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There is still disagreement concerning the functional significance of split-line patterns in bone. This study was undertaken to reexamine the mechanical forces hypothesis for split-line formation by comparing split-line patterns with in vivo mandibular bone strain patterns. The relationship between split-line orientation and in vivo stress and strain patterns on macaque and galago mandibles was examined during jaw opening and the power stroke of mastication and incision. An attempt was made to relate split-line orientation to the direction of tensile stress and strain along the primate mandible. In addition, we also investigated the alternative possibility that split-line orientation is related to the direction of low stresses (and strains) on the primate mandible. The results of this study showed that there was no consistent relationship between split-line orientation and the principal strains or stresses. Thus, split-lines did not run consistently in the direction of high or low stress and strain. Therefore, we have concluded that split-line orientation provides little useful information for inferring patterns of stress and strain in bone.  相似文献   
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) displays neurotrophic and neuroprotective activities, but the mechanisms underlying these effects have not been defined. Neuropilin-1 (NP-1) is a receptor for VEGF165 and placental growth factor-2 (PlGF-2), but the role of NP-1 in VEGF-dependent neurotrophic actions is unclear. Dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons expressed high levels of NP-1 mRNA and protein, much lower levels of KDR, and no detectable Flt-1. VEGF165 and PlGF-2 promoted DRG growth cone formation with an effect similar to that of nerve growth factor, whereas the Flt-1-specific ligand, PlGF-1, and the KDR/Flt-4 ligand, VEGF-D, had no effect. The chemorepellent NP-1 ligand, semaphorin 3A, antagonized the response to VEGF and PlGF-2. The specific KDR inhibitor, SU5614, did not affect the anti-chemorepellent effects of VEGF and PlGF-2, whereas a novel, specific antagonist of VEGF binding to NP-1, called EG3287, prevented inhibition of growth cone collapse. VEGF stimulated prostacyclin and prostaglandin E2 production in DRG cultures that was blocked by inhibitors of cyclooxygenases; the anti-chemorepellent activities of VEGF and PlGF-2 were abrogated by cyclooxygenase inhibitors, and a variety of prostacyclin analogues and prostaglandins strikingly inhibited growth cone collapse. These findings support a specific role for NP-1 in mediating neurotrophic actions of VEGF family members and also identify a novel role for prostanoids in the inhibition of neuronal chemorepulsion.  相似文献   
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has become common liver disease in Western countries. There is accumulating evidence that mitochondria play a key role in NAFLD. Nevertheless, the mitochondrial consequences of steatohepatitis are still unknown. The bioenergetic changes induced in a methionine- and choline-deficient diet (MCDD) model of steatohepatitis were studied in rats. Liver mitochondria from MCDD rats exhibited a higher rate of oxidative phosphorylation with various substrates, a rise in cytochrome oxidase (COX) activity, and an increased content in cytochrome aa3. This higher oxidative activity was associated with a low efficiency of the oxidative phosphorylation (ATP/O, i.e., number of ATP synthesized/natom O consumed). Addition of a low concentration of cyanide, a specific COX inhibitor, restored the efficiency of mitochondria from MCDD rats back to the control level. Furthermore, the relation between respiratory rate and protonmotive force (in the nonphosphorylating state) was shifted to the left in mitochondria from MCDD rats, with or without cyanide. These results indicated that, in MCDD rats, mitochondrial ATP synthesis efficiency was decreased in relation to both proton pump slipping at the COX level and increased proton leak although the relative contribution of each phenomenon could not be discriminated. MCDD mitochondria also showed a low reactive oxygen species production and a high lipid oxidation potential. We conclude that, in MCDD-fed rats, liver mitochondria exhibit an energy wastage that may contribute to limit steatosis and oxidative stress in this model of steatohepatitis.  相似文献   
C-kit expressing cardiac stem cells have been described as multipotent. We have previously identified human cardiac C-kit+CD45− cells, but only found evidence of endothelial commitment. A small cardiac committed subpopulation within the C-kit+CD45− population might however be present. To investigate this at single-cell level, right and left atrial biopsies were dissociated and analyzed by FACS. Only right atrial biopsies contained a clearly distinguishable C-kit+CD45− population, which was single-cell sorted for qPCR. A minor portion of the sorted cells (1.1%) expressed early cardiac gene NKX2.5 while most of the cells (81%) expressed late endothelial gene VWF. VWF− cells were analyzed for a wider panel of genes. One group of these cells expressed endothelial genes (FLK-1, CD31) while another group expressed late cardiac genes (TNNT2, ACTC1). In conclusion, human C-kit+CD45− cells were predominantly localized to the right atrium. While most of these cells expressed endothelial genes, a minor portion expressed cardiac genes.  相似文献   
BackgroundAustralia has one of the highest rates of cancer incidence worldwide and, despite improving survival, cancer continues to be a major public health problem. Our aim was to provide simple summary measures of changes in cancer mortality and incidence in Australia so that progress and areas for improvement in cancer control can be identified.MethodsWe used national data on cancer deaths and newly registered cancer cases and compared expected and observed numbers of deaths and cases diagnosed in 2007. The expected numbers were obtained by applying 1987 age–sex specific rates (average of 1986–1988) directly to the 2007 population. The observed numbers of deaths and incident cases were calculated for 2007 (average of 2006–2008). We limited the analyses to people aged less than 75 years.ResultsThere was a 28% fall in cancer mortality (7827 fewer deaths in 2007 vs. 1987) and a 21% increase in new cancer diagnoses (13,012 more diagnosed cases in 2007). The greatest reductions in deaths were for cancers of the lung in males (?2259), bowel (?1797), breast (?773) and stomach (?577). Other notable falls were for cancers of the prostate (?295), cervix (?242) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (?240). Only small or no changes occurred in mortality for cancers of the lung (female only), pancreas, brain and related, oesophagus and thyroid, with an increase in liver cancer (267). Cancer types that showed the greatest increase in incident cases were cancers of the prostate (10,245), breast (2736), other cancers (1353), melanoma (1138) and thyroid (1107), while falls were seen for cancers of the lung (?1705), bladder (?1110) and unknown primary (?904).ConclusionsThe reduction in mortality indicates that prevention strategies, improvements in cancer treatment, and screening programmes have made significant contributions to cancer control in Australia since 1987. The rise in incidence is partly due to diagnoses being brought forward by technological improvements and increased coverage of screening and early diagnostic testing.  相似文献   
The ithomiine butterflies (Nymphalidae: Danainae) represent the largest known radiation of Müllerian mimetic butterflies. They dominate by number the mimetic butterfly communities, which include species such as the iconic neotropical Heliconius genus. Recent studies on the ecology and genetics of speciation in Ithomiini have suggested that sexual pheromones, colour pattern and perhaps hostplant could drive reproductive isolation. However, no reference genome was available for Ithomiini, which has hindered further exploration on the genetic architecture of these candidate traits, and more generally on the genomic patterns of divergence. Here, we generated high-quality, chromosome-scale genome assemblies for two Melinaea species, M. marsaeus and M. menophilus, and a draft genome of the species Ithomia salapia. We obtained genomes with a size ranging from 396 to 503 Mb across the three species and scaffold N50 of 40.5 and 23.2 Mb for the two chromosome-scale assemblies. Using collinearity analyses we identified massive rearrangements between the two closely related Melinaea species. An annotation of transposable elements and gene content was performed, as well as a specialist annotation to target chemosensory genes, which is crucial for host plant detection and mate recognition in mimetic species. A comparative genomic approach revealed independent gene expansions in ithomiines and particularly in gustatory receptor genes. These first three genomes of ithomiine mimetic butterflies constitute a valuable addition and a welcome comparison to existing biological models such as Heliconius, and will enable further understanding of the mechanisms of adaptation in butterflies.  相似文献   
Cyclanilide is a plant growth regulator that is registered for use in cotton at different stages of growth, to either suppress vegetative growth (in combination with mepiquat chloride) or accelerate senescence (enhance defoliation and boll opening, used in combination with ethephon). This research was conducted to study the mechanism of action of cyclanilide: its potential interaction with auxin (IAA) transport and signaling in plants. The activity of cyclanilide was compared with the activity of the auxin transport inhibitors NPA and TIBA. Movement of [3H]IAA was inhibited in etiolated corn coleoptiles by 10 μM cyclanilide, NPA, and TIBA, which demonstrated that cyclanilide affected polar auxin transport. Although NPA inhibited [3H]IAA efflux from cells in etiolated zucchini hypocotyls, cyclanilide had no effect. NPA did not inhibit the influx of IAA into cells in etiolated zucchini hypocotyls, whereas cyclanilide inhibited uptake 25 and 31% at 10 and 100 μM, respectively. Also, NPA inhibited the gravitropic response in tomato roots (85% at 1 μM) more than cyclanilide (30% at 1 μM). Although NPA inhibited tomato root growth (30% at 1 μM), cyclanilide stimulated root growth (165% of control at 5 μM). To further characterize cyclanilide action, plasma membrane fractions from etiolated zucchini hypocotyls were obtained and the binding of NPA, IAA, and cyclanilide studied. Cyclanilide inhibited the binding of [3H]NPA and [3H]IAA with an IC50 of 50 μM for both. NPA did not affect the binding of IAA, nor did IAA affect the binding of NPA. Kinetic analysis indicated that cyclanilide is a noncompetitive inhibitor of both NPA and IAA binding, with inhibition constants (K i) of 40 and 2.3 μM, respectively. These data demonstrated that cyclanilide interacts with auxin-regulated processes via a mechanism that is distinct from other auxin transport inhibitors. This research identifies a possible mechanism of action for cyclanilide when used as a plant growth regulator.  相似文献   
Summary Usin gintracellular microelectrode technique, the response of the voltageV across the plasma membrane of cultured bovine corneal endothelial cells to changes in sodium and bicarbonate concentrations was investigated. (1) The electrical response to changes in [HCO 3 ] o (depolarization upon lowering and hyperpolarization upon raising [HCO 3 ] o ) was dependent on sodium. Lithium could fairly well be substituted for sodium, whereas potassium or choline were much less effective. (2) Removal of external sodium caused a depolarization, while a readdition led to a hyperpolarization, which increased with time of preincubation in the sodium-depleted medium. (3) The response to changes in [Na+] o was dependent on bicarbonate. In a nominally bicarbonate-free medium, its amplitude was decreased or even reversed in sign. (4) Application of SITS or DIDS (10–3 m) had a similar effect on the response to sodium as bicarbonate-depleted medium. (5) At [Na+] o =151mm and [HCO 3 ] o =46mm, the transients ofV depended, with 39.0±9.0 (sd) mV/decade, on bicarbonate and, with 15.3±5.8 (sd) mV/decade, on sodium. (6) After the preincubation of cells with lithium, replacement of Li by choline led to similar effects as the replacement of sodium by choline, though the response ofV was smaller with Li. This response could be reduced or reversed by the removal of bicarbonate or by the application of SITS. (7) Amiloride (10–3 m) caused a reversible hyperpolarization of the steady-state potential by 8.5±2.6 mV (sd). It did not affect the immediate response to changes in [Na+] o or [HCO 3 ] o , but reduced the speed of regaining the steady-state potential after a change in [HCO 3 ] o . (8) Ouabain (10–4 m) caused a fast depolarization of –6.8±1.1 (sd) mV, which was followed by a continuing slower depolarization. The effect was almost identical at 10–5 m. (9) It is suggested, that corneal endothelial cells possess a cotransport for sodium and bicarbonate, which transports net negative charage with these ions. It is inhibitable by stilbenes, but not directly affected by amiloride or ouabain. Lithium is a good substitute for sodium with respect to bicarbonate transport and is transported itself. In addition, the effect of amiloride provides indirect evidence for the existence of a Na+/H+-antiport. A model for the transepithelial transport of bicarbonate across the corneal endothelium is proposed.  相似文献   
Mouse and human cDNA clones encoding the T-cell and mast cell growth factor P40, now designated IL-9, were used to identify DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in sets of somatic cell hybrids and between inbred strains of mice and interspecific backcross progeny. Segregation of mouse and human chromosomes among somatic cell hybrids indicated a location on mouse chromosome 13 and human chromosome 5. RFLPs were identified among inbred strains of mice. Analysis of chromosome 13 alleles for Tcrg, Dhfr, and Il-9 in an interspecific cross between Mus musculus and NFS/N or C58/J mice indicates that IL-9 is distal to Tcrg and Proximal to Dhfr.  相似文献   
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