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Survival typically contributes most to population trends in long‐lived birds and its accurate estimation is therefore vital for population management and conservation. We evaluated the effects of age, territoriality and reproduction on survival in Bonelli’s Eagle Aquila fasciata through multistate capture‐mark‐recapture analyses on a long‐term dataset. Monitoring was carried out in southeast France (1990–2008) and involved the surveying of territorial Eagles, the marking of fledged chicks, and the recording of resightings and recoveries of marked non‐territorial and territorial birds. Survival improved with age, but territoriality was not retained in the best model; yearly survival was estimated at 0.479 for fledglings (to 1 year of age), 0.570 for 1‐ and 2‐year‐olds, and 0.870 for 3‐year‐old and older individuals. The second best model supported a further increase in survival from 3‐year‐olds (0.821) to older individuals (0.880). In the third best supported model, territoriality enhanced survival, but only in 2‐year‐olds (0.632 vs. 0.562 for non‐territorial). We found no correlation between the previous breeding stage and future survival, consistent with the long lifespan of the study species. Nevertheless, 4‐year‐old and older successful breeders were more likely to breed the following year than failed adult breeders (0.869 vs. 0.582), suggesting that the cost of reproduction is small in comparison with the variation in quality among individuals or their territories.  相似文献   
Selenoprotein K (SelK) is an 11-kDa endoplasmic reticulum (ER) protein of unknown function. Herein, we defined a new eukaryotic protein family that includes SelK, selenoprotein S (SelS), and distantly related proteins. Comparative genomics analyses indicate that this family is the most widespread eukaryotic selenoprotein family. A biochemical search for proteins that interact with SelK revealed ER-associated degradation (ERAD) components (p97 ATPase, Derlins, and SelS). In this complex, SelK showed higher affinity for Derlin-1, whereas SelS had higher affinity for Derlin-2, suggesting that these selenoproteins could determine the nature of the substrate translocated through the Derlin channel. SelK co-precipitated with soluble glycosylated ERAD substrates and was involved in their degradation. Its gene contained a functional ER stress response element, and its expression was up-regulated by conditions that induce the accumulation of misfolded proteins in the ER. Components of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex (ribophorins, OST48, and STT3A) and an ER chaperone, calnexin, were found to bind SelK. A glycosylated form of SelK was also detected, reflecting its association with the oligosaccharyltransferase complex. These data suggest that SelK is involved in the Derlin-dependent ERAD of glycosylated misfolded proteins and that the function defined by the prototypic SelK is the widespread function of selenium in eukaryotes.  相似文献   
Antimicrobial treatment strategies must improve to reduce the high mortality rates in septic patients. In noninfectious models of acute inflammation, activation of A2B adenosine receptors (A2BR) in extracellular adenosine-rich microenvironments causes immunosuppression. We examined A2BR in antibacterial responses in the cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) model of sepsis. Antagonism of A2BR significantly increased survival, enhanced bacterial phagocytosis, and decreased IL-6 and MIP-2 (a CXC chemokine) levels after CLP in outbred (ICR/CD-1) mice. During the CLP-induced septic response in A2BR knockout mice, hemodynamic parameters were improved compared with wild-type mice in addition to better survival and decreased plasma IL-6 levels. A2BR deficiency resulted in a dramatic 4-log reduction in peritoneal bacteria. The mechanism of these improvements was due to enhanced macrophage phagocytic activity without augmenting neutrophil phagocytosis of bacteria. Following ex vivo LPS stimulation, septic macrophages from A2BR knockout mice had increased IL-6 and TNF-α secretion compared with wild-type mice. A therapeutic intervention with A2BR blockade was studied by using a plasma biomarker to direct therapy to those mice predicted to die. Pharmacological blockade of A2BR even 32 h after the onset of sepsis increased survival by 65% in those mice predicted to die. Thus, even the late treatment with an A2BR antagonist significantly improved survival of mice (ICR/CD-1) that were otherwise determined to die according to plasma IL-6 levels. Our findings of enhanced bacterial clearance and host survival suggest that antagonism of A2BRs offers a therapeutic target to improve macrophage function in a late treatment protocol that improves sepsis survival.  相似文献   
Abstract: The Jurassic was an important period in the evolution of Testudinata and encompasses the origin of many clades, and this is especially true of Jurassic turtles from Western Europe. A new genus and species of Late Jurassic turtle, Hispaniachelys prebetica gen. et sp. nov. from the upper Oxfordian of the Prebetic (Southern Spain), is described on the basis of postcranial material. The specimen is the only known tetrapod from the Mesozoic of the Prebetic and the oldest turtle from southern Europe. A mosaic of characters indicates this is a new genus: it displays basal features including dorsal epiplastral processes/reduced cleithra, no medial contact of the extragulars and a long first thoracic rib, alongside derived characters including an absence of mesoplastra and the vertebral 3/4 sulcus crossing neural 5. The phylogenetic position of the new taxon is hard to resolve, and it might be either a paracryptodire or a basal testudine, but it is distinct from Plesiochelys. A complex taphonomic history is shown by a range of overlying grazing traces and bioerosion on the carapace. The carapace was subsequently overturned and buried ventrally up, terminating grazing activity, and was then bored by sponges before final burial. Scanning electron microscopy reveals phosphatic microspheroids associated with bacterial decay in the vascular cavities of the cancellous bone, suggesting the carapace may have acted as a closed microenvironment in which decay‐derived authigenic minerals formed.  相似文献   
Herring Clupea harengus L. viscera were examined for endoparasitic infections as part of a multidisciplinary stock identification project (WESTHER, EU Contract no. Q5RS-2002-01 056) which applied a range of stock discrimination techniques to the same individual fishes to obtain comparable results for multivariate analysis. Spawning and non-spawning adults, and juvenile herring were caught, over 3 years, by commercial and research vessels from numerous locations to the west of the UK and Ireland, along with control samples of spawning fish from the eastern Baltic Sea, and juveniles from sites in the eastern and western North Sea, and the north of Norway. The metacercariae of two renicolid digeneans (Cercaria pythionike and Cercaria doricha), one larval nematode (Anisakis simplex s.s.) and one larval cestode (Lacistorhynchus tenuis) were selected as tag species. Results were compared with those from herring collected between 1973 and 1982, which suggested remarkable stability in the parasite fauna of herring in the study area. These species were used to compare the parasite infracommunities of spawning herring. A significant variation in infracommunity structure was observed between different spawning grounds. These results suggest that the parasite fauna of herring are spatially variable but remain temporally stable in both the short and long term. Significant differences in prevalence and abundance of infections and comparisons of parasite infracommunity enabled the separation of putative herring stocks west of the British Isles. Distinctive patterns of parasite infection in two different spawning groups off the north coast of Scotland suggest that this area is occupied by two spawning populations, one recruiting from the west of Scotland, the other from outside this area, and most likely from the eastern North Sea. The distribution patterns of L. tenuis, C. doricha and C. pythionike suggest the potential for fish that spawn in three distinct International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES) management units to be present in mixed aggregations found over the Malin Shelf, with significant implications for management in this area.  相似文献   
Cytokines are released during T cell activation, including the potentially anti-leukemic interferon-γ (IFNγ), but also the hematopoietic growth factor granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) that enhance proliferation and inhibit apoptosis of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) cells. In the present study we investigated the release of IFNγ and GM-CSF by circulating T cells in AML patients with chemotherapy-induced cytopenia. T cells were activated with anti-CD3 plus anti-CD28 in a whole-blood assay in the presence of their natural cytokine network. We examined 63 samples derived from 16 AML patients during 28 chemotherapy cycles. Activated T cells showed a broad cytokine release profile, but IFNγ and GM-CSF levels showed a significant correlation and were generally higher than the other cytokine levels. Higher IFNγ and GM-CSF responses were associated with a low CD4:CD8 ratio, older patient age and no ongoing chemotherapy indicating potential utility of T cell activation regimes for the older AML patient. The cytokine levels could be further increased by the novel protein kinase C agonist PEP005, which also induced significant production of IL2 and TNFα which could contribute to anti-tumor effects in AML patients. We conclude that remaining T cells after intensive AML therapy show a broad cytokine release profile including high and significantly correlated levels of potentially anti-leukemic IFNγ and the AML growth factor GM-CSF. The final outcome of an AML-initiated T cell cytokine response will thus depend on the functional characteristics of the AML cells, in particular the relative expression of IFNγ and GM-CSF receptors which differs between AML patients.  相似文献   
S-Adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) is a negative regulator of most methyltransferases and the precursor for the cardiovascular risk factor homocysteine. We have previously identified a link between the homocysteine-induced suppression of the selenoprotein glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPx-1) and endothelial dysfunction. Here we demonstrate a specific mechanism by which hypomethylation, promoted by the accumulation of the homocysteine precursor SAH, suppresses GPx-1 expression and leads to inflammatory activation of endothelial cells. The expression of GPx-1 and a subset of other selenoproteins is dependent on the methylation of the tRNASec to the Um34 form. The formation of methylated tRNASec facilitates translational incorporation of selenocysteine at a UGA codon. Our findings demonstrate that SAH accumulation in endothelial cells suppresses the expression of GPx-1 to promote oxidative stress. Hypomethylation stress, caused by SAH accumulation, inhibits the formation of the methylated isoform of the tRNASec and reduces GPx-1 expression. In contrast, under these conditions, the expression and activity of thioredoxin reductase 1, another selenoprotein, is increased. Furthermore, SAH-induced oxidative stress creates a proinflammatory activation of endothelial cells characterized by up-regulation of adhesion molecules and an augmented capacity to bind leukocytes. Taken together, these data suggest that SAH accumulation in endothelial cells can induce tRNASec hypomethylation, which alters the expression of selenoproteins such as GPx-1 to contribute to a proatherogenic endothelial phenotype.  相似文献   
Evidence suggests that selenium has cancer preventive properties that are largely mediated through selenoproteins. Our previous observations demonstrated that targeted down-regulation of the 15 kDa selenoprotein (Sep15) in murine colon cancer cells resulted in the reversal of the cancer phenotype. The present study investigated the effect of Sep15 knockout in mice using a chemically-induced colon cancer model. Homozygous Sep15 knockout mice, and wild type littermate controls were given four weekly subcutaneous injections of azoxymethane (10 mg/kg). Sep15 knockout mice developed significantly (p<0.001) fewer aberrant crypt foci than controls demonstrating that loss of Sep15 protects against aberrant crypt foci formation. Dietary selenium above adequate levels did not significantly affect aberrant crypt foci formation in Sep15 knockout mice. To investigate molecular targets affected by loss of Sep15, gene expression patterns in colonic mucosal cells of knockout and wild type mice were examined using microarray analysis. Subsequent analyses verified that guanylate binding protein-1 (GBP-1) mRNA and protein expression were strongly upregulated in Sep15 knockout mice. GBP-1, which is expressed in response to interferon-γ, is considered to be an activation marker during inflammatory diseases, and up-regulation of GBP-1 in humans has been associated with a highly significant, increased five-year survival rate in colorectal cancer patients. In agreement with these studies, we observed a higher level of interferon-γ in plasma of Sep15 knockout mice. Overall, our results demonstrate for the first time, that Sep15 knockout mice are protected against chemically-induced aberrant crypt foci formation and that Sep15 appears to have oncogenic properties in colon carcinogenesis in vivo.  相似文献   
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