modules which catalyze distinct enzymatic activities. The hydrogenase moiety mediates H(2):benzyl viologen oxidoreductase activity and the FMN-containing diaphorase module displays NADH:benzyl viologen oxidoreductase activity. The SH of Rh. opacus resembles [NiFe] hydrogenases present in strains of the proteobacterium Ralstonia eutropha and in species of cyanobacteria. Heterologous expression of active [NiFe] hydrogenases failed in most cases due to protein-assisted maturation processes implicated in the assembly of the NiFe bimetallic site. This study reports on the construction of a recombinant plasmid harboring the four SH subunit genes hoxFUYH and the associated endopeptidase gene hoxW from Rh. opacus under the regime of the SH promoter from R. eutropha H16. The resulting recombinant plasmid restored lithoautotrophic growth in a R. eutropha mutant impaired in H(2)-oxidizing ability. The SH of Rh. opacus was functionally active in R. eutropha and displayed the typical features described for its natural host. It readily dissociated in vitro into two active subforms. Dissociation was accompanied by the loss of the H(2)-dependent NAD-reducing activity, which was partially reconstituted by addition of 5 mM MgSO(4) and 0.5 mM NiCl(2). Activity and stability of the SH from Rh. opacus were enhanced almost three-fold by co-overexpression of the SH-associated metal insertion genes hypA2B2F2 of R. eutropha. Under optimal conditions the heterologously expressed Rh. opacus SH catalyzed NAD-reduction at a specific activity of 1.7 units per mg protein, which is approximately 30% of the yield obtained for the R. eutropha SH. The results indicate that, despite an enormous phylogenetic distance of the two bacterial species, their SH proteins are highly related.  相似文献   
Abstract. Three granite inselbergs and six dolerite dykes and their surroundings were investigated in the Central Namib, at the interface between the Namib Desert and Nama Karoo biomes. The main objectives of this study included a phytoso‐ciological interpretation of the described plant communities, explanation of the correlation of the communities with environmental variables and quantification of the relative contribution of different types of variables to structuring plant communities. Nine grassland and shrubland plant communities were recognized, largely organized according to general habitat, elevation, size of inselberg and geology. Soil properties, often thought to play an important role in arid environments, showed no clear patterns in the level of analyses used in this study. Other environmental parameters of importance in arid mountain habitats, such as slope aspect and angle, also played a minor role. The main implications of the study are: 1. Central Namib inselbergs, particularly granite domes, harbour diverse plant communities, often with species from neighbouring higher rainfall areas, and are thus of high conservation value. 2. The poor contribution of environmental variables in this study, which are conventionally used in field studies of plant community – environment relationships, may demand a critical review of additional parameters to be included when analysing plant community – environment relations in arid environments. In particular between‐season variation, phytogeographic aspects and the heterogeneity of microhabitats, often contained within a plant community, need to be taken into account.  相似文献   
Abstract. To determine the relationship between vegetation and environmental parameters in a desert‐savanna ecotone, vegetation in the Naukluft Mountains of Namibia (southern Africa) was described and analysed in terms of environmental parameters determining the observed patterns. 12 plant communities, largely characterized by low shrubs, were described on the basis of a classification. Through ordination altitude, clay, potassium content of the substrate and, to a lesser extent, habitats were identified as underlying environmental factors determining the composition of these plant communities. The edaphic parameters showed some correlation with subsurface geology, but microclimatic conditions, water availability and level of disturbance appeared to override the effect of nutrient composition provided by different substrate. Communities of conservation importance, such as plant communities composed of Karoo shrubs, are prevalent on the mountain plateau, presenting an isolated outpost of Nama Karoo vegetation. The transitional status between desert and savanna, remnant patches of Nama Karoo and the high habitat diversity mark the importance of this high altitude area for biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   
Recent advances in non-invasively collected samples have opened up new and exciting opportunities for wildlife research. Different types of samples, however, involve different limitations and certain physiological markers (e.g., C-peptide, oxytocin) can only be reliably measured from urine. Common collection methods for urine to date work best for arboreal animals and large volumes of urine. Sufficient recovery of urine is thus still difficult for wildlife biologists, particularly for terrestrial and small bodied animals. We tested three collection devices (two commercially available saliva swabs, Salivette synthetic and cotton, and cotton First aid swabs) against a control to permit the collection of small volumes of urine from the ground. We collected urine samples from captive and wild macaques, and humans, measured volume recovery, and analyzed concentrates of selected physiological markers (creatinine, C-peptide, and neopterin). The Salivette synthetic device was superior to the two alternative devices. Concentrations of creatinine, absolute C-peptide, C-peptide per creatinine, absolute neopterin, and neopterin per creatinine measured in samples collected with this device did not differ significantly from the control and were also strongly correlated to it. Fluid recovery was also best for this device. The least suitable device is the First aid collection device; we found that while absolute C-peptide and C-peptide per creatinine concentrations did not differ significantly from the control, creatinine concentrations were significantly lower than the control. In addition, these concentrations were either not or weakly correlated to the control. The Salivette cotton device provided intermediate results, although these concentrations were strongly correlated to the control. Salivette synthetic swabs seem to be useful devices for the collection of small amounts of urine from the ground destined for the assessment of physiological parameters. They thus provide new opportunities for field studies to incorporate physiological markers, particularly on smaller bodied and terrestrial animals and where urine collection is difficult.  相似文献   
Due to its fundamental role in shaping host selection behavior, we have analyzed the chemosensory repertoire of Chrysomela lapponica. This specialized leaf beetle evolved distinct populations which shifted from the ancestral host plant, willow (Salix sp., Salicaceae), to birch (Betula rotundifolia, Betulaceae). We identified 114 chemosensory candidate genes in adult C. lapponica: 41 olfactory receptors (ORs), eight gustatory receptors, 17 ionotropic receptors, four sensory neuron membrane proteins, 32 odorant binding proteins (OBPs), and 12 chemosensory proteins (CSP) by RNA‐seq. Differential expression analyses in the antennae revealed significant upregulation of one minus‐C OBP (ClapOBP27) and one CSP (ClapCSP12) in the willow feeders. In contrast, one OR (ClapOR17), four minus‐C OBPs (ClapOBP02, 07, 13, 20), and one plus‐C OBP (ClapOBP32) were significantly upregulated in birch feeders. The differential expression pattern in the legs was more complex. To narrow down putative ligands acting as cues for host discrimination, the relative abundance and diversity of volatiles of the two host plant species were analyzed. In addition to salicylaldehyde (willow‐specific), both plant species differed mainly in their emission rate of terpenoids such as (E,E)‐α‐farnesene (high in willow) or 4,8‐dimethylnona‐1,3,7‐triene (high in birch). Qualitatively, the volatiles were similar between willow and birch leaves constituting an “olfactory bridge” for the beetles. Subsequent structural modeling of the three most differentially expressed OBPs and docking studies using 22 host volatiles indicated that ligands bind with varying affinity. We suggest that the evolution of particularly minus‐C OBPs and ORs in C. lapponica facilitated its host plant shift via chemosensation of the phytochemicals from birch as novel host plant.  相似文献   
Target‐capture approach has improved over the past years, proving to be very efficient tool for selectively sequencing genetic regions of interest. These methods have also allowed the use of noninvasive samples such as faeces (characterized by their low quantity and quality of endogenous DNA) to be used in conservation genomic, evolution and population genetic studies. Here we aim to test different protocols and strategies for exome capture using the Roche SeqCap EZ Developer kit (57.5 Mb). First, we captured a complex pool of DNA libraries. Second, we assessed the influence of using more than one faecal sample, extract and/or library from the same individual, to evaluate its effect on the molecular complexity of the experiment. We validated our experiments with 18 chimpanzee faecal samples collected from two field sites as a part of the Pan African Programme: The Cultured Chimpanzee. Those two field sites are in Kibale National Park, Uganda (N = 9) and Loango National Park, Gabon (N = 9). We demonstrate that at least 16 libraries can be pooled, target enriched through hybridization, and sequenced allowing for the genotyping of 951,949 exome markers for population genetic analyses. Further, we observe that molecule richness, and thus, data acquisition, increase when using multiple libraries from the same extract or multiple extracts from the same sample. Finally, repeated captures significantly decrease the proportion of off‐target reads from 34.15% after one capture round to 7.83% after two capture rounds, supporting our conclusion that two rounds of target enrichment are advisable when using complex faecal samples.  相似文献   
Aspartylglucosaminuria (AGU) is a lysosomal storage disorder caused by mutations in the gene for aspartylglucosaminidase (AGA). This enzyme participates in glycoprotein degradation in lysosomes. AGU results in progressive mental retardation, and no curative therapy is currently available. We have here characterized the consequences of AGA gene mutations in a compound heterozygous patient who exhibits a missense mutation producing a Ser72Pro substitution in one allele, and a nonsense mutation Trp168X in the other. Ser72 is not a catalytic residue, but is required for the stabilization of the active site conformation. Thus, Ser72Pro exchange impairs the autocatalytic activation of the AGA precursor, and results in a considerable reduction of the enzyme activity and in altered AGA precursor processing. Betaine, which can partially rescue the AGA activity in AGU patients carrying certain missense mutations, turned out to be ineffective in the case of Ser72Pro substitution. The Trp168X nonsense allele results in complete lack of AGA polypeptide due to nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) of the mRNA. Amlexanox, which inhibits NMD and causes a translational read-through, facilitated the synthesis of a full-length, functional AGA protein from the nonsense allele. This could be demonstrated as presence of the AGA polypeptide and increased enzyme activity upon Amlexanox treatment. Furthermore, in the Ser72Pro/Trp168X expressing cells, Amlexanox induced a synergistic increase in AGA activity and polypeptide processing due to enhanced processing of the Ser72Pro polypeptide. Our data show for the first time that Amlexanox might provide a valid therapy for AGU.  相似文献   
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