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Mutations of the hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha (HNF-4alpha) gene have been demonstrated in maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) 1 families. To investigate the possibility that the HNF-4alpha gene contributes to the onset of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) in Japanese patients, we screened all exons and flanking introns of this gene for mutations in 100 patients with NIDDM diagnosed after 25 years of age. We identified two missense mutations: M49V in exon 1c and T1301 in exon 4; and two nucleotide substitutions in introns: cytosine to thymidine at -5 nt in intron 1b and adenine to thymidine at -21 nt in intron 5. We screened an additional 220 diabetic subjects for the polymorphism in intron 1b. The c/t substitution in intron 1b was associated with NIDDM. This substitution in the polypyrimidine tract, an important cis-acting element directing intron removal, is likely to influence pre-mRNA splicing of this gene. T1301 in exon 4 was observed in only two diabetic subjects. This mutation could influence the conformation of this peptide, resulting in changes in ligand binding domain function. M49V in exon 1c was found in both diabetic and non-diabetic subjects; isoforms HNF-4alpha 4, 5, and 6 with this mutation may impair glucose metabolism in tissue. In contrast to the primary cause of nonsense and missense mutations of the HNF-4alpha gene in MODY1, the nucleotide substitution in intron 1b may partially contribute to development of NIDDM in combination with other genetic and environmental factors.  相似文献   
The existence of two types of circulating bovine plasma high molecular weight kininogen (HMWK) was predicted from analyses of complementary DNAs coding for this protein (Kitamura, N., Takagaki, Y., Furuto, S., Tanaka, T., Nawa, H., and Nakanishi, S. (1983) Nature 305, 545-549). The present protein-based study provided evidence in support of the proposed amino acid sequence derived from analysis of the cDNA clone, and the results confirm the existence of two types of circulating HMWK. Type I HMWK contains a heavy chain composed of 361 residues, while the heavy chain of type II HMWK contains 359 residues. The amino acid sequences of type I and type II HMWK determined in this study were identical to that inferred from the cDNA sequence with the exception of microheterogeneity observed in the cDNA at position 87 (Glu/Gln) and 168 (Lys/Arg). The heavy chain of type I HMWK contains 4 asparagine-linked carbohydrate chains at Asn-69, -150 (or -151), -179, and -186, while the heavy chain of type II HMWK contains these and an additional carbohydrate chain at Asn-264. In addition, a carbohydrate chain was found to be O-glycosidically linked to Thr-118 in both chains. Among nine disulfide linkages found in HMWK, eight intrachain disulfide pairs were established in the heavy chain. One interchain disulfide bridge occurs between the heavy chain and the light chain. This disulfide pairing, as well as repeating amino acid sequences observed in the heavy chain, provides strong evidence for the existence of three homologous domains in the heavy chain of bovine HMWK.  相似文献   
It has been reported that Candida albicans can form germ-tubes only in the narrow pH range of 6-8, and that by changing only the pH one can regulate germ-tube formation. We found that the pH minimum for germ-tube formation could be dramatically lowered by eliminating the glucose present in many induction solutions. Lee's medium lacking glucose, ethanol, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, and proline induced germ-tubes at pH values as low as 3 under most conditions. The presence of as little as 1 mM-glucose in these induction solutions was sufficient to cause the cells to grow either as yeasts with multiple buds or as pseudohyphae when the pH was 3.7. However, when C. albicans was grown in any of the above induction solutions (with the exception of ethanol), containing 200 mM-glucose buffered at pH 5.8, not only were germ-tubes formed, but their rate of formation and length were also increased. Preincubation of the cells in a solution buffered at pH 3.7 and containing 200 mM-glucose, before exposure to induction solutions lacking glucose at pH 3.7 or at pH 5.8, did not inhibit germ-tube formation. Likewise, addition of glucose after 45 min exposure to an induction solution was without effect. Theophylline and dibutyryl cAMP did not counteract the action of glucose. Other sugars which suppressed germ-tube formation at low pH were fructose, galactose, mannose, xylose, gluconic acid and the nonmetabolizable sugar 3-O-methylglucose. These results indicate that pH does not directly regulate dimorphism in C. albicans, and that glucose or its metabolites may play an important role.  相似文献   
We have established BCL1 CL-3 cells capable of responding to B15-TRF and interleukin 2 (IL 2). This clone has both high affinity and low affinity receptors for IL 2 (IL 2R), but IL 2 by itself did not stimulate either proliferation or immunoglobulin (Ig) secretion. B15-TRF, which possesses both growth and differentiation activity, causes an increase in size of CL-3 cells and renders CL-3 cells responsive to IL 2, including an increased expression of IL 2R (eight-fold to 10-fold) and the differentiation of CL-3 cells into Ig secretion (60 to 80% of cultured cells). CL-3 cells pretreated with B15-TRF for 12 hr become competent to respond to IL 2 by up-regulation of IL 2R within 12 hr. In contrast CL-3 cells pretreated with IL 2 for 12 hr required 24 hr B15-TRF stimulation to result in IL 2R up-regulation. Thus the ordered action of B15-TRF and IL 2 is the most effective operational pathway for the up-regulation of IL 2R. This IL 2-mediated IL 2R up-regulation and induction of Ig synthesis depends upon the concentration of IL 2 in the culture. Both responses seem to be caused by IL 2 molecules bound to high affinity IL 2R. However, the possibility of involvement of low affinity IL 2R can not be vigorously excluded. In fact the level of IL 2 required for a response is far higher than that needed for activated T cell proliferation. This cloned BCL1 subline promises to be a useful tool for studying the regulation and mechanisms of B cell responses.  相似文献   
In order to elucidate the evolution of C4 syndrome, the taxonomic relationships, leaf anatomy, and ecological and global distribution of C3 and C4 species in the genusRhynchospora were investigated. The anatomical observation for 181 species revealed that 26 C4 species occurred within theCapitatae group of the subgenusHaplostyleae, a natural group showing highly advanced morphological characteristics, together with several C3 species. In spite of there being rather few C4 species, they possessed two kinds of Kranz anatomical structure differing from each other in the location of Kranz cells. Some C3 species ofCapitatae showed radial arrangement in mesophyll cells surrounding vascular bundles, which is distinguished from typical non-Kranz anatomy. The C4 species extended their ecological ranges from wet habitats to dry savanna grasslands, while the C3 species showed the best development in wet habitats. The C3 species were widespread from tropical to temperate regions with partial range extension into subarctic regions of both hemispheres, showing conspicuously high concentration of species in the New World, but being absent from arid climatic regions. The C4 species were distributed mostly in tropics and subtropics, showing two separate distributional centers in South and Central America and in Tropical Asia and Australia. The range of C4 species was nearly completely included in the C3 range. In conclusion, it seems that inRhynchospora the C4 syndrome evolved relatively recently, and arose in at least two separate phylogenetic trends in the tropics and the subtropics, more probably in the Neotropics.  相似文献   
Previous investigations have shown that untargeted liposomes, in which methotrexate is anchored to the lipid bilayers as methotrexate-gamma-dimyristoylphosphatidylethanolamine (methotrexate-gamma-DMPE), can inhibit in vitro cell proliferation. To test the possibility that this inhibition may involve extracellular metabolism of methotrexate-gamma-DMPE, we have degraded it chemically (dilute alkali) or enzymatically (phospholipase A2, phospholipase C, phospholipase C plus phosphatase), and assayed the products using human lymphoblastoid T cells or a subline that has a defective methotrexate transport system. Neither methotrexate-gamma-(1-myristoyl)-glycerophosphorylethanolamine, methotrexate-gamma-glycerophosphorylethanolamine, methotrexate-gamma-phosphorylethanolamine, nor methotrexate-gamma-ethanolamine resemble methotrexate-gamma-DMPE sensitized liposomes or the free derivative in their ability to block tritiated deoxyuridine incorporation into DNA. When added extracellularly, these putative metabolites manifest a higher ID50 concentration and/or, unlike the liposomes or unincorporated methotrexate-gamma-DMPE, utilize the methotrexate transport system to enter cells. Additionally, we have synthesized methotrexate-gamma-dihexadecylphosphatidylethanolamine and methotrexate-gamma-hexadecylphosphorylethanolamine, analogs of methotrexate-gamma-DMPE that cannot be hydrolyzed by phospholipases A2, C and D; liposomes prepared with these derivatives are markedly less potent cytotoxic agents than methotrexate-gamma-DMPE sensitized liposomes. All together, these results are consistent with the conclusion that methotrexate-gamma-DMPE must undergo intracellular metabolism to exert optimal inhibition; they also bear on possible mechanisms by which methotrexate-gamma-DMPE may enter cells.  相似文献   
1. Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT), dopamine (DA), and small cardioactive peptide B (SCPB) can activate adenylate cyclase and increase the intracellular cyclic AMP (cAMP) levels in the Limax procerebrum (PC), with differing time courses and to differing extents. 5-HT and SCPB are potent stimulators of adenylate cyclase, and when both were applied simultaneously, an additive effect was observed. 2. In contrast, DA shows a great variability in the time course of cAMP synthesis and is a weak stimulator. Ergonovine, a DA antagonist, failed to inhibit cyclase activation, indicating that ergonovine-sensitive receptors are absent or ergonovine-sensitive DA receptors are not coupled to adenylate cyclase. 3. 5-HT and SCPB cause a rapid synthesis of cAMP, reaching the maximum 20- to 30-fold increase within a minute. DA's effect is slow in onset and very prolonged, reaching a maximum of only a two- to three-fold increase in the cAMP level. Reasons for variability in DA action are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary The wall of the cerebral aqueduct was examined in 20 male rats at the light- and electron-microscopic levels. Disorder in ciliary orientation was occasionally seen in ordinary ependymal cells. Ependymal cells possessing intracellular cysts of 5 to 30 urn in diameter were observed within and beneath the aqueductal ependyma in all animals examined. Light-microscopic reconstruction from serial, 10-m thick frontal sections revealed an extensive distribution of cystic ependymal cells (CECs), especially along the ependymal ridges in the rostral half of the aqueduct, and along the dorsal region of the aqueductal lining in the caudal half. Both cystic and surface membranes of CECs bore microvilli and cilia. Ectopic ependymal cells (EECs) characterized by densely packed microvilli, well-developed intermediate junctions and cilia, but without cysts, were situated in the subependymal region adjacent to a CEC or another EEC. The ependymal ridges were long, narrow and sporadically stratified ependymal linings extending rostrocaudally and bilaterally along the aqueductal surface. Tanycyte-like cells filled the surface region of the ridge, and CECs and EECs were frequently seen in the core. Intraventricularly injected microperoxidase was detected among densely packed microvilli but not in the cystic lumina of CECs, indicating that EECs and CECs are distinct entities.  相似文献   
The changes in monoamine levels of different brain regions following Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) intraperitoneal inoculation were examined in experimentally JEV-infected mice. In addition, virus distribution was studied using infectivity assay and immuno-histochemistry of viral antigen. 1) The level of monoamines in brain tissues was not affected by 48 hours after viral inoculation, but marked effects were elicited at 96 hours after the inoculation. The cerebral concentration of 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid (5 HIAA) was increased, while that of dopamine (DA) showed a decrease. Especially these alteration were observed in the cerebral cortex, but not in the cerebellum. 2) The viral growth in the brain was observed at 48 hours after the inoculation. The growth in the cerebellum, however, was found to be lower than those in other cerebral regions. 3) The viral antigen was detected in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, mesencephalon and diencephalon in addition to the substantia nigra and striatum. From these results, it is presumed that clinical manifestation of JEV infection may involve the changes in the metabolism of neurotransmitter, especially those of DA and serotonin in the brain.  相似文献   
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