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Microbial communities ultimately control the fate of petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs) that enter the natural environment, but the interactions of microbes with PHCs and the environment are highly complex and poorly understood. Genome-resolved metagenomics can help unravel these complex interactions. However, the lack of a comprehensive database that integrates existing genomic/metagenomic data from oil environments with physicochemical parameters known to regulate the fate of PHCs currently limits data analysis and interpretations. Here, we curated a comprehensive, searchable database that documents microbial populations in natural oil ecosystems and oil spills, along with available underlying physicochemical data, geocoded via geographic information system to reveal their geographic distribution patterns. Analysis of the ~2000 metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) available in the database revealed strong ecological niche specialization within habitats. Over 95% of the recovered MAGs represented novel taxa underscoring the limited representation of cultured organisms from oil-contaminated and oil reservoir ecosystems. The majority of MAGs linked to oil-contaminated ecosystems were detectable in non-oiled samples from the Gulf of Mexico but not in comparable samples from elsewhere, indicating that the Gulf is primed for oil biodegradation. The repository should facilitate future work toward a predictive understanding of the microbial taxa and their activities that control the fate of oil spills.  相似文献   
G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) constitute the largest family among mammalian membrane proteins and are capable of initiating numerous essential signaling cascades. Various GPCR-mediated pathways are organized into protein microdomains that can be orchestrated and regulated through scaffolding proteins, such as PSD-95/discs-large/ZO1 (PDZ) domain proteins. However, detailed binding characteristics of PDZ–GPCR interactions remain elusive because these interactions seem to be more complex than previously thought. To address this issue, we analyzed binding modalities using our established model system. This system includes the 13 individual PDZ domains of the multiple PDZ domain protein 1 (MUPP1; the largest PDZ protein), a broad range of murine olfactory receptors (a multifaceted gene cluster within the family of GPCRs), and associated olfactory signaling proteins. These proteins were analyzed in a large-scale peptide microarray approach and continuative interaction studies. As a result, we demonstrate that canonical binding motifs were not overrepresented among the interaction partners of MUPP1. Furthermore, C-terminal phosphorylation and distinct amino acid replacements abolished PDZ binding promiscuity. In addition to the described in vitro experiments, we identified new interaction partners within the murine olfactory epithelium using pull-down-based interactomics and could verify the partners through co-immunoprecipitation. In summary, the present study provides important insight into the complexity of the binding characteristics of PDZ–GPCR interactions based on olfactory signaling proteins, which could identify novel clinical targets for GPCR-associated diseases in the future.PDZ domain proteins comprise one of the largest families among interaction domain scaffolding proteins and are highly abundant in various multicellular eukaryotic species. These proteins fulfill important physiological functions in a broad range of different tissues and cells as they orchestrate complex protein networks. Among putative PDZ interaction partners, one important protein family is the group of GPCRs1, constituting the largest family of membrane proteins in mammals (1). Here, signal efficiency, speed, desensitization, and internalization can be modulated by PDZ proteins (25). Olfactory receptors (ORs) represent a multigene family within this group of seven-transmembrane domain proteins and encompass 2% of the mammalian genome (6). Belonging to class I GPCRs, ORs share many general features of this receptor family, making them an interesting target for interactions involving PDZ proteins. Until recently, an organizing complex builder, such as the inactivation no afterpotential D (InaD) protein in the visual system of Drosophila melanogaster (7, 8), could not be clearly identified for olfactory signaling.The multiple PDZ domain protein 1, with 13 individual PDZ domains, represents the largest of the described PDZ proteins to date (9) and interacts with different GPCRs (1012). One well-described example is its interaction with GABAB receptors, leading to enhanced receptor stability at the plasma membrane and prolonged signaling duration (2). In previous studies, we demonstrated that PDZ domains 1 + 2 can interact with a selected subset of ORs (13). Furthermore, we showed that MUPP1 binds to a specific OR and that most of the described proteins are involved in mammalian olfactory signal transduction in the native system, making MUPP1 a promising candidate for orchestrating the olfactory system (14).Many PDZ–ligand interactions depend on classical binding motifs at the ligand''s C-terminal end, thereby building weak transient protein complexes (15, 16). However, an increasing number of PDZ interactions have emerged that seem to provide more complex binding modalities, differing from the canonical interactions (17, 18). Ligand binding seems not to be exclusively restricted to C-terminal sites, and PDZ domains cannot be distinctly classified but are evenly distributed throughout a selective space (17, 1921). Therefore, it is of great interest to analyze OR–PDZ interactions to characterize the putative binding requirements and to further investigate the role of MUPP1 in olfactory signaling.In the present study, we characterized the binding modalities between the 13 individual PDZ domains of MUPP1 and a broad range of murine olfactory receptors in a large-scale approach, indicating that classical binding motifs were not overrepresented among the evaluated binding partners. In addition, we identified new binding partners from the murine olfactory epithelium using pull-down-based interactomics.  相似文献   
Olfactory receptors (ORs) are expressed not only in the sensory neurons of the olfactory epithelium, where they detect volatile substances, but also in various other tissues where their potential functions are largely unknown. Here, we report the physiological characterization of human OR51E2, also named prostate-specific G-protein-coupled receptor (PSGR) due to its reported up-regulation in prostate cancer. We identified androstenone derivatives as ligands for the recombinant receptor. PSGR can also be activated with the odorant β-ionone. Activation of the endogenous receptor in prostate cancer cells by the identified ligands evoked an intracellular Ca2+ increase. Exposure to β-ionone resulted in the activation of members of the MAPK family and inhibition of cell proliferation. Our data give support to the hypothesis that because PSGR signaling could reduce growth of prostate cancer cells, specific receptor ligands might therefore be potential candidates for prostate cancer treatment.Excessive signaling by G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs)3 such as endothelin A receptor (1), bradykinin 1 receptor (2), follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (3), and thrombin receptor (4, 5) is known to occur in prostate cancers due to strong overexpression of the respective receptors. Activation of some of these GPCRs results in androgen-independent androgen receptor activation, thus promoting the transition of prostate cancer cells from an androgen-dependent to an androgen-independent state (6, 7).The prostate-specific G-protein-coupled receptor (PSGR) is a class A GPCR that was initially identified as a prostate-specific tumor biomarker (810). It is specifically expressed in prostate epithelial cells, and its expression increases significantly in human prostate intraepithelial neoplasia and prostate tumors, suggesting that PSGR may play an important role in early prostate cancer development and progression (9, 11). Although expression of the human PSGR was found to be prostate-specific (10, 12), mRNA can also be detected in the olfactory zone and the medulla oblongata of the human brain (12). Human PSGR shares 93% amino acid homology to the respective mouse and rat homologues, which are also expressed in the brain (12). Interestingly, PSGR has numerous sequence motifs in common with the large superfamily of olfactory receptors (ORs), which build the largest class of human GPCRs and allow the recognition of a wide range of structurally diverse molecules in the nasal epithelium (1315). Recently, also the steroid hormones androstenone and androstadienone were identified as OR ligands (16). In addition to their role in the sensory neurons of the nose, ORs have been found in different tissues throughout the body (17, 18). Their function(s) in these extranasal locations are questionable except for in a few cases where functional studies have been performed in spermatozoa (19, 20) and in enterochromaffin cells of the gastrointestinal tract (21).Here, we report the identification of steroid ligands of heterologously expressed PSGR and investigate the functional relevance of PSGR expression in prostate tissue. Steroid hormones elicited rapid Ca2+ responses in the LNCaP prostate cancer cell line and in primary human prostate epithelial cells. Moreover, activated PSGR causes phosphorylation of p38 and stress-activated protein kinase/c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (SAPK/JNK) mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), resulting in reduced proliferation rates in prostate cancer cells.  相似文献   
The gaseous signalling molecule nitric oxide (NO) is involved in various physiological processes including regulation of blood pressure, immunocytotoxicity and neurotransmission. In the mammalian olfactory bulb (OB), NO plays a role in the formation of olfactory memory evoked by pheromones as well as conventional odorants. While NO generated by the neuronal isoform of NO synthase (nNOS) regulates neurogenesis in the olfactory epithelium, NO has not been implicated in olfactory signal transduction. We now show the expression and function of the endothelial isoform of NO synthase (eNOS) in mature olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) of adult mice. Using NO-sensitive micro electrodes, we show that stimulation liberates NO from isolated wild-type OSNs, but not from OSNs of eNOS deficient mice. Integrated electrophysiological recordings (electro-olfactograms or EOGs) from the olfactory epithelium of these mice show that NO plays a significant role in modulating adaptation. Evidence for the presence of eNOS in mature mammalian OSNs and its involvement in odorant adaptation implicates NO as an important new element involved in olfactory signal transduction. As a diffusible messenger, NO could also have additional functions related to cross adaptation, regeneration, and maintenance of MOE homeostasis.  相似文献   
Based on morphological and physiological observations, it has been suggested that differences exist in the degree that reticuloruminal (RR) contents are stratified between various ruminant species. However, the occurrence of stratification has hardly been measured in non-domestic species. Forestomach contents of free-ranging moose (n = 22) and red deer (24) shot during regular hunting procedures, and of captive (but 100% forage fed) addax (6) and bison (10) culled for commercial or management purposes were investigated. There was no difference between the species in the degree by which RR ingesta separated according to size due to buoyancy characteristics in vitro. However, RR fluid of moose was more viscous than that of the other species, and no difference in moisture content was evident between the dorsal and the ventral rumen in moose, in contrast to the other species. Hence, the RR milieu in moose appears less favourable for gas or particle separation due to buoyancy characteristics. These findings are in accord with notable differences in RR papillation between the species. In moose, particle separation is most likely restricted to the reticulum, whereas in the other species, the whole rumen may pre-sort particles in varying degrees; a possible explanation for this pattern is a hypothetically lesser saliva production and fluid throughput in moose. The results suggest that differences in RR physiology may occur across ruminant species. The RR sorting mechanism should be considered a dynamic process that is better measured by its result — the significantly smaller particle size in the distal digestive tract when compared to the RR — than by regional differences in particle size within the RR.  相似文献   
Life in zoological gardens provides a number of benefits to captive animals, resulting in an artificial reduction of the “struggle for life” compared to their free-ranging counterparts. These advantages should result in a higher chance of surviving from 1 year to the next, and thus in longer average life expectancies for captive animals, given that the biological requirements of the species are adequately met. Here, we compare the life expectancy of captive and free-ranging populations of three deer species (reindeer Rangifer tarandus, red deer Cervus elaphus, and roe deer Capreolus capreolus). Whereas captive reindeer and red deer had life expectancies equal to or longer than free-ranging individuals, the life expectancy of captive roe deer was shorter than that of free-ranging animals. These results support the impression that roe deer are difficult to keep in zoos, whereas reindeer and red deer perform well under human care. We suggest that the mean life expectancy of captive populations relative to that of corresponding free-ranging populations is a reliable indicator to evaluate the husbandry success of a species in captivity.  相似文献   
Human sperm chemotaxis is a critical component of the fertilization process, but the molecular basis for this behavior remains unclear. Recent evidence shows that chemotactic responses depend on activation of the sperm olfactory receptor, hOR17-4. Certain floral scents, including bourgeonal, activate hOR17-4, trigger pronounced Ca(2+) fluxes, and evoke chemotaxis. Here, we provide evidence that hOR17-4 activation is coupled to a cAMP-mediated signaling cascade. Multidimensional protein identification technology was used to identify potential components of a G-protein-coupled cAMP transduction pathway in human sperm. These products included various membrane-associated adenylate cyclase (mAC) isoforms and the G(olf)-subunit. Using immunocytochemistry, specific mAC isoforms were localized to particular cell regions. Whereas mAC III occurred in the sperm head and midpiece, mAC VIII was distributed predominantly in the flagellum. In contrast, G(olf) was found mostly in the flagellum and midpiece. The observed spatial distribution patterns largely correspond to the spatiotemporal character of hOR17-4-induced Ca(2+) changes. Behavioral and Ca(2+) signaling responses of human sperm to bourgeonal were bioassayed in the presence, or absence, of the adenylate cyclase antagonist SQ22536. This specific agent inhibits particulate AC, but not soluble AC, activation. Upon incubation with SQ22536, cells ceased to exhibit Ca(2+) signaling, chemotaxis, and hyperactivation (faster swim speed and flagellar beat rate) in response to bourgeonal. Particulate AC is therefore required for induction of hOR17-4-mediated human sperm behavior and represents a promising target for future design of contraceptive drugs.  相似文献   
Selected aspects of digestion in captive giraffes were investigated in two trials with a type of marker that is new for digestive studies in non-domestic species. N-Alkanes were used as internal and external markers. In Trial 1, diet composition, intake, and digestibility were directly measured and estimated with the marker. Six giraffes were dosed once daily for 3 weeks with labeled pellets containing 3,800 ppm of each C28, C32, and C36 alkanes at ˜100 mg/100 kg bodyweight. Intake of cabbage, browse, and a cattle pellet could accurately be estimated with the alkane method. For an oat/wheat mix and clover hay, however, there were large differences between directly measured intakes and those obtained using the alkane method, with the alkane method substantially underestimating. In Trial 2 mean retention times (MRTs) of fluid and particle phase were estimated. Three subadult giraffes were dosed once with cobalt-ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (Co-EDTA) (260 mg) and alkanes C29 (140 mg) and C36 (370 mg). The average MRT for the fluid phase (Co-EDTA) was 31 hr and for the particle phase (alkanes) was 41 hr (C36) and 43 h (C29). This study showed that n-alkanes have potential as markers for investigating digestive strategies in non-domestic herbivores. Zoo Biol 17:295–309, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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