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Summary In conventional two microelectrode experiments, acetylcholine had qualitatively the same effect as GABA and glutamate on membrane potential and input resistance of muscle fibres of the opener and intrinsic stomach muscles of crayfish (Austropotamobius torrentium). In patch-clamp experiments, acetylcholine occasionally elicited single channel openings in cell-attached patches on these muscles. If outside-out patches were excised and the Cl concentration was high on both sides of the membrane, acetylcholine at concentrations of 1 nM regularly elicited single channel currents. The amplitude of single channel currents depended strongly on the intracellular concentration of Cl. The reversal potential of the channel, determined after replacing intracellular K+ with Cs+, corresponded to the Nernst potential for Cl. The voltage dependence and the reversal potential of single channel current amplitudes elicited by ACh, glutamate and GABA were identical. The distribution of life times of openings (>1 ms) elicited by ACh and glutamate could be fitted by a single exponential with a time constant of about 2.5 ms, corresponding to the mean open time. ACh and glutamate applied to the same outside-out patch showed cross-desensitization, and thus ACh and glutamate activate the same channels. An excitatory, cationic ACh-activated channel could not be identified. Permeabilities of the chloride channel were calculated according to the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation at different membrane potentials. Negative single channel current amplitudes (inward currents) could be fitted with a permeability of 2= 3.9×10–14 cm3s–1. For positive currents (outward) the channel had a permeability of 1= 1.4× 10–14 cm3s–1. The permeability of the channel declined from 16×10–14 cm3s–1 to 2.3×10–14 cm3s–1 if the intracellular Cl-concentration was raised from 6 to 257 mM. The activation elicited by acetylcholine was inhibited by extracellular Ca++. The mean current activated by ACh was reduced by a factor of 50 if the extracellular concentration of Ca++ was raised from 0.1 mM to the physiological concentration of 13.5 mM.  相似文献   
Proton-activated currents were examined in patch-clamp recordings from embryonic chick motoneurons. Rapid application of protons evoked a large inward current that peaked and then decayed, presumably due to channel inactivation. A pH shift from 7.4 to 7.1 was sufficient to evoke detectable currents. The shift from pH 7.4 required for half-maximal current amplitude (EC50) was to pH 6.8. In single-channel recordings, activation was achieved within 6 ms at pH 7. The average channel open time was 1.4 ms; the closed-state time constants were 1.0 and 6.2 ms. At pH 6.5, the single-channel conductance was 22 pS, and the reversal potential was similar to the calculated Na+ equilibrium potential. Current amplitude declined by 49% following addition of Ni2+ and increased by 58% as Ca2+ was lowered from 2 to 0.1 mM. Inactivation time constants ranged from 90 to 200 ms as pH varied from 6 to 7; these values did not depend on membrane potential. The reactivation time constant was 22 s. Proton- and glutamate-activated currents summated. Thus, transient decreases in extracellular pH can evoke large inward currents that decay rapidly and reactivate slowly. These currents may occur under pathological conditions that affect extracellular pH.  相似文献   
Summary Pyridine-sensitive units located on the walking legs of the crayfishAustropotamobius torrentium were studied by extracellular recording of the action potentials of single afferent fibers. To characterize the sensitivity and specificity of the pyridine receptor, 79 pyridine analogs and other related substances were tested on 70 neurons. The maximum impulse frequency of the response was used to construct dose-response curves. The effectiveness of stimulatory substances was characterized at the half-maximal-response frequency, KM. The effectiveness rank order of the substances was found to be the same for all units tested. The most effective substances were: pyrazinecarboxamide > 3-acetylpyridine > nicotinamide > pyridine-3-aldoxime, with KM values of 1.5×10–6, 4× 10–6, 10–5 and 4 x 10–5 mol/1, respectively. The inferred structural requirements for an optimal stimulatory molecule are that it have a N-containing aromatic ring system with a specific substituent in them position.  相似文献   
Summary Physiological and morphological properties of rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus, olfactory bulb interneurons were characterized by using a thin slice preparation in combination with patch-clamp measurements and Lucifer Yellow fills. Two types of interneurons, periglomerular (PG) and juxtaglomerular (JG) cells, were unequivocally distinguished in the glomerular layer. Their properties were compared to those of mitral cells. PG cells closely resembled previously described periglomerular cells in their morphology. During current clamp recording these neurons were characterized by their lack of action potentials upon depolarization. Consistent with these results no Na+ currents could be elicited in voltage clamp experiments. Two types of outward K+ currents were distinguished: one which inactivated and one which did not. From their morphology JG cells appear to be either short axon cells or external tufted cells. JG cells always responded with a single, TTX-blockable action potential in response to maintained current injection. Two types of membrane currents were identified in JG cells during voltage clamp: a fast, inactivating Na+ current that was fully activated at — 80 mV, and a sustained outward current that shared some properties with a delayed rectifier K+ current. The particular relationship between the voltage dependence of the Na+ and K+ currents appeared to preclude repetitive spike activity.Abbreviations JG juxtraglomerular interneuron - LOT lateral olfactory tract - M/T mitral/tufted (cells) - PG periglomerular - SA short axon  相似文献   
Bovine nasal cartilage was extracted with 0.5 M LaCl3 and the extract then diluted with nine volumes of water. The resulting precipitated (PLaCl3) contained the proteoglycan subunits, together with minor protein components, but was essentially free from hyaluronic acid. The properties of PLaCl3 were investigated by chemical analysis, electrophoresis, viscometry and analytical ultracentrifugation, and the results compared with those for proteoglycan obtained by caesium chloride density gradient centrifugation of 2 M CaCl2 cartilage extracts. Proteoglycan subunits (A1D1) prepared from PLaCl3 showed identical properties to those obtained from other high ionic strength cartilage extracts.  相似文献   
Using the patch-clamp technique in combination with sliced tissue preparation the membrane properties of newborn rabbit area postrema neurons were investigated. The neurons responded upon depolarization with a fast Na +-current followed by an inactivating and non-inactivating K +-current. GABA-activated currents were investigated resulting in a large Cl--conductance, indicating the expression of GABAA-receptors. The expression of glutamate receptor mRNA was studied by in situ hybridization and electrophysiological measurements of these receptors by means of the patch-clamp technique. As a main result it was found that ionotropic glutamate receptors in the area postrema are composed of flop variants of the GluA-, GluB- and GluC-subunits.Abbreviations AP area postrema - GABA -aminobutyric acid - Glu glutamate - I–V current-voltage - SFO subfornical organ  相似文献   
Coprophagy, or the ingestion of a certain fraction of the faeces, is a well-known strategy of small herbivores. However, the question of whether a particular species actually uses this cryptic strategy or not is not easily answered experimentally. In this study we introduce the use of ingesta passage markers as a tool to verify coprophagy in species where individual observation might be difficult. In two captive adult plains viscachas (Lagostomus maximus), we demonstrate recurrent excretion peaks for both a fluid (cobald-EDTA) and a particle (chromium-mordanted fibre) marker, the most parsimonious explanation for which is faeces re-ingestion. In addition, a literature review of graphical presentations of passage marker excretion revealed such recurrent marker peaks in a large number of studies; however, these observations were rarely explicitly contributed to a coprophagic digestion strategy. The widespread use of semi-logarithmic plots or cumulative marker excretion curves in displaying passage studies makes recurrent marker excretion peaks less evident. We conclude that passage markers offer a comparatively easy way of assessing the incidence of coprophagy. Due to the reported absence of coprophagy in rabbits, a species well-known for using this strategy, on high-protein, low-fibre diets, it is recommended that investigations of the occurrence of coprophagy should be made with animals fed challenging, high-fibre diets.  相似文献   
Zoo animal husbandry aims at constantly improving husbandry, reproductive success and ultimately animal welfare. Nevertheless, analyses to determine factors influencing husbandry of different species are rare. The relative life expectancy (rLE; life expectancy (LE) as proportion of longevity) describes husbandry success of captive populations. Correlating rLE with biological characteristics of different species, reasons for variation in rLE can be detected. We analysed data of 166 901 animals representing 78 ruminant species kept in 850 facilities. The rLE of females correlated with the percentage of grass in a species' natural diet, suggesting that needs of species adapted to grass can be more easily accommodated than the needs of those adapted to browse. Males of monogamous species demonstrate higher rLE than polygamous males, which matches observed differences of sexual bias in LE in free-living populations and thus supports the ecological theory that the mating system influences LE. The third interesting finding was that rLE was higher in species managed by international studbooks when compared with species not managed in this way. Our method facilitates the identification of biological characteristics of species that are relevant for their husbandry success, and they also support ecological theory. Translating these findings into feeding recommendations, our approach can help to improve animal husbandry.  相似文献   
The effect of structural isomers of acetylpyridine on the responseof single pyridine-sensitive cells was investigated electrophysiologically.4-Acetylpyridine was identified as a strong specific inhibitorof the response to pyrazine-carboxamide, the most effectivestimulant. When 4-acetylpyridine was present in the concentrationrange from 5 x 10-5 to 5 x 10-2 mol/l, the dose-response curveswere shifted to the right, the slope and the common saturationlevel remaining unchanged. This effect can be interpreted asa competitive inhibition. It was also consistent with competitiveantagonism that the Schild plot of these data was linear witha slope close to 1 (0.90). Linear regression indicated an inhibitionconstant K1 = 40 µmol. 2-Acetylpyridine had a less potentantagonistic effect and an agonistic effect only at high concentrations(>10–3 mol/1).  相似文献   
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