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Summary Using - and -hemoglobin sequences, we made a maximum likelihood inference as to the phylogenetic relationship among carnivores, including the two pandas, giant and lesser. Molecular phylogenetic studies up to 1985 had consistently indicated that the giant panda is more closely related to the bear than to the lesser panda. In 1986, however, a contradictory tree was constructed, using hemoglobins and so on, in which the two pandas link together (Tagle et al. 1986). In contrast to that tree, our conclusion supports the close relationship between bear and giant panda. The surface impression of a close relationship between the two pandas drawn from pairwise amino acid differences is explained by a rapid rate of hemoglobin evolution in the bear compared to that in the two pandas.Offprint requests to: T. Hashimoto  相似文献   
Laboratory experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that widelyforaging generalist lizard,Eumeces okadae, visually discriminates palatable queen ants from unpalatable worker ants. The workers ofCamponotus japonicus andLasius niger were rejected on sight, while the queens of both species were eaten with little prior chemical examination by tongue flicks or licks. Comparison of the lizards' responses towards the workers and wingless queens of similar size indicated that neither body size nor presence or absence of wings accounted for difference in responses toward the 2 ant castes. The lizards probably discriminated different ant castes by body proportions.  相似文献   
To understand force generation under a wide range of loads, the stepping of single kinesin molecules was measured at loads from −20 to 42 pN by optical tweezers with high temporal resolution. The optical trap has been improved to halve positional noise and increase bandwidth by using 200-nm beads. The step size of the forward and backward steps was 8.2 nm even over a wide range of loads. Histograms of the dwell times of backward steps and detachment fit well to two independent exponential equations with fast (~0.4 ms) and slow (>3 ms) time constants, indicating the existence of a fast step in addition to the conventional slow step. The dwell times of the fast steps were almost independent of the load and ATP concentration, while those of the slow backward steps and detachment depended on those. We constructed the kinetic model to explain the fast and slow steps under a wide range of loads.  相似文献   
We applied micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography to simultaneous separation and determination of nitrazepam and its major metabolites, 7-aminonitrazepam and 7-acetamidonitrazepam, in spiked urine. Prior to electrophoresis, the three compounds were successfully extracted from the spiked urine with commercial disposable solid-phase cartridges. The optimum running buffer for the separation was prepared by combining 85 parts of 60 mM sodium dodecyl sulphate—6 mM phosphate—borate, adjusted to pH 8.5, with 15 parts of methanol. The separation order, completed within 25 min, was 7-aminonitrazepam > 7-acetamidonitrazepam > nitrazepam, at an applied potential of 20 kV. We obtained reproducible electropherograms in successive repetitions, and few other peaks or interferences appeared in the electropherogram. The detection limits of the three compounds were 50–100 pg (0.1–0.2 μg/ml of analyte in spiked urine), and the recoveries were 78.9–100.8% for 1 μg/ml and 84.1–100.3% for 5 μg/ml. The application of this method to forensic or clinical samples is demonstrated.  相似文献   
A gas chromatographic—mass spectrometric method for determining tiopronin, which has a thiol group, in human blood has been described. To prevent the oxidative degradation of tiopronin in the blood, its thiol group was immediately protected by treatment with isobutyl acrylate, which reacted readily with tiopronin in a 0.1 M Na2HPO4 solution (pH 9.1). The reaction was quantitative within 30 min. The blood sample was deproteinized and purified by a combination of liquid—liquid extraction and solid-phase extraction. Finally, the carboxyl moiety of the ester adduct was derivatized to the pentafluorobenzyl ester. The derivatives of tiopronin and the internal standard were analysed with gas chromatography—mass spectrometry. The precision of the method was satisfactory, and the calibration curve had good linearity in the concentration range investigated. The limit of determination of tiopronin in blood was estimated to be ca. 1 ng/ml.  相似文献   
To clarify whether cigarette smoking during pregnancy causes an organic alteration in placental estrogen producing ability, we determined the catalytic activity of aromatase by the tritiated water assay, and tissue level of aromatase cytochrome P-450 (P-450arom) by the specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, in placental samples from nonsmokers and smokers. As pregnancy progressed, both aromatase activity and P-450arom concentration increased in placentas from nonsmokers and smokers. However, the gradient of the increase was significantly less in heavy smokers (20 cigarettes a day) than in normal and moderate smokers (<20 cigarettes a day). At term, the mean aromatase activity and P-450arom concentration in placentas from heavy smokers were significantly lower than in nonsmokers and moderate smokers, while aromatase activity per P-450arom (turnover rate) and the mean placental weight were comparable among the three groups. In contrast, the ratio of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity to aromatase activity was higher in placentas from heavy smokers. Immunohistochemical studies showed that P-450arom was localized in the cytoplasm of syncytiotrophoblasts of chorionic villi in placentas from both nonsmokers and smokers. These results suggest that the induction of placental P-450arom during gestation is suppressed by maternal smoking, resulting in a reduction in estrogen producing ability, while placental xenobiotic P-450 is induced.  相似文献   
Cytokinin-binding protein (CBPI) was purified from the watersoluble fraction of tobacco leaves by successive chromatographyon benzyladenine-linked (BA-linked) Sepharose 4B, TSK-Gel G3000SWXL,t-zeatin-linked Sepharose 6B and TSK-Gel G3000SWXL. CBPI wasobtained as a monomer with a molecular weight of 31 kDa. Ithas one cytokinin-binding site, which shows a high affinityfor BA (Kd=1.1x10–7 M) and other cytokinins. Biologicallyactive cytokinins competed with BA for binding to this protein,while biologically inactive analogues of adenine did not. Inall cases, cytokinin-binding activity was assayed by equilibriumdialysis. 1 Present address: National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki,444 Japan.  相似文献   
The role of the molybdenum cofactor (Mo cofactor) in the translocationof dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) reductase to the periplasmic spacewas studied in vivo by isolating chlorate-resistant mutantsof Rhodobacter sphaeroides f. sp. denitrificans. More than 50%of the chlorate-resistant mutants isolated were defective inthe biosynthesis of the Mo cofactor and all of these mutantsaccumulated the precursor form of the enzyme. About 45% of themutants contained the same level of Mo cofactor as the parentstrain and exhibited normal levels of DMSO reductase and nitratereductase activities when chlorate was absent from the medium,but the activities of these enzymes were depressed when chloratewas present. Much of the accumulated precursor form of the enzymein a Mo cofactor-deficient mutant was bound to the cytoplasmicmembrane and was sensitive to treatment with proteinase K fromthe periplasmic side of the membrane, an indication that theprecursor was exposed on the periplasmic surface of the membrane.The precursor accumulated on the membrane of the parent strainwhen molybdate was removed from the medium or upon additionof tungstate and this precursor was also sensitive to the treatmentwith proteinase K from the periplasmic side. These results suggestthat the Mo cofactor is necessary for proteolytic processingof the precursor to the mature enzyme on the periplasmic sideof the membrane, whereas binding of the precursor to the membraneand translocation across it can occur in the absence of thecofactor. Almost all of the Mo cofactor available for directreconstitution in vitro of nitrate reductase activity from thenit-l mutant of Neurospora crassa was present in the cytoplasmicfractions. (Received December 11, 1991; Accepted March 25, 1992)  相似文献   
Rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Yamabiko) seedlings germinated underwater for 5 days contained small amounts of heme a and protohemebut no protochlorophyll(ide) [Pchl(ide)]. Levels of hemes andPchl(ide) increased rapidly upon transfer to air. When expressedin terms of fresh weight of tissue, hemes reached the levelsin aerobic controls after 24 h of contact with air, but Pchl(ide)did not. A comparison of the increases during 24-h adaptationto air in levels of heme a and Pchl(ide), which are specificto mitochondria and plastids, respectively, suggested that thedevelopment of mitochondria preceded that of plastids. The rateof synthesis of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) was low in submergedseedlings, as compared to the rate in aerobic controls, butit increased during air adaptation. The sum of the amounts ofheme a, protoheme and Pchl(ide) increased in parallel with theamount of porphyrins, equivalent to the amount of ALA synthesizedduring the experimental period. When submerged seedlings thathad been pretreated with levulinic acid were exposed to air,no Pchl(ide) was formed. In contrast, Pchl(ide) accumulatedunder water when submerged seedlings were fed with ALA. Theseresults indicate that the synthesis of ALA, the limiting stepin the synthesis of Pchl(ide), is repressed under hypoxic conditions. 1 Present address: KRI International, Inc., Kyoto Research Park17, Chudoji Minami-machi, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, 600 Japan. 2 Present address: Research Institute for Bioresources, OkayamaUniversity, Kurashiki, 710 Japan.  相似文献   
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