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We have previously succeeded in culturing whole leg bud from stage 21-23 chick embryos and observed a leg structure with typical cartilage pattern in vitro. In the present study, we have attempted the organ culture of the fragmented leg bud and investigated its capacity to form cartilage. Leg buds from stages 17-21 chick embryos were dissected into four pieces in the anteroposterior sequence (named 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively) and cultured on a membrane filter in a medium consisting of Ham's F-12, chick serum, and chick embryo extract. After 6 days in culture, two central fragments (2 and 3) developed into large cartilaginous masses, while anterior (1) and posterior (4) fragments formed few or small cartilaginous masses. In addition, when these less chondrogenic fragments were combined, pinned together, and cultured, large cartilaginous masses were formed from 1 + 4 combinations but not from 1 + 1 or 4 + 4 combinations. These observations were analyzed quantitatively by measurement of 35SO4 incorporation into the sulfated glycosaminoglycan (S-GAG) and of final DNA content per explant, and by histological reconstruction of the chick-quail chimera explant. The results showed that (a) the 1 + 4 combination resulted in higher S-GAG synthesis and final DNA content than the 1 + 1 or 4 + 4 combinations in stage 18 and 21 leg buds (P less than 5%); (b) removal of ectoderm from the leg bud inhibited the increase observed for the 1 + 4 combination; c) in chick-quail chimera explants the cartilage formed from the 1 + 4 combination was largely of fragment 1 origin. These results demonstrate, first, the presence of a difference in chondrogenic capacity along the anteroposterior axis in the leg bud and, second, the occurrence of an interaction between anterior and posterior fragments which mimics the effects of grafting a zone of polarizing activity (ZPA). The mechanism of ZPA function is still unknown but the ectoderm may play some role. Some roles for ectoderm in ZPA function and differences in mesodermal responsiveness to ZPA factor(s) are suggested.  相似文献   
Sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles were modified with a fluorescent thiol reagent, N-iodoacetyl-N'-(5-sulfo-1-naphthyl)ethylenediamine. One mol of readily reactive thiols per mol of the Ca2+-ATPase was labeled without a loss of the catalytic activity. The fluorescence of the label increased by 8% upon binding of Ca2+ to the high affinity sites of the enzyme. This fluorescence enhancement probably reflects a conformational change responsible for Ca2+-induced enzyme activation. Upon addition of ATP to the Ca2+-activated enzyme, the fluorescence decreased by 15%. This fluorescence drop and formation of the phosphoenzyme intermediate were determined under the same conditions with a stopped-flow apparatus and a rapid quenching system. The amplitude of the fluorescence drop thus determined was saturated with 3 microM ATP. This shows that the fluorescence drop was caused by ATP binding to the catalytic site. In contrast, the rate of the fluorescence drop was not saturated even with 50 microM ATP. The fluorescence drop coincided with phosphoenzyme formation at 0.5 or 3 microM ATP, but it became much faster than phosphoenzyme formation when the ATP concentration was raised to 100 microM. These results indicate that the ATP-induced fluorescence drop reflects a conformational change in the enzyme.ATP complex. The fluorescence drop was accompanied by a red spectrum shift, which suggests that the label was exposed to a more hydrophilic environment. The electrophoretic analysis of the tryptic digest of the labeled enzyme (10.9 kDa) showed that almost all of the label was located on the 5.2-kDa fragment which includes the carboxyl terminus and the putative ATP-binding domain. The sequencing of the two major labeled peptides, which were isolated from the thermolytic digest of the labeled enzyme, revealed that the labeled site in either of these peptides was Cys674. It seems likely that the label bound to this Cys674 could be involved in the observed fluorescence changes.  相似文献   
Amino acid sequence of the human fibronectin receptor   总被引:83,自引:40,他引:43       下载免费PDF全文
The amino acid sequence deduced from cDNA of the human placental fibronectin receptor is reported. The receptor is composed of two subunits: an alpha subunit of 1,008 amino acids which is processed into two polypeptides disulfide bonded to one another, and a beta subunit of 778 amino acids. Each subunit has near its COOH terminus a hydrophobic segment. This and other sequence features suggest a structure for the receptor in which the hydrophobic segments serve as transmembrane domains anchoring each subunit to the membrane and dividing each into a large ectodomain and a short cytoplasmic domain. The alpha subunit ectodomain has five sequence elements homologous to consensus Ca2+-binding sites of several calcium-binding proteins, and the beta subunit contains a fourfold repeat strikingly rich in cysteine. The alpha subunit sequence is 46% homologous to the alpha subunit of the vitronectin receptor. The beta subunit is 44% homologous to the human platelet adhesion receptor subunit IIIa and 47% homologous to a leukocyte adhesion receptor beta subunit. The high degree of homology (85%) of the beta subunit with one of the polypeptides of a chicken adhesion receptor complex referred to as integrin complex strongly suggests that the latter polypeptide is the chicken homologue of the fibronectin receptor beta subunit. These receptor subunit homologies define a superfamily of adhesion receptors. The availability of the entire protein sequence for the fibronectin receptor will facilitate studies on the functions of these receptors.  相似文献   
L5178Y lymphoma cells are restrained from progressive growth in peritoneal cell ("in vitro tumor-regressor" PC) cultures prepared from many DBA/2 mice which harbor the tumor cells in the peritoneal cavity in a tumor-dormant state. Treatment of these PC cultures with 'antibodies to murine interferon-gamma (MuIFN-gamma) and murine tumor necrosis factor (MuTNF) but not with antibody to interleukin 2 (IL-2) receptors eliminated the restraint on tumor cell growth and permitted their progressive proliferation. L5178Y cells were found to be resistant to the direct toxic effects of large concentrations (3,000 U/ml) of MuIFN-gamma and of MuTNF, either alone or in combination. Treatment of PC cultures from tumor-dormant mice, in which tumor cells grew progressively ("in vitro tumor-progressor"), but not PC cultures from normal mice, with exogenous MuIFN-gamma resulted in a marked inhibition of tumor cell growth. The MuIFN-gamma-induced cytotoxic activity was cell-mediated since no soluble tumor-cytotoxic factors could be detected in the cultures. MuIFN-gamma induced cytotoxic activity in plastic-adherent peritoneal cell (AD-PC) cultures, but induced no cytotoxic activity in nonadherent-PC cultures unless small numbers (2%) of AD-PC were present, and inclusion of antibody to MuTNF in these mixed PC cultures blocked the development of cytotoxic activity. Antibody to MuTNF also blocked the development of cytotoxic activity in cultures of MuIFN-gamma-treated whole PC and AD-PC from tumor-dormant mice. These results indicate that MuIFN-gamma and MuTNF are both important in restraining tumor cell growth in PC cultures from tumor-dormant mice, and that MuIFN-gamma requires the presence of MuTNF to induce cytotoxic activity in these cultures.  相似文献   
Recombinant interferons (IFN-alpha, -beta, and -gamma) were examined for their effects on B cell activation. Relatively small IgM+ B cells from human blood samples were isolated by fluorescence-activated cell sorting and were used as target cells. Although the interferons themselves were nonmitogenic, each enhanced the proliferative response induced by a mitogenic anti-mu monoclonal antibody, with IFN-beta usually showing the greatest enhancement and IFN-gamma the least. Pretreatment with the interferons primed resting B cells to undergo enhanced DNA synthesis in response to the anti-mu antibody DA4. Conversely, anti-mu pretreatment, followed by IFN treatment, did not induce B cells to enter the S phase. Time-course analysis revealed that IFN could augment the anti-mu response even when added as late as the final 24 hr of a 3-day culture interval. Combinations of IFN-gamma plus IFN-alpha or -beta were synergistic in the anti-mu response, whereas the IFN-alpha plus IFN-beta combination was not. The data suggest that interferons produced by both lymphocytes (IFN-gamma) and nonlymphoid inflammatory cells (IFN-alpha and -beta) can enhance B cell growth via different mechanisms.  相似文献   
S-100 protein in clonal GA-1 and C6 rat glioma cell lines was released in serum-free medium supplemented with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). The induction of S-100 protein release by ACTH was dose-dependent, showing a half-maximal release at about 5 microM, and the S-100 protein concentration in the medium increased sharply within 3 min, but slightly during further incubation. The S-100 protein release was apparently accompanied by a decrease in the membrane-bound form of S-100 protein in the cell. The S-100 protein release was induced not by the ACTH1-24 fragment, which exhibits the known effects of ACTH, but by the ACTH18-39 fragment, which is designated as corticotropin-like intermediate-lobe peptide (CLIP). These results indicate that the C-terminal half of ACTH is responsible for the S-100 protein release. The enhancement of S-100 protein release by ACTH was also observed in normal rat glioblasts. The release induced by ACTH was apparently specific to S-100 protein, because little release of the cytoplasmic enzymes, creatine kinase, and enolase was observed under the same conditions. High concentrations (5 mM) of dibutyryl cyclic AMP or dibutyryl cyclic GMP were also found to induce S-100 protein release; however, catecholamines (epinephrine, norepinephrine, isoproterenol, and dopamine), acetylcholine, and glutamic acid did not enhance the release.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Histology and lectin histochemistry were performed in the infraorbital gland of the Japanese serow. The gland is composed of glandular tissues and a pouch filled with the secretion. The tissues consist of an inner layer of sebaceous glands and an outer layer of apocrine glands. The male sebaceous layer is made up of the ordinary type, whereas the female's layer consists of the ordinary and modified types. In the apocrine gland stained with Arachis hypogaea (PNA), nine different patterns of glandular tubules were distinguished on the basis of staining of the cytoplasm, the Golgi area of secretory cells and secretion. Secretory modes of apocrine secretion and exocytosis were included in these stainings. Myoepithelial cells stained constantly with Glycine max (SBA) except when only the Golgi area of secretory cells was positive. The modified sebaceous gland was stained with PNA, SBA, Ricinus communis I (RCA), Triticum vulgaris (WGA), Canavalia ensiformis (Con A) and Ulex europaeus I (UEA), while the ordinary type was positive in PNA, RCA, SBA, WGA and Con A. The secretion in the pouch was stained with PNA, RCA, SBA, Dolichos biflorus (DBA), WGA and Con A. These findings suggest that the modified sebaceous gland contains large amounts of glycoconjugates and the apocrine gland shows a cyclic secretory process of apocrine secretion and exocytosis.  相似文献   
It has been observed that repeated and prolonged beta-agonist treatment causes the impairment of beta-adrenergic function, so-called "desensitization" or "down regulation". To clarify the mechanism of down regulation, the following experiment was performed using guinea pig lungs. Animals were divided into four groups: In the metaproterenol groups, guinea pigs were treated with metaproterenol (10 mg/kg/day) by intraperitoneal injection once a day for 1 day or for 7 successive days In the control groups, guinea pigs were treated with saline by the same procedure as in the metaproterenol groups. In the group treated with metaproterenol for 7 days, there was a 45% reduction in the number of beta-adrenoceptors and a 62% reduction in adenylate cyclase activity, compared with those of the control group. However, there were no significant changes in the dissociation constant (Kd) of the receptors. On the other hand, no reduction in the number of beta-adrenoceptors and adenylate cyclase activity was observed in the group treated with metaproterenol once a day for 1 day, compared with those of the control group. Phospholipase (PLase) activity in the lung microsomes of guinea pigs injected with metaproterenol for 1 day and for 7 days was elevated by 14.4 and 33.1%, respectively, compared with that of the control groups. Phospholipid contents of lung membranes prepared from the animals treated with metaproterenol for 7 days were significantly decreased compared with those of the control group, though in the group treated with metaproterenol once a day for 1 day, phospholipid contents did not differ from those of the control. Lung membranes treated with PLase A2 revealed decreases both in the number of beta-adrenoceptors and adenylate cyclase activity, dose dependently. These results and the fact that membrane phospholipids are involved in the beta-adrenoceptor system suggest that down regulation observed during beta-agonist administration is, at least in part, attributed to degradation of phospholipids of lung membranes by the persistent activation of PLase in the tissue.  相似文献   
We established a hybridoma clone that produced anti-bleomycin hydrolase antibody. The subclass of the monoclonal antibody was immunoglobulin M. The antibody significantly reacted with bleomycin hydrolase from rabbit tissues, mouse livers, sarcoma 180, and adenocarcinoma 755 but not significantly with that from MH 134 and Ehrlich carcinoma. The enzyme from L5178Y cells showed an intermediate reactivity. Bleomycin hydrolase was purified from rabbit liver by immunoaffinity with the monoclonal antibody and DEAE gel chromatography. Approximately 1300-fold-purified bleomycin hydrolase was obtained. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing on a polyacrylamide slab gel of purified bleomycin hydrolase showed a single band with an apparent Mr of 48K and an isoelectric pH of 5.2. The molecular weight of bleomycin hydrolase determined on gel filtration high-performance liquid chromatography was ca. 300K, suggesting a hexameric enzyme. The enzyme showed an optimum pH of 6.8-7.8 and gave a Vmax value of 6.72 mg min-1 mg-1 for peplomycin and 9.24 mg min-1 mg-1 for bleomycin B2 and a Km value of 0.79 mM for both substrates. The enzyme was inhibited by E-64, leupeptin, p-tosyl-L-lysine chloromethyl ketone, N-ethylmaleimide, Fe2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+ but was enhanced by dithiothreitol. The results suggest that bleomycin hydrolase is a thiol enzyme.  相似文献   
A metal-tolerant fern, Athyrium yokoscense, is capable of growingin highly copper-contaminated soil, but cupric chloride inhibitedthe activities of some enzymes extracted from the fern. Thefunction in the detoxification of copper of two copper-bindingsubstances was investigated by examination of their effectson various enzymes assayed in vitro, i.e. acid phosphatase (orthophosphoric-monoesterphosphohydrolase [acid optimum], EC [EC] ), glucose-6-phosphatedehydrogenase (D-glucose-6-phosphate: NADP+ 1-oxidoreductase,EC [EC] ) and isocitrate dehydrogenase (threo-Ds-isocitrate:NADP+ oxidoreductase [decarboxylating], EC [EC] ). The twocopper-binding substances, whose apparent molecular weightsare 9.5 kDa and 2 kDa, were previously obtained from the solublecytoplasmic fraction of the fern root. The 9.5-kDa substance,which is a cysteine-rich peptide induced as a result of exposureof the fern to copper, was found to suppress almost entirelythe inhibitory effects of the metal on the enzymes. The suppressoractivity of the peptide was nearly as effective as that of ethylenediaminetetraaceticacid. The 2-kDa substance, which is also found in fern thathas not been exposed to copper, had a more modest suppressoractivity. These results indicate that the 9.5-kDa substancemay contribute to the copper-tolerance of the fern growing incopper-contaminated soil. (Received August 26, 1988; Accepted March 17, 1989)  相似文献   
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