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Using two radioimmunoassays (RIAs) for endothelin-1 (ET-1) with and without a substantial cross-reactivity with ET-3, we have measured the plasma ET-1-like immunoreactivity (-LI) level in rat plasma. ET-1-LI was detected in plasma from male Wistar rats. ET-1-LI in rat plasma consisted of three components with molecular weights of 6K, 4K and 2.5K daltons by gel permeation chromatography. Two of the components were eluted at positions of big ET (4K) and synthetic ET-1 (2.5K). The remaining component was eluted at the preceding fraction (6K). No difference was observed in ET-1-LI of the small molecular form of ET (2.5K) between the two RIAs. Thus, there is little or no ET-3 in rat plasma, which has the sequence found originally in the rat genome. The concentration of the small molecular form of ET, presumably ET-1, in rat plasma was about 4 pg/ml.  相似文献   
Electro-insertion of xeno-glycophorin into the red blood cell membrane   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The electroporation technique, with field strengths slightly below the critical value Ec for electroporation of red blood cells (RBC), enables the insertion of xeno-proteins into the RBC membrane without damaging the cells. The electro-insertion has been used to insert biotinylated human glycophorin into human RBC membrane and human glycophorin into murine RBC membrane. Binding anti-human glycophorin antibody (10F7) to the murine RBC bearing human glycophorin indicates extracellular orientation of inserted glycophorin. Insertion of about 10(5) glycophorin molecule per cell has been estimated by whole cell ELISA.  相似文献   
A dynamic model for the structure of acyl carrier protein in solution   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Y Kim  J H Prestegard 《Biochemistry》1989,28(22):8792-8797
The determination of solution structures of proteins using two-dimensional NMR data is commonly based on the assumption that the structure can be represented by a single rigid conformer. We present here a procedure whereby this assumption can be relaxed and illustrate its application to acyl carrier protein from Escherichia coli, a small negatively charged protein with no internal disulfide bonds. The methodology rests on a model having two distinct conformers in dynamic equilibrium. Use of this two-state model results in a dramatic improvement in fit to cross-relaxation-derived distance constraints and a substantial lowering of molecular mechanics energies for individual conformers of acyl carrier protein. The two-state model retains the three-helix motif previously identified on the basis of a one-state structure, but substantial motion of loop regions and the C-terminal peptide, as well as partial disruption of the second helix, is suggested to occur. Support for the existence of these motions can be found in amide exchange rate and spin relaxation time data.  相似文献   
The growth inhibitory activity in conditioned medium of African green monkey kidney epithelial (BSC-1) cells that has been shown to arise, at least in part, from transforming growth factor beta 2 (TGF-beta 2) [Hanks, S. K., Armour, R., Baldwin, J. H., Maldonado, F., Spiess, J., & Holley, R. W. (1988) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 85, 79-82] was tested for growth inhibitory activity prior to and following acidification. Similar to TGF-beta 1 from human platelets, the inhibitory activity from BSC-1 cells demonstrated an 8-10-fold stimulation following acidification, showing that the activity was secreted from the cells in latent form. Conditioned medium from BSC-1 cells was collected, acidified, and fractionated by procedures that separate TGF-beta 1 and -2. Biological activity was assayed by using the BSC-1 cell proliferation assay. Two active proteins with properties similar to known TGF-beta 1 and TGF-beta 2 were identified. Identity was confirmed by using immunological and amino acid sequencing techniques. These results were consistent with Northern blot analysis of total BSC-1 RNA, using cDNA probes for TGF-beta 1 and TGF-beta 2, which demonstrated strong signals for both mRNAs. Metabolic labeling in conjunction with two-dimensional gel electrophoresis revealed that the cells secrete approximately 10% TGF-beta 1 and 90% TGF-beta 2.  相似文献   
V N Hingorani  L F Chang  Y K Ho 《Biochemistry》1989,28(18):7424-7432
The structure of the GTP-binding site of transducin, a signal-transducing G-protein involved in the visual excitation process, was studied by affinity labeling. Radioactive GTP analogues with reactive groups attached to different moieties of the GTP molecule were obtained and include 8-azido-GTP, P3-(4-azidoanilino)-P1-5'-GTP (AA-GTP), 5'-[p-(fluorosulfonyl)benzoyl]guanosine (FSBG), 3'-O-(3-[N-(4-azido-2-nitrophenyl)amino]propionyl)-GTP (ANPAP-GTP), the 2',3'-dialdehyde derivative of GTP (oGTP), and a bifunctional cross-linking analogue, 8-azido-P3-(4-azidoanilino)-P1-5'-GTP (8-azido-AA-GTP). With the exception of FSBG, all of the analogues were found to bind to transducin specifically and serve as a cofactor to activate the retinal cGMP cascade or act as a competitive inhibitor for the GTPase activity of transducin. The labeling sites of these analogues were localized by tryptic peptide mapping. ANPAP-GTP and oGTP were unable to covalently modify transducin, suggesting that the 2'- and 3'-hydroxy groups on the ribose ring of GTP are not in direct contact with the protein. AA-GTP only labeled the T alpha subunit of transducin and was localized on the 21-kDa tryptic fragment of T alpha. This indicates that the phosphate moiety of the bound GTP is in direct contact with this peptide. On the other hand, 8-azido-GTP labeled both the T alpha and T beta gamma subunits of transducin. The labeling on T alpha was on the 12-kDa tryptic fragment, suggesting that the guanine ring binding site is composed of a different peptide fragment than the phosphate binding region. Treatment with the bifunctional analogue 8-azido-AA-GTP generated the cross-linked products of T alpha and T beta gamma. This observation implies that the guanine ring of the bound GTP on T alpha could be in close proximity with T beta gamma.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
We consider the problem of color regulation in visual pigments for both bovine rhodopsin (lambda max = 500 nm) and octopus rhodopsin (lambda max = 475 nm). Both pigments have 11-cis-retinal (lambda max = 379 nm, in ethanol) as their chromophore. These rhodopsins were bleached in their native membranes, and the opsins were regenerated with natural and artificial chromophores. Both bovine and octopus opsins were regenerated with the 9-cis- and 11-cis-retinal isomers, but the octopus opsin was additionally regenerated with the 13-cis and all-trans isomers. Titration of the octopus opsin with 11-cis-retinal gave an extinction coefficient for octopus rhodopsin of 27,000 +/- 3000 M-1 cm-1 at 475 nm. The absorption maxima of bovine artificial pigments formed by regenerating opsin with the 11-cis dihydro series of chromophores support a color regulation model for bovine rhodopsin in which the chromophore-binding site of the protein has two negative charges: one directly hydrogen bonded to the Schiff base nitrogen and another near carbon-13. Formation of octopus artificial pigments with both all-trans and 11-cis dihydro chromophores leads to a similar model for octopus rhodopsin and metarhodopsin: there are two negative charges in the chromophore-binding site, one directly hydrogen bonded to the Schiff base nitrogen and a second near carbon-13. The interaction of this second charge with the chromophore in octopus rhodopsin is weaker than in bovine, while in metarhodopsin it is as strong as in bovine.  相似文献   
Recently it has been suggested that double-helical complexes formed between the DNA sequences (CG)n(A)m and their conjugates, (T)m(CG)n, would be candidates for the formation of a B-Z junction in aqueous solution at high salt concentrations [Peticolas et al. (1988) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 85, 2579-2583]. The junction was predicted to occur between a B-type helix in the d(A)m.d(T)m section and a Z-type helix in the self-complementary (CG)n.(CG)n sequence. In this paper we report Raman experiments on the deoxyoligonucleotides d(CGCGCGCGCGCGAAAAA) and d(CGCGCGAAAAA) and their complements. It is found the latter compound cannot be induced into the Z form in saturated salt solution but that the former sequence goes into a B-Z junction at 5.5 M salt. From a comparison of the relative intensity of the Raman conformational marker bands for B and Z DNA for both the A-T and C-G base pairs, it is shown that in 5.5 M NaCl solution none of the A-T base pairs are in the Z form, but nine of the C-G base pairs are in the Z form. The remaining three C-G base pairs are either in the junction or in the B form. Thus, the junction is formed from three or less C-G base pairs. If the solution is made 95 microM with NiCl2, then the entire duplex goes into the Z form and the Raman bands of the adenine are completely changed into those of the Z form.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Y Goto  A L Fink 《Biochemistry》1989,28(3):945-952
We present evidence that beta-lactamase is close to fully unfolded (i.e., random coil conformation) at low ionic strength at the extremes of pH and that the presence of salt causes a cooperative transition to a conformation with the properties of a molten globule, namely, a compact state with native-like secondary structure but disordered side chains (tertiary structure). The conformation of beta-lactamase I from Bacillus cereus was examined over the pH 1.5-12.5 region by circular dichroism (CD), tryptophan fluorescence, dynamic light scattering, and 1-anilino-8-naphthalenesulfonate (ANS) binding. Under conditions of low ionic strength (I = 0.05) beta-lactamase was unfolded below pH 2.5 and above pH 11.5, on the basis of the far-UV and near-UV CD and tryptophan fluorescence. However, at high ionic strength and low pH an intermediate conformation (state A) was observed, with a secondary structure content similar to that of the native protein but a largely disordered tertiary structure. The transition from the unfolded state (U) to state A induced by KCl was cooperative and had a midpoint at 0.12 M KCl (I = 0.17 M) at pH 1.6. A similar conformation (state B) was observed at high pH and high ionic strength. The transition from the alkaline U state to state B induced by KCl at pH 12.2 was cooperative and had a midpoint at 0.6 M KCl (I = 0.65 M). Light scattering measurements showed that state B was compact although somewhat expanded compared to the N state. The compactness of state A could not be determined due to its strong propensity to aggregate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA/cyclin) is a nuclear protein that can stimulate purified DNA polymerase delta in vitro, and its synthesis correlates with the proliferation rate of cells. We have attempted to determine whether synthesis of PCNA/cyclin in Chinese hamster ovary cells is necessary to regulate entry into S phase. We have measured cellular PCNA/cyclin concentration of the mRNA or protein throughout the cell cycle. Cells were separated by centrifugal elutriation into populations enriched for G-1, S, and G-2/M phases. Quantitative Northern hybridization analysis was performed on RNA isolated from each cell population by using a cDNA clone of PCNA/cyclin as a probe. Results demonstrated that although intact PCNA/cyclin mRNA is present during all phases of the cell cycle, an induction of about 3-fold occurs during S phase. Two-parameter staining for PCNA/cyclin and DNA, and analysis by flow cytometry, confirmed that the quantity of PCNA/cyclin protein in the cells increases severalfold in G-1 or early S phase but generally is invariant in S and G-2/M phases. This cell cycle dependence of PCNA/cyclin expression suggests that the observed synthesis is a prerequisite for initiation of DNA replication. Introduction of an antisense oligonucleotide complementary to the PCNA/cyclin mRNA to inhibit PCNA/cyclin synthesis effectively prevented entry of G-1 phase cells into S phase. A complementary sense oligonucleotide used as a control did not have an inhibitory effect. This result suggests that a threshold concentration of PCNA/cyclin is necessary for entry into S phase.  相似文献   
Y M Hou  P Schimmel 《Biochemistry》1989,28(12):4942-4947
A tRNA with "double identity" was created, and this tRNA was demonstrated in vitro to aminoacylate quantitatively with either of two amino acids. In contrast, acceptance of only one of these amino acids was observed in vivo, and a simple manipulation determined which one was accepted. Kinetic parameters were obtained for aminoacylation with each amino acid of the tRNA with double identity and of related tRNAs. Modeling with these parameters largely explains which amino acid specificity is observed in vivo. The results delineate some of the kinetic boundaries for the design and accommodation of tRNA sequence variations in the elaboration of identity in vivo.  相似文献   
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