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The structure of pseudorabies virus (PRV) capsids isolated from the nucleus of infected cells and from PRV virions was determined by cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and compared to herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) capsids. PRV capsid structures closely resemble those of HSV-1, including distribution of the capsid vertex specific component (CVSC) of HSV-1, which is a heterodimer of the pUL17 and pUL25 proteins. Occupancy of CVSC on all PRV capsids is near 100%, compared to ~ 50% reported for HSV-1 C-capsids and 25% or less that we measure for HSV-1 A- and B-capsids. A PRV mutant lacking pUL25 does not produce C-capsids and lacks visible CVSC density in the cryo-EM-based reconstruction. A reconstruction of PRV capsids in which green fluorescent protein was fused within the N-terminus of pUL25 confirmed previous studies with a similar HSV-1 capsid mutant localizing pUL25 to the CVSC density region that is distal to the penton. However, comparison of the CVSC density in a 9-Å-resolution PRV C-capsid map with the available crystal structure of HSV-1 pUL25 failed to find a satisfactory fit, suggesting either a different fold for PRV pUL25 or a capsid-bound conformation for pUL25 that does not match the X-ray model determined from protein crystallized in solution. The PRV capsid imaged within virions closely resembles C-capsids with the addition of weak but significant density shrouding the pentons that we attribute to tegument proteins. Our results demonstrate significant structure conservation between the PRV and HSV capsids.  相似文献   


Lymphatic vessels are major routes for metastasis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), but lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) are difficult to recognize in tumor histological sections. D2-40 stains podoplanin, a molecule expressed in LECs, however, the potential prognostic usefulness of this molecule is not completely understood in HNSCC. We aimed to investigate the value of assessing peritumoral and intratumoral lymphatic vessel density (LVD) as prognostic marker for HNSCC.


Thirty-one cases of HNSCC were stained for D2-40 and CD31. LVD and blood vessel density (BVD) were assessed by counting positive reactions in 10 hotspot areas at ×200 magnification.


D2-40 was specific for lymphatic vessels and did not stain blood vascular endothelial cells. LECs showed more tortuous and disorganized structure in intratumoral lymphatic vessels than in peritumoral ones. No statistical differences were observed between peritumoral-LVD and intratumoral-LVD or between peritumoral-BVD and intratumoral-BVD. Tumor D2-40 staining was positively associated with lymphatic vessel invasion (p = 0.011).


LVD is a powerful marker for HNSCC prognosis. We found significant differences in peritumoral and intratumoral D2-40 immunoreactivity, which could have important implications in future therapeutic strategies and outcome evaluation.
Two structurally very different insulin analogues analysed here, belong to a class of analogues of which two have been reported to have a protracted action through self-assembly to high molar mass in subcutis. The process of self-association of insulin analogues Lys(B29) (N(ε)ω-carboxyheptadecanoyl) des(B30) human insulin and Lys(B29) (N(ε)-lithocholyl) des(B30) human insulin was investigated using size exclusion chromatography (SEC) in connection with multi-angle light-scattering. Self-assembly to high molar mass was obtained by exchanging the formulation containing phenolic preservatives with an isotonic eluent during SEC. It was shown that increasing amounts of zinc in the formulations of the two analogues increased the size of the self assemblies formed during gel filtration. The addition of 0.2 mM phenol to the elution buffer slowed down the self-association process of zinc containing formulations and shed light on the initial association process. The results indicated that a dihexamer is a possible building block during self-association of Lys(B29) (N(ε)ω-carboxyheptadecanoyl) des(B30) human insulin. Surprisingly, in the absence of zinc the two analogues behaved very differently. Lys(B29) (N(ε)ω-carboxyheptadecanoyl) des(B30) human insulin was in equilibrium between oligomers smaller than a hexamer, whereas Lys(B29) (N(ε)-lithocholyl) des(B30) human insulin self-associated and formed even larger complexes than in the presence of zinc.  相似文献   


During nerve growth, cytoplasmic vesicles add new membrane preferentially to the growth cone located at the distal tip of extending axons. Growth cone membrane is also retrieved locally, and asymmetric retrieval facilitates membrane remodeling during growth cone repulsion by a chemorepellent gradient. Moreover, growth inhibitory factors can stimulate bulk membrane retrieval and induce growth cone collapse. Despite these functional insights, the processes mediating local membrane remodeling during axon extension remain poorly defined.


To investigate the spatial and temporal dynamics of membrane retrieval in actively extending growth cones, we have used a transient labeling and optical recording method that can resolve single vesicle events. Live-cell confocal imaging revealed rapid membrane retrieval by distinct endocytic modes based on spatial distribution in Xenopus spinal neuron growth cones. These modes include endocytic "hot-spots" triggered at the base of filopodia, at the lateral margins of lamellipodia, and along dorsal ridges of the growth cone. Additionally, waves of endocytosis were induced when individual filopodia detached from the substrate and fused with the growth cone dorsal surface or with other filopodia. Vesicle formation at sites of membrane remodeling by self-contact required F-actin polymerization. Moreover, bulk membrane retrieval by macroendocytosis correlated positively with the substrate-dependent rate of axon extension and required the function of Rho-family GTPases.


This study provides insight into the dynamic membrane remodeling processes essential for nerve growth by identifying several distinct modes of rapid membrane retrieval in the growth cone during axon extension. We found that endocytic membrane retrieval is intensified at specific subdomains and may drive the dynamic membrane ruffling and re-absorption of filopodia and lamellipodia in actively extending growth cones. The findings offer a platform for determining the molecular mechanisms of distinct endocytic processes that may remodel the surface distribution of receptors, ion channels and other membrane-associated proteins locally to drive growth cone extension and chemotactic guidance.  相似文献   
The C-terminal residue of the insulin A chain is invariant and kept as asparagine in all known insulin molecules from hagfish through birds to mammals. To get information on the role of this conserved residue, which is still unclear, the three-dimensional structures of four human insulin mutants, A21 Asn-->Gly, A21 Asn-->Asp, A21 Asn-->Ala, and A21 Asn-->Gln DesB30, were determined by X-ray crystallography. The four mutants crystallize separately into two kinds (rhombohedral and cubic) of crystals. In the refined structures, conformational correlation and coupled motion between the A chain C-terminal residue A21 and the B25 side chain was observed, in contrast to the nearly unchanged general structures as compared with the native insulin structures in their respective crystals. A detailed analysis suggests that residue A21 can affect insulin receptor binding by interaction with the B25 side chain and the B chain C-terminal segment to assist the B25 side chain rearranging into the 'active' conformation.  相似文献   


Trichomonosis, caused by Trichomonas vaginalis, is the number one, nonviral sexually transmitted infection that has adverse consequences for the health of women and children. The interaction of T. vaginalis with vaginal epithelial cells (VECs), a step preparatory to infection, is mediated in part by the prominent surface protein AP65. The bovine trichomonad, Tritrichomonas foetus, adheres poorly to human VECs. Thus, we established a transfection system for heterologous expression of the T. vaginalis AP65 in T. foetus, as an alternative approach to confirm adhesin function for this virulence factor.  相似文献   
Within the class of insulin and insulin-like growth factor receptors, detailed information about the molecular recognition event at the hormone-receptor interface is limited by the absence of suitable co-crystals. We describe the use of a biologically active insulin derivative labeled with the NBD fluorophore (B29NBD-insulin) to characterize the mechanism of reversible 1:1 complex formation with a fragment of the insulin receptor ectodomain. The accompanying 40 % increase in the fluorescence quantum yield of the label provides the basis for a dynamic study of the hormone-receptor binding event. Stopped-flow fluorescence experiments show that the kinetics of complex formation are biphasic comprising a bimolecular binding event followed by a conformational change. Displacement with excess unlabeled insulin gave monophasic kinetics of dissociation. The rate data are rationalized in terms of available experiments on mutant receptors and the X-ray structure of a non-binding fragment of the receptor of the homologous insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1).  相似文献   
A strategy for finding regions of similarity in complete genome sequences   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
MOTIVATION: Complete genomic sequences will become available in the future. New methods to deal with very large sequences (sizes beyond 100 kb) efficiently are required. One of the main aims of such work is to increase our understanding of genome organization and evolution. This requires studies of the locations of regions of similarity. RESULTS: We present here a new tool, ASSIRC ('Accelerated Search for SImilarity Regions in Chromosomes'), for finding regions of similarity in genomic sequences. The method involves three steps: (i) identification of short exact chains of fixed size, called 'seeds', common to both sequences, using hashing functions; (ii) extension of these seeds into putative regions of similarity by a 'random walk' procedure; (iii) final selection of regions of similarity by assessing alignments of the putative sequences. We used simulations to estimate the proportion of regions of similarity not detected for particular region sizes, base identity proportions and seed sizes. This approach can be tailored to the user's specifications. We looked for regions of similarity between two yeast chromosomes (V and IX). The efficiency of the approach was compared to those of conventional programs BLAST and FASTA, by assessing CPU time required and the regions of similarity found for the same data set. AVAILABILITY: Source programs are freely available at the following address: ftp://ftp.biologie.ens. fr/pub/molbio/assirc.tar.gz CONTACT: vincens@biologie.ens.fr, hazout@urbb.jussieu.fr   相似文献   
Mitochondria are one of the major sites of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in the plant cell. ROS can damage DNA, and this damage is in many organisms mainly repaired by the base excision repair (BER) pathway. We know very little about DNA repair in plants especially in the mitochondria. Combining proteomics, bioinformatics, western blot and enzyme assays, we here demonstrate that the complete BER pathway is found in mitochondria isolated from potato (Solanum tuberosum) tubers. The enzyme activities of three DNA glycosylases and an apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease (APE) were characterized with respect to Mg2+ dependence and, in the case of the APE, temperature sensitivity. Evidence for the presence of the DNA polymerase and the DNA ligase, which complete the repair pathway by replacing the excised base and closing the gap, was also obtained. We tested the effect of oxidative stress on the mitochondrial BER pathway by incubating potato tubers under hypoxia. Protein carbonylation increased significantly in hypoxic tuber mitochondria indicative of increased oxidative stress. The activity of two BER enzymes increased significantly in response to this oxidative stress consistent with the role of the BER pathway in the repair of oxidative damage to mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   
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