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Ipomoea obscura, small white morning glory, is an ornamental plant belonging to the family Convolvulaceae, and cultivated worldwide. I. obscura generates white petals including a pale-yellow colored star-shaped center (flower vein). Its fully opened flowers were known to accumulate trace amounts of carotenoids such as β-carotene. In the present study, the embryogenic calli of I. obscura, were successfully produced through its immature embryo culture, and co-cultured with Agrobacterium tumefaciens carrying the β-carotene 4,4′-ketolase (crtW) and β-carotene 3,3′-hydroxylase (crtZ) genes for astaxanthin biosynthesis in addition to the isopentenyl diphosphate isomerase (idi) and hygromycin resistance genes. Transgenic plants, in which these four genes were introduced, were regenerated from the infected calli. They generated bronze (reddish green) leaves and novel petals that exhibited a color change from pale-yellow to pale-orange in the star-shaped center part. Especially, the color of their withered leaves changed drastically. HPLC-PDA-MS analysis showed that the expanded leaves of a transgenic line (T0) produced astaxanthin (5.2% of total carotenoids), adonirubin (3.9%), canthaxanthin (3.8%), and 3-hydroxyechinenone (3.6%), which indicated that these ketocarotenoids corresponded to 16.5% of the total carotenoids produced there (530 µg g−1 fresh weight). Furthermore, the altered traits of the transgenic plants were found to be inherited to their progenies by self-crossing.  相似文献   
Gold salts and phenylbutazone selectively inhibit the synthesis of PGF and PGE2 respectively. Lowered production of one prostaglandin species is accompanied by an increased production of the other. Selective inhibition by these drugs was observed in the presence of adrenaline, reduced glutathione and copper sulphate under conditions when most anti-inflammatory compounds inhibited PGE2 and PGF syntheses equally. It is postulated that selective inhibitors may have a different mode of action in vivo and beneficial effects may be related to the endogenous ratio of PGE to PGF required for normal function.  相似文献   
Cilia and flagella are rare in nongerminal tissues of anthropods, and are generally thought to be restricted to sperm and sensory cells in insects (2). Whitten (5) has reported the presence of kinetosomes at the base of mitotrichia in the dipteran fly Sarcophaga bullata, but reports no evidence of the organization of fibrous elements characteristic of cilia and or flagella. During an ultrastructural analysis of morphogenesis of the colleterial gland of the silk moth Hyalophora cecropia, we found the first example of paired flagella associated with an insect secretory cell. These structures are also unusual in that they serve a temporary role in morphogenesis and subsequently disappear at the terminal stages of differentiation.  相似文献   
Differential rates of nucleotide substitution among different gene segments and between distinct evolutionary lineages is well documented among mitochondrial genes and is likely a consequence of locus-specific selective constraints that delimit mutational divergence over evolutionary time. We compared sequence variation of 18 homologous loci (15 coding genes and 3 parts of the control region) among 10 mammalian mitochondrial DNA genomes which allowed us to describe different mitochondrial evolutionary patterns and to produce an estimation of the relative order of gene divergence. The relative rates of divergence of mitochondrial DNA genes in the family Felidae were estimated by comparing their divergence from homologous counterpart genes included in nuclear mitochondrial DNA (Numt, pronounced "new might"), a genomic fossil that represents an ancient transfer of 7.9 kb of mitochondrial DNA to the nuclear genome of an ancestral species of the domestic cat (Felis catus). Phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial (mtDNA) sequences with multiple outgroup species were conducted to date the ancestral node common to the Numt and the cytoplasmic (Cymt) mtDNA genes and to calibrate the rate of sequence divergence of mitochondrial genes relative to nuclear homologous counterparts. By setting the fastest substitution rate as strictly mutational, an empirical "selective retardation index" is computed to quantify the sum of all constraints, selective and otherwise, that limit sequence divergence of mitochondrial gene sequences over time.   相似文献   
Polyphosphate degradation and phosphate secretion were optimized in Escherichia coli strains overexpressing the E. coli polyphosphate kinase gene (ppk) and either the E. coli polyphosphatase gene (ppx) or the Saccharomyces cerevisiae polyphosphatase gene (scPPX1) from different inducible promoters on medium- and high-copy plasmids. The use of a host strain without functional ppk or ppx genes on the chromosome yielded the highest levels of polyphosphate, as well as the fastest degradation of polyphosphate when the gene for polyphosphatase was induced. The introduction of a hybrid metabolic pathway consisting of the E. coli ppk gene and the S. cerevisiae polyphosphatase gene resulted in lower polyphosphate concentrations than when using both the ppk and ppx genes from E. coli, and did not significantly improve the degradation rate. It was also found that the rate of polyphosphate degradation was highest when ppx was induced late in growth, most likely due to the high intracellular polyphosphate concentration. The phosphate released from polyphosphate allowed the growth of phosphate-starved cells; excess phosphate was secreted into the medium, leading to a down-regulation of the phosphate-starvation (Pho) response. The production of alkaline phosphatase, an indicator of the Pho response, can be precisely controlled by manipulating the degree of ppx induction. Copyright 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
The self-incompatible (SI) Brassica napus line W1, which carries the 910 S allele, was transformed with an inactive copy of the 910 S locus receptor kinase (SRK) gene. Two transformed lines were analyzed based on their heritable ability to set self-seed. The first line was virtually completely self-compatible (SC), and reciprocal pollinations with the original W1 line demonstrated that only the stigma side of the SI phenotype was altered. An analysis of the expression of endogenous SRK-910 demonstrated that the mechanism of transgene action is via gene suppression. Furthermore, the expression of the S locus glycoprotein gene present in the 910 allele (SLG-910), SLG-A10, which is derived from a nonfunctional S allele, and an S locus-related gene were also suppressed. When the transgene was crossed into another SI line carrying the A14 S allele, it was also capable of suppressing the expression of the endogenous genes and of making this line SC. The second transgenic line studied was only partly SC. In this case as well, only the stigma phenotype was affected, although no gene suppression was detected for endogenous SRK-910 or SLG-910. In this line, the expression of the transgene most likely was causing the change in phenotype, and no effect was observed when this transgene was crossed into the other SI line. Therefore, this work reinforces the hypothesis that the SRK gene is required, but only for the stigma side of the SI phenotype, and that a single transgene can alter the SI phenotype of more than one S allele.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Individuals with high microfilarial loads of Loa loa are at increased risk of neurologic serious adverse (SAE) events following ivermectin treatment against onchocerciasis. RAPLOA (Rapid Assessment Procedure for loiasis), a newly developed rapid assessment procedure for loiasis that relates the prevalence of key clinical manifestation of loiasis (history of eye worm) to the level of endemicity of the infection (prevalence of high intensity), is a very useful tool to identify areas at potential risk of L. loa post ivermectin treatment encephalopathy. In a perspective of treatment decision making in areas of co-endemicity of loiasis/onchocerciasis, it would be advantageous (both in time and cost savings) for national onchocerciasis control programmes to use RAPLOA and the Rapid epidemiologic assessment for onchocerciasis (REA), in combination in given surveys. Since each of the two rapid assessment tools have their own specificities, the workability of combining the two methods needed to be tested. METHODS: We worked in 10 communities of a forest area presumed co-endemic for loiasis and onchocerciasis in the North-West Province of Cameroon where the mass-treatment with ivermectin had not been carried out. A four-step approach was used and comprised: (i) generating data on the prevalence and intensity of loiasis and onchocerciasis in an area where such information is scarce; (ii) testing the relationship between the L. loa microfilaraemia prevalence and the RAPLOA prevalence, (iii) testing the relationship between the O. volvulus microfiladermia prevalence and the REA prevalence, (iv) testing the workability of combining RAPLOA/REA by study teams in which a single individual can perform the interview for RAPLOA and the nodule palpation for REA. RESULTS: The microfilaraemia prevalence of loiasis in communities ranged from 3.6% to 14.3%. 6 (0.61%) individuals had L. loa microfilarial loads above 8000 mf/ml but none of them attained 30,000 mf/ml, the threshold value above which the risk of developing neurologic SAE after ivermectin treatment is very high. None of the communities surveyed had RAPLOA prevalence above 40%. All the communities had microfiladermia prevalence above 60%. The microfiladermia results could be confirmed by the rapid epidemiologic method (nodule palpation), with all the 10 communities having REA prevalence above 20%. For the first time, this study has demonstrated that the two rapid assessment procedures for loiasis and onchocerciasis can be carried out simultaneously by a survey team, in which a single individual can administer the questionnaire for RAPLOA and perform the nodule palpation for REA. CONCLUSION: This study has: (i) Revealed that the Momo valley of the North West province of Cameroon is hyperendemic for onchocerciasis, but is of lower level of endemicity for L. loa. (ii) Confirmed the previous relationships established between RAPLOA and the L. loa microfilaraemia prevalence in one hand and between the REA and the O. volvulus microfiladermia prevalence in another hand (iii) Shown that RAPLOA and REA could be used simultaneously for the evaluation of loiasis and onchocerciasis endemicity in areas targeted by the African Programme for onchocerciasis Control for community-directed treatment with ivermectin (CDTI).  相似文献   
Meristem maintenance and differentiation is regulated by intercellular communication through receptor-like kinases (RLKs) in plants, but the underlying molecular mechanisms of RLK signaling remain largely unknown. A cytoplasmic interactor for inflorescence and root apices receptor-like kinase (IRK), which is a typical meristematic RLK with leucine-rich repeats in Arabidopsis, was identified using a yeast two-hybrid assay and named IRK-interacting protein (IRKI). IRKI is a novel but highly conserved protein found in higher plants. The interaction between IRK and IRKI was confirmed by an in vitro pull-down assay and supported by their simultaneous expression in actively dividing cells in meristems. In the root tip, IRKI expression and localization visualized by green fluorescence protein (GFP) were observed in the quiescent center, initial cells, and immature stele cells. IRKI expression was expanded by exogenous auxin treatment and repressed by inhibitor treatment of polar auxin transport.  相似文献   
The glycosaminoglycan heparin is a polyanionic polysaccharide most recognized for its anticoagulant activity. Heparin binds to cationic regions in hundreds of prokaryotic and eukaryotic proteins, termed heparin-binding proteins. The endogenous ligand for many of these heparin-binding proteins is a structurally similar glycosaminoglycan, heparan sulfate (HS). Chemical and biosynthetic modifications of heparin and HS have been employed to discern specific sequences and charge-substitution patterns required for these polysaccharides to bind specific proteins, with the goal of understanding structural requirements for protein binding well enough to elucidate the function of the saccharide-protein interactions and/or to develop new or improved heparin-based pharmaceuticals. The most common modifications to heparin structure have been alteration of sulfate substitution patterns, carboxyl reduction, replacement N-sulfo groups with N-acetyl groups, and chain fragmentation. However, an accumulation of reports over the past 50 years describe semi-synthetic heparin derivatives obtained by incorporating aliphatic, aryl, and heteroaryl moieties into the heparin structure. A primary goal in many of these reports has been to identify heparin-derived structures as new or improved heparin-based therapeutics. Presented here is a perspective on the introduction of non-anionic structural motifs into heparin structure, with a focus on such modifications as a strategy to generate novel reduced-charge heparin-based bind-and-block antagonists of HS-protein interactions. The chemical methods employed to synthesize such derivatives, as well as other unique heparin conjugates, are reviewed.  相似文献   
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