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Cone outer segments (OS) of the goldfish retina are diffusely labeled after intravitreal injection of [(3)H]fucose while rod OS remain unlabeled. By electron microscopic radioautography, the OS of red- and blue-sensitive cones are heavily labeled while green- sensitive cone OS are lightly labeled. The time-course and pattern of OS labeling in all cone types from 30 min to 24 h resemble that of incorporation of other sugars into rhodopsin in rod OS. The nature of the cone OS-specific fucosylated component(s) was examined using biochemical techniques. Cone OS were prelabeled by intravitreal injection of [(3)H]fucose 24 h before sacrifice. Photoreceptor OS were isolated using a discontinuous sucrose density gradient and it was verified by electron microscopic radioautography that the only source of radioactivity in the preparations was cone OS. The different cone types could be recognized by the heaviness of labeling, characteristic membrane spacing, and 'staining' of green cone OS in vitro with horseradish peroxidase. After acid hydrolysis of prelabeled photoreceptor membranes, 90 percent of the counts were in the neutral sugar fraction which was analyzed by thin-layer chromatography. Approximately 70 percent of the radioactivity co-chromatographed with authentic fucose. SDS-PAGE/fluorography of prelabeled photoreceptor membranes revealed a single radioactive component that was lightly stained with coomassie blue and showed an apparent molecular weight of 33,000. This cone-derived band was separated from unlabeled rod opsin which was well stained and showed an apparent mol wt of 38,000. Isoelectric focusing under denaturing conditions produced two major and one minor band of radioactivity with isoelectric points of 8.2, 8.6, and 8.8 respectively. No radioactivity was found in association with a stained band corresponding in isoelectric point to that of bovine opsin (pl, 6.2). The fucosylated component was readily digested by pronase, indicating its protein nature. Washing of the isolated OS with isotonic and hypotonic buffers failed to extract major amounts of the radioactivity, suggesting that the fucosylated component is an integral membrane protein. The presence of a fucosylated protein thus represents a major difference between cone and rod OS in the goldfish and has enabled us to identify cone OS in preparations of isolated photoreceptor membranes and to demonstrate the separation of a cone-derived glycoprotein from rod opsin.  相似文献   
Structure and organization of the bovine beta-globin genes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genomic clones spanning the entire cow beta-globin gene locus have been isolated and characterized. These clones demonstrate that the linkage of embryonic-like (epsilon) genes and pseudogenes (psi) to the previously described fetal (gamma) and adult (beta) genes is as follows: 5'-epsilon 3-epsilon 4-psi 3-beta-epsilon 1-epsilon 2-psi 1- psi 2-gamma-3'. Present data indicate that, like that of the goat, the fetal and adult genes arose via block duplication of an ancestral four- gene set: epsilon-epsilon-psi-beta. This duplication event preceded the divergence of cows and goats, which occurred greater than or equal to 18-20 Myr ago. However, cows do not have the additional four-gene block containing a preadult/stress globin gene (beta C). Furthermore, the cow fetal cluster contains an extra beta-like pseudogene, which apparently arose by a small-scale duplication. The fixation of this duplication may indicate a possible evolutionary role for pseudogenes.   相似文献   
The spectacular evolutionary radiation of hummingbirds (Trochilidae) has served as a model system for many biological studies. To begin to provide a historical context for these investigations, we generated a complete matrix of DNA hybridization distances among 26 hummingbirds and an outgroup swift (Chaetura pelagica) to determine the principal hummingbird lineages. FITCH topologies estimated from symmetrized delta TmH-C values and subjected to various validation methods (bootstrapping, weighted jackknifing, branch length significance) indicated a fundamental split between hermit (Eutoxeres aquila, Threnetes ruckeri; Phaethornithinae) and nonhermit (Trochilinae) hummingbirds, and provided strong support for six principal nonhermit clades with the following branching order: (1) a predominantly lowland group comprising caribs (Eulampis holosericeus) and relatives (Androdon aequatorialis and Heliothryx barroti) with violet-ears (Colibri coruscans) and relatives (Doryfera ludovicae); (2) an Andean-associated clade of highly polytypic taxa (Eriocnemis, Heliodoxa, and Coeligena); (3) a second endemic Andean clade (Oreotrochilus chimborazo, Aglaiocercus coelestis, and Lesbia victoriae) paired with thorntails (Popelairia conversii); (4) emeralds and relatives (Chlorostilbon mellisugus, Amazilia tzacatl, Thalurania colombica, Orthorhyncus cristatus and Campylopterus villaviscensio); (5) mountain-gems (Lampornis clemenciae and Eugenes fulgens); and (6) tiny bee-like forms (Archilochus colubris, Myrtis fanny, Acestrura mulsant, and Philodice mitchellii). Corresponding analyses on a matrix of unsymmetrized delta values gave similar support for these relationships except that the branching order of the two Andean clades (2, 3 above) was unresolved. In general, subsidiary relationships were consistent and well supported by both matrices, sometimes revealing surprising associations between forms that differ dramatically in plumage and bill morphology. Our results also reveal some basic aspects of hummingbird ecologic and morphologic evolution. For example, most of the diverse endemic Andean assemblage apparently comprises two genetically divergent clades, whereas the majority of North American hummingbirds belong a single third clade. Genetic distances separating some morphologically distinct genera (Oreotrochilus, Aglaiocercus, Lesbia; Myrtis, Acestrura, Philodice) were no greater than among congeneric (Coeligena) species, indicating that, in hummingbirds, morphological divergence does not necessarily reflect level of genetic divergence.   相似文献   
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