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A phylogeny of the arthropods was inferred from analyses of amino acid sequences derived from the nuclear genes encoding elongation factor-1 alpha and the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II using maximum- parsimony, neighbor-joining, and maximum-likelihood methods. Analyses of elongation factor-1 alpha from 17 arthropods and 4 outgroup taxa recovered many arthropod clades supported by previous morphological studies, including Diplopoda, Myriapoda, Insecta, Hexapoda, Branchiopoda (Crustacea), Araneae, Tetrapulmonata, Arachnida, Chelicerata, and Malacostraca (Crustacea). However, counter to previous studies, elongation factor-1 alpha placed Malacostraca as sister group to the other arthropods. Branchiopod crustaceans were found to be more closely related to hexapods and myriapods than to malacostracan crustaceans. Sequences for RNA polymerase II were obtained from 11 arthropod taxa and were analyzed separately and in combination with elongation factor-1 alpha. Results from these analyses were concordant with those derived from elongation factor-1 alpha alone and provided support for a Hexapoda/Branchiopoda clade, thus arguing against the monophyly of the traditionally defined Atelocerata (Hexapoda + Myriapoda).   相似文献   
Solid-state fermentation of eucalypt wood with several fungal strains was investigated as a possible biological pretreatment for decreasing the content of compounds responsible for pitch deposition during Cl2-free manufacture of paper pulp. First, different pitch deposits were characterized by gas chromatography (GC) and GC-mass spectrometry (MS). The chemical species identified arose from lipophilic wood extractives that survived the pulping and bleaching processes. Second, a detailed GC-MS analysis of the lipophilic fraction after fungal treatment of wood was carried out, and different degradation patterns were observed. The results showed that some basidiomycetes that decreased the lipophilic fraction also released significant amounts of polar extractives, which were identified by thermochemolysis as originating from lignin depolymerization. Therefore, the abilities of fungi to control pitch should be evaluated after analysis of compounds involved in deposit formation and not simply by estimating the decrease in the total extractive content. In this way, Phlebia radiata, Funalia trogii, Bjerkandera adusta, and Poria subvermispora strains were identified as the most promising organisms for pitch biocontrol, since they degraded 75 to 100% of both free and esterified sterols, as well as other lipophilic components of the eucalypt wood extractives. Ophiostoma piliferum, a fungus used commercially for pitch control, hydrolyzed the sterol esters and triglycerides, but it did not appear to be suitable for eucalypt wood treatment because it increased the content of free sitosterol, a major compound in pitch deposits.  相似文献   


Several classifications of adult asthma patients using cluster analyses based on clinical and demographic information has resulted in clinical phenotypic clusters that do not address molecular mechanisms. Volatile organic compounds (VOC) in exhaled air are released during inflammation in response to oxidative stress as a result of activated leukocytes. VOC profiles in exhaled air could distinguish between asthma patients and healthy subjects. In this study, we aimed to classify new asthma endotypes by combining inflammatory mechanisms investigated by VOC profiles in exhaled air and clinical information of asthma patients.


Breath samples were analyzed for VOC profiles by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry from asthma patients (n = 195) and healthy controls (n = 40). A total of 945 determined compounds were subjected to discriminant analysis to find those that could discriminate healthy from asthmatic subjects. 2-step cluster analysis based on clinical information and VOCs in exhaled air were used to form asthma endotypes.


We identified 16 VOCs, which could distinguish between healthy and asthma subjects with a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 91.1%. Cluster analysis based on VOCs in exhaled air and the clinical parameters FEV1, FEV1 change after 3 weeks of hospitalization, allergic sensitization, Junipers symptoms score and asthma medications resulted in the formation of 7 different asthma endotype clusters. We identified asthma clusters with different VOC profiles but similar clinical characteristics and endotypes with similar VOC profiles, but distinct clinical characteristics.


This study demonstrates that both, clinical presentation of asthma and inflammatory mechanisms in the airways should be considered for classification of asthma subtypes.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12931-014-0136-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Concerted evolution of the cow epsilon 2 and epsilon 4 beta-globin genes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The nucleotide sequences of the cow epsilon 2 and epsilon 4 globin genes were determined. The sequences were 95% identical. These genes arose via a four-gene block duplication that also gave rise to the bovine fetal (gamma) and adult (beta) genes. Their deduced amino acid sequences are unlike any previously reported fetal or adult globins; rather, comparison to other mammalian globin genes indicates that they are embryonic in nature. The sequence data indicate that these two genes have converted each other during evolution. Pairwise comparison to the corresponding goat genes shows greater similarity between paralogues than between more directly related orthologues. This is in direct contrast to the situation between the cow and goat fetal and adult genes. These observations suggest that the frequency of DNA conversion or the fixation of conversion events may vary in different locations of the cow beta-globin cluster.   相似文献   
Simple but exact statistical tests for detecting a cluster of associated nucleotide changes in DNA are presented. The tests are based on the linear distribution of a set of s sites among a total of n sites, where the s sites may be the variable sites, sites of insertion/deletion, or categorized in some other way. These tests are especially useful for detecting gene conversion and intragenic recombination in a sample of DNA sequences. In this case, the sites of interest are those that correspond to particular ways of splitting the sequences into two groups (e.g., sequences A and D vs. sequences B, C, and E-J). Each such split is termed a phylogenetic partition. Application of these methods to a well-documented case of gene conversion in human gamma-globin genes shows that sites corresponding to two of the three observed partitions are significantly clustered, whereas application to hominoid mitochondrial DNA sequences--among which no recombination is expected to occur--shows no evidence of such clustering. This indicates that clustering of partition-specific sites is largely due to intragenic recombination or gene conversion. Alternative hypotheses explaining the observed clustering of sites, such as biased selection or mutation, are discussed.   相似文献   
The objective of this study was to fully characterize normosmic perception of stimuli expected to cause widely varying degrees of olfactory and nasal trigeminal stimulation and to directly evaluate the possible role of olfactory nerve stimulation in nasal irritation sensitivity. During each of four identical test sessions, four anosmic and 31 normosmic participants were presented with a range of concentrations extending from peri-threshold for normosmics to supra- threshold for anosmics. For each session, odor (O) and nasal irritation (NI) sensitivities were summarized in terms of the concentrations required to produce four sensation levels ('iso-response' concentrations). Within-participant variation in these iso-response concentrations was < 10-fold for 95% of normosmics, for both O and NI. For O but not NI, these apparent fluctuations in sensitivity were largely accounted for by the uncertainty surrounding the iso-response concentrations calculated for each session. Anosmics exhibited minimal within- and between-participant variation in NI and required, for all but the highest perceptual level, a higher concentration than almost all normosmics. Between-participant variation, expressed in terms of 90% confidence interval widths, was approximately 0.5 log units for both O and NI for the highest perceptual level, but increased to approximately 0.8 and 1.8 log units, respectively, for the lowest (peri- threshold) level. Our findings suggest that: (i) most apparent variation over time in O sensitivity is actually a reflection of the uncertainty surrounding estimates of sensitivity obtained for each session; (ii) within- and between-participant variation in O sensitivity is far less than is commonly reported; and (iii) low to moderate levels of NI in normosmics are the result of relatively weak trigeminal stimulation combined with much greater olfactory activation.   相似文献   
Evolution and phylogenetic utility of the period gene in Lepidoptera   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Evolution and phylogenetic utility of the period gene are explored through sequence analysis of a relatively conserved 909-bp fragment in 26 lepidopteran species. Taxa range from tribes to superfamilies, primarily within the putative clade Macrolepidotera plus near outgroups, and include both strongly established and problematic groupings. Their divergence dates probably range from the late Cretaceous through much of the Tertiary. Comparisons within the same set of closely related species show that amino acid substitutions in period occur 4.9 and 44 times as frequently as they do in two other nuclear genes--dopa decarboxylase and elongation factor-1 alpha, respectively. In contrast, rates of observed synonymous substitution are within 60% of each other for these three genes. Synonymous changes in period approach saturation by the family level, whereas nonsynonymous and amino acid divergences across the Macrolepidoptera are less than half the maximal values reported for this gene. Phylogenetic analyses of period strongly supported groupings at the family level and below. In contrast to previous analyses at this level with other nuclear genes, much of the information lies in nonsynonymous change. Relationships up to the superfamily level were recovered with decreasing effectiveness, and little, if any, signal was apparent regarding relationships among superfamilies. This could reflect rapid radiation of the superfamilies, however, rather than saturation in the period locus; thus, period, in combination with other genes, remains a plausible candidate for approaching the difficult problems of lepidopteran family and superfamily relationships.   相似文献   
Multiple haplotypes from each of three nuclear loci were isolated and sequenced from geographic populations of the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica. In tests of alternative phylogeographic hypotheses for this species, nuclear gene genealogies constructed for these haplotypes were compared to one another, to a mitochondrial gene tree, and to patterns of allele frequency variation in nuclear restriction site polymorphisms (RFLPs) and allozymes. Oyster populations from the Atlantic versus the Gulf of Mexico are not reciprocally monophyletic in any of the nuclear gene trees, despite considerable genetic variation and despite large allele frequency differences previously reported in several other genetic assays. If these populations were separated vicariantly in the past, either insufficient time has elapsed for neutral lineage sorting to have achieved monophyly at most nuclear loci, or balancing selection may have inhibited lineage extinction, or secondary gene flow may have moved haplotypes between regions. These and other possibilities are examined in light of available genetic evidence, and it is concluded that no simple explanation can account for the great variety of population genetic patterns across loci displayed by American oysters. Regardless of the source of this heterogeneity, this study provides an empirical demonstration that different sequences of DNA within the same organismal pedigree can have quite different phylogeographic histories.   相似文献   
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